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Tip revision: 0b46ecacfef6d4a077d97ca2da431c8ec58f41ec authored by adrian-prantl on 08 May 2018, 17:36:26 UTC
Merge pull request #16424 from adrian-prantl/SR-7388
Tip revision: 0b46eca
Swift Benchmark Suite

This directory contains the Swift Benchmark Suite.

Running Swift Benchmarks

To run Swift benchmarks, pass the `--benchmark` flag to `build-script`. The
current benchmark results will be compared to the previous run's results if
available. Results for each benchmark run are logged for future comparison.

For branch based development, take a baseline benchmark on the Swift `master`
branch, switch to a development branch containing potentially performance
impacting changes, and run the benchmarks again. Upon benchmark completion, the
benchmark results for the development branch will be compared to the most
recent benchmark results for `master`.

Building with build-script

By default, Swift benchmarks for OS X are compiled during the Swift build
process. To build Swift benchmarks for additional platforms, pass the following

    $ swift/utils/build-script --ios --watchos --tvos

OS X benchmark driver binaries are placed in `bin` alongside `swiftc`.
Additional platform binaries are placed in the `benchmark/bin` build directory.

Building Independently

To build the Swift benchmarks using only an Xcode installation: install an
Xcode version with Swift support, install cmake 2.8.12, and ensure Xcode is
selected with xcode-select.

The following build options are available:

    * An absolute path to the Swift driver (`swiftc`) to use to compile the
      benchmarks (default: Xcode's `swiftc`)
    * An absolute path to the Swift standard library to use during compilation
      (default: `swiftc_directory`/../lib/swift)
    * A list of platforms to build the benchmarks for
      (default: "macosx;iphoneos;appletvos;watchos")
    * A list of Swift optimization levels to build against
      (default: "O;Onone;Osize")
    * A boolean value indicating whether .sib files should be generated
      alongside .o files (default: FALSE)

The following build targets are available:

1. `swift-benchmark-macosx-x86_64`
2. `swift-benchmark-iphoneos-arm64`
3. `swift-benchmark-iphoneos-armv7`
4. `swift-benchmark-appletvos-arm64`
5. `swift-benchmark-watchos-armv7k`

Build steps (with example options):

1. `$ cd benchmark`
2. `$ mkdir build`
3. `$ cd build`
4. `$ cmake ..`
5. `$ make -j8 swift-benchmark-macosx-x86_64`

Benchmark driver binaries are placed in `build/bin` and the required Swift
standard library dylibs are placed in `build/lib`. The drivers dynamically link
Swift standard library dylibs from a path relative to their location
(../lib/swift) so the standard library should be distributed alongside them.

Using the Benchmark Driver

### Usage

`./Driver [ test_name [ test_name ] ] [ option [ option ] ]`

* `--num-iters`
    * Control the number of loop iterations in each test sample
* `--num-samples`
    * Control the number of samples to take for each test
* `--list`
    * Print a list of available tests

### Examples

* `$ ./Benchmark_O --num-iters=1 --num-samples=1`
* `$ ./Benchmark_Onone --list`
* `$ ./Benchmark_Osize Ackermann`

### Note
As a shortcut, you can also refer to benchmarks by their ordinal numbers.
The regular `--list` option does not provide these, but you can run:
* `$ ./Benchmark_O --list --run-all | tail -n +2 | nl`
You can use ordinal numbers instead of test names like this:
* `$ ./Benchmark_O 1 42`
* `$ ./Benchmark_Driver run 1 42`

Using the Harness Generator

`scripts/generate_harness/` runs `gyb` to automate generation
of some benchmarks.

** FIXME ** `gyb` should be invoked automatically during the
   build so that manually invoking `` is not required.

### Generating harness files

To generate `CMakeLists.txt` and `utils/main.swift` from test sources, run the

    $ scripts/generate_harness/

### Modifying CMakeLists.txt or utils/main.swift

To make changes to `CMakeLists.txt` or `utils/main.swift`, modify the template
files `CMakeLists.txt.gyb` and `main.swift.gyb` These are templates, rendered by
`gyb` in ``, so ensure static changes don't interfere
with the template portions. Test changes by
[regenerating the harness](#generating-harness-files) and rebuilding the
repository with `build-script`.

Adding New Benchmarks

The harness generator supports both single and multiple file tests.

To add a new single file test:

1.  Add a new Swift file (`YourTestNameHere.swift`), built according to
    the template below, to the `single-source` directory.
2.  Regenerate harness files by following the directions in
    [Generating harness files](#generating-harness-files) before committing

To add a new multiple file test:

1.  Add a new directory and files under the `multi-source` directory as
    specified below:

        +-- multi-source
        |   +-- YourTestName
        |   |   +-- TestFile1.swift
        |   |   +-- TestFile2.swift
        |   |   +-- TestFile3.swift

    At least one run function (specified in the template below) must
    exist in the files.

2.  Regenerate harness files by following the directions in
    [Generating harness files](#generating-harness-files) before committing


The generator script looks for functions prefixed with `run_` in order to
populate `utils/main.swift`.

The benchmark driver will measure the time taken for `N = 1` and automatically calculate
the necessary number of iterations `N` to run each benchmark in approximately one second,
so the test should ideally run in a few milliseconds for `N = 1`. If the test contains
any setup code before the loop, ensure the time spent on setup is insignificant compared to
the time spent inside the loop (for `N = 1`) -- otherwise the automatic calculation of `N` might be
significantly off and any performance gains/regressions will be masked by the fixed setup time.
If needed you can multiply N by a fixed amount (e.g. `1...100*N`) to achieve this.

**Performance Test Template**

``` {.sourceCode .swift}
// YourTestNameHere benchmark
// rdar://problem/00000000
import Foundation
import TestsUtils

public func run_YourTestNameHere(N: Int) {
    # Declare variables

    for i in 1...N {
        # Perform work

        # Verify work was done; break otherwise

    # Assert with CheckResults that work was done
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