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Tip revision: 708a2ad382a163d1eef5af0665e3ae2aad200ced authored by HwB on 21 March 2013, 00:00:00 UTC
version 1.4.5
Tip revision: 708a2ad
  Plotting Crosses
  Plots crosses into an active graphics device.
pltcross(x, y, cx = 0, cy = 0,
         clen = 0.1, cent = FALSE, color = "darkgrey", ...)
  \item{x, y}{x- and y-coordinates of points.}
  \item{cx, cy}{x- and y-coordinates of ceter points of crosses.}
  \item{clen}{length of crosses in proportion of displayed coordinates, i.e.
              the min and max values of \code{x} and \code{y}.}
  \item{cent}{logical; if true an additional point will be plotted at the
              center of the cross.}
  \item{color}{color to be used for the lines of the crosses.}
  \item{...}{additional plotting argument to be passed to the \code{lines}
  Plots one or a series of crosses into the active graphics window without
  erasing the existing content.

  The range of \code{x} and \code{y} is assumed to represent the upper and
  lower values of the coordinate axes. The length of the lines of the cross
  is then computed as \code{clen*range} where \code{clen} has to have values
  between 0 and 1.

  If \code{cent} is true, points will have the same color as its crosses.
  The point shape is the usual circle and cannot be changed at the moment.
  No value returned.
  See the example for generating a nice (abstract) picture generated with
  this function.
plot(c(0,1), c(0,1), type = "n")
xc <- runif(200); yc <- runif(200)
clen <- pmin(xc, 1-xc, yc, 1-yc)
clr <- 1:8
plot(xc, yc, col=clr)
pltcross(c(0,1), c(0,1), xc, yc, clen = clen, color = clr)
\keyword{ graphs }
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