Raw File
Tip revision: c12a9847539968aa375d4df8349a3a524e7c1bb5 authored by Mark Clements on 17 January 2019, 14:50:04 UTC
version 1.4.5
Tip revision: c12a984
#include <R.h>
#include <Rinternals.h>
#include <R_ext/RS.h>
#include <stdlib.h> // for NULL
#include <R_ext/Rdynload.h>

/* FIXME: 
   Check these declarations against the C/Fortran source code.

/* .Call calls */
extern SEXP model_output(SEXP);
extern SEXP test_cox_tvc2(SEXP);
extern SEXP test_cox_tvc2_grad(SEXP);
extern SEXP aft_model_output(SEXP);
extern SEXP vunirootRcpp(SEXP,SEXP,SEXP,SEXP,SEXP);

/* .Fortran calls -- thanks to Gordon Smyth */
extern void F77_NAME(gausq2)(void *, void *, void *, void *, void *);

static const R_CallMethodDef CallEntries[] = {
    {"model_output",       (DL_FUNC) &model_output,       1},
    {"test_cox_tvc2",      (DL_FUNC) &test_cox_tvc2,      1},
    {"test_cox_tvc2_grad", (DL_FUNC) &test_cox_tvc2_grad, 1},
    {"fitCureModel",       (DL_FUNC) &fitCureModel,       6},
    {"aft_model_output",   (DL_FUNC) &aft_model_output,   1},
    {"vunirootRcpp",       (DL_FUNC) &vunirootRcpp,       5},
    {NULL, NULL, 0}

static const R_FortranMethodDef FortranEntries[] = {
    {"gausq2", (DL_FUNC) &F77_NAME(gausq2), 5},
    {NULL, NULL, 0}

void R_init_rstpm2(DllInfo *dll)
    R_registerRoutines(dll, NULL, CallEntries, NULL, NULL);
    R_registerRoutines(dll, NULL, NULL, FortranEntries, NULL);
    R_useDynamicSymbols(dll, FALSE);
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