Raw File
Tip revision: 3290424c7346df9e0c628df0c77439c2875c36ca authored by R. Kyle Bocinsky on 07 May 2015, 00:10:41 UTC
version 1.1.0
Tip revision: 3290424
#' Download and crop data from the NRCS SSURGO soils database.
#' This is an efficient method for spatially merging several different soil survey areas
#' as well as merging their tabular data.
#' \code{getSSURGO} returns a named list of length 2:
#' \enumerate{
#' \item "spatial": A \code{SpatialPolygonsDataFrame} of soil mapunits 
#' in the template, and 
#' \item "tabular": A named list of \code{\link{data.frame}s} with the SSURGO tabular data.
#' }
#' @param template A Raster* or Spatial* object to serve 
#' as a template for cropping.
#' @param label A character string naming the study area.
#' @param areas Optionally, a vector of area names [e.g., c("IN087","IN088")] may be provided.
#' If a template is also provided, it will take precedence!
#' @param raw.dir A character string indicating where raw downloaded files should be put.
#' The directory will be created if missing. Defaults to "./RAW/SSURGO/".
#' @param extraction.dir A character string indicating where the extracted and cropped SSURGO shapefiles should be put.
#' The directory will be created if missing. Defaults to "./EXTRACTIONS/SSURGO/".
#' @param force.redo If an extraction for this template and label already exists, should a new one be created? Defaults to FALSE.
#' @return A named list containing the "spatial" and "tabular" data.
getSSURGO <- function(template=NULL, label, areas=NULL, raw.dir="./RAW/SSURGO/", extraction.dir="./EXTRACTIONS/SSURGO/", force.redo=FALSE){  
  if(is.null(template) & is.null(areas)){
    stop("Either template or areas vector must be provided.")
  vectors.dir <- paste(extraction.dir,"/",label,"/spatial",sep='')
  tables.dir <- paste(extraction.dir,"/",label,"/tabular",sep='')
  dir.create(raw.dir, showWarnings = FALSE, recursive = TRUE)
  dir.create(extraction.dir, showWarnings = FALSE, recursive = TRUE)
  dir.create(vectors.dir, showWarnings = FALSE, recursive = TRUE)
  dir.create(tables.dir, showWarnings = FALSE, recursive = TRUE)
  if(!force.redo & length(list.files(vectors.dir))>0 & length(list.files(tables.dir))>0 & file.exists(paste(vectors.dir,"/SSURGOMapunits.shp",sep=''))){
    SSURGOMapunits <- rgdal::readOGR(normalizePath(vectors.dir),"SSURGOMapunits", verbose=F)
    files <- list.files(tables.dir)
    files <- files[grepl("csv",files)]
    files <- files[order(files)]
    tables <- lapply(files,function(file){
      read.csv(paste(normalizePath(tables.dir),'/',file,sep=''), stringsAsFactors=F)
    names(tables) <- files
    if(class(template) %in% c("RasterLayer","RasterStack","RasterBrick")){
      template <- SPDFfromPolygon(sp::spTransform(polygonFromExtent(template),sp::CRS("+proj=longlat +ellps=GRS80")))
    # Get shapefile of SSURGO study areas in the template
    SSURGOAreas <- getSSURGOInventory(template=template, raw.dir=raw.dir)
    # Remove SSURGO study areas that are not available
    SSURGOAreas <- SSURGOAreas[SSURGOAreas@data$iscomplete != 0,]
  }else if(!is.null(areas)){
    if (!requireNamespace(package="SSOAP", quietly=T)){
      install.packages("SSOAP", repos = "", type="source")
    if (!requireNamespace(package="XMLSchema", quietly=T)){
      install.packages("XMLSchema", repos = "", type="source")
    if(!requireNamespace(package="SSOAP", quietly=T) | !requireNamespace(package="XMLSchema", quietly=T)){
      stop("'SSOAP' and 'XMLSchema' must be installed in order to load SSURGO by area name.", call. = FALSE)
    q <- paste0("SELECT areasymbol, saverest FROM sacatalog WHERE areasymbol IN (",paste(paste0("'",areas,"'"),collapse=','),");")
    SSURGOAreas <- soilDB::SDA_query(q)
  # Get data for each study area
  SSURGOData <- lapply(1:nrow(SSURGOAreas), function(i){
    cat("\n(Down)Loading SSURGO data for survey area",i,"of",nrow(SSURGOAreas),":",as.character(SSURGOAreas$areasymbol[i]))
    getSSURGOStudyArea(template=template, area=as.character(SSURGOAreas$areasymbol[i]), date=as.Date(SSURGOAreas$saverest[i],format="%m/%d/%Y"), raw.dir=raw.dir)
  # Combine mapunits
  SSURGOPolys <- lapply(SSURGOData,"[[","spatial")
  # Merging all SSURGO Map Unit polygons
  cat("\nMerging all SSURGO Map Unit polygons")
  SSURGOPolys <-"rbind", SSURGOPolys)
  # Crop to area of template
    cat("\nCropping all SSURGO Map Unit polygons to area of template")
    SSURGOPolys <- raster::crop(SSURGOPolys,sp::spTransform(template,sp::CRS(raster::projection(SSURGOPolys))))

  # Combine study area data
  SSURGOTables <- lapply(SSURGOData,"[[","tabular")
  # Merging all SSURGO data tables
  cat("\nMerging all SSURGO data tables")
  tableNames <- unique(unlist(sapply(SSURGOTables,names)))
  tableNames <- tableNames[order(tableNames)]
  SSURGOTables <- lapply(tableNames,function(name){
    tables <- lapply(SSURGOTables,'[[',name)
    tables <-"rbind", tables)
    tables <- unique(tables)
  names(SSURGOTables) <- tableNames
  # Extract only the mapunits in the study area, and iterate through the data structure
  SSURGOTables <- extractSSURGOData(tables=SSURGOTables, mapunits=SSURGOPolys)
  # Save the mapunit polygons
  suppressWarnings(rgdal::writeOGR(SSURGOPolys,vectors.dir,"SSURGOMapunits","ESRI Shapefile", overwrite_layer=TRUE))
  # Save the each data table as a csv
  junk <- lapply(names(SSURGOTables), function(tab){

#' Download a zipped directory containing a shapefile of the SSURGO study areas.
#' @param raw.dir A character string indicating where raw downloaded files should be put.
#' @return A character string representing the full local path of the SSURGO study areas zipped directory.
downloadSSURGOInventory <- function(raw.dir){
  # Import the shapefile of SSURGO study areas.
  # This is available at
  url <- ''
  destdir <- raw.dir
  curlDownload(url=url, destdir=destdir)

#' Download and crop a shapefile of the SSURGO study areas.
#' \code{getSSURGOInventory} returns a \code{SpatialPolygonsDataFrame} of the SSURGO study areas within
#' the specified \code{template}. If template is not provided, returns the entire SSURGO inventory of study areas.
#' @param template A Raster* or Spatial* object to serve 
#' as a template for cropping.
#' @param raw.dir A character string indicating where raw downloaded files should be put.
#' The directory will be created if missing.
#' @return A \code{SpatialPolygonsDataFrame} of the SSURGO study areas within
#' the specified \code{template}.
getSSURGOInventory <- function(template=NULL, raw.dir){
  # If there is a template, only download the areas in the template
  # Thanks to Dylan Beaudette for this method!
    if(class(template) %in% c("RasterLayer","RasterStack","RasterBrick")){
      template <- sp::spTransform(polygonFromExtent(template),sp::CRS("+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84"))
      template <- sp::spTransform(template,sp::CRS("+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84"))
    bbox.text <- paste(bbox(template), collapse = ",")
    url <- paste("", bbox.text, sep = "")
    temp.file <- paste0(tempdir(),"/soils.gml")
    f <- CFILE(temp.file, "wb")
    status <- curlPerform(url = url, writedata = f@ref, fresh.connect=T, ftp.use.epsv=T, forbid.reuse=T)
    SSURGOAreas <- rgdal::readOGR(dsn = temp.file, layer = "SurveyAreaPoly", disambiguateFIDs = TRUE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE, verbose=FALSE)
    projection(SSURGOAreas) <- projection(template)
    # Get a list of SSURGO study areas within the project study area
    SSURGOAreas <- raster::crop(SSURGOAreas,sp::spTransform(template,sp::CRS(raster::projection(SSURGOAreas))))
    SSURGOAreas$saverest <- as.Date(SSURGOAreas$saverest, format = "%b %d %Y")
    tmpdir <- tempfile()
    if (!dir.create(tmpdir))
      stop("failed to create my temporary directory")
    file <- downloadSSURGOInventory(raw.dir=raw.dir)
    SSURGOAreas <- rgdal::readOGR(normalizePath(tmpdir), layer="soilsa_a_nrcs", verbose=FALSE)
    unlink(tmpdir, recursive = TRUE)
  # Check to see if all survey areas are available
  if(0 %in% SSURGOAreas@data$iscomplete){
    cat("WARNING! Some of the soil surveys in your area are unavailable.\n")
    cat("Soils and productivity data will have holes.\n")
    cat("Missing areas:\n")
    cat("Continuing with processing available soils.\n\n")

#' Download a zipped directory containing the spatial and tabular data for a SSURGO study area.
#' \code{downloadSSURGOStudyArea} first tries to download data including a state-specific Access
#' template, then the general US template.
#' @param area A character string indicating the SSURGO study area to be downloaded.
#' @param date A character string indicating the date of the most recent update to the SSURGO 
#' area for these data. This information may be gleaned from the SSURGO Inventory (\code{\link{getSSURGOInventory}}).
#' @param raw.dir A character string indicating where raw downloaded files should be put.
#' @return A character string representing the full local path of the SSURGO study areas zipped directory.
downloadSSURGOStudyArea <- function(area, date, raw.dir){
  # Try to download with the state database, otherwise grab the US
  url <- paste("",area,"_[",date,"].zip",sep='')
  destdir <- raw.dir
  curlDownload(url=url, destdir=destdir, nc=T)

#' Download and crop the spatial and tabular data for a SSURGO study area.
#' \code{getSSURGOStudyArea} returns a named list of length 2:
#' \enumerate{
#' \item "spatial": A \code{SpatialPolygonsDataFrame} of soil mapunits 
#' in the template, and 
#' \item "tabular": A named list of \code{\link{data.frame}s} with the SSURGO tabular data.
#' }
#' @param template A Raster* or Spatial* object to serve 
#' as a template for cropping. If missing, whose study area is returned
#' @param area A character string indicating the SSURGO study area to be downloaded.
#' @param date A character string indicating the date of the most recent update to the SSURGO 
#' area for these data. This information may be gleaned from the SSURGO Inventory (\code{\link{getSSURGOInventory}}).
#' @param raw.dir A character string indicating where raw downloaded files should be put.
#' The directory will be created if missing.
#' @return A \code{SpatialPolygonsDataFrame} of the SSURGO study areas within
#' the specified \code{template}.
getSSURGOStudyArea <- function(template=NULL, area, date, raw.dir){
  tmpdir <- tempfile()
  if (!dir.create(tmpdir))
    stop("failed to create my temporary directory")
  file <- downloadSSURGOStudyArea(area=area, date=date, raw.dir=raw.dir)
  # Get spatial data
  mapunits <- rgdal::readOGR(paste(tmpdir,'/',area,'/spatial',sep=''), layer=paste("soilmu_a_",tolower(area),sep=''), verbose=F)
  # Crop to study area
    if(class(template) %in% c("RasterLayer","RasterStack","RasterBrick")){
      template <- SPDFfromPolygon(sp::spTransform(polygonFromExtent(template),sp::CRS("+proj=longlat +ellps=GRS80")))
    mapunits <- raster::crop(mapunits,sp::spTransform(template,sp::CRS(raster::projection(mapunits))))    
  # Change IDs, in case of merging later
  mapunits <- sp::spChFIDs(mapunits, as.character(paste(area,'_',row.names(mapunits@data),sep='')))
  # Read in all tables
  files <- list.files(paste(tmpdir,'/',area,'/tabular/',sep=''))
  tablesData <- lapply(files, function(file){
    tryCatch(return(read.delim(paste(tmpdir,'/',area,'/tabular/',file,sep=''), header=F,sep="|", stringsAsFactors=F)), error = function(e){return(NULL)})
  names(tablesData) <- files
  tablesData <- tablesData[!sapply(tablesData,is.null)]
  #   tablesHeaders <- FedData::tablesHeaders
  SSURGOTableMapping <- tablesData[["mstab.txt"]][,c(1,5)]
  names(SSURGOTableMapping) <- c("TABLE","FILE")
  SSURGOTableMapping[,"FILE"] <- paste(SSURGOTableMapping[,"FILE"],'.txt',sep='')
  tablesData <- tablesData[as.character(SSURGOTableMapping[,"FILE"])]
  tablesHeads <- tablesHeaders[as.character(SSURGOTableMapping[,"TABLE"])]
  notNull <- (!sapply(tablesData,is.null) & !sapply(tablesHeads,is.null))
  tablesData <- tablesData[notNull]
  tablesHeads <- tablesHeads[notNull]
  tables <- mapply(tablesData,tablesHeads,FUN=function(theData,theHeader){
    names(theData) <- names(theHeader)
  names(tables) <- names(tablesHeads)
  tables <- extractSSURGOData(tables=tables, mapunits=mapunits)
  unlink(tmpdir, recursive = TRUE)

#' Extract data from a SSURGO databse pertaining to a set of mapunits.
#' \code{extractSSURGOData} creates a directed graph of the joins in a SSURGO tabular dataset,
#' and then iterates through the tables, only retaining data pertinant to a set of mapunits.
#' @param tables A list of SSURGO tabular data.
#' @param mapunits A \code{SpatialPolygonsDataFrame} of mapunits (likely dropped from SSURGO spatial data)
#' defining which mapunits to retain.
#' @return A list of extracted SSURGO tabular data.
extractSSURGOData <- function(tables,mapunits){
  mapunits <- as.character(unique(mapunits$MUKEY))
  mapping <- tables[['mdstatrshipdet']]
  mappingGraph <- igraph::graph.edgelist(as.matrix(mapping[,c("ltabphyname","rtabphyname")]))
  igraph::E(mappingGraph)$mapVar <- as.character(mapping[,'ltabcolphyname'])
  mappingGraph <- igraph::graph.neighborhood(mappingGraph,order=max(sapply(igraph::decompose.graph(mappingGraph),igraph::diameter))+1,nodes='mapunit', mode='out')[[1]]
  mapHierarchy <- igraph::shortest.paths(mappingGraph,'mapunit')
  mapHierarchy <- colnames(mapHierarchy)[order(mapHierarchy)]
  mapHierarchy <- mapHierarchy[-1]
  mapEdges <- cbind(igraph::get.edgelist(mappingGraph),igraph::E(mappingGraph)$mapVar)
  mapEdges <- mapEdges[match(mapHierarchy,mapEdges[,2]),]
  tables[['mapunit']] <- tables[['mapunit']][tables[['mapunit']][,'mukey'] %in% mapunits,]
  newTables <- apply(mapEdges,1,function(X){
    return(tables[[X[2]]][tables[[X[2]]][,X[3]] %in% tables[[X[1]]][,X[3]],])
  names(newTables) <- mapEdges[,2]
  tables[names(newTables)] <- newTables
  tables <- tables[!sapply(tables,is.null)]
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