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Tip revision: 9fbfbef539cfc60884f6828c62f0aa328335a0b1 authored by Toni Giorgino on 08 January 2008, 00:00:00 UTC
version 1.5-3
Tip revision: 9fbfbef

%- Also NEED an '\alias' for EACH other topic documented here.
\title{Plotting of dynamic time warp results: pointwise comparison}
  Plot a DTW results for visual inspection.

dtwPlotTwoWay(d,xts=NULL,yts=NULL, offset=0,
			xlab="Index", ylab="Query value", 
			... )

%- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here.
  \item{d}{ an alignment result, object of class \code{dtw}}
  \item{xts}{ query vector }
  \item{yts}{  template vector }
  \item{xlab,ylab}{axis labels}
  \item{offset}{displacement between the timeseries, summed to template}
  \item{match.col}{color of the match lines}
  \item{type,pch}{graphical parameters for timeseries plotting, passed to \code{matplot}}
  \item{...}{additional arguments, passed to \code{matplot}}


  Display the query and template time series and their alignment,
  arranged so that alignment can be visually inspected.

  The two vectors are displayed via the \code{\link{matplot}} functions,
  and their appearance can be customized via \code{type} and \code{pch}
  arguments (constants or vectors of two elements).  If \code{offset} is
  set, the template is offset by the given amount; this will be
  reflected by the \emph{right-hand} axis.

  Only single-variate time series can be plotted this way.

\author{Toni Giorgino }

Values on the left  axis do not reflect the template if \code{offset}
is set.

\section{Warning}{ These functions are incompatible with 
     mechanisms for arranging plots on a device: \code{par(mfrow)},
     \code{layout} and \code{split.screen}.}

\seealso{ \code{\link{dtwPlot}} for other dtw plotting functions,
\code{\link{matplot}} for graphical parameters. }


## A noisy sine wave as query
## A cosine is for template; sin and cos are offset by 25 samples


## Equivalent to plot(alignment,xts=query,yts=template,type="two");

## Beware of the template's y axis, may be confusing

legend("topright",c("Query","Template"), pch=21, col=1:6)


\concept{Dynamic Time Warp}

\keyword{ hplot }

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