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Tip revision: 31b6aa1940b0a4ffd0467cac5d11bf32f940d222 authored by “YourUsername” on 03 October 2023, 03:25:47 UTC
Modify readme file
Tip revision: 31b6aa1

# Installation
The implementation of the code's speed-up is based on the [instant-NGP]( architecture.

## Hardware

* OS: Ubuntu 20.04
* NVIDIA GPU with Compute Compatibility >= 75 and memory > 6GB (Tested with RTX 2080 Ti), CUDA 11.3 (might work with older version)
* 32GB RAM (in order to load full size images)

## Software

* Clone this repo by `git clone`
* Python>=3.8 (installation via [anaconda]( is recommended, use `conda create -n ngp_pl python=3.8` to create a conda environment and activate it by `conda activate ngp_pl`)
* Python libraries
    * Install pytorch by `pip install torch==1.11.0 --extra-index-url`
    * Install `torch-scatter` following their [instruction](
    * Install `tinycudann` following their [instruction]( (pytorch extension)
    * Install `apex` following their [instruction](
    * Install core requirements by `pip install -r requirements.txt` (project root directory)

* Cuda extension: Upgrade `pip` to >= 22.1 and run `pip install models/csrc/` (please run this each time you `pull` the code)

# Preparation for Datasets, Pre-trained Model and Checkpoint
Run the following shell command to automatically download and install the datasets, pre-trained model and checkpoint for first stage.
bash ./
In addition, for compatibility with general hardware configurations, it is recommended that dataset archive sizes be kept within 512*512 pixels.

# Reproduction of the results
Run the following shell command to get the reproduced results (Quickstart):
cd TS-NeRF

python --root_dir data/trex --exp_name trex__style --dataset_name colmap --stage second_stage --weight_path ckpts/last.ckpt --style_target "Pixar 3D style" --num_epochs 1 

It will train the `trex` scene for 1k steps (each step with 8192 rays), and perform one testing at the end. The reproduction of results  will be shown in `./results/colmap/trex__style`.

More options can be found in [](

# Acknowledgments

Our code is based on [Instant Neural Graphics Primitives with a Multiresolution Hash Encoding](  
The implementation of the Nearest neighbor vector searcher are based on [High-Resolution Image Synthesis with Latent Diffusion Models](  
The implementation of Consistency metric(Temporal Warping Error) is derived from [Learning Blind Video Temporal Consistency](

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