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Tip revision: a79f9aeb6de046ca12210d26317fab59c175d0dd authored by Pierre-Yves Strub on 08 July 2014, 09:43:21 UTC
Fix bug w.r.t. _tools presence detection.
Tip revision: a79f9ae
(* Copyright (c) - 2012-2014 - IMDEA Software Institute and INRIA
 * Distributed under the terms of the CeCILL-B license *)

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
open EcParsetree
open EcIdent
open EcTypes
open EcFol
open EcDecl
open EcModules
open EcEnv
open EcCoreGoal

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
type ptnenv = ty Mid.t * EcUnify.unienv

(* Top-level typing functions, but applied in the context of a
 * proof-environment. See the [Exn] module for more information. *)

val unienv_of_hyps : LDecl.hyps -> EcUnify.unienv
val pf_check_tvi   : proofenv -> ty_params -> EcUnify.tvi -> unit

(* Typing in the environment implied by [LDecl.hyps]. *)
val process_form_opt : LDecl.hyps -> pformula -> ty option -> form
val process_form     : LDecl.hyps -> pformula -> ty -> form
val process_formula  : LDecl.hyps -> pformula -> form
val process_exp      : LDecl.hyps -> [`InProc|`InOp] -> ty option -> pexpr -> expr
val process_pattern  : LDecl.hyps -> pformula -> ptnenv * form

(* Typing in the [LDecl.hyps] implied by the proof env.
 * Typing exceptions are recasted in the proof env. context *)
val pf_process_form_opt : proofenv -> LDecl.hyps -> ty option -> pformula -> form
val pf_process_form     : proofenv -> LDecl.hyps -> ty -> pformula -> form
val pf_process_formula  : proofenv -> LDecl.hyps -> pformula -> form
val pf_process_exp      : proofenv -> LDecl.hyps -> [`InProc|`InOp] -> ty option -> pexpr -> expr
val pf_process_pattern  : proofenv -> LDecl.hyps -> pformula -> ptnenv * form

(* Typing in the [proofenv] implies for the [tcenv].
 * Typing exceptions are recasted in the proof env. context *)
val tc1_process_form_opt : tcenv1 -> ty option -> pformula -> form
val tc1_process_form     : tcenv1 -> ty -> pformula -> form
val tc1_process_formula  : tcenv1 -> pformula -> form
val tc1_process_exp      : tcenv1 -> [`InProc|`InOp] -> ty option -> pexpr -> expr
val tc1_process_pattern  : tcenv1 -> pformula -> ptnenv * form

(* Same as previous functions, but for PHL contexts *)
val tc1_process_phl_form     : tcenv1 -> ty -> pformula -> form
val tc1_process_phl_formula  : tcenv1 -> pformula -> form
val tc1_process_phl_exp      : tcenv1 -> bool option -> ty option -> pexpr -> expr

val tc1_process_prhl_form    : tcenv1 -> ty -> pformula -> form
val tc1_process_prhl_formula : tcenv1 -> pformula -> form

val tc1_process_prhl_stmt : tcenv1 -> bool -> pstmt -> stmt

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
type dproduct = [
  | `Imp    of form * form
  | `Forall of EcIdent.t * gty * form

type dexists = [
  | `Exists of EcIdent.t * gty * form

val destruct_product : EcEnv.LDecl.hyps -> form -> dproduct option
val destruct_exists  : EcEnv.LDecl.hyps -> form -> dexists  option

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
exception NoMatch

type lazyred = [`Full | `NoDelta | `None]

val t_lazy_match:
  ?reduce:lazyred -> (form -> FApi.backward)-> FApi.backward
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