Raw File
Tip revision: 5c67b47964794589ea13e3dd18edadbffeab64e3 authored by Isaac Overcast on 23 January 2018, 21:26:37 UTC
"Updating ipyrad/ to version - 0.7.21
Tip revision: 5c67b47

*ipyrad* testing tutorial

Getting started

Import *ipyrad* and remove previous test files if they are already

.. code:: python

    ## import modules
    import ipyrad as ip      ## for RADseq assembly
    print ip.__version__     ## print version

Assembly and Sample objects

Assembly and Sample objects are used by *ipyrad* to access data stored
on disk and to manipulate it. Each biological sample in a data set is
represented in a Sample object, and a set of Samples is stored inside an
Assembly object. The Assembly object has functions to assemble the data,
and stores a log of all steps performed and the resulting statistics of
those steps. Assembly objects can be copied or merged to allow branching
events where different parameters can subsequently be applied to
different Assemblies going forward. Examples of this are shown below.

To create an Assembly object call ``ip.Assembly()`` and pass a name for
the data set. An Assembly object does not initially contain Samples,
they will be created either by linking fastq files to the Assembly
object if data are already demultiplexed, or by running ``step1()`` to
demultiplex raw data files, as shown below.

.. code:: python

    ## create an Assembly object called data1. 
    data1 = ip.Assembly("data1")
    ## The object will be saved to disk using its assigned name
    print "Assembly object named",

.. parsed-literal::

    Assembly object named data1

Modifying assembly parameters

All of the parameter settings are linked to an Assembly object, which
has a set of default parameters when it is created. These can be viewed
using the ``get_params()`` function. To get more detailed information
about all parameters use ``ip.get_params_info()`` or to select a single
parameter use ``ip.get_params_info(3)``. Assembly objects have a
function ``set_params()`` that can be used to modify parameters.

.. code:: python

    ## modify parameters for this Assembly object
    data1.set_params(1, "./test_rad")
    data1.set_params(2, "./data/rad_example_R1_.fastq.gz")
    data1.set_params(3, "./data/rad_example_barcodes.txt")
    #data1.set_params(2, "~/Dropbox/UO_C353_1.fastq.part-aa.gz")
    #data1.set_params(3, "/home/deren/Dropbox/Viburnum_revised.barcodes")
    data1.set_params(7, 3)
    data1.set_params(10, 'rad')
    ## print the new parameters to screen

.. parsed-literal::

      1   project_dir                   ./test_rad                                   
      2   raw_fastq_path                ./data/rad_example_R1_.fastq.gz             
      3   barcodes_path                 ./data/rad_example_barcodes.txt             
      4   sorted_fastq_path                                                          
      5   restriction_overhang          ('TGCAG', '')                                
      6   max_low_qual_bases            5                                            
      7   N_processors                  3                                            
      8   mindepth_statistical          6                                            
      9   mindepth_majrule              6                                            
      10  datatype                      rad                                          
      11  clust_threshold               0.85                                         
      12  minsamp                       4                                            
      13  max_shared_heterozygosity     0.25                                         
      14  prefix_outname                data1                                        
      15  phred_Qscore_offset           33                                           
      16  max_barcode_mismatch          1                                            
      17  filter_adapters               0                                            
      18  filter_min_trim_len           35                                           
      19  ploidy                        2                                            
      20  max_stack_size                1000                                         
      21  max_Ns_consens                5                                            
      22  max_Hs_consens                8                                            
      23  max_SNPs_locus                (100, 100)                                   
      24  max_Indels_locus              (5, 99)                                      
      25  trim_overhang                 (1, 2, 2, 1)                                 
      26  hierarchical_clustering       0                                            

Starting data

If the data are already demultiplexed then fastq files can be linked
directly to the Data object, which in turn will create Sample objects
for each fastq file (or pair of fastq files for paired data). The files
may be gzip compressed. If the data are not demultiplexed then you will
have to run the step1 function below to demultiplex the raw data.

.. code:: python

    ## This would link fastq files from the 'sorted_fastq_path' if present
    ## Here it does nothing b/c there are no files in the sorted_fastq_path

.. parsed-literal::

    0 new Samples created in data1.
    0 fastq files linked to Samples.

Step 1: Demultiplex the raw data files

This uses the barcodes information to demultiplex reads in data files
found in the 'raw\_fastq\_path'. It will create a Sample object for each
sample that will be stored in the Assembly object.

.. code:: python

    ## run step 1 to demultiplex the data
    ## print the results for each Sample in data1
    print data1.stats.head()

.. parsed-literal::

          state  reads_raw  reads_filtered  clusters_total  clusters_kept  
    1A_0      1      20099             NaN             NaN            NaN   
    1B_0      1      19977             NaN             NaN            NaN   
    1C_0      1      20114             NaN             NaN            NaN   
    1D_0      1      19895             NaN             NaN            NaN   
    2E_0      1      19928             NaN             NaN            NaN   
          hetero_est  error_est  reads_consens  
    1A_0         NaN        NaN            NaN  
    1B_0         NaN        NaN            NaN  
    1C_0         NaN        NaN            NaN  
    1D_0         NaN        NaN            NaN  
    2E_0         NaN        NaN            NaN  

Step 2: Filter reads

If for some reason we wanted to execute on just a subsample of our data,
we could do this by selecting only certain samples to call the ``step2``
function on. Because ``step2`` is a function of ``data``, it will always
execute with the parameters that are linked to ``data``.

.. code:: python

    ## example of ways to run step 2 to filter and trim reads
    #data1.step2("1B_0")                 ## run on a single sample
    #data1.step2(["1B_0", "1C_0"])       ## run on one or more samples
    data1.step2(force=True)              ## run on all samples, skipping finished ones
    ## print the results
    print data1.stats.head()

Step 3: clustering within-samples

Let's imagine at this point that we are interested in clustering our
data at two different clustering thresholds. We will try 0.90 and 0.85.
First we need to make a copy the Assembly object. This will inherit the
locations of the data linked in the first object, but diverge in any
future applications to the object. Thus, they can share the same working
directory, and will inherit shared files, but create divergently linked
files within this directory. You can view the directories linked to an
Assembly object with the ``.dirs`` argument, shown below. The
prefix\_outname (param 14) of the new object is automatically set to the
Assembly object name.

.. code:: python

    ## run step 3 to cluster reads within samples using vsearch
    #data1.step3(['2E_0'], force=True, preview=True)  # ["2H_0", "2G_0"])
    ## print the results
    print data1.stats.head()

Branching Assembly objects

And you can see below that the two Assembly objects are now working with
several shared directories (working, fastq, edits) but with different
clust directories (clust\_0.85 and clust\_0.9).

.. code:: python

    ## create a branch of our Assembly object
    data2 = data1.branch(newname="data2")
    ## set clustering threshold to 0.90
    data2.set_params(11, 0.90)
    ## look at inherited parameters

.. code:: python

    ## run step 3 to cluster reads within samples using vsearch
    data2.step3(force=True)  # ["2H_0", "2G_0"])
    ## print the results
    print data2.stats

.. code:: python

    print "data1 directories:"
    for (i,j) in data1.dirs.items():
        print "{}\t{}".format(i, j)
    print "\ndata2 directories:"
    for (i,j) in data2.dirs.items():
        print "{}\t{}".format(i, j)

.. code:: python

    ## TODO, just make a [name]_stats directory in [work] for each data obj

Saving stats outputs

.. code:: python

    data1.stats.to_csv("data1_results.csv", sep="\t")

Example of plotting with *ipyrad*

There are a a few simple plotting functions in *ipyrad* useful for
visualizing results. These are in the module ``ipyrad.plotting``. Below
is an interactive plot for visualizing the distributions of coverages
across the 12 samples in the test data set.

.. code:: python

    import ipyrad.plotting as iplot
    ## plot for one or more selected samples
    iplot.depthplot(data1, ["1A_0", "1B_0"])
    ## plot for all samples in data1
    ## save plot as pdf and html
    iplot.depthplot(data1, outprefix="testfig")

Step 4: Joint estimation of heterozygosity and error rate

.. code:: python

    import ipyrad as ip
    data1 = ip.load_assembly("test_rad/data1")

.. code:: python

    ## run step 4
    data1.step4("1A_0", force=True)
    ## print the results
    print data1.stats

Step 5: Consensus base calls

.. code:: python

    #import ipyrad as ip
    ## reload autosaved data. In case you quit and came back 
    #data1 = ip.load_dataobj("test_rad/data1.assembly")

.. code:: python

    ## run step 5
    ## print the results
    print data1.stats

.. code:: python


Quick parameter explanations are always on-hand

.. code:: python


Log history

A common problem after struggling through an analysis is that you find
you've completely forgotten what parameters you used at what point, and
when you changed them. The log history time stamps all calls to
``set_params()``, as well as calls to ``step`` methods. It also records
copies/branching of data objects.

.. code:: python

    for i in data1.log:
        print i

Saving Assembly objects

Assembly objects can be saved and loaded so that interactive analyses
can be started, stopped, and returned to quite easily. The format of
these saved files is a serialized 'dill' object used by Python.
Individual Sample objects are saved within Assembly objects. These
objects to not contain the actual sequence data, but only link to it,
and so are not very large. The information contained includes parameters
and the log of Assembly objects, and the statistics and state of Sample
objects. Assembly objects are autosaved each time an assembly ``step``
function is called, but you can also create your own checkpoints with
the ``save`` command.

.. code:: python

    ## save assembly object
    ## load assembly object
    #data = ip.load_assembly("data1.p")
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