Raw File
Tip revision: 54154bec05cdcdd8d299f4589f986511cb880582 authored by Martin Schlather on 06 March 2019, 10:40:06 UTC
version 3.3.6
Tip revision: 54154be

\title{Class \code{RFempVariog}}
\description{Class for RandomFields' representation of empirical variograms 

%\section{Creating Objects}{
% Objects are created by calling a function of class
% \command{\link[=RMmodelgenerator-class]{RMmodelgenerator}}

RFplotEmpVariogram(x, model = NULL, nmax.phi = NA, nmax.theta = NA,
                    nmax.T = NA,
                     plot.nbin = TRUE,, method = "ml",
                               boundaries = TRUE,
\S4method{plot}{RFempVariog,missing}(x, y, ...)
\S4method{persp}{RFempVariog}(x, ...)

  \item{x}{object of class 
  \item{model}{\argModel. Or a list of such models. Tit gives the
    covariance or variogram models that are to be plotted into the same
    plot as the empirical variogram (and the fitted models)}
 \item{nmax.phi}{even integer; only for \code{class(x)=="RFempVariog"};
    the number of bins of angle phi that are to be
  \item{nmax.theta}{integer; only for \code{class(x)=="RFempVariog"};
    the number of bins of angle theta that are to be
  \item{nmax.T}{integer; only for \code{class(x)=="RFempVariog"};
    the maximal number of different time bins that are to be
  \item{plot.nbin}{logical; only for \code{class(x)=="RFempVariog"};
    indicates whether the number of pairs per bin are to be plotted}
  \item{}{logical; only for \code{class(x)=="RFempVariog"};
    indicates whether the calculated standard deviation (\code{x@sd}) is
    to be plotted (in form of arrows of length +-1*sd)}
  \item{method}{character. Currently restricted to \code{"ml"} for
    maximum-likelihood method.
  \item{variogram}{logical; This argument should currently not be set
    by the user. If \code{TRUE} then the empirical variogram
    is plotted, else an estimate for the covariance function.} 
  \item{boundaries}{logical; only for \code{class(x)=="RFempVariog"} and
    the anisotropic case where \code{model} is given.
    As the empirical variogram is calculated on a sector of angles,
    no exact variogram curve corresponds to the mean values in this
    If \code{boundaries=TRUE} the values of the variogram on the sector
    boundaries are plotted. If \code{FALSE} some kind of mean
    model values are plotted. Neither the boundaries may contain
    the values of empirical variogram nor does the mean values
    need to be close the empirical variogram.  
  \item{...}{arguments to be passed to methods; mainly graphical
    %see Details.

 \item{\code{centers}:}{the bin centres of the spatial distances} 
 \item{\code{empirical}:}{value of the empirical variogram} 
   the empirical (overall) variance in the data
 \item{\code{sd}:}{standard deviation of the variogram cloud within each
 \item{\code{n.bin}:}{number of bins} 
 \item{\code{phi.centers}:}{centres of the bins with respect to the
   (first) angle (for anisotropic empirical variograms only)} 
 \item{\code{theta.centers}:}{centres of the bins with respect to the
 second angle (for anisotropic empirical variograms in 3D only)} 
 \item{\code{T}:}{the bin centres of the time axis} 
 \item{\code{vdim}:}{the multivariate dimension}
 \item{\code{coordunits}:}{string giving the units of the coordinates,
   see also option \code{coordunits} of \command{\link{RFoptions}}.
 \item{\code{varunits}:}{string giving the units of the variables,
   see also option \code{varunits} of \command{\link{RFoptions}}.
 \item{\code{call}:}{language object; the function call by which the
   object was generated}
 \item{\code{method}:}{integer; variogram (0), covariance (2), madogram (4) }

    \item{plot}{\code{signature(x = "RFempVariog")}: gives a plot of the
      empirical variogram, for more details see
    \item{plot}{\code{signature(x = "RFempVariog", y = "missing")}}{Gives nice
      plots of the empirical variogram; handles binning in up to three
      space-dimensions and a time-dimension, where the empirical variogram
      is plotted along lines which are directed according to the
      angle-centers given in \code{x@phi.centers} and
      \code{x@theta.centers}; arbitrary theoretical model curves
      can be added to the plot by using the argument \code{model}.
      If no bins are given, i.e. (\code{x@bin=NULL}),
      \command{\link[graphics]{image}}-plots are generated.}
    \item{as}{\code{signature(x = "RFempVariog")}:
      converts into other formats, only implemented for target class
    \item{show}{\code{signature(x = "RFfit")}: returns the structure
      of \code{x}}
    \item{persp}{\code{signature(obj =
	"RFempVariog")}: generates nice \command{\link[graphics]{persp}} plots
    \item{print}{\code{signature(x = "RFfit")}: identical with
   \item{summary}{provides a summary}

  \command{print} returns also an invisible list that is convenient to access.

\author{Alexander Malinowski, \martin}

#  see 'RFvariogram'

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