Raw File
Tip revision: e0320c9516346f2d4fe715a5eb662d6aa790a6cb authored by Björn Böttcher on 04 January 2019, 23:20:03 UTC
version 1.2.1
Tip revision: e0320c9
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#' fast euclidean distance matrix computation
#' @param x the vector for which the distanc matrix is computed
#' @examples
#' #require(microbenchmark)
#' #x = rnorm(100)
#' #microbenchmark(fastdist(as.matrix(x)),as.matrix(dist(x)))
#' @export
fastdist <- function(x) {
    .Call('_multivariance_fastdist', PACKAGE = 'multivariance', x)

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