Raw File
Tip revision: 5138a366cd75297132ef29d1c741c0bf4d3d69da authored by R. Kyle Bocinsky on 11 October 2022, 16:12:40 UTC
version 3.0.0
Tip revision: 5138a36
#' Download and crop the National Land Cover Database.
#' \code{get_nlcd} returns a \code{RasterLayer} of NLCD data cropped to a given
#' template study area. \code{nlcd_colors} and \code{pal_nlcd} return the NLCD
#' legend and color palette, as available through the
#' [MLRC website](
#' NOTE: Prior to FedData version, the `get_nlcd` function returned
#' data in the web Mercator coordinate reference system available through
#' the [MRLC web mapping services](, rather
#' than data in the NLCD's native projection (a flavor of North American Albers).
#' Until the MRLC web services return data in the original projection, these
#' data are being served from a Google Cloud bucket of pre-processed cloud-optimized
#' GeoTIFFs. The script used to prepare the GeoTIFFs is available at
#' [](
#' @param template A sf, Raster* or Spatial* object to serve
#' as a template for cropping.
#' @param label A character string naming the study area.
#' @param year An integer representing the year of desired NLCD product.
#' Acceptable values are 2019 (default), 2016, 2011, 2008, 2006, 2004, and 2001.
#' @param dataset A character string representing type of the NLCD product.
#' Acceptable values are 'landcover' (default), 'impervious', and
#' 'canopy' (2016 and 2011, L48 only).
#' @param landmass A character string representing the landmass to be extracted
#' Acceptable values are 'L48' (lower 48 US states, the default),
#' 'AK' (Alaska, 2011 and 2016 only), 'HI' (Hawaii, 2001 only), and
#' 'PR' (Puerto Rico, 2001 only).
#' @param extraction.dir A character string indicating where the extracted
#' and cropped NLCD data should be put. The directory will be created if missing.
#' @param raster.options a vector of options for raster::writeRaster.
#' @param force.redo If an extraction for this template and label already exists,
#' should a new one be created?
#' @return A \code{RasterLayer} cropped to the bounding box of the template.
#' @export
#' @importFrom magrittr %>% %<>%
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Extract data for the Mesa Verde National Park:
#' # Get the NLCD (USA ONLY)
#' # Returns a raster
#' NLCD <-
#'   get_nlcd(
#'     template = FedData::meve,
#'     label = "meve",
#'     year = 2016
#'   )
#' # Plot with raster::plot
#' plot(NLCD)
#' }
get_nlcd <- function(template,
                     year = 2019,
                     dataset = c("landcover", "impervious", "canopy"),
                     landmass = "L48",
                     extraction.dir = paste0(
                     raster.options = c(
                     force.redo = F) {
  extraction.dir <-
    normalizePath(paste0(extraction.dir, "/."), mustWork = FALSE)

  template %<>% template_to_sf()

  dataset <- match.arg(dataset)
  dataset <- switch(dataset,
    landcover = "Land_Cover",
    impervious = "Impervious",
    canopy = "Tree_Canopy"

  # coverage <- paste0("NLCD_", year, "_", dataset, "_", landmass)
  # source <- ""

  dir.create(extraction.dir, showWarnings = FALSE, recursive = TRUE)

  outfile <-
    paste0(extraction.dir, "/", label, "_NLCD_", dataset, "_", year, ".tif")

  if (file.exists(outfile) & !force.redo) {

  source <- ""
  file <- paste0(year, "_", dataset, "_", landmass, ".tif")

  path <- paste0(source, file)

  if (path %>%
    httr::HEAD() %>%
    httr::status_code() %>%
    identical(200L) %>%
    magrittr::not()) {
      "NLCD data are not available for dataset '", dataset, "', year '", year,
      "', and landmass '", landmass,
      "'. Please see available datasets at"

  template %<>%

  out <-
    paste0("/vsicurl/", path) %>%
    terra::rast() %>%
      sf::st_transform(template, sf::st_crs(terra::crs(.))),
      snap = "out",
      filename  = outfile,
      datatype = "INT1U",
      gdal = raster.options,
      overwrite = TRUE

  ## This code uses the (oft-changing) MRLC web services.
  ## Once these settle down, I may return to accessing them. Until that time,
  ## We are using self-hosted cloud-optimized geotiffs, accessed above.
  # if (source %>%
  #   httr::GET() %>%
  #   httr::status_code() %>%
  #   identical(200L) %>%
  #   magrittr::not()) {
  #   stop("No web coverage service at ", source, ". See available services at")
  # }
  #   template %<>%
  #     # sf::st_transform("+proj=aea +lat_0=23 +lon_0=-96 +lat_1=29.5 +lat_2=45.5 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +datum=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs") %>%
  #     sf::st_transform(3857) %>%
  #     sf::st_bbox()
  #   axis_labels <-
  #     source %>%
  #     httr::GET(
  #       query = list(
  #         service = "WCS",
  #         version = "2.0.1",
  #         request = "DescribeCoverage",
  #         coverageid = coverage
  #       )
  #     ) %>%
  #     httr::content(encoding = "UTF-8") %>%
  #     xml2::as_list() %$%
  #     CoverageDescriptions %$%
  #     CoverageDescription$boundedBy$Envelope %>%
  #     attr("axisLabels") %>%
  #     stringr::str_split(" ") %>%
  #     unlist()
  #   source %>%
  #     httr::GET(
  #       query = list(
  #         service = "WCS",
  #         version = "2.0.1",
  #         request = "GetCoverage",
  #         coverageid = coverage,
  #         subset = paste0(axis_labels[[1]], "(", template["xmin"], ",", template["xmax"], ")"),
  #         subset = paste0(axis_labels[[2]], "(", template["ymin"], ",", template["ymax"], ")")
  #       ),
  #       httr::write_disk(
  #         path = outfile,
  #         overwrite = TRUE
  #       )
  #     )
  #   if (dataset == "Land_Cover") {
  #     out <-
  #       outfile %>%
  #       raster::raster() %>%
  #       raster::readAll() %>%
  #       raster::as.factor()
  #     raster::colortable(out) <- nlcd$Color
  #     suppressWarnings(
  #       levels(out) <-
  #         nlcd %>%
  #     )
  #     out %<>%
  #       raster::writeRaster(outfile,
  #         datatype = "INT1U",
  #         options = raster.options,
  #         overwrite = TRUE,
  #         setStatistics = FALSE
  #       )
  #   }


#' @export
#' @rdname get_nlcd
nlcd_colors <- function() {

#' @export
#' @rdname get_nlcd
pal_nlcd <- function() {
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