Raw File
Tip revision: a79f9aeb6de046ca12210d26317fab59c175d0dd authored by Pierre-Yves Strub on 08 July 2014, 09:43:21 UTC
Fix bug w.r.t. _tools presence detection.
Tip revision: a79f9ae
(* Copyright (c) - 2012-2014 - IMDEA Software Institute and INRIA
 * Distributed under the terms of the CeCILL-B license *)

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
open EcUtils
open EcLocation
open EcSymbols
open EcParsetree
open EcTypes
open EcFol
open EcEnv
open EcMatching

open EcBaseLogic

open EcProofTerm
open EcCoreGoal
open EcCoreGoal.FApi
open EcLowGoal

module Sid = EcIdent.Sid
module Mid = EcIdent.Mid
module Sp  = EcPath.Sp

module ER  = EcReduction
module PT  = EcProofTerm
module TT  = EcTyping
module TTC = EcProofTyping

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
type ttenv = {
  tt_provers : EcParsetree.pprover_infos -> EcProvers.prover_infos;
  tt_smtmode : [`Admit | `Strict | `Standard];

type engine  = ptactic_core -> FApi.backward

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
type tfocus  = (int option * int option) * [`Include | `Exclude]

let process_tfocus tc focus =
  let error () = tc_error !$tc "invalid focus" in

  let check1 i =
    if i >= 0 then begin
      if i = 0 || i > FApi.tc_count tc then error ();
    end else begin
      if -i >= FApi.tc_count tc then error ();

    (fun (i1, i2) -> (omap check1 i1, omap check1 i2))

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let process_assumption (tc : tcenv1) =
  EcLowGoal.t_assumption `Conv tc

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let process_reflexivity (tc : tcenv1) =
  try  EcLowGoal.t_reflex tc
  with InvalidGoalShape ->
    tc_error !!tc "cannot prove goal by reflexivity"

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let process_trivial (tc : tcenv1) =
  EcPhlAuto.t_trivial tc

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let process_done tc =
  let tc = process_trivial tc in

  if not (FApi.tc_done tc) then
    tc_error (FApi.tc_penv tc) "[by]: cannot close goals";

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let process_change fp (tc : tcenv1) =
  let fp = TTC.tc1_process_formula tc fp in
  FApi.tcenv_of_tcenv1 (t_change fp tc)

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let process_simplify ri (tc : tcenv1) =
  let env, hyps, _ = FApi.tc1_eflat tc in

  let do1 (sop, sid) ps =
    match ps.pl_desc with
    | ([], s) when LDecl.has_symbol s hyps ->
        let id = fst (LDecl.lookup s hyps) in
        (sop, Sid.add id sid)

    | qs ->
        match EcEnv.Op.lookup_opt qs env with
        | None   -> tc_lookup_error !!tc ~loc:ps.pl_loc `Operator qs
        | Some p -> (Sp.add (fst p) sop, sid)

  let delta_p, delta_h =
      |> omap (List.fold_left do1 (Sp.empty, Sid.empty))
      |> omap (fun (x, y) -> (Some x, Some y))
      |> odfl (None, None)

  let ri = {
    EcReduction.beta    = ri.pbeta;
    EcReduction.delta_p = delta_p;
    EcReduction.delta_h = delta_h;
    EcReduction.zeta    = ri.pzeta;
    EcReduction.iota    = ri.piota;
    EcReduction.logic   = ri.plogic;
    EcReduction.modpath = ri.pmodpath;
  } in

    t_simplify_with_info ri tc

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let process_dbhint pf env db =
  let add hints x =
    let nf kind p =
      tc_error_lazy pf ~loc:p.pl_loc (fun fmt ->
        Format.fprintf fmt "cannot find %s `%s'"
          kind (string_of_qsymbol (unloc p)))

    let addm hints hflag p =
      match EcEnv.Theory.lookup_opt (unloc p) env with
      | None -> nf "theory" p
      | Some (p, _) -> EcProvers.Hints.addm p hflag hints

    and add1 hints hflag p =
      match EcEnv.Ax.lookup_opt (unloc p) env with
      | None -> nf "lemma" p
      | Some (p, _) -> EcProvers.Hints.add1 p hflag hints
      match x.pht_kind with
      | `Theory -> addm hints x.pht_flag x.pht_name
      | `Lemma  -> add1 hints x.pht_flag x.pht_name

    match db with
    | None    -> (true, EcProvers.Hints.full)
    | Some db ->
      let hints = EcProvers.Hints.full in
      let hints = List.fold_left add hints db.pht_map in
        (not db.pht_nolocals, hints)

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
type smtinfo = pdbhint option * pprover_infos

let process_smt (ttenv : ttenv) (db, pi) (tc : tcenv1) =
  let env = FApi.tc1_env tc in
  let db  = process_dbhint !!tc env db in
  let pi  = ttenv.tt_provers pi in

  match ttenv.tt_smtmode with
  | `Admit    -> t_admit tc
  | `Standard -> t_seq (t_simplify ~delta:false) (t_smt ~strict:false db pi) tc
  | `Strict   -> t_seq (t_simplify ~delta:false) (t_smt ~strict:true  db pi) tc

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let process_clear symbols tc =
  let hyps = FApi.tc1_hyps tc in

  let toid s =
    if not (LDecl.has_symbol (unloc s) hyps) then
      tc_lookup_error !!tc ~loc:s.pl_loc `Local ([], unloc s);
    fst (LDecl.lookup (unloc s) hyps)

  try  t_clears ( toid symbols) tc
  with ClearError err ->
    tc_error_lazy !!tc (fun fmt ->
      let pp_id fmt id = Format.fprintf fmt "%s" ( id) in

      match err with
      | lazy (xs, None) ->
          Format.fprintf fmt
            "cannot clear %a that is/are used in the conclusion"
            (EcPrinting.pp_list ",@ " pp_id) xs
      | lazy (xs, Some x) ->
          Format.fprintf fmt
            "cannot clear %a that is/are used in %a"
            (EcPrinting.pp_list ",@ " pp_id) xs pp_id x)

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
module LowRewrite = struct
  type error =
  | LRW_NotAnEquation
  | LRW_NothingToRewrite
  | LRW_InvalidOccurence
  | LRW_CannotInfer

  exception RewriteError of error

  let t_rewrite_r (s, o) pt tc =
    let hyps, concl = FApi.tc1_flat tc in
    let env = LDecl.toenv hyps in

    let (pt, (f1, f2)) =
      let rec find_rewrite_pattern pt =
        let ax = pt.PT.ptev_ax in

        match EcFol.sform_of_form ax with
        | EcFol.SFeq  (f1, f2) -> (pt, (f1, f2))
        | EcFol.SFiff (f1, f2) -> (pt, (f1, f2))
        | _ -> begin
          match TTC.destruct_product hyps ax with
          | None ->
              if   s = `LtoR && ER.EqTest.for_type env ax.f_ty tbool
              then (pt, (ax, f_true))
              else raise (RewriteError LRW_NotAnEquation)
          | Some _ ->
              let pt = EcProofTerm.apply_pterm_to_hole pt in
              find_rewrite_pattern pt
        find_rewrite_pattern pt

    let fp = match s with `LtoR -> f1 | `RtoL -> f2 in

    (try  PT.pf_find_occurence pt.PT.ptev_env ~ptn:fp concl
     with EcMatching.MatchFailure -> raise (RewriteError LRW_NothingToRewrite));

    if not (PT.can_concretize pt.PT.ptev_env) then
      raise (RewriteError LRW_CannotInfer);

    let fp   = PT.concretize_form pt.PT.ptev_env fp in
    let pt   = fst (PT.concretize pt) in
    let cpos =
      try  FPosition.select_form hyps o fp concl
      with InvalidOccurence -> raise (RewriteError (LRW_InvalidOccurence))

    EcLowGoal.t_rewrite pt (s, Some cpos) tc

  let t_rewrite (s, o) pt (tc : tcenv1) =
    let hyps   = FApi.tc1_hyps tc in
    let pt, ax = LowApply.check `Elim pt (`Hyps (hyps, !!tc)) in
    let ptenv  = ptenv_of_penv hyps !!tc in

    t_rewrite_r (s, o) { ptev_env = ptenv; ptev_pt = pt; ptev_ax = ax; } tc

  let t_autorewrite lemmas (tc : tcenv1) =
    let pts =
      let do1 lemma =
        PT.pt_of_uglobal !!tc (FApi.tc1_hyps tc) lemma in do1 lemmas

    let try1 pt tc =
      let pt = { pt with PT.ptev_env = PT.copy pt.ptev_env } in
        try  t_rewrite_r (`LtoR, None) pt tc
        with RewriteError _ -> raise InvalidGoalShape

      t_do_r ~focus:0 `Maybe None (t_ors ( try1 pts)) !@tc

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let process_rewrite1_core (s, o) pt tc =
    LowRewrite.t_rewrite_r (s, o) pt tc
  | LowRewrite.RewriteError e ->
      match e with
      | LowRewrite.LRW_NotAnEquation ->
          tc_error !!tc "not an equation to rewrite"
      | LowRewrite.LRW_NothingToRewrite ->
          tc_error !!tc "nothing to rewrite"
      | LowRewrite.LRW_InvalidOccurence ->
          tc_error !!tc "invalid occurence selector"
      | LowRewrite.LRW_CannotInfer ->
          tc_error !!tc "cannot infer all placeholders"

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let process_delta (s, o, p) tc =
  let env, hyps, concl = FApi.tc1_eflat tc in

  let (ptenv, p) =
    let (ps, ue), p = TTC.tc1_process_pattern tc p in
    let ev = MEV.of_idents (Mid.keys ps) `Form in
      (ptenv !!tc hyps (ue, ev), p)

  let (tvi, tparams, body, args) =
    match sform_of_form p with
    | SFop (p, args) -> begin
        let op = EcEnv.Op.by_path (fst p) env in

        match op.EcDecl.op_kind with
        | EcDecl.OB_oper (Some (EcDecl.OP_Plain e)) ->
            (snd p, op.EcDecl.op_tparams, form_of_expr EcFol.mhr e, args)
        | EcDecl.OB_pred (Some f) ->
            (snd p, op.EcDecl.op_tparams, f, args)
        | _ ->
            tc_error !!tc "the operator is not transparent"

  | SFlocal x when LDecl.reducible_var x hyps ->
      ([], [], LDecl.reduce_var x hyps, [])

  | _ -> tc_error !!tc "not headed by an operator/predicate"


  let na = List.length args in

  match s with
  | `LtoR -> begin
    let matches =
      try  PT.pf_find_occurence ptenv ~ptn:p concl; true
      with EcMatching.MatchFailure -> false

    if matches then begin
      let p    = concretize_form ptenv p in
      let cpos =
        let test = fun _ _ fp ->
          let fp =
            match fp.f_node with
            | Fapp (h, hargs) when List.length hargs > na ->
                let (a1, a2) = List.take_n na hargs in
                  f_app h a1 (toarrow ( f_ty a2) fp.f_ty)
            | _ -> fp
            if   EcReduction.is_alpha_eq hyps p fp
            then `Accept (-1)
            else `Continue
          try ?o test concl
          with InvalidOccurence ->
            tc_error !!tc "invalid occurences selector"

      let concl = cpos
          (fun topfp ->
            let (fp, args) = EcFol.destr_app topfp in

            match sform_of_form fp with
            | SFop ((_, tvi), []) -> begin
              (* FIXME: TC HOOK *)
              let subst = EcTypes.Tvar.init ( fst tparams) tvi in
              let body  = EcFol.Fsubst.subst_tvar subst body in
              let body  = f_app body args topfp.f_ty in
                try  EcReduction.h_red EcReduction.beta_red hyps body
                with EcBaseLogic.NotReducible -> body

            | SFlocal _ -> begin
                assert (tparams = []);
                let body = f_app body args topfp.f_ty in
                  try  EcReduction.h_red EcReduction.beta_red hyps body
                  with EcBaseLogic.NotReducible -> body

            | _ -> assert false)
        FApi.tcenv_of_tcenv1 (t_change concl tc)
    end else t_id tc

  | `RtoL ->
    let fp =
      (* FIXME: TC HOOK *)
      let subst = EcTypes.Tvar.init ( fst tparams) tvi in
      let body  = EcFol.Fsubst.subst_tvar subst body in
      let fp    = f_app body args p.f_ty in
        try  EcReduction.h_red EcReduction.beta_red hyps fp
        with EcBaseLogic.NotReducible -> fp

    let matches =
      try  PT.pf_find_occurence ptenv ~ptn:fp concl; true
      with EcMatching.MatchFailure -> false

    if matches then begin
      let p    = concretize_form ptenv p  in
      let fp   = concretize_form ptenv fp in
      let cpos =
        try  FPosition.select_form hyps o fp concl
        with InvalidOccurence ->
          tc_error !!tc "invalid occurences selector"

      let concl = cpos (fun _ -> p)  concl in
        FApi.tcenv_of_tcenv1 (t_change concl tc)
    end else t_id tc

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let rec process_rewrite1 ttenv ri tc =
  match ri with
  | RWDone b ->
      let tt = if b then t_simplify ~delta:false else t_id in
      FApi.t_seq tt process_trivial tc

  | RWSimpl ->
      t_simplify ~delta:false tc

  | RWDelta (s, r, o, p) -> begin
      let do1 tc = process_delta (s, o, p) tc in

      match r with
      | None -> do1 tc
      | Some (b, n) -> t_do b n do1 tc

  | RWRw ((s : rwside), r, o, pts) -> begin
      let do1 ((subs : rwside), pt) tc =
        let theside =
          match s, subs with
          | `LtoR, _     -> (subs  :> rwside)
          | _    , `LtoR -> (s     :> rwside)
          | `RtoL, `RtoL -> (`LtoR :> rwside) in

        let is_baserw p tc = 
          EcEnv.BaseRw.is_base p.pl_desc (FApi.tc1_env tc) in

        match pt with 
        | { fp_kind = FPNamed (p, None); fp_args = []; } when is_baserw p tc ->

          let env = FApi.tc1_env tc in
          let ls  = snd (EcEnv.BaseRw.lookup p.pl_desc env) in
          let ls  = EcPath.Sp.elements ls in

          let do1 lemma tc = 
            let pt = PT.pt_of_uglobal !!tc (FApi.tc1_hyps tc) lemma in
              process_rewrite1_core (theside, o) pt tc in
            t_ors ( do1 ls) tc

        | _ ->
          let pt = PT.tc1_process_full_pterm tc pt in
            process_rewrite1_core (theside, o) pt tc in

      let doall tc = t_ors ( do1 pts) tc in

      match r with
      | None -> doall tc
      | Some (b, n) -> t_do b n doall tc

  | RWPr x -> EcPhlPrRw.t_pr_rewrite (unloc x) tc

  | RWSmt ->
      process_smt ttenv (None, empty_pprover) tc

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let process_rewrite ttenv ri tc =
  let do1 tc (fc, ri) =
    let tx =
      match fc |> omap ((process_tfocus tc) |- unloc) with
      | None    -> FApi.t_onall
      | Some fc -> (fun tc -> FApi.t_onselect fc tc)
      tx (process_rewrite1 ttenv ri) tc

  List.fold_left do1 (tcenv_of_tcenv1 tc) ri

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let process_mintros ?(cf = true) pis gs =
  let mk_intro ids tc =
    t_intros (snd (List.map_fold (fun (hyps, form) s ->
      let rec destruct fp =
        match EcFol.sform_of_form fp with
        | SFquant (Lforall, (x, _)  , lazy fp) -> ( x, fp)
        | SFlet   (LSymbol (x, _), _, fp)      -> ( x, fp)
        | SFimp   (_                , fp)      -> ("H", fp)
        | _ -> begin
          match EcReduction.h_red_opt EcReduction.full_red hyps fp with
          | None   -> ("_", f_true)
          | Some f -> destruct f
      let name, form = destruct form in
      let id =
        lmap (function
        | `NoName       -> EcIdent.create "_"
        | `FindName     -> LDecl.fresh_id hyps name
        | `NoRename s   -> EcIdent.create s
        | `WithRename s -> LDecl.fresh_id hyps s) s

      let hyps = LDecl.add_local id.pl_desc (LD_var (tbool, None)) hyps in
        (hyps, form), Tagged (unloc id, Some id.pl_loc))
      (FApi.tc1_flat tc) ids)) tc

  let rec collect acc core pis =
    let maybe_core () =
      match core with
      | [] -> acc
      | _  -> `Core (List.rev core) :: acc

    match pis with
    | [] -> maybe_core ()

    | IPCore x :: pis ->
        collect acc (x :: core) pis

    | IPDone b :: pis ->
        collect (`Done b :: maybe_core ()) [] pis

    | IPSimplify :: pis ->
        collect (`Simpl :: maybe_core ()) [] pis

    | IPClear xs :: pis ->
        collect (`Clear xs :: maybe_core ()) [] pis

    | IPCase x :: pis ->
        let x = (List.rev -| collect [] []) x in
          collect (`Case x :: maybe_core ()) [] pis

    | IPRw x :: pis ->
        collect (`Rw x :: maybe_core ()) [] pis

    | IPView x :: pis ->
        collect (`View x :: maybe_core ()) [] pis

    | IPSubst x :: pis ->
        collect (`Subst x :: maybe_core ()) [] pis

  let rec dointro nointro pis (gs : tcenv) =
    let (_, gs) =
        (fun (nointro, gs) ip ->
          match ip with
          | `Core ids ->
              (false, t_onall (mk_intro ids) gs)

          | `Done b   ->
              let t =
                let t_trivial = EcPhlAuto.t_trivial in
                match b with
                | true  -> t_seq (t_simplify ~delta:false) t_trivial
                | false -> t_trivial
                (nointro, t_onall t gs)

          | `Simpl ->
              (nointro, t_onall (t_simplify ~delta:false) gs)

          | `Clear xs ->
              (nointro, t_onall (process_clear xs) gs)

          | `Case pis ->
              let onsub gs =
                if FApi.tc_count gs <> List.length pis then
                  tc_error !$gs
                    "not the right number of intro-patterns (got %d, expecting %d)"
                    (List.length pis) (FApi.tc_count gs);
                t_sub ( (dointro1 false) pis) gs in

              let tc = t_or (t_elimT_ind `Case) t_elim in
              let gs =
                match nointro && not cf with
                | true  -> onsub gs
                | false -> begin
                    match pis with
                    | [] -> t_onall tc gs
                    | _  -> t_onall (fun gs -> onsub (tc gs)) gs
                (false, gs)

          | `Rw (o, s) ->
              let t tc =
                let h = EcIdent.create "_" in
                let rwt tc =
                  let pt = PT.pt_of_hyp !!tc (FApi.tc1_hyps tc) h in
                  process_rewrite1_core (s, o) pt tc
                  t_seqs [t_intros_i [h]; rwt; t_clear h] tc
                (false, t_onall t gs)

          | `View pe ->
              let on1 tc =
                let module E = struct exception NoInstance end in

                let hyps = tc1_hyps tc in
                let pte  = PT.tc1_process_full_pterm tc pe in
                let rec instantiate fp pte =
                  match TTC.destruct_product hyps pte.PT.ptev_ax with
                  | None -> raise E.NoInstance
                  | Some (`Forall _) ->
                      instantiate fp (PT.apply_pterm_to_hole pte)
                  | Some (`Imp (f1, f2)) ->
                        PT.pf_form_match ~mode:fmdelta pte.PT.ptev_env ~ptn:f1 fp;
                        (pte, f2)
                      with MatchFailure -> raise E.NoInstance

                  match TTC.destruct_product hyps (FApi.tc1_goal tc) with
                  | None | Some (`Forall _) -> raise E.NoInstance

                  | Some (`Imp (f1, f2)) ->
                      let (pte, cutf) = instantiate f1 pte in
                      let cutf = PT.concretize_form pte.PT.ptev_env cutf in
                      let pt = fst (PT.concretize pte) in
                      let pt = { pt with
                                  pt_head = PTGlobal (EcCoreLib.p_imp_trans, []);
                                  pt_args = [PAFormula f1       ;
                                             PAFormula cutf     ;
                                             PAFormula f2       ;
                                             PASub     (Some pt);
                                             PASub     None     ]; } in
                      EcLowGoal.t_apply pt tc
                with E.NoInstance ->
                  tc_error !!tc "cannot apply view"
                (false, t_onall on1 gs)

          | `Subst d ->
              let t tc =
                  t_intros_i_seq ~clear:true [EcIdent.create "_"]
                    (EcLowGoal.t_subst ~clear:false ~tside:(d :> tside))
                with InvalidGoalShape ->
                  tc_error !!tc "nothing to substitute"
                (false, t_onall t gs))

        (nointro, gs) pis

  and dointro1 nointro pis tc =
    dointro nointro pis (FApi.tcenv_of_tcenv1 tc) in

    dointro true (List.rev (collect [] [] pis)) gs

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let process_intros ?cf pis tc =
  process_mintros ?cf pis (FApi.tcenv_of_tcenv1 tc)

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let process_generalize1 pattern (tc : tcenv1) =
  let hyps, concl = FApi.tc1_flat tc in

  let onresolved pattern =
    match pattern with
    | `Form (occ, pf) -> begin
        match pf.pl_desc with
        | PFident ({pl_desc = ([], s)}, None)
            when occ = None && LDecl.has_symbol s hyps
            let id = fst (LDecl.lookup s hyps) in
            t_generalize_hyp ~clear:true id tc

        | _ ->
          let (ptenv, p) =
            let (ps, ue), p = TTC.tc1_process_pattern tc pf in
            let ev = MEV.of_idents (Mid.keys ps) `Form in
              (ptenv !!tc hyps (ue, ev), p)

          (try  PT.pf_find_occurence ptenv ~ptn:p concl
           with EcMatching.MatchFailure -> tc_error !!tc "cannot find an occurence");

          let p    = PT.concretize_form ptenv p in
          let cpos =
            try  FPosition.select_form hyps occ p concl
            with InvalidOccurence -> tacuerror "invalid occurence selector"

          let name =
            match EcParsetree.pf_ident pf with
            | None   -> EcIdent.create "x"
            | Some x -> EcIdent.create x

          let name, newconcl = FPosition.topattern ~x:name cpos concl in
          let newconcl = f_forall [(name, GTty p.f_ty)] newconcl in
          let pt = { pt_head = PTCut newconcl; pt_args = [PAFormula p]; } in

          EcLowGoal.t_apply pt tc


    | `FPattern fp -> begin
        match fp.fp_kind with
        | FPNamed ({ pl_desc = ([], s) }, None)
            when LDecl.has_symbol s hyps && List.isempty fp.fp_args
            let id = fst (LDecl.lookup s hyps) in
            t_generalize_hyp ~clear:true id tc

        | _ ->
          let pt = PT.tc1_process_full_pterm tc fp in
          if not (PT.can_concretize pt.PT.ptev_env) then
            tc_error !!tc "cannot infer all placeholders";
          let pt, ax = PT.concretize pt in
          t_cutdef pt ax tc

  match ffpattern_of_genpattern hyps pattern with
  | Some ff -> onresolved (`FPattern ff)
  | None    -> onresolved pattern

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let process_generalize patterns (tc : tcenv1) =
  FApi.t_seqs (List.rev_map process_generalize1 patterns) tc

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let process_pose xsym o p (tc : tcenv1) =
  let (hyps, concl) = FApi.tc1_flat tc in

  let (ptenv, p) =
    let (ps, ue), p = TTC.tc1_process_pattern tc p in
    let ev = MEV.of_idents (Mid.keys ps) `Form in
      (ptenv !!tc hyps (ue, ev), p)

  let dopat =
    try  PT.pf_find_occurence ptenv ~ptn:p concl; true
    with MatchFailure ->
      if not (PT.can_concretize ptenv) then
        if not (EcMatching.MEV.filled !(ptenv.PT.pte_ev)) then
          tc_error !!tc "cannot find an occurence"
          tc_error !!tc "%s - %s"
            "cannot find an occurence"
            "instanciate type variables manually"

  let p = PT.concretize_form ptenv p in

  let (x, letin) =
    match dopat with
    | false -> (EcIdent.create (unloc xsym), concl)
    | true  -> begin
        let cpos =
          try  FPosition.select_form hyps o p concl
          with InvalidOccurence -> tacuerror "invalid occurence selector"
          FPosition.topattern ~x:(EcIdent.create (unloc xsym)) cpos concl

  let letin = EcFol.f_let1 x p letin in

    (fun tc -> tcenv_of_tcenv1 (t_change letin tc))
    (t_intros [Tagged (x, Some xsym.pl_loc)]) tc

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
module LowApply = struct
  exception NoInstance

  let t_apply_bwd_r pt (tc : tcenv1) =
    let (hyps, concl) = FApi.tc1_flat tc in

    let rec instantiate canview istop pt =
      match istop && PT.can_concretize pt.PT.ptev_env with
      | true ->
          let ax = PT.concretize_form pt.PT.ptev_env pt.PT.ptev_ax in
          if   EcReduction.is_conv hyps ax concl
          then pt
          else instantiate canview false pt

      | false -> begin
            PT.pf_form_match ~mode:fmdelta pt.PT.ptev_env ~ptn:pt.PT.ptev_ax concl;
            if not (PT.can_concretize pt.PT.ptev_env) then
              raise NoInstance;
          with EcMatching.MatchFailure ->
            match TTC.destruct_product hyps pt.PT.ptev_ax with
            | Some _ ->
                (* FIXME: add internal marker *)
                instantiate canview false (PT.apply_pterm_to_hole pt)

            | None when not canview ->
                raise NoInstance

            | None ->
                let forview (p, fs) =
                  (* Current proof-term is view argument *)
                  (* Copy PT environment to set a back-track point *)
                  let argpt = { pt with ptev_env = PT.copy pt.ptev_env } in
                  let argpt = { ptea_env = argpt.ptev_env;
                                ptea_arg = PVASub argpt; } in

                  (* Type-check view - FIXME: the current API is perfectible *)
                  let viewpt =
                    { pt_head = PTGlobal (p, []);
                      pt_args = (fun f -> PAFormula f) fs; } in
                  let viewpt, ax = LowApply.check `Elim viewpt (`Hyps (hyps, !!tc)) in

                  (* Apply view to its actual arguments *)
                  let viewpt = apply_pterm_to_arg
                      { ptev_env = argpt.ptea_env;
                        ptev_pt  = viewpt;
                        ptev_ax  = ax; }
                  try  Some (instantiate false true viewpt)
                  with NoInstance -> None

                let views =
                  match sform_of_form pt.PT.ptev_ax with
                  | SFiff (f1, f2) ->
                      [(EcCoreLib.p_iff_lr, [f1; f2]);
                       (EcCoreLib.p_iff_rl, [f1; f2])]

                  | SFnot f1 ->
                      [(EcCoreLib.p_negbTE, [f1])]

                  | _ -> []

                try  List.find_map forview views
                with Not_found -> raise NoInstance

    let pt = instantiate true true pt in
    let pt = fst (PT.concretize pt) in

    EcLowGoal.t_apply pt tc

  let t_apply_bwd pt (tc : tcenv1) =
    let hyps   = FApi.tc1_hyps tc in
    let pt, ax = LowApply.check `Elim pt (`Hyps (hyps, !!tc)) in
    let ptenv  = ptenv_of_penv hyps !!tc in

    t_apply_bwd_r { ptev_env = ptenv; ptev_pt = pt; ptev_ax = ax; } tc

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let process_apply_bwd mode (ff : ffpattern) (tc : tcenv1) =
    let pt   = PT.tc1_process_full_pterm tc ff in
    let aout = LowApply.t_apply_bwd_r pt tc in

    match mode with
    | `Apply -> aout
    | `Exact ->
        let aout = FApi.t_onall process_trivial aout in
        if not (FApi.tc_done aout) then
          tc_error !!tc "cannot close goal";

  with LowApply.NoInstance ->
    tc_error !!tc "cannot apply lemma"

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let process_apply_fwd (pe, hyp) tc =
  let module E = struct exception NoInstance end in

  let hyps = FApi.tc1_hyps tc in

  if not (LDecl.has_hyp (unloc hyp) hyps) then
    tc_error !!tc "unknown hypothesis: %s" (unloc hyp);

  let hyp, fp = LDecl.lookup_hyp (unloc hyp) hyps in
  let pte = PT.tc1_process_full_pterm tc pe in

  let rec instantiate pte =
    match TTC.destruct_product hyps pte.PT.ptev_ax with
    | None -> raise E.NoInstance

    | Some (`Forall _) ->
        instantiate (PT.apply_pterm_to_hole pte)

    | Some (`Imp (f1, f2)) ->
          PT.pf_form_match ~mode:fmdelta pte.PT.ptev_env ~ptn:f1 fp;
          (pte, f2)
        with MatchFailure -> raise E.NoInstance

    let (pte, cutf) = instantiate pte in
    let pt = fst (PT.concretize pte) in
    let pt = { pt with pt_args = pt.pt_args @ [palocal hyp]; } in
    let cutf = PT.concretize_form pte.PT.ptev_env cutf in

      (FApi.t_seq (t_clear hyp) (t_intros_i [hyp]))
      (t_cutdef pt cutf tc)

  with E.NoInstance ->
    tc_error !!tc "cannot apply lemma"

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
type apply_t = ffpattern * [`Apply of psymbol option | `Exact]

let process_apply (pe, tg) tc =
  match tg with
  | `Exact           -> process_apply_bwd `Exact pe tc
  | `Apply None      -> process_apply_bwd `Apply pe tc
  | `Apply (Some tg) -> process_apply_fwd (pe, tg)  tc

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let process_subst syms (tc : tcenv1) =
  let resolve symp =
    let sym = TTC.tc1_process_form_opt tc None symp in

    match sym.f_node with
    | Flocal id        -> `Local id
    | Fglob  (mp, mem) -> `Glob  (mp, mem)
    | Fpvar  (pv, mem) -> `PVar  (pv, mem)

    | _ ->
      tc_error !!tc ~loc:symp.pl_loc
        "this formula is not subject to substitution"

  match resolve syms with
  | []   -> t_repeat t_subst tc
  | syms -> FApi.t_seqs ( (fun var tc -> t_subst ~var tc) syms) tc

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
type cut_t = intropattern * pformula * ptactic_core option

let process_cut engine (ip, phi, t) tc =
  let phi = TTC.tc1_process_formula tc phi in
  let tc  = EcLowGoal.t_cut phi tc in
  let tc  =
    match t with
    | None   -> tc
    | Some t ->
        let l = t.pl_loc in
        let t = { pt_core = t; pt_intros = []; } in
        let t = mk_loc l (Pby (Some [t])) in
          FApi.t_first (engine t) tc

  FApi.t_last (process_intros ip) tc

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
type cutdef_t = intropattern * pterm

let process_cutdef (ip, pt) (tc : tcenv1) =
  let pt = { fp_kind = FPNamed (pt.pt_name, pt.pt_tys);
             fp_args = pt.EcParsetree.pt_args; } in
  let pt = PT.tc1_process_full_pterm tc pt in

  if not (PT.can_concretize pt.ptev_env) then
    tc_error !!tc "cannot infer all placeholders";

  let pt, ax = PT.concretize pt in

    [EcLowGoal.t_apply pt; process_intros ip]
    (t_cut ax tc)

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let process_left (tc : tcenv1) =
  EcLowGoal.t_left tc

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let process_right (tc : tcenv1) =
  EcLowGoal.t_right tc

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let process_split (tc : tcenv1) =
  EcLowGoal.t_split tc

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let process_elimT qs tc =
  let noelim () = tc_error !!tc "cannot recognize elimination principle" in

  let (hyps, concl) = FApi.tc1_flat tc in

  let (pf, pfty, _concl) =
    match sform_of_form concl with
    | SFquant (Lforall, (x, GTty xty), concl) -> (x, xty, concl)
    | _ -> noelim ()

  let pf = LDecl.fresh_id hyps ( pf) in
  let tc = t_intros_i_1 [pf] tc in

  let (hyps, concl) = FApi.tc1_flat tc in

  let pt = PT.tc1_process_full_pterm tc qs in

  let (_xp, xpty, ax) =
    match TTC.destruct_product hyps pt.ptev_ax with
    | Some (`Forall (xp, GTty xpty, f)) -> (xp, xpty, f)
    | _ -> noelim ()

    let ue = pt.ptev_env.pte_ue in
    try  EcUnify.unify (LDecl.toenv hyps) ue (tfun pfty tbool) xpty
    with EcUnify.UnificationFailure _ -> noelim ()

  if not (PT.can_concretize pt.ptev_env) then noelim ();

  let ax = PT.concretize_form pt.ptev_env ax in

  let rec skip ax =
    match TTC.destruct_product hyps ax with
    | Some (`Imp (_f1, f2)) -> skip f2
    | Some (`Forall (x, GTty xty, f)) -> ((x, xty), f)
    | _ -> noelim ()

  let ((x, _xty), ax) = skip ax in

  let fpf  = f_local pf pfty in

  let ptnpos = FPosition.select_form hyps None fpf concl in
  let (_xabs, body) = FPosition.topattern ~x:x ptnpos concl in

  let rec skipmatch ax body sk =
    match TTC.destruct_product hyps ax, TTC.destruct_product hyps body with
    | Some (`Imp (i1, f1)), Some (`Imp (i2, f2)) ->
        if   EcReduction.is_alpha_eq hyps i1 i2
        then skipmatch f1 f2 (sk+1)
        else sk
    | _ -> sk

  let sk = skipmatch ax body 0 in

    [t_elimT_form (fst (PT.concretize pt)) ~sk fpf;
       (t_clear pf)
       (t_seq (t_generalize_hyp pf) (t_clear pf));
     t_simplify_with_info EcReduction.beta_red]

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let process_elim (pe, qs) tc =
  let doelim tc =
    match qs with
    | None    -> t_or (t_elimT_ind `Ind) t_elim tc
    | Some qs ->
        let qs = { fp_kind = FPNamed (qs, None); fp_args = []; } in
        process_elimT qs tc
      FApi.t_last doelim (process_generalize pe tc)
    with EcCoreGoal.InvalidGoalShape ->
      tc_error !!tc "don't know what to eliminate"

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let process_case gp tc =
  let module E = struct exception LEMFailure end in

    match gp with
    | [`Form (None, pf)] ->
        let env = FApi.tc1_env tc in

        let f =
          try  TTC.process_formula (FApi.tc1_hyps tc) pf
          with TT.TyError _ | LocError (_, TT.TyError _) -> raise E.LEMFailure
          if not (EcReduction.EqTest.for_type env f.f_ty tbool) then
            raise E.LEMFailure;
            (t_case f)
            (t_simplify_with_info EcReduction.betaiota_red)

    | _ -> raise E.LEMFailure

  with E.LEMFailure ->
        (t_or (t_elimT_ind `Case) t_elim)
        (process_generalize gp tc)
    with EcCoreGoal.InvalidGoalShape ->
      tc_error !!tc "don't known what to eliminate"

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let process_exists args (tc : tcenv1) =
  let hyps = FApi.tc1_hyps tc in
  let pte  = (TTC.unienv_of_hyps hyps, EcMatching.MEV.empty) in
  let pte  = PT.ptenv !!tc (FApi.tc1_hyps tc) pte in

  let for1 concl arg =
    match TTC.destruct_exists hyps concl with
    | None -> tc_error !!tc "not an existential"
    | Some (`Exists (x, xty, f)) ->
        let arg =
          match xty with
          | GTty    _ -> trans_pterm_arg_value pte arg
          | GTmem   _ -> trans_pterm_arg_mem   pte arg
          | GTmodty _ -> trans_pterm_arg_mod   pte arg
          PT.check_pterm_arg pte (x, xty) f arg.ptea_arg

  let _concl, args = List.map_fold for1 (FApi.tc1_goal tc) args in

  if not (PT.can_concretize pte) then
    tc_error !!tc "cannot infer all placeholders";

  let pte  = PT.concretize_env pte in
  let args = (PT.concretize_e_arg pte) args in

  EcLowGoal.t_exists_intro_s args tc

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let process_congr tc =
  let (hyps, concl) = FApi.tc1_flat tc in

  if not (EcFol.is_eq concl) then
    tc_error !!tc "goal must be an equality";

  let (f1, f2) = EcFol.destr_eq concl in

  match f1.f_node, f2.f_node with
  | Fapp (o1, a1), Fapp (o2, a2)
      when    EcReduction.is_alpha_eq hyps o1 o2
           && List.length a1 = List.length a2 ->

      let tt1 = t_congr (o1, o2) ((List.combine a1 a2), f1.f_ty) in
      let tt2 = t_logic_trivial in
      FApi.t_seq tt1 tt2 tc

  | Ftuple _, Ftuple _ ->
      FApi.t_seqs [t_split; t_logic_trivial] tc

  | _, _ when EcReduction.is_alpha_eq hyps f1 f2 ->
      EcLowGoal.t_reflex tc

  | _, _ -> tacuerror "not a congruence"

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let process_algebra mode kind eqs (tc : tcenv1) =
  let (env, hyps, concl) = FApi.tc1_eflat tc in

  if not (EcAlgTactic.is_module_loaded env) then
    tacuerror "ring/field cannot be used when AlgTactic is not loaded";

  let (ty, f1, f2) =
    match sform_of_form concl with
    | SFeq (f1, f2) -> (f1.f_ty, f1, f2)
    | _ -> tacuerror "conclusion must be an equation"

  let eqs =
    let eq1 { pl_desc = x } =
      match LDecl.has_hyp x hyps with
      | false -> tacuerror "cannot find equation referenced by `%s'" x
      | true  -> begin
        match sform_of_form (snd (LDecl.lookup_hyp x hyps)) with
        | SFeq (f1, f2) ->
            if not (EcReduction.EqTest.for_type env ty f1.f_ty) then
              tacuerror "assumption `%s' is not an equation over the right type" x;
            (f1, f2)
        | _ -> tacuerror "assumption `%s' is not an equation" x
    in eq1 eqs

  let tparams = (LDecl.tohyps hyps).h_tvar in

  let tactic =
      match mode, kind with
      | `Simpl, `Ring  -> `Ring  EcAlgTactic.t_ring_simplify
      | `Simpl, `Field -> `Field EcAlgTactic.t_field_simplify
      | `Solve, `Ring  -> `Ring  EcAlgTactic.t_ring
      | `Solve, `Field -> `Field EcAlgTactic.t_field
    | `Ring t ->
        let r =
          match TT.get_ring (tparams, ty) env with
          | None   -> tacuerror "cannot find a ring structure"
          | Some r -> r
        in t r eqs (f1, f2)
    | `Field t ->
        let r =
          match TT.get_field (tparams, ty) env with
          | None   -> tacuerror "cannot find a field structure"
          | Some r -> r
        in t r eqs (f1, f2)

  tactic tc

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