Raw File
Tip revision: c8457c911ada971735f92d4d876583fb8451aa95 authored by Pierre Lafaye De Micheaux on 18 December 2020, 15:10:11 UTC
version 0.5
Tip revision: c8457c9
Package: IndependenceTests
Type: Package
Title: Non-Parametric Tests of Independence Between Random Vectors
Version: 0.5
Date: 2020-12-18
Author: Pierre Lafaye De Micheaux [aut, cre],
  Martin Bilodeau [aut],
  Yanan Fan [aut],
  Spiridon Penev [aut],
  Donna Salopek [aut],
  Cleve Moler [cph] (LAPACK/BLAS routines in src),
  Jack Dongarra [cph] (LAPACK/BLAS routines in src),
  Richard Hanson [cph] (LAPACK/BLAS routines in src),
  Sven Hammarling [cph] (LAPACK/BLAS routines in src),
  Jeremy Du Croz [cph] (LAPACK/BLAS routines in src)
Authors@R: c(person("Pierre", "Lafaye De Micheaux", role = c("aut", "cre"),
	             email = ""),
             person("Martin", "Bilodeau", role = c("aut"),
                    email = ""),
             person("Yanan", "Fan", role = c("aut"),
                    email = ""),
             person("Spiridon", "Penev", role = c("aut"),
                    email = ""),
             person("Donna", "Salopek", role = c("aut"),
                    email = ""),
	     person("Cleve", "Moler", role = "cph",
	            comment = "LAPACK/BLAS routines in src"),
	     person("Jack", "Dongarra", role = "cph",
	            comment = "LAPACK/BLAS routines in src"),
	     person("Richard", "Hanson", role = "cph",
	            comment = "LAPACK/BLAS routines in src"),
	     person("Sven", "Hammarling", role = "cph",
	            comment = "LAPACK/BLAS routines in src"),
	     person("Jeremy", "Du Croz", role = "cph",
	            comment = "LAPACK/BLAS routines in src"))
Maintainer: Pierre Lafaye De Micheaux <>
Description: Functions for non-parametric tests of independence (mutual or serial) between some quantitative random vectors, as described in Bilodeau M. and Lafaye de Micheaux P. (2009) <doi:10.1016/j.jspi.2008.11.006>, in Beran R., Bilodeau M. and Lafaye de Micheaux P. (2007) <doi:10.1016/j.jmva.2007.01.009> and in Fan Y., Lafaye de Micheaux P., Penev S. and Salopek D. (2017) <doi:10.1016/j.jmva.2016.09.014>.
License: GPL (>= 2)
Depends: R (>= 2.6.0), xtable, CompQuadForm, MASS, Runuran, parallel
Packaged: 2020-12-18 07:21:29 UTC; lafaye
Copyright: For LAPACK/BLAS routines in src (Univ. of Tennessee, Univ.
        of California Berkeley, NAG Ltd., Courant Institute, Argonne
        National Lab, and Rice University).
NeedsCompilation: yes
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2020-12-18 16:10:11 UTC
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