Raw File
Tip revision: 8613ffe795274c82086fecfab4bbd2c2d3555186 authored by dereneaton on 10 July 2017, 18:54:17 UTC
"Updating ipyrad/ to version - 0.7.2
Tip revision: 8613ffe
#!/usr/bin/env python2

## dunders
__version__ = "0.7.2"
__author__ = "Deren Eaton & Isaac Overcast"

## Possible values for __loglevel__: "DEBUG"  "INFO"  "WARN"  "ERROR"
__debugflag__ = "./.debug"
__debugfile__ = "./ipyrad_log.txt"

## define state vars
__interactive__ = 1      ## CLI __main__ changes to 0

# pylint: disable=C0103
import os as _os
import atexit as _atexit

## main ip.functions
from . import load as _load
from . import assemble 
from ipyrad.core.parallel import get_client as _get_client

#from . import file_conversion     ## do not autoimport; import as fc
#from . import plotting            ## do not autoimport; import as ipp
#from . import analysis            ## do not autoimport; import as ipa

## bring nested functions to top for API
from ipyrad.core.assembly import Assembly
from ipyrad.core.assembly import merge
from ipyrad.core.sample import Sample
from .load import save_json
from .load import load_json

## create logger for debugging
## this needs to come after __loglevel__ definition
## sets log config and prints warning if __loglevel__ is in hackers mode
import logging as _logging
import logging.config as _lconfig

## debug is set based on whether the flag exists
if _os.path.exists(__debugflag__):
    __loglevel__ = "DEBUG"
    __loglevel__ = "ERROR"#"INFO"

## ensures MPI is loaded at init on all engines
# actually it freezes if we use this...
#from mpi4py import MPI
#rank = comm.Get_rank()

## check that all dependencies exist and are working
import subprocess as _subprocess
import sys as _sys
import socket as _socket

_LOGGER = _logging.getLogger(__name__)
if __loglevel__ == "DEBUG":
    _LOGGER.debug("Engine init")

def cluster_info(ipyclient, spacer=""):
    """ reports host and engine info for an ipyclient """    
    ## get engine data, skips busy engines.    
    hosts = []
    for eid in ipyclient.ids:
        engine = ipyclient[eid]
        if not engine.outstanding:

    ## report it
    hosts = [i.get() for i in hosts]
    result = []
    for hostname in set(hosts):
        result.append("{}host compute node: [{} cores] on {}"\
            .format(spacer, hosts.count(hostname), hostname))
    print "\n".join(result)

def _debug_on():
    Turns on debugging by creating hidden tmp file
    This is only run by the __main__ engine.
    ## make tmp file and set loglevel for top-level init
    with open(__debugflag__, 'w') as dfile:
    __loglevel__ = "DEBUG""debugging turned on and registered to be turned off at exit")

def _set_debug_dict(__loglevel__):
    """ set the debug dict """

    'version': 1,
    'disable_existing_loggers': False,

    'formatters': {
        'standard': {
            'format': "%(asctime)s \t"\
                     +"pid=%(process)d \t"\
                     +"%(levelname)s \t"\
    'handlers': {
        __name__: {
        __name__: {
            'handlers': [__name__],
            'level': __loglevel__,
            'propogate': True


def _debug_off():
    """ turns off debugging by removing hidden tmp file """
    if _os.path.exists(__debugflag__):
    __loglevel__ = "ERROR""debugging turned off")

def _cmd_exists(cmd):
    """ check if dependency program is there """
    return"type " + cmd,
                           stderr=_subprocess.PIPE) == 0

def _getbins():
    """ gets the right version of vsearch, muscle, and smalt
    depending on linux vs osx """

    # Return error if system is 32-bit arch.
    # This is straight from the python docs:
    if not _sys.maxsize > 2**32:
        _sys.exit("ipyrad requires 64bit architecture")

    ## get platform mac or linux
    _platform = _sys.platform

    ## get current location
    path = _os.path.abspath(_os.path.dirname(__file__))

    ## find bin directory
    ipyrad_path = _os.path.dirname(path)
    bin_path = _os.path.join(ipyrad_path, "bin")

    ## get the correct binaries
    if 'linux' in _platform:
        vsearch = _os.path.join(
        muscle = _os.path.join(
        smalt = _os.path.join(
        bwa = _os.path.join(
        samtools = _os.path.join(
        bedtools = _os.path.join(
        qmc = _os.path.join(
        vsearch = _os.path.join(
        muscle = _os.path.join(
        smalt = _os.path.join(
        bwa = _os.path.join(
        samtools = _os.path.join(
        bedtools = _os.path.join(
        ## only one compiled version available, works for all?
        qmc = _os.path.join(

    # Test for existence of binaries
    assert _cmd_exists(muscle), "muscle not found here: "+muscle
    assert _cmd_exists(vsearch), "vsearch not found here: "+vsearch
    assert _cmd_exists(smalt), "smalt not found here: "+smalt
    assert _cmd_exists(bwa), "bwa not found here: "+bwa
    assert _cmd_exists(samtools), "samtools not found here: "+samtools
    assert _cmd_exists(bedtools), "bedtools not found here: "+bedtools
    #assert _cmd_exists(qmc), "wQMC not found here: "+qmc
    return vsearch, muscle, smalt, bwa, samtools, bedtools, qmc

## create globals for binaries that can be accessed as: ipyrad.bins.muscle
bins = assemble.util.ObjDict()
_binnames = ["vsearch", "muscle", "smalt", "bwa", "samtools", "bedtools", "qmc"]
for _binn, _binx in zip(_binnames, _getbins()):
    bins[_binn] = _binx
## clean up for the API
del _binnames

if __name__ == "__main__":
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