Raw File
Tip revision: dc3e501accb8b812a5de4307c0542dde458e0274 authored by Timothy Brown on 20 October 2014, 18:06:15 UTC
Version v3.4.1RCc - Release candidate with eddy outlier statistics collection option, eddy outlier replacement option, and echoing of exact command used for running eddy.
Tip revision: dc3e501
# #
# ## Copyright Notice
# Copyright (C) 2012-2014 The Human Connectome Project
# * Washington University in St. Louis
# * University of Minnesota
# * Oxford University
# ## Author(s)
# * Stamatios Sotiropoulos, FMRIB Analysis Group, Oxford University
# * Saad Jbabdi, FMRIB Analysis Group, Oxford University
# * Jesper Andersson, FMRIB Analysis Group, Oxford University
# * Matthew F. Glasser, Department of Anatomy and Neurobiology, Washington University in St. Louis
# * Timothy B. Brown, Neuroinfomatics Research Group, Washington University in St. Louis
# ## Product
# [Human Connectome Project][HCP] (HCP) Pipelines
# ## License
# See the [LICENSE]( file
# ## Description 
# This script, <code></code>, implements the Diffusion 
# MRI Preprocessing Pipeline described in [Glasser et al. 2013][GlasserEtAl]. 
# It generates the "data" directory that can be used as input to the fibre 
# orientation estimation scripts.
# ## Prerequisite Installed Software
# * [FSL][FSL] - FMRIB's Software Library (version 5.0.6)
#   FSL's environment setup script must also be sourced
# * [FreeSurfer][FreeSurfer] (version 5.3.0-HCP)
# * [HCP-gradunwarp][HCP-gradunwarp] - (HCP version 1.0.2)
# ## Prerequisite Environment Variables
# See output of usage function: e.g. <code>$ ./ --help</code>
# ## Output Directories
# *NB: NO assumption is made about the input paths with respect to the output directories - they can be totally different.
# All inputs are taken directly from the input variables without additions or modifications.*
# Output path specifiers
# * <code>${StudyFolder}</code> is an input parameter
# * <code>${Subject}</code> is an input parameter
# Main output directories
# * <code>DiffFolder=${StudyFolder}/${Subject}/Diffusion</code>
# * <code>T1wDiffFolder=${StudyFolder}/${Subject}/T1w/Diffusion</code>
# All outputs are within the directory: <code>${StudyFolder}/${Subject}</code>
# The full list of output directories are the following
# * <code>$DiffFolder/rawdata</code>
# * <code>$DiffFolder/topup</code>
# * <code>$DiffFolder/eddy</code>
# * <code>$DiffFolder/data</code>
# * <code>$DiffFolder/reg</code>
# * <code>$T1wDiffFolder</code>
# Also assumes that T1 preprocessing has been carried out with results in <code>${StudyFolder}/${Subject}/T1w</code>
# <!-- References -->
# [HCP]:
# [GlasserEtAl]:
# [FSL]:
# [FreeSurfer]:
# [HCP-gradunwarp]:
# [license]:

# Setup this script such that if any command exits with a non-zero value, the 
# script itself exits and does not attempt any further processing.
set -e

# Load Function Libraries
source ${HCPPIPEDIR}/global/scripts/log.shlib     # log_ functions
source ${HCPPIPEDIR}/global/scripts/version.shlib # version_ functions

# Function Descripton
#  Show usage information for this script
usage() {
    local scriptName=$(basename ${0})
    echo ""
    echo "  Perform the steps of the HCP Diffusion Preprocessing Pipeline"
    echo ""
    echo "  Usage: ${scriptName} <options>"
    echo ""
    echo "  Options: [ ] = optional; < > = user supplied value"
    echo ""
    echo "    [--help] : show usage information and exit with non-zero return code"
    echo ""
    echo "    [--version] : show version information and exit with 0 as return code"
    echo ""
    echo "    --path=<study-path>"
    echo "    : path to subject's data folder"
    echo ""
    echo "    --subject=<subject-id>"
    echo "    : Subject ID"
    echo ""
    echo "    --PEdir=<phase-encoding-dir>"
    echo "    : phase encoding direction: 1=LR/RL, 2=AP/PA"
    echo ""
    echo "    --posData=<positive-phase-encoding-data>"
    echo "    : @ symbol separated list of data with positive phase encoding direction"
    echo "      e.g. dataRL1@dataRL2@...dataRLN"
    echo ""
    echo "    --negData=<negative-phase-encoding-data>"
    echo "    : @ symbol separated list of data with negative phase encoding direction"
    echo "      e.g. dataLR1@dataLR2@...dataLRN"
    echo ""
    echo "    --echospacing=<echo-spacing>"
    echo "    : Echo spacing in msecs"
    echo ""
    echo "    --gdcoeffs=<path-to-gradients-coefficients-file>"
    echo "    : path to file containing coefficients that describe spatial variations"
    echo "      of the scanner gradients. Use --gdcoeffs=NONE if not available"
    echo ""
    echo "    [--printcom=<print-command>]"
    echo "    : Use the specified <print-command> to echo or otherwise output the commands"
    echo "      that would be executed instead of actually running them"
    echo "      --printcom=echo is intended for testing purposes"
    echo ""
    echo "  Return Code:"
    echo ""
    echo "    0 if help was not requested, all parameters were properly formed, and processing succeeded"
    echo "    Non-zero otherwise - malformed parameters, help requested, or processing failure was detected"
    echo ""
    echo "  Required Environment Variables:"
    echo ""
    echo "    HCPPIPEDIR"
    echo ""
    echo "      The home directory for the version of the HCP Pipeline Tools product"
    echo "      being used."
    echo ""
    echo "      Example value: /nrgpackages/tools.release/hcp-pipeline-tools-3.0"
    echo ""
    echo "    HCPPIPEDIR_dMRI"
    echo ""
    echo "      Location of Diffusion MRI sub-scripts that are used to carry out some of the"
    echo "      steps of the Diffusion Preprocessing Pipeline"
    echo ""
    echo "      Example value: ${HCPPIPEDIR}/DiffusionPreprocessing/scripts"
    echo ""
    echo "    FSLDIR"
    echo ""
    echo "      The home directory for FSL"
    echo ""
    echo "    FREESURFER_HOME"
    echo ""
    echo "      Home directory for FreeSurfer"
    echo ""
    echo "    PATH"
    echo ""
    echo "      Must be set to find HCP Customized version of"
    echo ""

# Function Description
#  Get the command line options for this script
# Global Output Variables
#  ${StudyFolder}    - Path to subject's data folder
#  ${Subject}        - Subject ID
#  ${PEdir}          - Phase Encoding Direction, 1=LR/RL, 2=AP/PA
#  ${PosInputImages} - @ symbol separated list of data with positive phase encoding direction
#  ${NegInputImages} - @ symbol separated lsit of data with negative phase encoding direction 
#  ${echospacing}    - echo spacing in msecs
#  ${GdCoeffs}       - Path to file containing coefficients that describe spatial variations
#                      of the scanner gradients. Use NONE if not available.
#  ${runcmd}         - Set to a user specifed command to use if user has requested
#                      that commands be echo'd (or printed) instead of actually executed.
#                      Otherwise, set to empty string.
get_options() {
    local scriptName=$(basename ${0})
    local arguments=($@)
    # initialize global output variables
    unset StudyFolder
    unset Subject
    unset PEdir
    unset PosInputImages
    unset NegInputImages
    unset echospacing
    unset GdCoeffs

    # parse arguments
    local index=0
    local numArgs=${#arguments[@]}
    local argument

    while [ ${index} -lt ${numArgs} ]; do

        case ${argument} in
                exit 1
                version_show $@
                exit 0
                index=$(( index + 1 ))
                index=$(( index + 1 ))
                index=$(( index + 1 ))
                index=$(( index + 1 ))
                index=$(( index + 1 ))
                index=$(( index + 1 ))
                index=$(( index + 1 ))
                index=$(( index + 1 ))
                echo "ERROR: Unrecognized Option: ${argument}"
                exit 1

    # check required parameters
    if [ -z ${StudyFolder} ]; then
        echo "ERROR: <study-path> not specified"
        exit 1

    if [ -z ${Subject} ]; then
        echo "ERROR: <subject-id> not specified"
        exit 1

    if [ -z ${PEdir} ]; then
        echo "ERROR: <phase-encoding-dir> not specified"
        exit 1

    if [ -z ${PosInputImages} ]; then
        echo "ERROR: <positive-phase-encoded-data> not specified"
        exit 1

    if [ -z ${NegInputImages} ]; then
        echo "ERROR: <negative-phase-encoded-data> not specified"
        exit 1

    if [ -z ${echospacing} ]; then
        echo "ERROR: <echo-spacing> not specified"
        exit 1

    if [ -z ${GdCoeffs} ]; then
        echo "ERROR: <path-to-gradients-coefficients-file> not specified"
        exit 1

    # report options
    echo "-- ${scriptName}: Specified Command-Line Options - Start --"
    echo "   StudyFolder: ${StudyFolder}"
    echo "   Subject: ${Subject}"
    echo "   PEdir: ${PEdir}"
    echo "   PosInputImages: ${PosInputImages}"
    echo "   NegInputImages: ${NegInputImages}"
    echo "   echospacing: ${echospacing}"
    echo "   GdCoeffs: ${GdCoeffs}"
    echo "   runcmd: ${runcmd}"
    echo "-- ${scriptName}: Specified Command-Line Options - End --"

# Function Description
#  Validate necessary environment variables
validate_environment_vars() {
    local scriptName=$(basename ${0}) 
    # validate
    if [ -z ${HCPPIPEDIR_dMRI} ]; then
        echo "ERROR: HCPPIPEDIR_dMRI environment variable not set"
        exit 1

    if [ ! -e ${HCPPIPEDIR}/DiffusionPreprocessing/ ]; then 
        echo "ERROR: HCPPIPEDIR/DiffusionPreprocessing/ not found"
        exit 1

    if [ ! -e ${HCPPIPEDIR}/DiffusionPreprocessing/ ]; then 
        echo "ERROR: HCPPIPEDIR/DiffusionPreprocessing/ not found"
        exit 1

    if [ ! -e ${HCPPIPEDIR}/DiffusionPreprocessing/ ]; then 
        echo "ERROR: HCPPIPEDIR/DiffusionPreprocessing/ not found"
        exit 1

    if [ -z ${FSLDIR} ]; then
        echo "ERROR: FSLDIR environment variable not set"
        exit 1

    # report
    echo "-- ${scriptName}: Environment Variables Used - Start --"
    echo "   FSLDIR: ${FSLDIR}"
    echo "-- ${scriptName}: Environment Variables Used - End --"

# Function Description
#  Main processing of script
main() {
    # Get Command Line Options
    # Global Variables Set
    #  ${StudyFolder}    - Path to subject's data folder
    #  ${Subject}        - Subject ID  
    #  ${PEdir}          - Phase Encoding Direction, 1=LR/RL, 2=AP/PA
    #  ${PosInputImages} - @ symbol separated list of data with positive phase encoding direction
    #  ${NegInputImages} - @ symbol separated lsit of data with negative phase encoding direction 
    #  ${echospacing}    - echo spacing in msecs
    #  ${GdCoeffs}       - Path to file containing coefficients that describe spatial variations
    #                      of the scanner gradients. Use NONE if not available.
    #  ${runcmd}         - Set to a user specifed command to use if user has requested
    #                      that commands be echo'd (or printed) instead of actually executed.
    #                      Otherwise, set to empty string.
    get_options $@

    # Validate environment variables
    validate_environment_vars $@

    # Establish tool name for logging
    log_SetToolName ""

    log_Msg "Invoking Pre-Eddy Steps"
    ${HCPPIPEDIR}/DiffusionPreprocessing/ \
        --path=${StudyFolder} \
        --subject=${Subject} \
        --PEdir=${PEdir} \
        --posData=${PosInputImages} \
        --negData=${NegInputImages} \
        --echospacing=${echospacing} \
    log_Msg "Invoking Eddy Step"
    ${HCPPIPEDIR}/DiffusionPreprocessing/ \
        --path=${StudyFolder} \
        --subject=${Subject} \

    log_Msg "Invoking Post-Eddy Steps"
    ${HCPPIPEDIR}/DiffusionPreprocessing/ \
        --path=${StudyFolder} \
        --subject=${Subject} \
        --gdcoeffs=${GdCoeffs} \

    log_Msg "Completed"
    exit 0

# Invoke the main function to get things started
main $@

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