Raw File
Tip revision: bbbd1b4c0d14293250fc62274f25f56b7d328040 authored by Daniel Blankenberg on 10 January 2013, 19:57:37 UTC
Fixes for Tool.check_and_update_param_values_helper() to check that the type of value provided is valid for the input parameter currently declared. Fixes an issue where rurun would select the wrong input dataset.
Tip revision: bbbd1b4


    This is the LaunchDaemon definition for OS X (pre-Snow Leopard?). Assuming
    that Galaxy is installed in the home directory of the user 'galaxy', run:
        mkdir /Users/galaxy/galaxy_dist/log
        sudo cp /Users/galaxy/galaxy_dist/contrib/edu.psu.galaxy.GalaxyServer.plist /Library/LaunchDaemons/
        sudo chown root:wheel /Library/LaunchDaemons/edu.psu.galaxy.GalaxyServer.plist
    Launch Galaxy with:
        sudo launchctl load /Library/LaunchDaemons/edu.psu.galaxy.GalaxyServer.plist
    Galaxy will now be started everytime the computer starts.
    Written and submitted by James Casbon.


    init script for Debian/Ubuntu Linux.  Copy to /etc/init.d/galaxy, modify
    paths, and configure for start at boot with `update-rc.d galaxy defaults`.
    Also written and submitted by James Casbon.


    init script for Fedora/RedHat/Scientific Linux/CentOS.  Copy to
    /etc/init.d/galaxy, modify paths, and configure for start at boot with
    `chkconfig galaxy on`.  Written and submitted by Brad Chapman.


    SMF Manifest for Solaris 10 and OpenSolaris.  Import with `svccfg import

    "Galaxy ls", for sites where Galaxy logins match system logins, this script
    can be used to list the filesystem paths to a user's history datasets.
    Requires site modifications.  Written and submitted by Simon McGowan.
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