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Tip revision: 9324580c199ed8480ac79c5e06a8886409dfd704 authored by Spencer Graves on 18 September 2008, 00:00:00 UTC
version 0.3-6
Tip revision: 9324580
\title{compute compound interest}
  Compute compound interest for a given number of
  periods, compounding with an indicated frequency per period.  

  \item{interest}{ rate of interest per period (usually per year) }
  \item{periods}{ number of periods over which to compound }
  \item{frequency}{ number of times per period to compound;
         frequency=Inf to convert simple to log returns}
  \item{net.value}{ if TRUE, return the total value per
    unit invested;  otherwise return net increase =
    (net value - 1) }
  \item{R}{ simple interest to be converted to log(returns) }
  These functions are vectorized for all arguments.
  (The code uses optionally expm1(x) = (exp(x) - 1) and
  log1p(x)=(log(1+x) which can preserve numerical
  precision for x very close to 0.)  
  vector of the length of the longest argument.  
  Ruey Tsay (2005)
  Analysis of Financial Time Series, 2nd ed. (Wiley, p. 6)
%\seealso{ \code{\link{}} }
# "Net Value" column of Tsay Table 1.1, p. 4
  frequency=c(1, 2, 4, 12, 52, 365, Inf),
# Example 1.1, p. 6
compoundInterest(.0446, freq=Inf)
# Inverse of Example 1.1
\keyword{ arith }
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