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%% This BibTeX bibliography file was created using BibDesk.

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	Author = {Danos, Vincent and Feret, J{\'e}r{\^o}me and Fontana, Walter and Harmer, Russell and Hayman, Jonathan and Krivine, Jean and Thompson-Walsh, Chris and Winskel, Glynn},
	Booktitle = {{FSTTCS 2012 - IARCS Annual Conference on Foundations of Software Technology and Theoretical Computer Science}},
	Date-Added = {2013-09-13 14:35:15 +0200},
	Date-Modified = {2013-09-13 14:37:44 +0200},
	Editor = {Schloss Dagstuhl - Leibniz-Zentrum fuer Informatik},
	Pages = {276-288},
	Series = {LIPIcs},
	Title = {Graphs, Rewriting and Pathway Reconstruction for Rule-Based Models},
	Volume = {18},
	Year = {2012}}

	Author = {Ioana Domnina Cristescu and Jean Krivine and Daniele Varacca},
	Note = {Submitted},
	Title = {A compositional semantics for the reversible $\pi$-calculus},
	Year = 2013}

	Author = {Ivan Lanese and Claudio Antares Mezzina and Jean-Bernard Stefani},
	Booktitle = {CONCUR},
	Pages = {478-493},
	Title = {Reversing Higher-Order Pi},
	Year = {2010}}

	Author = {Krivine, Jean},
	Journal = {Lecture notes in computer science},
	Title = {A verification technique for reversible process algebra},
	Year = {2012}}

	Author = {Corradini, A. and Montanari, U. and Rossi, F. and Ehrig, H. and Heckel, R. and L\"{o}we, M.},
	Date-Added = {2011-03-04 18:40:44 +0100},
	Date-Modified = {2011-03-04 18:43:25 +0100},
	Publisher = {World Scientific Publishing Co., Inc.},
	Series = {Handbook of graph grammars and computing by graph transformation},
	Title = {Algebraic approaches to graph transformation. Part I: basic concepts and double pushout approach},
	Year = {1997}}

	Author = {Robin Milner},
	Date-Added = {2011-03-03 17:23:55 +0100},
	Date-Modified = {2011-03-03 17:25:13 +0100},
	Publisher = {Cambridge University Press},
	Title = {The Space and Motion of Communicating Agents},
	Year = {2009}}

	Author = {Jean Krivine and Robin Milner and Angelo Troina},
	Booktitle = {Proceedings of {MFPS XXIV}},
	Date-Added = {2010-04-12 17:05:01 +0200},
	Date-Modified = {2011-03-10 10:27:31 +0100},
	Journal = {ENTCS},
	Pages = {7396},
	Title = {Stochastic bigraphs},
	Volume = {218},
	Year = {2008}}

	Author = {Jean Krivine},
	Note = {\~{}krivine},
	School = {Universit{\'e} Paris 6 \& INRIA-Rocquencourt},
	Title = {Alg{\`e}bres de Processus R{\'e}versibles},
	Year = {2006}}

	Author = {Oltea Mihaela Herescu and Catuscia Palamidessi},
	Booktitle = {Proceeding of {FOSSAC}'00},
	Pages = {146--160},
	Series = {LNCS},
	Title = {Probabilistic asynchronous $\pi$-calculus},
	Volume = {1784},
	Year = {2000}}

	Author = {Corrado Priami},
	Journal = {The Computer Journal},
	Number = {6},
	Pages = {578--589},
	Title = {Stochastic $\pi$-calculus},
	Volume = {38},
	Year = {1995}}

	Author = {James Riely and Matthew Hennessy},
	Journal = {Theoretical Computer Science},
	Pages = {693--735},
	Title = {Distributed Processes and Location Failures},
	Volume = {226},
	Year = {2001}}

	Author = {Roberto Amadio and Sanjiva Prasad},
	Booktitle = {Proceedings of {FST-TCS}'94},
	Pages = {205--216},
	Series = {LNCS},
	Title = {Localities and failures},
	Volume = {880},
	Year = {1994}}

	Author = {Roberto Bruni and Hern{\`a}n Melgratti and Ugo Montanari},
	Booktitle = {POPL '05: Proceedings of the 32nd ACM SIGPLAN-SIGACT symposium on Principles of programming languages},
	Optaddress = {New York, NY, USA},
	Optdoi = {},
	Optisbn = {1-58113-830-X},
	Optlocation = {Long Beach, California, USA},
	Optpublisher = {ACM Press},
	Pages = {209--220},
	Title = {Theoretical foundations for compensations in flow composition languages},
	Year = {2005}}

	Author = {Michael Butler and C.A.R Hoare and Carla Ferreira},
	Booktitle = {25 years communicating sequential processes 2004},
	Opteditor = {Rocco De Nicola and Gianluigi Ferrari and Greg Meredith},
	Optpublisher = {Springer},
	Pages = {87--104},
	Series = {LNCS},
	Title = {Trace semantics for long--running transactions},
	Volume = {2949},
	Year = {2004}}

	Author = {Roberto Bruni and Cosimo Laneve and Ugo Montanari},
	Booktitle = {Proceedings of {CONCUR}'02, conference on concurrency theory},
	Title = {Orchestrating transactions in the Join calculus},
	Year = {2002}}

	Author = {K.V.S Prasad},
	School = {University of Edinburgh},
	Title = {Combinators and bisimulation proofs for restartable systems},
	Year = {1987}}

	Author = {Tomasz Janowski},
	Booktitle = {Proceedings of $7^{th}$ International conference on Formal Description Techniques},
	Pages = {505--520},
	Title = {Stepwise transformations for fault-tolerant design of {CCS} processes.},
	Year = 1994}

	Author = {Jan A. Bergstra and Alban Ponse and J.J van Wamel},
	Booktitle = {REX School/Symposium},
	Title = {Process algebra with backtracking},
	Year = 1994}

	Author = {Laura Bocchi and Cosimo Laneve and Gianluigi Zavattaro},
	Booktitle = {Proceedings of FMOODS'03, sixth IFIP international conference},
	Optpublisher = {Springer},
	Pages = {124-138},
	Series = {LNCS},
	Title = {A calculus for long running transactions},
	Volume = {2884},
	Year = {2003}}

	Address = {Cambridge},
	Author = {Robin Milner},
	Publisher = {Cambridge University Press},
	Title = {Communicating and mobile systems: the $\pi$-calculus},
	Year = 1999}

	Author = {Robin Milner},
	Publisher = {Prentice Hall},
	Series = {International Series on Computer Science},
	Title = {Communication and Concurrency},
	Year = 1989}

	Author = {Davide Sangiorgi and David Walker},
	Publisher = {Cambridge University Press},
	Title = {The $\pi$-calculus. A Theory of Mobile Processes},
	Year = 2001}

	Address = {New York, NY, USA},
	Author = {J. A. Bergstra},
	Isbn = {0444828303},
	Opteditor = {A. Ponse and Scott A. Smolka},
	Optpublisher = {Elsevier Science Inc.},
	Title = {Handbook of Process Algebra},
	Year = {2001}}

	Author = {Robin Milner and Joachim Parrow and David Walker},
	Journal = {Inf. and Comp.},
	Pages = {1--77},
	Title = {A calculus of mobile process ({\scshape i} and {\scshape ii})},
	Volume = 100,
	Year = 1992}

	Author = {Michele Boreale and Davide Sangiorgi},
	Journal = {Acta Inf.},
	Pages = {353--400},
	Title = {A fully abstract semantics for causality in the {$\pi$}-calculus},
	Volume = 35,
	Year = 1998}

	Author = {Joachim Parrow and Bj{\"o}rn Victor},
	Booktitle = {Logic in Computer Science},
	Pages = {176--185},
	Title = {The Fusion Calculus: Expressiveness and Symmetry in Mobile Processes},
	Year = {1998}}

	Author = {Philippa Gardner and Lucian Wischik},
	Booktitle = {MFCS 2000},
	Opteditor = {Mogens Nielsen and Branislav Rovan},
	Optpublisher = {Springer-Verlag},
	Pages = {373--382},
	Series = {LNCS},
	Title = {Explicit fusions},
	Volume = 1893,
	Year = 2000}

	Author = {Pierpaolo Degano and Corrado Priami},
	Journal = {Theoretical Computer Science},
	Number = {1--2},
	Pages = {237--270},
	Title = {Non-interleaving semantics for mobile processes},
	Volume = {216},
	Year = {1999}}

	Author = {Gianluigi Ferrari and Ugo Montanari and Paola Quaglia},
	Booktitle = {Proceedings of MFCS'94},
	Pages = {342-351},
	Series = {LNCS},
	Title = {A $\pi$-calculus with explicit substitutions: the late semantics},
	Volume = 841,
	Year = {1994}}

	Author = {Gianluigi Ferrari and Ugo Montanari and Paola Quaglia},
	Journal = {Theoretical Computer Science},
	Number = 1,
	Pages = {53-103},
	Title = {A $\pi$-calculus with explicit substitutions},
	Volume = 168,
	Year = 1996}

	Author = {Luca Cardelli and Andrew Gordon},
	Journal = {Theoretical Computer Science},
	Pages = {177-213},
	Title = {Mobile Ambients},
	Volume = 24,
	Year = {2000}}

	Author = {Pierpaolo Degano and Rocco De Nicola and Ugo Montanari},
	Journal = {Theoretical Computer Science},
	Pages = {223-262},
	Title = {A partial ordering semantics for {CCS}},
	Volume = 75,
	Year = 1990}

	Author = {C\'edric Fournet and Georges Gonthier},
	Booktitle = {23rd ACM Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages (POPL'96)},
	Title = {The Reflexive Chemical Abstract Machine and the Join-Calculus},
	Year = {1996}}

	Author = {{C\'edric} Fournet and Georges Gonthier and Jean-Jacques {L\'evy} and Luc Maranget and Didier {R\'emy}},
	Booktitle = {Proceedings of CONCUR'96},
	Title = {A calculus of mobile agents},
	Year = 1996}

	Author = {{C\'edric} Fournet and Andrew D. Gordon},
	Journal = {Technical report},
	Title = {Stack inspection: theory and variants},
	Volume = {MSR-TR-2001-103},
	Year = 2001}

	Author = {G{\'e}rard Boudol},
	Booktitle = {Proceedings of LITP Spring school on Semantics of Systems of Concurrent Processes},
	Pages = {62--95},
	Series = {LNCS},
	Title = {Flow event structures and flow nets},
	Volume = {469},
	Year = {1990}}

	Author = {G{\'e}rard Boudol and Ilaria Castellani},
	Journal = {Inf. Comput.},
	Number = {2},
	Optaddress = {Duluth, MN, USA},
	Optdoi = {},
	Optissn = {0890-5401},
	Pages = {247--314},
	Publisher = {Academic Press, Inc.},
	Title = {Flow models of distributed computations: three equivalent semantics for {CCS}},
	Volume = {114},
	Year = {1994}}

	Author = {{G\'erard} Boudol and Ilaria Castellani and Matthew Hennesy and Astrid Kiehn},
	Journal = {Formal Aspect of Computing},
	Title = {A theory of processes with localities},
	Year = 1992}

	Author = {{G\'erard} Boudol and Ilaria Castellani and Matthew Hennesy and Astrid Kiehn},
	Booktitle = {Proceedings MFCS'91},
	Pages = {31-61},
	Title = {Observing localities},
	Volume = 114,
	Year = 1991}

	Author = {Ilaria Castellani},
	Journal = {International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science},
	Number = {4},
	Pages = {353-393},
	Title = {Observing Distribution in Processes: Static and Dynamic Localities},
	Url = {},
	Volume = {6},
	Year = {1995},
	Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}

	Author = {Pierpaolo Degano and Corrado Priami},
	Booktitle = {Automata, Languages and Programming},
	Optpublisher = {Springer Verlag},
	Pages = {629-640},
	Series = {LNCS},
	Title = {Proved trees},
	Volume = 623,
	Year = 1992}

	Author = {G{\'e}rard Berry and Jean-Jacques L{\'e}vy},
	Journal = {JACM},
	Pages = {148-175},
	Title = {Minimal and optimal computation of recursive programs},
	Volume = 26,
	Year = 1979}

	Author = {Jean-Jacques L{\'e}vy},
	School = {Universit{\'e} Paris 7},
	Title = {R{\'e}duction optimales en $\la$-calcul},
	Year = 1978}

	Author = {G{\'e}rard Boudol and Ilaria Castellani},
	Booktitle = {Linear Time, Branching Time and Partial Order in Logics and Models for Concurrency},
	Optabstract = {The authors apply Berry and L{\'e}viy's notion of equivalence by permutations to CCS and MEIJE/SCCS, thus obtaining a pomset transition semantics for these calculi. They show that this provides an operational counterpart for an event structure semantics for CCS and SCCS similar to the one given by Winskel.},
	Opteditor = {de {Bakker, J.W.} and others},
	Optkeywords = {event_structure; pomset-labelled transition; CCS; SCCS; equivalence (by) permutation;},
	Optnote = {NewsletterInfo: 35},
	Optpublisher = {Springer Verlag},
	Pages = {411--427},
	Series = {LNCS},
	Title = {Permutation of Transitions: An Event Structure Semantics for {CCS} and {SCCS}.},
	Volume = 354,
	Year = 1989}

	Author = {Tomasz Janowski},
	Journal = {Technical report, UNU/IIST},
	Title = {On bisimulation, fault-monotonicity and provable fault tolerance},
	Volume = 55,
	Year = 1997}

	Author = {Glynn Winskel},
	Booktitle = {Proceedings of 9th ICALP},
	Optpublisher = {LNCS},
	Optseries = {Springer},
	Pages = {561-576},
	Title = {Event structure semantics for {CCS} and related languages},
	Volume = 140,
	Year = 1982}

	Address = {Essex, UK},
	Author = {Ilaria Castellani and Guo-Qiang Zhang},
	Doi = {},
	Issn = {0304-3975},
	Journal = {Theoretical Computer Science},
	Number = {1-2},
	Optpublisher = {Elsevier Science Publishers Ltd.},
	Pages = {203--215},
	Title = {Parallel product of event structures},
	Volume = {179},
	Year = {1997},
	Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}

	Author = {Marek A. Bednarczyk},
	Institution = {ICS PAS},
	Title = {Hereditary History Preserving Bisimulations or What is the Power of the Future Perfect in Program Logics},
	Year = 1991}

	Author = {Rocco De Nicola and Ugo Montanari and Frits Vaandrager},
	Booktitle = {Proceedings of CONCUR'90},
	Opteditors = {J.C.M Baeten and J.W Klop},
	Optmonth = {Aug},
	Optpublisher = {Springer-Verlag},
	Pages = {152--165},
	Series = {LNCS},
	Title = {Back and forth bisimulations},
	Volume = 458,
	Year = 1990}

	Author = {U. Montanari and M. Pistore},
	Booktitle = {Proceedings of STACS'97},
	Opteditors = {Reischuk and Morvan},
	Optpublisher = {Springer-Verlag},
	Pages = {413--425},
	Series = {LNCS 1200},
	Title = {Minimal transition systems for history-preserving bisimulation},
	Year = 1997}

	Author = {Vincent Danos and Jean Krivine},
	Booktitle = {Proceedings of {CONCUR'04}: 15$^{th}$ International Conference on Concurrency Theory},
	Opteditors = {Gardner and Yoshida},
	Optmonth = {Sep},
	Optpublisher = {Springer-Verlag},
	Pages = {292-307},
	Series = {LNCS},
	Title = {Reversible communicating systems},
	Volume = 3170,
	Year = 2004}

	Author = {Vincent Danos and Jean Krivine},
	Booktitle = {Proceedings of {CONCUR'05}: 16$^{th}$ International Conference on Concurrency Theory},
	Opteditors = {Martin Abadi and Luca Aceto},
	Optmonth = Aug,
	Optpublisher = {Springer-Verlag},
	Series = {LNCS},
	Title = {Transactions in {RCCS}},
	Volume = {3653},
	Year = 2005}

	Alteditor = {J. Bergstra and A. Ponse and S. Smolka},
	Author = {Ilaria Castellani},
	Chapter = 15,
	Pages = {945--1045},
	Publisher = {Elsevier},
	Title = {Handbook of process algebra},
	Year = 2001}

	Author = {Mogens Nielsen and Glynn Winskel},
	Chapter = {Models For Concurrency},
	Pages = {1-148},
	Publisher = {Oxford University Press},
	Title = {Handbook of Logic and the Foundations of Computer Science},
	Volume = 4,
	Year = 1995}

	Author = {Arend Rensink and Roberto Gorrieri},
	Journal = {Information and Computation},
	Note = {Extended version of ``Vertical Bisimulation'' (TAPSOFT '97). Full report version: Hildesheimer Informatik-Bericht 9/98, University of Hildesheim},
	Pages = {95--133},
	Postscript = {\~{}rensink/papers/},
	Title = {Vertical Implementation},
	Volume = 170,
	Year = 2001}

	Address = {London, UK},
	Author = {Uwe Nestmann and Benjamin C. Pierce},
	Booktitle = {CONCUR'96: Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Concurrency Theory},
	Isbn = {3-540-61604-7},
	Optpublisher = {Springer-Verlag},
	Pages = {179--194},
	Title = {Decoding Choice Encodings},
	Year = 1996}

	Author = {Catuscia Palamidessi and Oltea Mihaela Herescu},
	Journal = {Theoritical Computer Science},
	Number = {2-3},
	Pages = {373--404},
	Title = {A randomized encoding of the $\pi$-calculus with mixed choice},
	Volume = 335,
	Year = 2005}

	Author = {Rance Cleaveland and Steve Sims},
	Booktitle = {Proceedings {CAV'96}: Computer-Aided Verification},
	Editor = {R. Alur and T. Henzinger},
	Pages = {394-397},
	Series = {LNCS},
	Title = {The {NCSU} Concurrency Workbench},
	Volume = 102,
	Year = 1996}

	Address = {London, UK},
	Author = {Harry Buhrman and John Tromp and Paul M. B. Vit{\'a}nyi},
	Booktitle = {ICALP '01: Proceedings of the 28th International Colloquium on Automata, Languages and Programming,},
	Isbn = {3-540-42287-0},
	Optpublisher = {Springer-Verlag},
	Pages = {1017--1027},
	Title = {Time and Space Bounds for Reversible Simulation},
	Year = 2001}

	Author = {Bj{\"o}rn Victor and Faron Moller},
	Booktitle = {Proceedings of CAV'94: Computer-Aided Verification},
	Opteditor = {David Dill},
	Optpublisher = {Springer-Verlag},
	Pages = {428-440},
	Series = {LNCS},
	Title = {The {M}obility {W}orkbench --- A Tool for the $\pi$-Calculus},
	Volume = {818},
	Year = {1994}}

	Author = {Vincent Danos and Jean Krivine and Fabien Tarissan},
	Booktitle = {Proceedings {SOS}'06},
	Note = {To appear},
	Optpublisher = {Elsevier},
	Series = {ENTCS},
	Title = {Self Assembling Trees},
	Year = {2006}}

	Author = {S{\o}ren Christensen and Yoram Hirshfel and Faron Moller},
	Journal = {The Comp. Journal},
	Number = {4},
	Pages = {233--242},
	Title = {Decidable Subsets of {CCS}},
	Volume = {37},
	Year = {1994}}

	Author = {Luc Boug{\'e}},
	Journal = {Acta Inf.},
	Number = {2},
	Optbibsource = {DBLP,},
	Pages = {179-201},
	Title = {On the Existence of Symmetric Algorithms to Find Leaders in Networks of Communicating Sequential Processes},
	Volume = {25},
	Year = {1988}}

	Author = {Rob van Glabeek and Ursula Goltz},
	Journal = {Theoretical Computer Science},
	Number = {1-3},
	Optmonth = {jan},
	Pages = {463--478},
	Title = {Well-behaved flow event structures for parallel composition and action refinement},
	Volume = {311},
	Year = {2003}}

	Author = {Catuscia Palamidessi},
	Journal = {Mathematical Structures in Computer Science},
	Number = {5},
	Pages = {685-719},
	Title = {Comparing the expressive power of the synchronous and asynchronous pi-calculi},
	Volume = {13},
	Year = {2003}}

	Author = {Rajeev Alur and Doron Peled and Wojciech Penczek},
	Booktitle = {Proceedings of {LICS}'95},
	Pages = {90--100},
	Title = {Model checking of causality properties},
	Year = {1995}}

	Author = {Wojciech Penczek},
	Booktitle = {Proceedings of {TACAS}'97},
	Pages = {145--164},
	Title = {Model-checking for a subclass of event structure},
	Year = {1997}}

	Author = {Iain Phillips and Irek Ulidowski},
	Booktitle = {Proceedings of {FOSSAC}'06},
	Optpublisher = {Springer},
	Pages = {246--260},
	Series = {LNCS},
	Title = {Reversing algebraic process calculi},
	Volume = 3921,
	Year = 2006}

	Author = {Roberto Bruni and Ugo Montanari},
	Booktitle = {Unifying Petri Nets: advances in Petri Nets},
	Optpublisher = {Springer},
	Pages = {380},
	Series = {LNCS},
	Title = {Transactions and Zero-Safe Nets},
	Volume = {2128},
	Year = {2001}}

	Author = {Roberto Bruni and Ugo Montanari},
	Journal = {Information and Computation},
	Number = 1,
	Pages = {46--89},
	Title = {Zero-Safe Nets: Comparing the Collective and Individual Token Approaches},
	Volume = 156,
	Year = 2000}

	Key = {Objective Caml},
	Note = {Available at},
	Title = {The {Ocaml} programming language}}

	Key = {Causal},
	Note = {Available at{$\scriptstyle{\sim}$}krivine},
	Title = {Causal --- Ocaml module for causality analysis of {CCS} processes}}

	Author = {Tony Andrews and Shaz Qadeer and Sriram K. Rajamani and Jakob Rehof and Yichen Xie},
	Booktitle = {Proceedings of {CAV}'04: Computer-aided verification},
	Opteditor = {Rajeev Alur and Doron A. Peled},
	Optpublisher = {Verlag},
	Pages = {484--487},
	Series = {LNCS},
	Title = {Zing: A Model Checker for Concurrent Software},
	Volume = {3114},
	Year = {2004}}

	Author = {Alessandro Bianchi and Stefano Coluccini and Pierpaolo Degano and Corrado Priami},
	Booktitle = {Proceedings of Parallel Computing Technologies},
	Optpublisher = {Springer},
	Pages = {36--50},
	Series = {LNCS},
	Title = {An Efficient Verifier of Truly Concurrent Properties},
	Volume = {964},
	Year = {1995}}

	Author = {Patrice Godefroid and Pierre Wolper},
	Booktitle = {Proceedings of {CAV}'91: Computer-aided verification},
	Optpublisher = {Springer},
	Pages = {332--342},
	Series = {LNCS},
	Title = {Using partial orders for the efficient verification of deadlock freedom and safety properties},
	Volume = {575},
	Year = {1991}}

	Author = {Daniele Varacca and Nobuko Yoshida},
	Booktitle = {Proceedings of {MFPS XXII}},
	Note = {To appear},
	Title = {Typed Event Structures and the $\pi$-calculus},
	Year = 2006}

	Author = {C. A. R. Hoare},
	Publisher = {Prentice-Hall},
	Title = {Communicating Sequential Processes},
	Year = {1985}}

	Author = {Astrid Kiehn},
	Journal = {Acta Inform.},
	Pages = {697--718},
	Title = {Comparing locality and causality based based equivalences},
	Volume = {31},
	Year = {1994}}

	Author = {Philippe Darondeau and Pierpaolo Degano},
	Booktitle = {Proceedings of {ICALP}'89},
	Pages = {234--248},
	Series = {LNCS},
	Title = {Causal trees},
	Volume = {372},
	Year = {1989}}

	Author = {Michael Butler and Carla Ferreira and Peter Henderson and Mandy Chessell and Catherine Griffin and David Vines},
	Journal = {{IBM} Systems Journal},
	Number = {4},
	Pages = {743--758},
	Title = {Extending the concept of transaction compensation},
	Volume = {41},
	Year = {2002}}

	Author = {Vashti Galpin},
	Journal = {South African Computer Journal},
	Pages = {13--21},
	Title = {A comparison of bisimulation-based semantic equivalences for non interleaving behaviour over {CCS} processes},
	Volume = {26},
	Year = {2000}}

	Author = {Davide Sangiorgi},
	Booktitle = {Proceedings of {MFCS}'95},
	Series = {LNCS},
	Title = {On the bisimulation proof method},
	Volume = {969},
	Year = {1995}}

	Author = {Dani{\`e}le Hirschkoff},
	Booktitle = {Proceedings of {MFCS}'98},
	Series = {ENTCS},
	Title = {Automatically proving up-to bisimulation},
	Volume = {18},
	Year = {1998}}

	Author = {Kathi Fisler and Moshe Y. Vardi},
	Journal = {Formal Methods in Systems Design},
	Title = {Bisimulation and Model Checking},
	Year = {2002}}

	Author = {Fran{\c c}ois Laroussinie and Philippe Schnoebelen},
	Booktitle = {Proceedings of {FoSSaCS}'00: Int. Conf. on Foundations of Software Science and Computation Structures},
	Optpublisher = {Springer},
	Pages = {192--207},
	Series = {LNCS},
	Title = {The state-explosion problem from trace to bisimulation equivalence},
	Volume = {1784},
	Year = {2000}}

	Author = {Mogens Nielsen and Gordon Plotkin and Glynn Winskel},
	Journal = {Theoretical Computer Science},
	Pages = {85--108},
	Title = {Petri Nets, event structures and domains},
	Volume = {13},
	Year = {1981}}

	Author = {Kenneth L. McMillan},
	Booktitle = {Proceedings of {CAV}'92: Computer-aided verification},
	Pages = {164--177},
	Series = {LNCS},
	Title = {Using unfoldings to avoid the state explosion problem in the verification of asynchronous circuits},
	Volume = {663},
	Year = {1992}}

	Author = {Antti Valmari},
	Booktitle = {PARLE'89 : Parallel Architectures and Languages Europe},
	Pages = {89-103},
	Series = {LNCS},
	Title = {Eliminating Redundant Interleavings During Concurrent Program Verification.},
	Volume = {366},
	Year = {1989}}

	Author = {David K. Probst and Hon F. Li},
	Booktitle = {Proceedings of CAV'90: Computer aided verification},
	Pages = {146-155},
	Series = {LNCS},
	Title = {Using Partial-Order Semantics to Avoid the State Explosion Problem in Asynchronous Systems.},
	Volume = {531},
	Year = {1990}}

	Author = {Rom Langerak and Ed Brinksma},
	Booktitle = {Proceedings of CAV '99: Computer Aided Verification},
	Pages = {184--195},
	Series = {LNCS},
	Title = {A Complete Finite Prefix for Process Algebra},
	Volume = {1633},
	Year = {1999}}

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	Number = 3,
	Optaddress = {Hingham, MA, USA},
	Optpublisher = {Kluwer Academic Publishers},
	Pages = {285--310},
	Title = {An Improvement of {McMillan}'s Unfolding Algorithm},
	Volume = 20,
	Year = 2002}

	Author = {Javier Esparza},
	Journal = {Science of Computer Programing},
	Number = {2},
	Pages = {151--195},
	Title = {Model checking using net unfolding},
	Volume = {23},
	Year = {1994}}

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	Pages = {495--507},
	Series = {LNCS},
	Title = {Unfoldings of unbounded Petri nets},
	Volume = {1855},
	Year = {2000}}

	Author = {Paolo Baldan and Andrea Corradini and Ugo Montanari},
	Booktitle = {Proceedings of {FOSSAC}'99},
	Pages = {367--386},
	Series = {LNCS},
	Title = {Unfolding and event structure semantics for graph grammars},
	Volume = {1578},
	Year = {1999}}

	Author = {Philippe Darondeau and Pierpaolo Degano},
	Journal = {Theoretical Computer Science},
	Pages = {21--48},
	Title = {Refinement of actions in event structures and causal trees},
	Volume = {118},
	Year = {1993}}

	Author = {Luca Aceto},
	Publisher = {Cambridge University Press},
	Series = {Distinguished Dissertations in Computer Science},
	Title = {Action Refinement in Process Algebra},
	Volume = 3,
	Year = 1992}

	Author = {Edmund Melson Clarke and E. Allen Emerson and A. Prasad Sistla},
	Journal = {ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems},
	Number = {2},
	Pages = {244--263},
	Title = {Automatic verification of finite-state concurrent systems using temporal logic specifications},
	Volume = {8},
	Year = {1986}}

	Author = {Matthew Hennessy and Robin Milner},
	Journal = {Journal of the ACM},
	Number = {1},
	Pages = {137--161},
	Title = {Algebraic laws for nondeterminsm and concurrency},
	Volume = {32},
	Year = {1985}}

	Author = {Colin Stirling},
	Publisher = {Springer},
	Series = {Texts in Computer Science},
	Title = {Modal and Temporal Properties of Processes},
	Volume = {269},
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	Author = {Peter J. Freyd and G. Max Kelly},
	Journal = {Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra},
	Pages = {169--191},
	Title = {Categories of continuous functors, I},
	Volume = 2,
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	Author = {Pierre Gabriel and M. Zisman},
	Publisher = {Springer},
	Title = {Calculus of Fractions and Homotopy Theory},
	Year = 1967}

	Author = {Yuxin Deng and Catuscia Palamidessi and Jun Pang},
	Booktitle = {Processes, Terms and Cycles: Steps on the Road to Infinity, Essays Dedicated to Jan Willem Klop, on the Occasion of His 60th Birthday},
	Optpublisher = {Springer},
	Pages = {309-337},
	Series = {LNCS},
	Title = {Compositional Reasoning for Probabilistic Finite-State Behaviors},
	Volume = {3838},
	Year = {2005}}

	Author = {Vincent Danos and Jean Krivine and Pawel Soboci{\'n}ski},
	Booktitle = {Proceedings of {EXPRESS'06}},
	Note = {To appear},
	Optpublisher = {Elsevier},
	Series = {ENTCS},
	Title = {General reversibility},
	Year = {2006}}

	Author = {Jean Krivine},
	Institution = {INRIA-Rocquencourt},
	Number = {0606095},
	Title = {A verification algorithm for Declarative Concurrent Programming},
	Year = 2006}

	Author = {Robin Milner},
	Booktitle = {CONCUR '01: Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Concurrency Theory},
	Optaddress = {London, UK},
	Optisbn = {3-540-42497-0},
	Pages = {16--35},
	Publisher = {Springer-Verlag},
	Title = {Bigraphical Reactive Systems},
	Year = {2001}}

	Author = {Yves Lafont},
	Journal = {Information and Computation},
	Pages = {69--101},
	Publisher = {Academic Press},
	Title = {Interaction Combinators},
	Volume = {137(1)},
	Year = 1997}

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	Author = {Nachum Dershowitz and Jean-Pierre Jouannaud},
	Chapter = {Handbook of theoretical computer science (vol. B): formal models and semantics},
	Pages = {243--320},
	Publisher = {MIT Press},
	Title = {Rewrite systems},
	Year = {1990}}

	Author = {Pierre-Louis Curien and Vincent Danos and Jean Krivine and Min Zhang},
	Note = {Submitted.},
	Title = {Computational Self Assembly}}

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	Journal = {Natural Computing},
	Note = {Online publication},
	Title = {Self Assembling Graphs},
	Year = {2006}}

	Author = {Sheldon M. Ross},
	Publisher = {John Wiley and Sons Inc.},
	Title = {Stochastic Processes},
	Year = {1996}}

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	Journal = {Int. Journal on Software Tools for Technology Transfer},
	Pages = {128--142},
	Title = {Probabilistic Symbolic Model Checking with PRISM: a Hybrid Approach},
	Volume = {6(2)},
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	Author = {J. Hillston},
	Publisher = {Cambridge University Press},
	Title = {A Compositional Approach to Performance Modelling},
	Year = 1996}

	Author = {Ole H. Jensen and Robin Milner},
	Institution = {University of Cambridge Computer Laboratory},
	Note = {Available at \texttt{}},
	Number = {UCAM-CL-TR-580},
	Title = {Bigraphs and mobile processes (revised).},
	Year = {2004}}

	Author = {Lars Birkedal and Troels Christoffer Damgaard and Arne John Glenstrup and Robin Milner},
	Booktitle = {Proceedings of GT--VC'06},
	Optabstract = {We analyze the matching problem for bigraphs. In particular, we present a sound and complete inductive characterization of matching of binding bigraphs. Our results pave the way for a provably correct matching algorithm, as needed for an implementation of bigraphical reactive systems.},
	Optmonth = AUG,
	Optpublisher = {Elsevier},
	Series = {ENTCS},
	Title = {Matching of Bigraphs},
	Year = 2006}

  author    = {Lisbeth Fajstrup and
               Eric Goubault and
               Martin Rau{\ss}en},
  title     = {Detecting Deadlocks in Concurrent Systems},
  booktitle = {Proc.~{CONCUR} '98},
  year      = {1998},
  series    = {LNCS},
  volume    = {1466},
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