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Tip revision: 54154bec05cdcdd8d299f4589f986511cb880582 authored by Martin Schlather on 06 March 2019, 10:40:06 UTC
version 3.3.6
Tip revision: 54154be
\title{Transformation from Brown-Resnick to Bernoulli}
  This function can be used to model a max-stable process
  based on a binary field,  with the same extremal correlation
  function as a Brown-Resnick process
    C_{bg}(h) = \cos(\pi (2\Phi(\sqrt{\gamma(h) / 2}) -1) )
  Here, \eqn{\Phi} is the standard normal distribution
  function, and \eqn{\gamma} is a \bold{semi-}variogram with sill
  \deqn{4(erf^{-1}(1/2))^2 = 2 * { \Phi^{-1}( 3 / 4  ) }^2 =
    1.819746 / 2 = 0.9098728}
RMbr2bg(phi, var, scale, Aniso, proj)
 \item{phi}{covariance function of class \code{\link[=RMmodel-class]{RMmodel}}.}
 \item{var,scale,Aniso,proj}{optional arguments; same meaning for any
 \command{\link{RMmodel}}. If not passed, the above
 covariance function remains unmodified.}
 object of class \code{\link[=RMmodel-class]{RMmodel}}
  \command{\link{RMbr2bg}} \cr
  binary random field \command{\link{RPbernoulli}}
  simulated with \code{\link{RMbr2bg}(\link{RMmodel}())} has
  a uncentered covariance function that equals
    the tail correlation function of
    the max-stable process constructed with this binary random field
    the tail correlation function of Brown-Resnick process with
    variogram \command{\link{RMmodel}}.
  Note that the reference paper is based on the notion of the
  (genuine) variogram, whereas the package \pkg{RandomFields}
  is based on the notion of semi-variogram. So formulae
  differ by factor 2.
    \item Strokorb, K., Ballani, F., and  Schlather, M. (2014)
    Tail correlation functions of max-stable processes: Construction
    principles, recovery and diversity of some mixing max-stable processes
    with identical TCF. 
    \emph{Extremes}, \bold{} Submitted.
RFoptions(seed=0) ## *ANY* simulation will have the random seed 0; set
##                   RFoptions(seed=NA) to make them all random again

model <- RMexp(var=1.62 / 2) 
x <- seq(0, 10, 0.05)
z <- RFsimulate(RPschlather(RMbr2eg(model)), x, x)

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