Raw File
Tip revision: 7b0fea0a1fe3d37a0dee0f4d6d1d1cf60fbfd66b authored by swo on 29 October 2015, 17:01:10 UTC
fixed merge name assignment
Tip revision: 7b0fea0
#!/usr/bin/env python

Demultiplex reads by mapping the barcode read to the sample names from a barcode mapping

Given a tab-separated barcode mapping file like
    donor1_day5   ACGT

the first read mapping to that barcode, say

becomes output like
where the ;1 means it's the first read that mapped to donor1_day5.

import usearch_python.primer, util
import sys, argparse, string, itertools, re
from Bio import SeqIO

def barcode_file_to_dictionary(barcode_lines):
    '''parse a barcode mapping file into a dictionary {barcode: sample}'''
    barcode_map = {}
    for i, line in enumerate(barcode_lines):
        fields = line.split()

        if len(fields) != 2:
            raise RuntimeError("every line in barcode file should have two fields; found %d in line %d" %(len(fields), i))

        sample, barcode = fields
        barcode_map[barcode] = sample

    return barcode_map

def best_barcode_match(known_barcodes, barcode):
    Find the best match between a known barcode a list of known barcodes

    known_barcodes : sequence of iterator of sequences
        list of known barcodes
    barcode : string
        the barcode read to be matched against the known barcodes

    min_mismatches : int
        number of mismatches in the best alignment
    best_known_barcode : string
        known barcode that aligned best
    # get a list of pairs (n_mismatches, known_barcode)
    #n_mismatches = lambda known_barcode: util.mismatches(barcode, known_barcode, 1)[1]
    n_mismatches = lambda known_barcode: usearch_python.primer.MatchPrefix(barcode, known_barcode)

    alignments = [(n_mismatches(known_barcode), known_barcode) for known_barcode in known_barcodes]

    # find the alignment that has the minimum number of mismatches
    min_mismatches, best_known_barcode = min(alignments, key=lambda x: x[0])

    return min_mismatches, best_known_barcode

def parse_barcode(record):
    Extract the barcode read and direction from a BioPython SeqRecord
    record : SeqRecord
        fastq record
    returns : tuple
        (barcode read, read direction), where direction is either '1' or '2'
    # match, e.g. @any_set_of_chars#ACGT/1 -> ACGT
    m = re.match(".*#([ACGTN]+)/(\d)$",

    if m is None:
        raise RuntimeError("fastq id did not match expected format: %s" %(

    # pull out the read and direction from the match
    barcode_read =
    read_direction =
    if read_direction not in ['1', '2']:
        raise RuntimeError('read direction not 1 or 2: %s' %(
    return (barcode_read, read_direction)

def renamed_fastq_records(fastq, barcode_map, max_barcode_diffs):
    Rename the read IDs in a fastq file with the corresponding sample name. Get the barcode
    read right from the ID line, look it up in the barcode map, and pick the best match.

    fastq : filename or filehandle
    barcode_map : dictionary
        entries are {barcode: sample_name}
    max_barcode_diffs : int
        maximum number of mismatches between a barcode read and known barcode before throwing
        out that read

    yields : SeqRecord
        fastq records

    # keep track of the computations where we align the barcode read to the known barcodes
    barcode_read_to_sample = {}
    sample_counts = {}

    for record in SeqIO.parse(fastq, 'fastq'):
        # look for the barcode from the read ID line
        barcode_read, read_direction = parse_barcode(record)
        if barcode_read in barcode_read_to_sample:
            sample = barcode_read_to_sample[barcode_read]
            sample_counts[sample] += 1
            # try aligning to every known barcode
            n_mismatches, best_known_barcode = best_barcode_match(barcode_map.keys(), barcode_read)

            # if the match was good, assign that barcode read to the sample that the best read
            # matches
            if n_mismatches > max_barcode_diffs:
                # get the name for this sample; record which sample we mapped this barcode
                # read to
                sample = barcode_map[best_known_barcode]
                barcode_read_to_sample[barcode_read] = sample
                sample_counts[sample] = 1 = "sample=%s;%d/%s" %(sample, sample_counts[sample], read_direction)
        # expunge other parts of title
        record.description = ''
        yield record

if __name__ == '__main__':
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Demultiplex fastq entries by barcode', formatter_class=argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter)
    parser.add_argument('fastq', help='input fastq file')
    parser.add_argument('barcode', help='barcode mapping file')
    parser.add_argument('-m', '--max_barcode_diffs', default=0, type=int, help='maximum number of nucleotide mismatches in the barcode')
    parser.add_argument('--output', '-o', default=sys.stdout, type=argparse.FileType('w'), help='output fastq')
    args = parser.parse_args()

    # parse the barcode mapping file
    with open(args.barcode, 'r') as f:
        barcode_map = barcode_file_to_dictionary(f)

    # get a set of reads
    for record in renamed_fastq_records(args.fastq, barcode_map, args.max_barcode_diffs):
        SeqIO.write(record, args.output, 'fastq')
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