Raw File
Tip revision: 26e049d70b4a1c237987e260cba68f6a9413736c authored by Hans W. Borchers on 09 April 2019, 04:10:07 UTC
version 2.2.5
Tip revision: 26e049d
  Positive Definiteness
  Test for positive definiteness.
isposdef(A, psd = FALSE, tol = 1e-10)
  \item{A}{symmetric matrix}
  \item{psd}{logical, shall semi-positive definiteness be tested?}
  \item{tol}{tolerance to check symmetry and Cholesky decomposition.}
  Whether matrix \code{A} is positive definite will be determined by
  applying the Cholesky decomposition. The matrix must be symmetric.

  With \code{psd=TRUE} the matrix will be tested for being semi-positive
  definite. If not positive definite, still a warning will be generated.
  Returns \code{TRUE} or \code{FALSE}.
A <- magic(5)
# isposdef(A)
## [1] FALSE
## Warning message:
## In isposdef(A) : Matrix 'A' is not symmetric.

A <- t(A) \%*\% A
## [1] TRUE

A[5, 5] <- 0
## [1] FALSE
\keyword{ array }
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