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Tip revision: 603e991f22931dee89245568fb7ae42ec7c13bf2 authored by Matthias Templ on 19 February 2019, 12:50:03 UTC
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Tip revision: 603e991
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% Please edit documentation in R/rSDev.test.R
\title{Relative simplicial deviance tests}
rSDev.test(x, R = 999, method = "multinom")
\item{x}{matrix, data.frame or table}

\item{R}{an integer specifying the number of replicates used in the Monte Carlo test.}

\item{method}{either \dQuote{rmultinom} (default) or \dQuote{permutation}.}
A list with class  \dQuote{htest} containing the following components:
  \item{statistic}{the value of the relative simplicial deviance (test statistic).}
  \item{method}{a character string indicating what type of rSDev.test was performed.}
  \item{p.value}{the p-value for the test.}
Monte Carlo based contingency table tests considering the compositional approach to contingency tables.
Method \dQuote{rmultinom} generate multinomially distributed samples  
from the independent probability table, which is estimated from \code{x} using geometric mean marginals. 
The relative simplicial deviance of the original data are then compared to the generated ones.

Method \dQuote{permutation} permutes the entries of \code{x} and compares the relative simplicial deviance estimated from
the original data to the ones of the permuted data (the independence table is unchanged and originates on \code{x}). 

Method \dQuote{rmultinom} should be preferred, while method \dQuote{permutation} can be used for comparisons.
Egozcue, J.J., Pawlowsky-Glahn, V., Templ, M., Hron, K. (2015)
Independence in contingency tables using simplicial geometry. 
\emph{Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods}, 44 (18), 3978--3996.
Matthias Templ, Karel Hron
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