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Tip revision: 77612f8c59fbfd43ef3f4c1719933bf0cbca3261 authored by jtlovell on 09 March 2022, 01:22:19 UTC
adding scripts
Tip revision: 77612f8
title: "GENESPACE MS part 1: Cotton analysis"
date: "`r format(Sys.time(), '%d %B, %Y')`"
output: pdf_document

```{r setup, include=FALSE}
knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE)

## Get dictionary of gene IDs between Maize versions

The geneIDs on NCBI for refgen_v5 are different than those for the B73 nam founder. Further, the QTL we want to explore comes from the v5 annotation. We need to get a geneID dictionary across these different versions. 

To do this, we ran orthofinder on the two pairs (v2 v5) and (v5 ncbi vs. v5 nam) and extracted 1:1 orthologs. 

```{r orthologs}
wd <- "/Users/lovell/Desktop/manuscripts/genespace_2022/GENESPACE_data/"

# -- function to parse a single orthofinder ortholog file
parse_orthos <- function(i){
  x <- fread(i, showProgress = F)
  refID <- colnames(x)[2]
  altID <- colnames(x)[3]
  setnames(x, c("og", "id1", "id2"))
  id1 <- id2 <- NULL
  x1 <- subset(x, !grepl(",", paste(id1, id2)))
  x2 <- subset(x, grepl(",", paste(id1, id2)))
  x2[,orthID := 1:.N]
  x2r <- x2[,list(id1 = unique(strsplit(id1, ",")[[1]])),
            by = "orthID"]
  x2a <- x2[,list(id2 = unique(strsplit(id2, ",")[[1]])),
            by = "orthID"]
  x2 <- merge(x2r, x2a, by = "orthID", all = T, allow.cartesian = T)
  x1[,orthID := (1:.N)+max(x2$orthID)]
  x <- rbind(x1[,colnames(x2), with = F], x2)
  x[,`:=`(gen1 = refID, gen2 = altID,
          id1 = gsub(" ", "", id1), id2 = gsub(" ", "", id2))]

# -- read all the orthologs into memory
dict <- rbind(
  parse_orthos(file.path(wd, "v2__v__v5.tsv")),
  parse_orthos(file.path(wd, "v5__v__v2.tsv")),
  parse_orthos(file.path(wd, "nam__v__ncbi.tsv")),
  parse_orthos(file.path(wd, "ncbi__v__nam.tsv")))

# -- count unique geneIDs by ortholog group and genome
dict[,n1 := uniqueN(id1), by = c("orthID", "gen1")]
dict[,n2 := uniqueN(id2), by = c("orthID", "gen2")]
fwrite(dict, file = file.path(wd, "results", "maizeVersionDict.txt.gz"), sep = "\t", quote = F)
# -- subset to just 1:1 graphs
dict121 <- subset(
  orthID %in% unique(subset(dict, n1 == 1 & n2 == 1)$orthID))
dict121 <- dict121[,c("id1", "id2", "gen1", "gen2")]

## Lift genes of interest onto the ncbi version (used in the full grass run)

Specify lists of genes as vectors

```{r readGOIs}
zmaysCore <- c('GRMZM2G129513', 'GRMZM2G085019', 'GRMZM2G083841', 'GRMZM2G306345', 'GRMZM2G131286', 'GRMZM2G097457', 'GRMZM2G121878', 'GRMZM2G001696', 'GRMZM5G870932')
zmaysRelated <- c('GRMZM5G836910','GRMZM2G069203','GRMZM2G070271','GRMZM2G095562','GRMZM2G040878','GRMZM2G350802','GRMZM2G171406','GRMZM2G120652','GRMZM2G021706','GRMZM2G173669','AC207628.4_FG009','GRMZM2G080274','GRMZM2G004534','GRMZM2G080375','GRMZM5G857641','GRMZM2G039246','GRMZM5G852502','AC233887.1_FG006','GRMZM2G074462','GRMZM2G052546','GRMZM2G082034','GRMZM2G007939','GRMZM2G035749','GRMZM2G347708','GRMZM2G121612','GRMZM2G075502','GRMZM5G822137','GRMZM2G099340','GRMZM2G004528','GRMZM2G047592','GRMZM2G150906','GRMZM2G048904','AC212023.4_FG004','GRMZM2G414317','GRMZM2G091825','GRMZM2G312910','GRMZM2G078118','GRMZM2G178775','GRMZM2G344205','GRMZM2G056093','GRMZM2G004880','GRMZM2G033971','GRMZM2G181000','GRMZM2G412229','GRMZM5G863645','GRMZM2G326270','GRMZM2G440459','GRMZM2G066636','GRMZM2G047002','GRMZM2G135990','GRMZM2G367638','GRMZM2G162233','GRMZM2G075058','GRMZM2G030240','GRMZM2G032478','GRMZM2G004006','GRMZM2G140917','GRMZM2G039978','GRMZM2G034963','GRMZM2G338721','GRMZM2G167892','GRMZM2G060079','GRMZM2G161295','GRMZM2G005859','GRMZM2G081114','GRMZM2G098545','GRMZM2G098999','GRMZM2G322593','GRMZM2G111200','GRMZM2G341366','GRMZM2G038487','GRMZM2G030628','GRMZM2G178192','GRMZM2G017532','GRMZM2G179133','AC233922.1_FG008','GRMZM2G176506','GRMZM2G051103','GRMZM2G055575','GRMZM2G021416','GRMZM2G052658','GRMZM2G070315','AC233910.1_FG010','GRMZM2G134389','GRMZM2G171390','GRMZM2G046284','GRMZM2G306732','AC147602.5_FG004','GRMZM2G070605','GRMZM2G066413','GRMZM2G102349','GRMZM5G885392','GRMZM2G110277','GRMZM2G103101','GRMZM2G010884','GRMZM2G017290','GRMZM2G085646','GRMZM2G013342','GRMZM2G024150','GRMZM2G122793','GRMZM2G116557','GRMZM2G338259','GRMZM2G052544','GRMZM2G088524','AC204212.4_FG001','GRMZM2G144196','GRMZM2G084935','GRMZM2G066489','GRMZM2G353024','GRMZM2G080503','GRMZM2G068316','GRMZM2G324956','GRMZM2G113325','GRMZM2G137849','GRMZM5G890665','GRMZM2G026391','GRMZM2G009715','GRMZM2G310569','GRMZM5G801949','GRMZM2G034302','GRMZM2G087901','GRMZM2G096365')
zmaysAll <-  unique(c(zmaysCore, zmaysRelated))

Subset the 1:1 ortholog dictionary to these genes

```{r subset ogs}
tmp <- subset(dict121, id2 %in% zmaysAll)
dictGOI <- subset(dict121, id1 %in% c(tmp$id1, tmp$id2))
uGOI <- unique(c(dictGOI$id1, dictGOI$id2))

```{r add ofIDs}
gff <- fread(
  file.path(wd, "results/grasses/results", "gffWithOgs.txt.gz"),
  showProgress = F, na.strings = c("", "NA"))
gffGOI <- subset(gff, id %in% uGOI)
uGOI <- gffGOI$id
idv <- gffGOI$ofID; names(idv) <- gffGOI$id
odv <- gffGOI$id; names(odv) <- gffGOI$ofID
dictGOI[,`:=`(ofID1 = idv[id1], ofID2 = idv[id2])]
uofGOI <- unique(c(dictGOI$ofID1, dictGOI$ofID2))
uofGOI <- uofGOI[!]

Check and drop paralogs in this list so we just have single copies

```{r chk para}
hits <- fread(
  file.path(wd, "results/grasses/results", "maize_maize_synHits.txt.gz"),
  showProgress = F, na.strings = c("", "NA"))
hits <- subset(hits, isOg & inBuffer)
hitsGOI <- subset(hits, ofID1 %in% uofGOI & ofID2 %in% uofGOI & ofID1 != ofID2)
paraGOI <- with(hitsGOI, data.table(id = odv[ofID1], paralog = odv[ofID2], blk = blkID))
paraGOI[,clus := clus_igraph(id, paralog)]

noDupGOI <- c(unique(paraGOI$id[!duplicated(paraGOI$clus)]), 
              uGOI[!uGOI %in% unique(c(paraGOI$id, paraGOI$paralog))])

Read in the pangenome and subset to goi

```{r subset ogs}
pg <- fread(
  file.path(wd, "results/grasses/results", "maize_pangenomeDB.txt.gz"),
  showProgress = F, na.strings = c("", "NA"))
pg <- subset(pg, !
setkey(pg, pgChr, pgOrd)
pg[,u := paste(pgChr, pgOrd, pgID)]
pg[,pgID := as.numeric(factor(u, levels = unique(u)))]
tmp <- subset(pg, id %in% noDupGOI & isArrayRep & isDirectSyn)
pgGOI <- subset(pg, pgID %in% tmp$pgID)
pgGOI <- subset(pgGOI, !duplicated(paste(pgID, id)))
fwrite(pgGOI, file = file.path(wd, "results", "maizeGOIpangenome.txt"), sep = "\t", quote = F)

Transform to wide format and write 

```{r widepg}
transf_toWide <- function(pgout){
  wh <- which(pgout$isNSOrtho)
  pgout$id[wh] <- paste0(pgout$id[wh], "*")
  # -- flag array reps
  wh <- which(!pgout$isArrayRep & !pgout$isNSOrtho)
  pgout$id[wh] <- paste0(pgout$id[wh], "+")
  # -- reshape to wide format
  pgw <- dcast(
    pgID + pgChr + pgOrd ~ genome,
    value.var = "id",
    fun.aggregate = function(x) list(x))
  # -- order by pg position
  setorder(pgw, pgChr, pgOrd, na.last = T)

widepg <- transf_toWide(pgGOI)
setkey(widepg, pgID)
fwrite(widepg, file = file.path(wd, "results", "maizeGOIpangenomeWide.txt"), sep = "\t", quote = F)

Calculate the frequency of PAVs per gene in the pangenome and gois

```{r subset ogs}
pg[,nMaize := sum(genome == "maize"), by = "pgID"]
pgm <- subset(pg, isArrayRep & nMaize > 0 & isDirectSyn)
pav <- pgm[,list(n = uniqueN(id)), by = c("genome", "pgID")]
pav <- subset(pav, complete.cases(pav))
pav$n[pav$n > 3] <- 3
tab <- dcast(pav, pgID ~ genome, value.var = "n")
tab[] <- 0
pav <- melt(tab, id.vars = "pgID", = "genome", = "n")

pav[,isGOI := pgID %in% pgGOI$pgID]
tab <- with(subset(pav, genome != "maize"), table(isGOI, n > 0))
with(subset(pav, genome != "maize"), sum(n == 0 & isGOI) / sum(isGOI))
with(subset(pav, genome != "maize"), sum(n == 0 & !isGOI) / sum(!isGOI))

c4s <- c("Phallii", "switchgrass", "Sviridis", "Sorghum")
tab <- with(subset(pav, isGOI & genome != "maize"), table(genome %in% c4s, n > 0))
with(subset(pav, isGOI & genome != "maize"), sum(n == 0 & genome %in% c4s) / sum(genome %in% c4s))
with(subset(pav, isGOI & genome != "maize"), sum(n == 0 & !genome %in% c4s) / sum(!genome %in% c4s))

rats <- pav[,list(propAbsent = sum(n == 0)/.N), by = c("genome", "isGOI")]
rats <- subset(rats, genome != "maize")
rats[,genome := factor(genome, levels = c("Phallii", "switchgrass", "Sviridis", "Sorghum", "rice", "brachy", "wheat"))]
p1 <- ggplot(rats, aes(x = genome, y = propAbsent, fill = isGOI))+
  geom_bar(stat = "identity", position = "dodge")+
  scale_fill_discrete(guide = "none")

oddsl <- rbindlist(lapply(split(pav, by = "genome")[levels(rats$genome)], function(x){
  tab <- with(x, table(n > 0, isGOI))
  isC4 <- x$genome[1] %in% c("Phallii", "switchgrass", "Sviridis", "Sorghum")
    tst <- fisher.test(tab, conf.level = 0.95, alternative = "greater")
       tst <- fisher.test(tab, conf.level = 0.95, alternative = "less")
  out <- data.table(genome = x$genome[1],
                    oddsMoreAbsentGlob = tst$estimate, 
                    loCi = tst$[1],
                    hiCi = tst$[2])
oddsl$hiCi[!is.finite(oddsl$hiCi)] <- oddsl$oddsMoreAbsentGlob[!is.finite(oddsl$hiCi)]
oddsl$loCi[oddsl$loCi == 0] <- oddsl$oddsMoreAbsentGlob[oddsl$loCi == 0] 
oddsl[,genome := factor(genome, levels = c("Phallii", "switchgrass", "Sviridis", "Sorghum", "rice", "brachy", "wheat"))]
p2 <- ggplot(oddsl, aes(x = genome, y = oddsMoreAbsentGlob))+
  geom_bar(stat = "identity", position = "dodge")+
  geom_errorbar(aes(ymin = loCi, ymax = hiCi))
grid.arrange(p1, p2, nrow = 2)
pdf(file.path(wd, "raw_plots", "Fig2b_sourcePlot.pdf"), height = 3, width = 5)
grid.arrange(p1, p2, nrow = 2)

```{r subset ogs}
pav <- subset(pg, isArrayRep)[,list(n = uniqueN(id)), by = c("genome", "pgID", "isDirectSyn")]
pav <- subset(pav, complete.cases(pav))
pav[,nNonMaize := sum(genome != "maize"), by = "pgID"]
pav <- subset(pav, nNonMaize > 0)
pav$n[pav$n > 3] <- 3
tab <- dcast(subset(pav, isDirectSyn), pgID ~ genome, value.var = "n")
tab[] <- 0

tabGoi <- subset(tab, pgID %in% pgGOI$pgID)

Do fisher's test for presence absence in each. 
```{r subset ogs}
genomeIDs <- unique(pg$genome[pg$genome != "maize"])
genomeIDsHaploid <- genomeIDs[!genomeIDs %in% c("wheat", "maize", "switchgrass")]
for(i in genomeIDsHaploid){
  cat(sprintf("\n############\nTest for over-abundance of absences in %s\n", i))
  tabr <- rbind(table(tab[[i]] > 0), 
                table(tabGoi[[i]] > 0))

Plot the ratios of PAVs for GOI and total

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