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Tip revision: f0c29d71fe48e77d5df8d9bd42646e87af5e0dcf authored by Fabio Sigrist on 24 September 2019, 09:10:03 UTC
version 1.6
Tip revision: f0c29d7
%- Also NEED an '\alias' for EACH other topic documented here.
Plot fitted spateMCMC objects.
Plots trace plots, pair plots, the posterior of the hyperparameters and the posterior of the latent spatio-temporal process. 
\method{plot}{spateMCMC}(x,..., trace = TRUE, hist = TRUE,
              medianHist=TRUE, pairs = FALSE,ask = TRUE, ToFile = FALSE,
              path = NULL,file = NULL,true=NULL,BurnInAdaptive=NULL,
              postProcess = FALSE)

A 'spateMCMC' object obtained from 'spate.mcmc'.
\item{...}{Arguments to be passed to 'spate.plot' in case
  'postProcess=TRUE' is selected.
logical; if 'TRUE' trace plots are made
  logical; if 'TRUE' histograms of the posterior distributions for the hyper-parameters are plotted
}  \item{medianHist}{
  logical; if 'TRUE' medians are added to the histograms.
logical; if 'TRUE' trace plots are made
\item{ask}{logical;  if 'TRUE' (and the R session is interactive) the user is asked for input, before a new figure is drawn. 
logical; if 'TRUE' the plots are save to a file.
The path.
The file name.
The true value of the parameters (for simulation only).
 The number of samples used as burn-in before starting the adaptive
 estimation of Metropolis-Hastings
 proposal covariance for the hyper-parameters.
logical; if 'TRUE' the posterior of the spatio-temporal process xi is plotted as well.
Plots illustrating a fitted model saved in a 'spateMCMC' object.
Fabio Sigrist
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