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Tip revision: f0c29d71fe48e77d5df8d9bd42646e87af5e0dcf authored by Fabio Sigrist on 24 September 2019, 09:10:03 UTC
version 1.6
Tip revision: f0c29d7
%- Also NEED an '\alias' for EACH other topic documented here.
 Sample from the full conditional of the Fourier coefficients.
Sample from the full conditional of the Fourier coefficients.
%- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here.
    \item{w}{Observed data or latent process w (depending on which data
    model is used) in an T x n*n matrix with columns and rows (points on a
    grid stacked into a vector) corresponding to time and space, respectively.
Vector of length T*n*n containing the real Fourier transform of 'w'.
Spectrum of the innovations \eqn{\hat{\epsilon}} in a vector of length
n*n. If 'spec' is not given, it is constructed based on 'par'.
  The propagator matrix G in vector format obtained from 'get.G.vec'. If 'Gvec' is not given, it is constructed based on 'par'.
  Measurement error variance tau2. If 'NULL'; tau2=par[9].
  \item{par}{ Vector of parameters for the SPDE in the following order: rho_0, sigma^2, zeta,
    rho_1, gamma, alpha, mu_x, mu_y, tau^2. If 'spec' and 'Gvec' are
    given, 'par' will not be used.
\item{n}{Number of grid points on each axis. n*n is the total number of spatial points.
Number of points in time.
Number of Fourier functions used.
\item{indCos}{Vector of integers indicating the position cosine terms in
  the 1:NF real Fourier functions. The first 'ns' cosine wavenumbers in 'wave' are not included in 'indCos'.
Number of real Fourier functions that have only a cosine and no sine
term. 'ns' is maximal 4.
 \item{nu}{ Smoothness parameter of the Matern covariance function for the innovations. By
default this equals 1 corresponding to the Whittle covariance function.}
  \item{dt}{ Temporal lag between two time points. By default, this equals 1.}

  A T x n*n matrix with a sample from the full conditional
  of latent process \eqn{\alpha}.

##Specifications for simulated example
n <- 50
T <- 4
par <- c(rho0=0.1,sigma2=0.2,zeta=0.5,rho1=0.1,gamma=2,alpha=pi/4,muX=0.2,muY=-0.2,tau2=0.01)
spateSim <- spate.sim(par=par,n=n,T=T,seed=4)
w <- spateSim$w
##Sample from full conditional
Nmc <- 50
alphaS <- array(0,c(T,n*n,Nmc))
wFT <- real.fft.TS(w,n=n,T=T)
for(i in 1:Nmc){
  alphaS[,,i] <- sample.four.coef(wFT=wFT,par=par,n=n,T=T,NF=n*n)
##Mean from full conditional
alphaMean <- apply(alphaS,c(1,2),mean)
xiMean <- real.fft.TS(alphaMean,n=n,T=T,inv=FALSE)

opar <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)
for(t in 1:4) image(1:n,1:n,matrix(w[t,],nrow=n),xlab="",ylab="",col=cols(),
for(t in 1:4) image(1:n,1:n,matrix(xiMean[t,],nrow=n),xlab="",ylab="",col=cols(),
par(opar) # Reset par() settings

Fabio Sigrist
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