Raw File
Tip revision: 54154bec05cdcdd8d299f4589f986511cb880582 authored by Martin Schlather on 06 March 2019, 10:40:06 UTC
version 3.3.6
Tip revision: 54154be
%% S4 methods
%% S3 methods

\title{Class \code{RFgridDataFrame} }
\description{ Class for attributes in one-dimensional space.}

\S4method{RFspDataFrame2conventional}{RFgridDataFrame}(obj, data.frame=FALSE) 

  \item{obj}{an \code{RFgridDataFrame} object}
  \item{data.frame}{logical. If \code{TRUE} a \code{data.frame} is returned.

\section{Creating Objects}{
 Objects can be created by using the functions
 \code{\link{RFgridDataFrame}} or
 \code{\link{conventional2RFspDataFrame}} or by calls of the form
 \code{as(x, "RFgridDataFrame")}, where \code{x} is of class
 %Ordered full grids are stored instead or unordered non-NA cells; 

   \item{\code{.RFparams}:}{list of up to 5 elements;
     \itemize{       \item{n} is the number
       of repetitions of the random field contained in the \code{data} slot
       \item \code{vdim} gives the dimension of the values of
       the random 
       field, equals 1 in most cases
       \item \code{has.variance}
       indicates whether information on the variance is available,
       \item \code{coordunits} gives the names of the
       units for the coordinates
       \item \code{varunits} gives the names of the
     units for the variables
 \item{\code{data}:}{object of class \code{\link[methods:data.frame-class]{data.frame}},
 containing attribute data } 
 \item{\code{grid}:}{object of class \code{\link[sp:GridTopology-class]{GridTopology}}.}

 \item{plot}{\code{signature(obj =
	"RFgridDataFrame")}: generates nice plots
 of the random field; if \eqn{space-time-dim2}, a two-dimensional
 subspace can be selected using the argument 
 \code{MARGIN}; to get different slices in a third direction, the
 argument \code{MARGIN.slices} can be used;
 for more details see \code{\link{plot-method}} or type
 \item{show}{\code{signature(x = "RFgridDataFrame")}:
 uses the \command{show}-method for class \code{\link[=SpatialGridDataFrame-class]{SpatialGridDataFrame}}.}
 \item{print}{\code{signature(x = "RFgridDataFrame")}:
 identical to \command{show}-method}
 \item{RFspDataFrame2conventional}{\code{signature(obj =
	"RFgridDataFrame")}: conversion to a list of
 non-\pkg{sp}-package based objects; the \code{data}-slot
 is converted to an array of dimension \eqn{[1*(vdim>1) +
	space-time-dimension + 1*(n>1)]}}
 \item{coordinates}{\code{signature(x = "RFgridDataFrame")}:
 returns the coordinates} 
 \item{[}{\code{signature(x = "RFgridDataFrame")}: selects
 columns of \code{data}-slot; returns an 
 object of class \code{\link[=RFgridDataFrame-class]{RFgridDataFrame}}.}
 \item{[<-}{\code{signature(x = "RFgridDataFrame")}: replaces
 columns of \code{data}-slot; returns an 
 object of class \code{\link[=RFgridDataFrame-class]{RFgridDataFrame}}.}
 \item{as}{\code{signature(x = "RFgridDataFrame")}:
 converts into other formats, only implemented for target class
 \code{\link[=RFpointsDataFrame-class]{RFpointsDataFrame}} } 
 \item{cbind}{\code{signature(...)}: if arguments have identical
 topology, combine their attribute values}
 \item{range}{\code{signature(x = "RFgridDataFrame")}: returns the range
 \item{hist}{\code{signature(x = "RFgridDataFrame")}: plots histogram
 \item{as.matrix}{\code{signature(x = "RFgridDataFrame")}: converts
          \code{data}-slot to matrix}
 \item{as.array}{\code{signature(x = "RFgridDataFrame")}: converts
          \code{data}-slot to array}
 \item{as.vector}{\code{signature(x = "RFgridDataFrame")}: converts
   \code{data}-slot to vector}
 \item{}{\code{signature(x = "RFgridDataFrame")}:
   converts \code{data}-slot and coordinates to a data.frame}

 Methods \command{summary} and \command{dimensions}
 are defined for the \dQuote{parent}-class
\author{Alexander Malinowski, \martin}

 which is for point 
 locations in higher dimensional spaces,
 \code{\link{RFpointsDataFrame-class}} which is for one-dimensional
 arbitrary locations,


RFoptions(seed=0) ## *ANY* simulation will have the random seed 0; set
##                   RFoptions(seed=NA) to make them all random again

x <- seq(0,10,length=100)
f <- RFsimulate(model=RMgauss(), x=x, n=3)

str(f[2]) ## selects second column of data-slot
all.equal(f, cbind(f,f)[1:3]) ## TRUE

plot(f, nmax=2)
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