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Tip revision: a79f9aeb6de046ca12210d26317fab59c175d0dd authored by Pierre-Yves Strub on 08 July 2014, 09:43:21 UTC
Fix bug w.r.t. _tools presence detection.
Tip revision: a79f9ae
(* Copyright (c) - 2012-2014 - IMDEA Software Institute and INRIA
 * Distributed under the terms of the CeCILL-B license *)

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
open EcUtils
open EcLocation
open EcParsetree
open EcFol

open EcCoreGoal
open EcCoreGoal.FApi
open EcHiGoal

module TTC = EcProofTyping

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let rec process1_debug (_ttenv : ttenv) (tc : tcenv1) =
  FApi.tcenv_of_tcenv1 tc

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
and process1_by (ttenv : ttenv) (t : ptactic list option) (tc : tcenv1) =
  t_onall process_done (process1_seq ttenv (odfl [] t) tc)

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
and process1_do (ttenv : ttenv) (b, n) (t : ptactic_core) (tc : tcenv1) =
  FApi.t_do b n (process1_core ttenv t) tc

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
and process1_or (ttenv : ttenv) (t1 : ptactic) (t2 : ptactic) (tc : tcenv1) =
  let t1 = process1 ttenv t1 in
  let t2 = process1 ttenv t2 in
  t_or t1 t2 tc

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
and process1_try (ttenv : ttenv) (t : ptactic_core) (tc : tcenv1) =
  FApi.t_try (process1_core ttenv t) tc

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
and process1_admit (_ : ttenv) (tc : tcenv1) =
  (* FIXME: use notifier *)
  EcFortune.pick () |> oiter (fun msg -> Printf.printf "[W] %s\n%!" msg);
  EcLowGoal.t_admit tc

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
and process1_idtac (_ : ttenv) (_msg : string option) (tc : tcenv1) =
  EcLowGoal.t_id tc

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
and process1_case (_ : ttenv) gp (tc : tcenv1) =
  let form_of_gp () =
    match gp with
    | [`Form (occ, pf)] -> begin
        match occ with
        | None   -> pf
        | Some _ -> tc_error !!tc "cannot specify an occurence selector"

    | _ -> tc_error !!tc "must give exactly one boolean formula"
    match (FApi.tc1_goal tc).f_node with
    | FbdHoareS _ | FhoareS _ ->
        let fp = TTC.tc1_process_phl_formula tc (form_of_gp ()) in
        EcPhlCase.t_hl_case fp tc

    | FequivS _ ->
        let fp = TTC.tc1_process_prhl_formula tc (form_of_gp ()) in
        EcPhlCase.t_equiv_case fp tc

    | _ -> EcHiGoal.process_case gp tc

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
and process1_progress (ttenv : ttenv) options t (tc : tcenv1) =
  let t = t |> omap (process1_core ttenv) |> odfl EcLowGoal.t_id in

  let options =

  in EcLowGoal.t_progress ~options t tc

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
and process1_seq (ttenv : ttenv) (ts : ptactic list) (tc : tcenv1) =
  let rec aux ts (tc : tcenv) : tcenv =
    match ts with
    | []      -> tc
    | t :: ts -> aux ts (process ttenv t tc)

  aux ts (tcenv_of_tcenv1 tc)

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
and process1_logic (ttenv : ttenv) (t : logtactic) (tc : tcenv1) =
  let engine = process1_core ttenv in

  let tx =
    match t with
    | Preflexivity      -> process_reflexivity
    | Passumption       -> process_assumption
    | Psmt pi           -> process_smt ttenv pi
    | Pintro pi         -> process_intros pi
    | Psplit            -> process_split
    | Pfield st         -> process_algebra `Solve `Field st
    | Pring st          -> process_algebra `Solve `Ring  st
    | Palg_norm         -> EcStrongRing.t_alg_eq 
    | Pexists fs        -> process_exists fs
    | Pleft             -> process_left
    | Pright            -> process_right
    | Pcongr            -> process_congr
    | Ptrivial          -> process_trivial
    | Pelim pe          -> process_elim pe
    | Papply pe         -> process_apply pe
    | Pcut (ip, f, t)   -> process_cut engine (ip, f, t)
    | Pcutdef (ip, f)   -> process_cutdef (ip, f)
    | Pgeneralize l     -> process_generalize l
    | Pclear l          -> process_clear l
    | Prewrite ri       -> process_rewrite ttenv ri
    | Psubst   ri       -> process_subst ri
    | Psimplify ri      -> process_simplify ri
    | Pchange pf        -> process_change pf
    | Ppose (x, o, p)   -> process_pose x o p

    | _ -> assert false
    tx tc

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
and process1_phl (_ : ttenv) (t : phltactic) (tc : tcenv1) =
  let (tx : tcenv1 -> tcenv) =
    match t with
    | Pfun `Def                 -> EcPhlFun.process_fun_def
    | Pfun (`Abs f)             -> EcPhlFun.process_fun_abs f
    | Pfun (`Upto info)         -> EcPhlFun.process_fun_upto info
    | Pfun `Code                -> EcPhlFun.process_fun_to_code
    | Pskip                     -> EcPhlSkip.t_skip
    | Papp (dir, k, phi, f)     -> EcPhlApp.process_app dir k phi f
    | Pwp wp                    -> EcPhlWp.t_wp wp
    | Psp sp                    -> EcPhlSp.t_sp sp
    | Prcond (side, b, i)       -> EcPhlRCond.t_rcond side b i
    | Pcond side                -> EcPhlCond.process_cond side
    | Pwhile (side, info)       -> curry3 (EcPhlWhile.process_while side) info
    | Pfission info             -> EcPhlLoopTx.process_fission info
    | Pfusion info              -> EcPhlLoopTx.process_fusion info
    | Punroll info              -> EcPhlLoopTx.process_unroll info
    | Psplitwhile info          -> EcPhlLoopTx.process_splitwhile info
    | Pcall (side, info)        -> EcPhlCall.process_call side info
    | Pswap sw                  -> EcPhlSwap.process_swap sw
    | Pinline info              -> EcPhlInline.process_inline info
    | Pcfold info               -> EcPhlCodeTx.process_cfold info
    | Pkill info                -> EcPhlCodeTx.process_kill info
    | Palias info               -> EcPhlCodeTx.process_alias info
    | Pset info                 -> EcPhlCodeTx.process_set info
    | Prnd (side, info)         -> EcPhlRnd.process_rnd side info
    | Pconseq (nm, info)        -> EcPhlConseq.process_conseq nm info
    | Phr_exists_elim           -> EcPhlExists.t_hr_exists_elim
    | Phr_exists_intro fs       -> EcPhlExists.process_exists_intro fs
    | Pexfalso                  -> EcPhlAuto.t_exfalso
    | Pbydeno (mode, info)      -> EcPhlDeno.process_deno mode info
    | PPr pr                    -> EcPhlPr.process_ppr pr
    | Pfel (pos, info)          -> EcPhlFel.process_fel pos info
    | Phoare                    -> EcPhlBdHoare.t_hoare_bd_hoare
    | Pbdhoare_split i          -> EcPhlBdHoare.process_bdhoare_split i
    | Pprbounded                -> EcPhlPr.t_prbounded true
    | Psim info                 -> EcPhlEqobs.process_eqobs_in info
    | Ptrans_stmt info          -> EcPhlTrans.process_equiv_trans info
    | Psymmetry                 -> EcPhlSym.t_equiv_sym
    | Peager_seq infos          -> curry3 EcPhlEager.process_seq infos
    | Peager_if                 -> EcPhlEager.process_if
    | Peager_while info         -> EcPhlEager.process_while info
    | Peager_fun_def            -> EcPhlEager.process_fun_def
    | Peager_fun_abs infos      -> curry EcPhlEager.process_fun_abs infos
    | Peager_call info          -> EcPhlEager.process_call info
    | Peager infos              -> curry EcPhlEager.process_eager infos
    | Pbd_equiv (nm, f1, f2)    -> EcPhlConseq.process_bd_equiv nm (f1, f2)
    | Pauto                     -> EcPhlAuto.t_auto

  in tx tc

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
and process_sub (ttenv : ttenv) tts tc =
  let count = FApi.tc_count tc in
  let ntacs = List.length tts in

  if count <> ntacs then
    tc_error !$tc "expecting %d tactic(s), got %d" count ntacs;
  FApi.t_sub ( (process1 ttenv) tts) tc

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
and process_expect (ttenv : ttenv) (t, n) tc =
  if FApi.tc_count tc <> n then
    tc_error !$tc "expecting exactly %d subgoal(s)" n;
  FApi.t_onall (process1 ttenv t) tc

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
and process_firsts (ttenv : ttenv) (t, i) tc =
  let count = FApi.tc_count tc in

  if i > count then
    tc_error !$tc "expecting at least %d subgoal(s)" i;
  FApi.t_firsts (process1 ttenv t) i tc

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
and process_lasts (ttenv : ttenv) (t, i) tc =
  let count = FApi.tc_count tc in

  if i > count then
    tc_error !$tc "expecting at least %d subgoal(s)" i;
  FApi.t_lasts (process1 ttenv t) i tc

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
and process_rotate (_ttenv : ttenv) (d, i) tc =
  FApi.t_rotate d i tc

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
and process_chain (ttenv : ttenv) (t : ptactic_chain) (tc : tcenv) =
  match t with
  | Psubtacs tactics -> process_sub    ttenv tactics tc
  | Pfirst   (t, i)  -> process_firsts ttenv (t, i)  tc
  | Plast    (t, i)  -> process_lasts  ttenv (t, i)  tc
  | Protate  (d, i)  -> process_rotate ttenv (d, i)  tc
  | Pexpect  (t, n)  -> process_expect ttenv (t, n)  tc

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
and process_core (ttenv : ttenv) (t : ptactic_core) (tc : tcenv) =
  let tactic =
    match unloc t with
    | Pidtac    msg         -> `One (process1_idtac    ttenv msg)
    | Padmit                -> `One (process1_admit    ttenv)
    | Plogic    t           -> `One (process1_logic    ttenv t)
    | PPhl      t           -> `One (process1_phl      ttenv t)
    | Pby       t           -> `One (process1_by       ttenv t)
    | Pdo       ((b, n), t) -> `One (process1_do       ttenv (b, n) t)
    | Ptry      t           -> `One (process1_try      ttenv t)
    | Por       (t1, t2)    -> `One (process1_or       ttenv t1 t2)
    | Pseq      ts          -> `One (process1_seq      ttenv ts)
    | Pcase     es          -> `One (process1_case     ttenv es)
    | Pprogress (o, t)      -> `One (process1_progress ttenv o t)
    | Pdebug                -> `One (process1_debug    ttenv)
    | Psubgoal  tt          -> `All (process_chain     ttenv tt)
  (match tactic with `One t -> t_onall t | `All t -> t) tc

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
and process (ttenv : ttenv) (t : ptactic) (tc : tcenv) =
  let cf =
    match unloc t.pt_core with
    | Plogic Pintro _
    | Plogic (Prewrite _)
    | Plogic (Pgeneralize _ )
    | Pidtac _ -> true
    | _ -> false

  let tc = process_core ttenv t.pt_core tc in
  let tc = EcHiGoal.process_mintros ~cf t.pt_intros tc in

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
and process1_core (ttenv : ttenv) (t : ptactic_core) (tc : tcenv1) =
  process_core ttenv t (tcenv_of_tcenv1 tc)

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
and process1 (ttenv : ttenv) (t : ptactic) (tc : tcenv1) =
  process ttenv t (tcenv_of_tcenv1 tc)

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let process (ttenv : ttenv) (t : ptactic list) (pf : proof) =
  let tc = tcenv1_of_proof pf in
  proof_of_tcenv (process1_seq ttenv t tc)
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