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Tip revision: 44100adc6c7f7db7bfd4ccf0d8bd18de8ab195c0 authored by Brad King on 04 February 2015, 18:58:33 UTC
CMake 3.1.2
Tip revision: 44100ad
.. cmake-manual-description: CMake Generators Reference


.. only:: html

   .. contents::


A *CMake Generator* is responsible for writing the input files for
a native build system.  Exactly one of the `CMake Generators`_ must be
selected for a build tree to determine what native build system is to
be used.  Optionally one of the `Extra Generators`_ may be selected
as a variant of some of the `Command-Line Build Tool Generators`_ to
produce project files for an auxiliary IDE.

CMake Generators are platform-specific so each may be available only
on certain platforms.  The :manual:`cmake(1)` command-line tool ``--help``
output lists available generators on the current platform.  Use its ``-G``
option to specify the generator for a new build tree.
The :manual:`cmake-gui(1)` offers interactive selection of a generator
when creating a new build tree.

CMake Generators

Command-Line Build Tool Generators

These generators support command-line build tools.  In order to use them,
one must launch CMake from a command-line prompt whose environment is
already configured for the chosen compiler and build tool.

.. toctree::
   :maxdepth: 1

   /generator/Borland Makefiles
   /generator/MSYS Makefiles
   /generator/MinGW Makefiles
   /generator/NMake Makefiles
   /generator/NMake Makefiles JOM
   /generator/Unix Makefiles
   /generator/Watcom WMake

IDE Build Tool Generators

These generators support Integrated Development Environment (IDE)
project files.  Since the IDEs configure their own environment
one may launch CMake from any environment.

.. toctree::
   :maxdepth: 1

   /generator/Visual Studio 6
   /generator/Visual Studio 7
   /generator/Visual Studio 7 .NET 2003
   /generator/Visual Studio 8 2005
   /generator/Visual Studio 9 2008
   /generator/Visual Studio 10 2010
   /generator/Visual Studio 11 2012
   /generator/Visual Studio 12 2013
   /generator/Visual Studio 14 2015

Extra Generators

Some of the `CMake Generators`_ listed in the :manual:`cmake(1)`
command-line tool ``--help`` output may have variants that specify
an extra generator for an auxiliary IDE tool.  Such generator
names have the form ``<extra-generator> - <main-generator>``.
The following extra generators are known to CMake.

.. toctree::
   :maxdepth: 1

   /generator/Eclipse CDT4
   /generator/Sublime Text 2
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