Raw File
Tip revision: 0958e0d34d22694c87ca66919a1cf80662ebc29e authored by schroederlab on 09 October 2023, 17:11:08 UTC
Update registerAcrossPlanes.m
Tip revision: 0958e0d
% computes cell and neuropil fluorescence for surround model of neuropil
function [ops, stat, Fcell, FcellNeu] = extractSignalsSurroundNeuropil(ops, stat)

Nk       = numel(stat); % all ROIs

Ny = numel(ops.yrange);
Nx = numel(ops.xrange);

stat = getNonOverlapROIs(stat, Ny, Nx);

[Ly, Lx] = size(ops.mimg);

% create cell masks and cell exclusion areas
[stat, cellPix, cellMasks] = createCellMasks(stat, Ny, Nx);

% create surround neuropil masks
[ops, neuropMasks] = createNeuropilMasks(ops, stat, cellPix);

% add surround neuropil masks to stat
for k = 1:Nk
    stat(k).ipix_neuropil = find(squeeze(neuropMasks(k,:,:))>0);

% convert masks to sparse matrices for fast multiplication
neuropMasks = sparse(double(neuropMasks(:,:)));
cellMasks   = sparse(double(cellMasks(:,:)));

%% get fluorescence and surround neuropil
nimgbatch = 2000;
ix = 0;
fclose all;
fid = fopen(ops.RegFile, 'r');

F = NaN(Nk, sum(ops.Nframes), 'single');
Fneu = NaN(Nk, sum(ops.Nframes), 'single');
while 1
    data = fread(fid,  Ly*Lx*nimgbatch, '*int16');
    if isempty(data)
    data = reshape(data, Ly, Lx, []);
    data = data(ops.yrange, ops.xrange, :);
    NT   = size(data,3);
    data = reshape(data, [], NT);
    data = double(data);
    % process the data
    %data = my_conv2(data, ops.sig, [1 2]);
    % compute cell fluorescence
    % each mask is weighted by lam (SUM TO 1)
    F(:,ix + (1:NT)) = cellMasks * data;
    % compute neuropil fluorescence
    Fneu(:,ix + (1:NT)) = neuropMasks * data;
    ix = ix + NT;
    if rem(ix, 3*NT)==0
        fprintf('Frame %d done in time %2.2f \n', ix, toc)

% get activity stats
[stat, F, Fneu] = getActivityStats(ops, stat, F, Fneu);

csumNframes = [0 cumsum(ops.Nframes)];
Fcell       = cell(1, length(ops.Nframes));
FcellNeu    = cell(1, length(ops.Nframes));
for i = 1:length(ops.Nframes)
    Fcell{i}     = F(:, csumNframes(i) + (1:ops.Nframes(i)));
    FcellNeu{i}  = Fneu(:, csumNframes(i) + (1:ops.Nframes(i)));
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