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Tip revision: 1342c286e4c704b0e718e15a6e1d4c194ce0c076 authored by Alexander G. de G. Matthews on 04 January 2018, 11:15:29 UTC
Merge pull request #607 from GPflow/awav/awav-backward-tensors
Tip revision: 1342c28
# Copyright 2016 James Hensman, Mark van der Wilk, Valentine Svensson, alexggmatthews, fujiisoup
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

from __future__ import print_function, absolute_import

import abc

import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf

from .. import settings
from ..core.compilable import Build
from ..params import Parameterized, DataHolder
from ..decors import autoflow
from ..mean_functions import Zero

class Model(Parameterized):
    def __init__(self, name=None):
        Name is a string describing this model.
        super(Model, self).__init__(name=name)
        self._objective = None
        self._likelihood_tensor = None

    def objective(self):
        return self._objective

    def likelihood_tensor(self):
        return self._likelihood_tensor

    def compute_log_prior(self):
        """Compute the log prior of the model."""
        return self.prior_tensor

    def compute_log_likelihood(self):
        """Compute the log likelihood of the model."""
        return self.likelihood_tensor

    def is_built(self, graph):
        is_built = super(Model, self).is_built(graph)
        if is_built is not Build.YES:
            return is_built
        if self._likelihood_tensor is None:
            return Build.NO
        return Build.YES

    def build_objective(self):
        likelihood = self._build_likelihood()
        priors = []
        for param in self.parameters:
            unconstrained = param.unconstrained_tensor
            constrained = param._build_constrained(unconstrained)
            priors.append(param._build_prior(unconstrained, constrained))
        prior = self._build_prior(priors)
        return self._build_objective(likelihood, prior)

    def _clear(self):
        super(Model, self)._clear()
        self._likelihood_tensor = None
        self._objective = None

    def _build(self):
        super(Model, self)._build()
        likelihood = self._build_likelihood()
        prior = self.prior_tensor
        objective = self._build_objective(likelihood, prior)
        self._likelihood_tensor = likelihood
        self._objective = objective

    def _build_objective(self, likelihood_tensor, prior_tensor):
        func = tf.add(likelihood_tensor, prior_tensor, name='nonneg_objective')
        return tf.negative(func, name='objective')

    def _build_likelihood(self):
        raise NotImplementedError('') # TODO(@awav): write error message

class GPModel(Model):
    A base class for Gaussian process models, that is, those of the form

    .. math::

       \\theta & \sim p(\\theta) \\\\
       f       & \sim \\mathcal{GP}(m(x), k(x, x'; \\theta)) \\\\
       f_i       & = f(x_i) \\\\
       y_i\,|\,f_i     & \sim p(y_i|f_i)

    This class mostly adds functionality to compile predictions. To use it,
    inheriting classes must define a build_predict function, which computes
    the means and variances of the latent function. This gets compiled
    similarly to build_likelihood in the Model class.

    These predictions are then pushed through the likelihood to obtain means
    and variances of held out data, self.predict_y.

    The predictions can also be used to compute the (log) density of held-out
    data via self.predict_density.

    For handling another data (Xnew, Ynew), set the new value to self.X and self.Y

    >>> m.X = Xnew
    >>> m.Y = Ynew

    def __init__(self, X, Y, kern, likelihood, mean_function, name=None):
        super(GPModel, self).__init__(name=name)
        self.mean_function = mean_function or Zero(output_dim=Y.shape[1])
        self.kern = kern
        self.likelihood = likelihood

        if isinstance(X, np.ndarray):
            # X is a data matrix; each row represents one instance
            X = DataHolder(X)
        if isinstance(Y, np.ndarray):
            # Y is a data matrix, rows correspond to the rows in X,
            # columns are treated independently
            Y = DataHolder(Y)
        self.X, self.Y = X, Y

    @autoflow((settings.float_type, [None, None]))
    def predict_f(self, Xnew):
        Compute the mean and variance of the latent function(s) at the points
        return self._build_predict(Xnew)

    @autoflow((settings.float_type, [None, None]))
    def predict_f_full_cov(self, Xnew):
        Compute the mean and covariance matrix of the latent function(s) at the
        points Xnew.
        return self._build_predict(Xnew, full_cov=True)

    @autoflow((settings.float_type, [None, None]), (tf.int32, []))
    def predict_f_samples(self, Xnew, num_samples):
        Produce samples from the posterior latent function(s) at the points
        mu, var = self._build_predict(Xnew, full_cov=True)
        jitter = tf.eye(tf.shape(mu)[0], dtype=settings.float_type) * settings.numerics.jitter_level
        samples = []
        for i in range(self.num_latent):
            L = tf.cholesky(var[:, :, i] + jitter)
            shape = tf.stack([tf.shape(L)[0], num_samples])
            V = tf.random_normal(shape, dtype=settings.float_type)
            samples.append(mu[:, i:i + 1] + tf.matmul(L, V))
        return tf.transpose(tf.stack(samples))

    @autoflow((settings.float_type, [None, None]))
    def predict_y(self, Xnew):
        Compute the mean and variance of held-out data at the points Xnew
        pred_f_mean, pred_f_var = self._build_predict(Xnew)
        return self.likelihood.predict_mean_and_var(pred_f_mean, pred_f_var)

    @autoflow((settings.float_type, [None, None]), (settings.float_type, [None, None]))
    def predict_density(self, Xnew, Ynew):
        Compute the (log) density of the data Ynew at the points Xnew

        Note that this computes the log density of the data individually,
        ignoring correlations between them. The result is a matrix the same
        shape as Ynew containing the log densities.
        pred_f_mean, pred_f_var = self._build_predict(Xnew)
        return self.likelihood.predict_density(pred_f_mean, pred_f_var, Ynew)

    def _build_predict(self, *args, **kwargs):
        raise NotImplementedError('') # TODO(@awav): write error message
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