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Tip revision: e994a4415e67fa60cbfd3f208aaab20872521c0b authored by Martin Schlather on 14 February 2019, 21:02:19 UTC
version 3.3
Tip revision: e994a44



\title{Class \code{RFfit}}
\description{ Class for RandomFields' representation of model estimation

%anova.RF_fit(object, ...)
%AIC.RF_fit(object, ..., k=2, method="ml", full=TRUE)
%BIC.RF_fit(object, ..., method="ml", full=TRUE)
%summary.RF_fit(object, ...,  method="ml", full=FALSE)
%print.RF_fit(x, ...,  method="ml", full=FALSE)
%logLik.RF_fit(object, REML = FALSE, ..., method="ml")

\S4method{residuals}{RFfit}(object, ..., method="ml", full=FALSE)
\S4method{summary}{RFfit}(object, ..., method="ml")
\S4method{plot}{RFfit,missing}(x, y, ...) 

\S3method{contour}{RFfit}(x, ...) 
\S3method{contour}{RFempVariog}(x, ...)


 \item{object}{see the  generic function;
     \item \command{plot}: arguments to be passed to methods; mainly graphical
     arguments, or further models in case of class \code{CLASS_CLIST},
     see Details.

     \item \command{summary}:  see the generic function
     \item \command{contour} : see \command{\link{RFplotEmpVariogram}}
 \item{method}{character; only for \code{class(x)=="RFfit"}; a
    vector of slot names for which the fitted covariance or variogram
    model is to be plotted; should be a subset of 
    \code{slotNames(x)} for which the corresponding slots are of class
    \code{CLASS_FIT}; by default, the maximum likelihood fit
   (\code{"ml"}) will be
    if \code{TRUE} submodels are reported as well (if available).
  \item{x}{object of class \code{\link[=RFsp-class]{RFsp}} or
    \command{\link[=RFempVariog-class]{RFempVariog}} or
    \command{\link[=RFfit-class]{RFfit}} or
    \command{\link[=RMmodel-class]{RMmodel}}; in the latter case, \code{x} can
    be any sophisticated model but it must be either stationary or a
    variogram model}
    \code{class(x)=="RF_fit"} or \code{class(x)=="RFfit"}, obtained
    from \command{\link{RFfit}}

  for the definition of \command{plot} see \command{\link{RFplotEmpVariogram}}.

\section{Creating Objects}{
 Objects are created by the function 


 \item{\code{autostart}:}{RMmodelFit; contains the estimation results
   for the method 'autostart' including a likelihood value, a constant
   trend and the residuals} 
 \item{\code{boxcox}:}{logical; whether the
   parameter of a Box Cox tranformation has been estimated
 \item{\code{coordunits}:}{string giving the units of the coordinates,
   see also option \code{coordunits} of \command{\link{RFoptions}}.
 \item{\code{deleted}:}{integer vector.
   Positions of the parameters that have been deleted to get the set of
   variables, used in the optimization.
 \item{\code{ev}:}{list; list of objects of class
   contains the empirical variogram estimates of the data} 
   list of two vectors. The fist gives the position where the
   parameters are set to zero. The second gives the position where the
   parameters are set to one.
 \item{\code{internal1}:}{RMmodelFit; analog to slot 'autostart'} 
 \item{\code{internal2}:}{RMmodelFit; analog to slot 'autostart'} 
 \item{\code{internal3}:}{RMmodelFit; analog to slot 'autostart'} 
 \item{\code{lowerbounds}:}{RMmodel; covariance model in which each
   parameter value gives the lower bound for the respective parameter} 
 \item{\code{ml}:}{RMmodelFit; analog to slot 'autostart'
 \item{\code{modelinfo}:}{ table with information on the parameters:
   name, boundaries, type of   parameter 
 \item{\code{n.covariates}:}{   number of covariates
   number of parameters (given by the user)
   number of variables (used internally);
   \code{n.variab} is always less than or equal to \code{n.param}
   the number of data values passed to \command{\link{RFfit}} that are
   not \code{NA} or \code{NaN}
   total number of parameters of the model that had to be estimated
   including variances, scales, co-variables, etc.
 \item{\code{p.proj}:}{vector of integers. The original position of those
   parameters that are used in the submodel
 \item{\code{plain}:}{RMmodelFit; analog to slot 'autostart'} 
   If not empty, it indicates that this model should be reported
   and gives a standard name of the model.
   Various functions, e.g. \command{print.RMmodelFit}, use
   this information if their argument \code{full} equals \code{TRUE}.
 \item{\code{self}:}{RMmodelFit; analog to slot 'autostart'} 
 \item{\code{sd.inv}:}{RMmodelFit; analog to slot 'autostart'} 
 \item{\code{}:}{RMmodelFit; analog to slot 'autostart'} 
   list. Sequence  (in some cases even nested sequence)
   of models that is used to determine an initial value in
 \item{\code{table}:}{matrix; summary of estimation results of
   different methods} 
 \item{\code{transform}:}{function; } 
   time space dimension of the (original!) data,
   even for submodels that consider parts of separable models.
   multivariability of the (original!) data,
   even for submodels that consider independent models
   for the multivariate components.
 \item{\code{upperbounds}:}{RMmodel; see slot 'lowerbounds'} 
 \item{\code{users.guess}:}{RMmodelFit; analog to slot 'autostart'} 
 \item{\code{ml}:}{RMmodelFit; analog to slot 'autostart'; with maximum
   likelihood method}
 \item{\code{v.proj}:}{vector of integers.
   The components selected in one of the submodels
 \item{\code{varunits}:}{string giving the units of the variables,
   see also option \code{varunits} of \command{\link{RFoptions}}.
   logical or integer. If logical, it means that no
   separable model is considered there. If integer, then
   it gives the considered directions of a separable model.
   standardized list of information on the data

    \item{plot}{\code{signature(x = "RFfit")}: gives a plot of the
      empirical variogram together with the fitted model, for more details see
    \item{show}{\code{signature(x = "RFfit")}: returns the structure
      of \code{x}

    \item{persp}{\code{signature(obj =
	"RFfit")}: generates \command{\link[graphics]{persp}} plots
    \item{print}{\code{signature(x = "RFfit")}: identical with
      \command{show}-method, additional argument is \code{max.level}
    \item{[}{\code{signature(x = "RFfit")}: enables accessing
      the slots via the \code{"["}-operator, e.g. \code{x["ml"]}
    \item{as}{\code{signature(x = "RFfit")}:
      converts into other formats, only implemented for target class 
    \item{anova}{performs a likelihood ratio test base on a chisq approximation
    \item{summary}{provides a summary}
    \item{logLik}{provides an object of class \code{"logLik"}
    \item{AIC,BIC}{provides the AIC and BIC information, respectively}
    \item{\code{signature(x = "RFfit", y = "missing")}}{Combines the plot of
      the empirical variogram with the estimated covariance or variogram
      model (theoretical) curves; further models can be added via the
      argument \code{model}.}


\section{Further 'methods'}{
  \code{AICc.RFfit(object, ..., method="ml", full=FALSE)}
  \code{AICc.RF_fit(object, ..., method="ml", full=TRUE)}


\author{Alexander Malinowski; \martin}


    \item Hurvich, C.M. and Tsai, C.-L. (1989)
    Regression and Time Series Model Selection in Small Samples
    \emph{Biometrika}, \bold{76}, 297-307.  

# see RFfit

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