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Tip revision: 391644d9199141600dab70b9b10342ec07eee299 authored by Hadley Wickham on 02 June 2018, 21:10:23 UTC
version 1.1.0
Tip revision: 391644d
# pkgdown 1.1.0

## New features

* `build_reference()` and `build_site()` get new `document` argument. When 
  `TRUE`, the default, will automatically run `devtools::document()` to 
  ensure that your documentation is up to date.

* `build_site()` gains a `new_process` argument, which defaults to `TRUE`.
  This will run pkgdown in a separate process, and is recommended practice
  because it improves reproducibility (#647).

* Improved display for icons: icons must be 30px and stored in top-level 
  `icons/` directory. They are embedded in a separate column of reference 
  index table, instead of being inside a comment (!) (#607).
## Front end

* Added a keyboard shortcut for searching. Press `shift` + `/` (`?`) to move 
  focus to the search bar (#642). The Algolia logo is correctly shown in 
  the search results (#673)
* Navbar active tab highlighting uses a superior approach (suggested by 
  @jcheng5) which should mean that the active page is correctly highlighted
  in all scenarios (#660).

* `pkgdown.js` is better isolated so it should still work even if you 
  load html widgets that import a different version of jquery (#655).

## Improvements to Rd translation

* `vignette()` calls that don't link to existing vignettes silently fail 
  to link instead of generating an uninformative error messages (#652). 
  Automatic linking works for re-exported objects that are not functions 
  (@gaborcsardi, #666).

* Empty `\section{}`s are ignored (#656). Previously, empty sections caused 
  error `Error in rep(TRUE, length(x) - 1)`.

* `\Sexpr{}` supports `results=text`, `results=Rd` and `results=hide` (#651).

* `\tabular{}` no longer requires a terminal `\cr` (#664, #645).

## Minor bug fixes and improvements

* Add `inst/pkgdown.yml` as a possible site configuration file so that packages 
  on CRAN can be built without needing the development version (#662).

* Default navbar template now uses site title, not package name (the package 
  name is the default title, so this will not affect most sites) (#654).

* You can suppress indexing by search engines by setting `noindex: true` 
  `pkgdown.yml` (#686)
        noindex: true

* `build_article()` sets `IN_PKGDOWN` env var so `in_pkgdown()` works 

* `build_home()`: CITATION files with non-UTF-8 encodings (latin1) work
  correctly, instead of generating an error. For non-UTF-8 locales, ensure you 
  have e.g. `Encoding: latin1` in your `DESCRIPTION`; but best practice is to 
  re-enode your CITATION file to UTF-8 (#689).

* `build_home()`: Markdown files (e.g., ``) stored in 
  `.github/` are copied and linked correctly (#682).

* `build_news()`: Multi-page changelogs (generated from `` with
  `news: one_page: false` in `_pkgdown.yml`) are rendered correctly.

* `build_reference()`: reference index shows infix functions (like `%+%`) as 
  `` `%+%` ``, not `` `%+%`() `` on  (#659).

# pkgdown 1.0.0

* Major refactoring of path handling. `build_` functions no longer take
  `path` or `depth` arguments. Instead, set the `destination` directory 
  at the top level of `pkgdown.yml`.

* Similarly, `build_news()` no longer takes a `one_page` argument;
  this should now be specified in the `_pkgdown.yml` instead. See the 
  documentation for an example.
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