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Tip revision: e4e2b6c515f166da5ccf9b7ccc31ea8040b040a2 authored by Geoff Boeing on 12 June 2023, 04:07:13 UTC
Merge pull request #983 from gboeing/release
Tip revision: e4e2b6c
User Reference

User reference for the OSMnx package.

This guide covers usage of all public modules and functions. Every function can be accessed via `ox.module_name.function_name()` and most can also be accessed directly via `ox.function_name()` as a shortcut. Less-common functions are accessible only via `ox.module_name.function_name()`.

OSMnx geocodes place names and addresses with the OpenStreetMap Nominatim API. Using OSMnx's :code:`geometries` module, you can retrieve any geospatial objects (such as building footprints, grocery stores, schools, public parks, transit stops, etc) from the OpenStreetMap Overpass API as a GeoPandas GeoDataFrame. Using OSMnx's :code:`graph` module, you can retrieve any spatial network data (such as streets, paths, canals, etc) from the Overpass API and model them as NetworkX MultiDiGraphs.

OSMnx automatically processes network topology from the original raw OpenStreetMap data such that nodes represent intersections/dead-ends and edges represent the street segments that link them. MultiDiGraphs are nonplanar directed graphs with possible self-loops and parallel edges. Thus, a one-way street will be represented with a single directed edge from node u to node v, but a bidirectional street will be represented with two reciprocal directed edges (with identical geometries): one from node u to node v and another from v to u, to represent both possible directions of flow. OSMnx can convert a MultiDiGraph to a MultiGraph if you prefer an undirected representation of the network. It can also convert a MultiDiGraph to/from GeoPandas node and edge GeoDataFrames.

osmnx.bearing module

.. automodule:: osmnx.bearing

osmnx.distance module

.. automodule:: osmnx.distance

osmnx.downloader module

.. automodule:: osmnx.downloader

osmnx.elevation module

.. automodule:: osmnx.elevation

osmnx.folium module

.. automodule:: osmnx.folium

osmnx.geocoder module

.. automodule:: osmnx.geocoder

osmnx.geometries module

.. automodule:: osmnx.geometries

osmnx.graph module

.. automodule:: osmnx.graph
    :members: module

.. automodule::

osmnx.osm_xml module

.. automodule:: osmnx.osm_xml

osmnx.plot module

.. automodule:: osmnx.plot

osmnx.projection module

.. automodule:: osmnx.projection

osmnx.settings module

.. automodule:: osmnx.settings

osmnx.simplification module

.. automodule:: osmnx.simplification

osmnx.speed module

.. automodule:: osmnx.speed

osmnx.stats module

.. automodule:: osmnx.stats

osmnx.truncate module

.. automodule:: osmnx.truncate

osmnx.utils module

.. automodule:: osmnx.utils

osmnx.utils_geo module

.. automodule:: osmnx.utils_geo

osmnx.utils_graph module

.. automodule:: osmnx.utils_graph
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