Raw File
Tip revision: 76117b8023dc47a5aa82b663d18cb68b961e9614 authored by Carlo Yague on 27 August 2019, 14:29:17 UTC
Fix EOF warning sort issue in -sp mode
Tip revision: 76117b8
# SL-quant

## A pipeline to quantify SL trans-splicing events from RNA-seq data

_SL-quant_ is a bash pipeline that adapts to paired-end and single-end RNA-seq data to accurately quantify splice-leader (SL) trans-splicing events by genes in the nematode _C. elegans_. It is designed to work downstream of read mapping and takes the reads left unmapped as primary input. _SL-quant_ completes under 15 minutes on a basic desktop computer for typical RNA-seq libraries.

Detailed description and validation of the pipeline are reported in [the manuscript]( published in Gigascience.

For support, questions or requests, please contact: 

- [Installation & quick start](
- [Detailed usage](
- [Adaptation to other species](
- [Identification of SL trans-spliced sites](
- [Reproduce the analysis from the manuscript](

## Installation & quick start

_SL-quant_ comes as a simple bash script that works on macOS and Linux systems. However, the following dependencies need to be installed and set in your PATH:

- [blastn]( from the blast+ suite (2.6.0 or newer)
- [samtools]( (1.5 or newer)
- [picard-tools]( (2.9.0 or newer)
- [featureCounts]( from the subread package. (1.5.0 or newer)
- [bedtools]( (2.26.0 or newer)
- [cutadapt]( (1.14 or newer)
- [hisat2]( (2.0.5 or newer)

There are many ways to install these but the easiest might be through a package manager such as brew. 

#### Easy dependencies installation with homebrew

###### Install homebrew on macOS
Follow instructions on the [brew homepage]( or simply paste this command in the Terminal:

    /usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"

###### Install linuxbrew on linux systems
Follow instructions on the [linuxbrew homepage](

###### Install dependencies with brew (macOS and linux)
Paste the following commands in the Terminal:

    brew update
    brew install blast
    brew install samtools
    brew install picard-tools
    brew install bedtools
    brew install hisat2
    brew install cutadapt
    brew tap jrderuiter/tap
    brew install subread

#### Setting-up and testing SL-quant

###### Clone SL-quant
To install _SL-quant_, clone this repository using git:

    git clone

or alternatively, use the green downoad button at the top of the page.

###### Set-up SL-quant
To complete SL-quant set-up, use this script to create directories, make the other scripts executable, download the _C. elegans_ genome sequence and build the indexes. This can take a few minutes.

    cd SL-quant  # or 'cd ~/Desktop/SL-quant' if it is cloned on your desktop
    chmod +x

###### Test SL-quant
We provide a small test dataset (1000 reads) for testing SL-quant in a few seconds.

    time ./ data/reads/test_unmapped.bam SL-quant_results/test
    real	0m2.718s
    user	0m3.235s
    sys	0m0.589s
###### Basic usage

    ./ -h

    SL-quant identifies trans-splicing events as unmapped reads containing a splice leader (SL) sequence at the 5’ end of the read. In paired-end mode, the unmapped reads are pre-filtered based on the status of their mate (it must be mapped). In sensitive mode, the criteria to identify SL sequences are less stringent, increasing sensitivity.

    Detailed instructions on

    USAGE: ./ [-p -m mapped.bam] [-s] unmapped.bam output_base

    Required arguments:
				file containing unmapped reads.
				base name (+path) for the ouput.

    Optional arguments:
      --mapped mapped.bam, -m mapped.bam
				file containing mapped reads.
      --paired, -p
				run SL-quant in paired-end mode. 
				Requires -m argument.
      --sensitive, -s
				run SL-quant in sensitive mode.
      --help, -h
				show this help message and exit.

## Detailed usage

#### A word about the SL-quant input
To minimize _SL-quant_ running time, its primary input is limited to reads susceptible to originate from trans-spliced RNA fragments, that is, unmapped reads in bam format. This implies that a first round of mapping to the _C. elegans_ genome or transcriptome must precede the use of _SL-quant_. It must be performed end-to-end (without soft-clipping) in order to make sure that reads originating from trans-spliced RNA fragments do not map. This is the default behaviour of many mappers (bowtie2, tophat2, BBMap, …) but for others, such as STAR or HiSAT2, soft-clipping should be disabled. Beside this specification, any coordinate-sorted bam file containing unmapped reads can be fed into _SL-quant_, making it particularly well suited for posterior analysis of old data.

#### Basic paramaters

###### paired-end mode (-p --paired)
In the case paired-end data is available, we provide an optimized paired-end mode that requires an additional parameter -m --mapped, referring to the mapped reads of the library. These mapped reads will be used to prefilter the unmapped reads and to refine the mapping after the SL-sequence trimming.

Example: `./ -p -m data/reads/test_mapped.bam data/reads/test_unmapped.bam SL-quant_results/test`

###### sensitive mode (-s --sensitive)
In sensitive mode, the criteria to identify SL sequences are less stringent, increasing sensitivity (at the cost of some specificity). It can be used in combinaison with the paired-end mode or in single-end mode.

Example 1 : `./ -s data/reads/test_unmapped.bam SL-quant_results/test`

Example 2 : `./ -p -s -m data/reads/test_mapped.bam data/reads/test_unmapped.bam SL-quant_results/test`

#### Advanced paramaters

At the beginning of the file, there are a few additional parameters that can be modified for advanced users.

- `set -e` This means that the script will stop at the first error (which is usually for the best).
- `SL_db="data/blast_db/SL.fasta"` The path to SL sequence database for blast.
- `gene_annotation="data/genes.gtf"`The annotation file for the summarization step.
- `index="data/ce10_hisat2_index/genome"`The genome index for hisat2.
- `paired_orientation="FR"`The read orientation for paired-end mode (ignored in single-end mode). Value={"FR" (default), "RF", "unstranded"}
- `single_orientation="R"`The read orientation for single-end mode (ignored in paired-end mode). Value={"F" (stranded), "R" (reversely stranded), "unstranded"}
- `threads=4` The number of threads to use.
- `send=22` The minimal end of alignment in 'subject' threshold for blast (this should be equal to the length of the SL sequence).
- `align_length=5` The minimal length of the cutadapt alignment (default = 5).

#### Output files

###### Counts results
The final output file named `[output_dir/base]_counts.txt` is a tab delimited file generated by featureCounts containing the number of SL1 and SL2 trans-splicing events by genes. A summary of the quantification is available in the `[output_dir/base]_counts.txt.summary` file.

###### Intermediate files
Those files are generated during the _SL-quant_ process. When the file name ends by SL1, there is a similar file ending with SL2 for the SL2-containing reads.
- `[output_dir/base]_blasted.txt` countains the raw results of the blast of the unmapped reads to the SL sequences.
- `[output_dir/base]_blasted_SL1.txt` countains blast results for the SL1-containing reads.
- `[output_dir/base]_SL1_IDs.txt` countains the read IDs of the SL1-containing reads.
- `[output_dir/base]_SL1.sam` countains the SL1-containing reads in SAM format (single-end mode only).
- `[output_dir/base]_SL1_trimmed.fq` countains the trimmed SL1-containing reads in fastq format (single-end mode only).
- `[output_dir/base]_SL1_remapped.bam` countains the trimmed SL1-containing reads mapped on the genome in bam format.
- `[output_dir/base]_oneEnd_unmapped.fasta` countains unmapped reads (after prefiltering) in fasta format (paired-end mode only).
- `[output_dir/base]_oneEndMapped.bam` countains the mates of the unmapped reads (after prefiltering) in bam format (paired-end mode only).

###### log file
`[output_dir/base]_log.txt` countains various warning/outputs generated during the _SL-quant_ process.

## Adaptation to other species
While SL-quant was developed for and tested on _C.elegans_ data, many other species do SL-trans-splicing. The analysis of trans-splicing events in such species is possible with SL-quant with the following adaptations. Don't hesitate to contact us if you need any help implementing those changes.

#### Change the SL sequences in the blast database
1- Find the SL sequences (not the full SL RNA sequences, only the part that will be trans-spliced to the mRNA) and save it in a fasta file `SL_my_species.fasta` in the `data/blast_db` directory. You should include the characters "SL1" and/or "SL2" in the header of the fasta sequence.

2- Build the new blast database:

    makeblastdb -dbtype nucl -in data/blast_db/SL_my_species

3- Replace the value of the `SL_db` parameter in the `` script by `"data/blast_db/SL_my_species.fasta"`.

4- Replace the value of the `send` parameter in the `` script by the length of the new SL sequence(s).

#### Change the reference genome index.
1- Download the reference genome for your species of interest and save it as a fasta file `genome_my_species.fa` in a new `data/index_my_species` directory.

2- Build the hisat2 index:

    hisat2-build data/index_my_species/genome_my_species.fa data/index_my_species/genome_my_species

3- Replace the value of the `index` parameter in the `` script by `"data/index_my_species/genome_my_species.fa"`.

#### Change the gene annotation file.
1 - Download or create a [.gtf]( file `genes_my_species.gtf` for your species and save it into the `data` directory.

2- Replace the value of the `gene_annotation` parameter in the `` script by `data/genes_my_species.gtf`.

3- Done ! Now you can use SL-quant with your new species !

## Identification of SL trans-spliced sites

We designed SL-quant with the idea of quantifying SL trans-splicing events by genes but it is also possible to identify trans-spliced sites at single nucleotide resolution from the output. Indeed, in single-end mode, the 5' end of the reads mapped after SL sequence trimming correspond to the position of the trans-spliced sites. The folowing lines describe such analysis applied to the SL1 trans-splicing only.

#### sort remapped bam files

    samtools sort SL-quant_results/test_SL1_remapped.bam -o SL-quant_results/test_SL1_remapped_sorted.bam

#### get 5' end positions of reads (strand-specific)

    bedtools genomecov -ibam SL-quant_results/test_SL1_remapped_sorted.bam -dz -5 -strand + > SL-quant_results/
    bedtools genomecov -ibam SL-quant_results/test_SL1_remapped_sorted.bam -dz -5 -strand - > SL-quant_results/

#### see transpliced site

    head -n 1 SL-quant_results/
    chrI	6789739     1   # 1 trans-splicing event at position 6789739 of strand '+' of chrI
#### Consensus

We also provide a script, [](, which automatize the analysis of the SL trans-spliced sites. In addition, it generates a fasta file of the -5 -> +5 interval around this splice that can be used to create a consensus sequence (with [weblogo]( for instance). The proportion of sites on 'AG' consensus acceptor sequences is also outputed.

    ./ SL-quant_results/test_SL1_remapped.bam
    find number of SL-transplicing events by sites (not by genes): SL-quant_results/test_SL1_remapped.bam
    [single-end data]
          number of SL-transplicing events detected: 49
          number of sites detected:       12
          number of sites which are 'AG' splice-sites: 11 (91.666 %)
    head -n 2 SL-quant_results/test_SL1_remapped.bam.fasta

## Reproduce the analysis from the manuscript.
To reproduce the full analysis presented in our manuscript from the raw data, [R]( and [trimmomatic]( should be installed. Trimmomatic can be installed with brew:

    brew tap brewsci/bio
    brew install trimmomatic

### Get and map data
We provide two bash scripts to map the reads for the paired-end (``) and the single-end dataset (`./`).

###### single-end dataset (modENCODE_4594)
    mkdir data/reads/modENCODE
    curl -o data/reads/modENCODE/modENCODE_4594.fastq.gz
    ./ data/reads/modENCODE/modENCODE_4594.fastq.gz

###### paired-end dataset (SRR1585277)
    mkdir data/reads/SRR1585277
    curl -o data/reads/SRR1585277/SRR1585277_1.fastq.gz
    curl -o data/reads/SRR1585277/SRR1585277_2.fastq.gz

###### generate random reads (fasta -> fastq -> uBAM)
    bedtools random -l 50 -seed 0 -n 1000000 -g data/chrom_summary.txt > data/reads/random.bed
    bedtools getfasta -fi data/ce10_hisat2_index/genome.fa -bed data/reads/random.bed > data/reads/random.fa
    awk 'BEGIN {RS = ">" ; FS = "\n"} NR > 1 {print "@"$1"\n"$2"\n+"; for(c=0;c<length($2);c++) printf "J"; printf "\n"}' data/reads/random.fa > data/reads/random.fq
    picard FastqToSam F1=data/reads/random.fq O=data/reads/random.bam SM=random

### Run SL-quant

###### single-end dataset (modENCODE_4594)
In SL-quant single-end mode, normal and `-s --specific` settings. Also using the 'cutadapt' method.

    ./ data/reads/modENCODE/modENCODE_4594/unmapped.bam SL-quant_results/modENCODE_4594
    ./ -s data/reads/modENCODE/modENCODE_4594/unmapped.bam SL-quant_results/modENCODE_4594_s/
    ./ data/reads/modENCODE/modENCODE_4594/unmapped.bam SL-quant_results/modENCODE_4594_cutadapt/

###### paired-end dataset (SRR1585277)
In single and paired-end, normal and `-s --specific` settings. Also using the 'cutadapt' method.

    ./ data/reads/SRR1585277/SRR1585277/unmapped.bam SL-quant_results/SRR1585277_single/
    ./ -s data/reads/SRR1585277/SRR1585277/unmapped.bam SL-quant_results/SRR1585277_single_s/
    ./ -p -m data/reads/SRR1585277/SRR1585277/accepted_hits_sorted.bam data/reads/SRR1585277/SRR1585277/unmapped.bam SL-quant_results/SRR1585277_paired/
    ./ -s -p -m data/reads/SRR1585277/SRR1585277/accepted_hits_sorted.bam data/reads/SRR1585277/SRR1585277/unmapped.bam SL-quant_results/SRR1585277_paired_s/
    ./ data/reads/SRR1585277/SRR1585277/unmapped.bam_R2.bam SL-quant_results/SRR1585277_single_cutadapt/

###### random reads dataset
In SL-quant single-end mode, normal and `-s --specific` settings. Also using the 'cutadapt' method.

    ./ data/reads/random.bam SL-quant_results/random/
    ./ -s data/reads/random.bam SL-quant_results/random_s/
    ./ data/reads/random.bam SL-quant_results/random_cutadapt/

## Analyse the data and make figures
An R script (`analyse_SL.R`) is provided to reproduce the analysis and figures presented in the manuscript. 

In addition, another shell script is provided to generate statistics on the SL trans-spliced sites found with the various methods. First, as we want general information, we merge the remapped SL1 and SL2 bam files:

    for i in $(ls SL-quant_results/*/*_log.txt | rev | cut -c 8- | rev | uniq)
      samtools merge -f ${i}SL_merged_remapped.bam ${i}SL1_remapped.bam ${i}SL2_remapped.bam
   Then `` is run on the merged bam files. Alternatively, it can also be used directly on the SL1/SL2 specific bam files.
    ./ SL-quant_results/*/*SL_merged_remapped.bam
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