Raw File
Tip revision: 90536f318b3033bf074876000f6582dcd4bea180 authored by CHERMAIN Xavier on 27 July 2023, 11:45:09 UTC
Fix typos. Add article number.
Tip revision: 90536f3
# Tools

The code of the paper is in the tool [``](#fill_2d_shapepy).

The other tools can be run after `` was used:
- [``](#visualizepy)
- [``](#togcodepy)
- [``](#togcodepy)
- ``: Convert the grid of aligned sines generated by `` to a text file.
- ``: Convert the cycle with varying radius generated by `` to a text file.


Fill a 2D shape with an oriented cycle. See Algorithm 1 in Chermain et al.

## Usage

usage: [-h] [--nodumping] input_filename

Input: A json file containing all the input parameters. Output: A cycle with varying width.

positional arguments:
  input_filename        Use the inputs in the file specified here.

  -h, --help   show this help message and exit
  --nodumping  To not save intermediate data.

### Example

From the root of the repository
python tools/ data/teaser_coarse.json

## Input

A json file containing all the input parameters. See [`data/`](../data/

## Ouputs

In the following, all ouputs are described. <input_filename> is the tail of the
input path without the extension.

- **Grid of sines aligned**; `data/np/<input_filename>_grid_sines_aligned.npz`; The grid of sine waves after the alignment process.
- **Scalar field**; `data/np/<input_filename>_scalar_field.npy`; The scalar field resulting from the evaluation of the aligned sine field.
- **Contour graph**; `data/np/<input_filename>_contour_graph.npz`; The contour of the scalar field represented as a graph (vertices/points with adjacency  lists).
- **Cycles**; `data/np/<input_filename>_cycles.npz`; The cycles after the contouring and before the stitching.
- **Cycle**; The cycle after the stitching process. Each point is associated with a trajectory width.
  - **Polyline**; `data/np/<input_filename>_polyline_3d.npz`; The cycle is represented in polyline format. The attribute `point` has shape `(1, N, 2)`, where `N` is the number of cycle points. The attribute `point_data` has shape `(1, N)` and represents the radius of each point. The attribute `data` has shape `(1, 2)`, where `data[:, 0]` and `data[:, 1]` give the number of points and the layer height for each polyline, *resp*.
  - **Text file**; `data/paths/<input_filename>.paths`; The cycle is represented in text file format. Each line of the text file has four floats: `x y z w`.
- **G-code**; `data/gcode/<input_filename>.gcode`; Instructions to provide to the machine controller.
- **VTK 2D shape**; `data/vtk/<input_filename>_boundary.vtk`; The 2D shape boundaries in [VTK]([pyvista]( format. Used by the visualizer.
- **VTK boundary normals**; `data/vtk/<input_filename>_boundary_normal.vtk`; The boundary normals in [VTK]([pyvista]( format.
- **SDF** `data/np/<input_filename>_sdf_<shape_grid_cell_ndcount>_<seed>_<grid_cell_sides_length>.npz`, where `<shape_grid_cell_ndcount>` is the shape grid cell ND count, `<seed>` is the seed used to perturb the points, and `<grid_cell_sides_length>` is the shape grid cell sides length. See ``.

The program does not dump the *grid of sines aligned*, the *scalar field*, the
*contour graph*, and the *cycles before stitching* if the optional argument
`nodumping` is used when launching the program.

## Log

Logs are generated in `data/log/<input_filename>.log`.


Once you have filled the 2D shape with an orientable cycle, you can see it with this script. The oscillating scalar field or the signed distance field can also be visualized.

## Usage

usage: [-h] input_filename datatosee

Tool to visualize the cycle with varying radius, or the scalar field generated by, or the signed distance field.  
Input: The JSON file used by

positional arguments:
  input_filename  The JSON file used by
  datatosee       The data to visualize. Either `tube` to see the cycle, or `scalar` to see the scalar field which is the
                  evaluation of the grid of aligned sines, or `sdf` to see the signed distance field of the 2D shape.

  -h, --help      show this help message and exit

### Example

Working directory: the root of the repository.
python tools/ data/teaser_coarse.json sdf
python tools/ data/teaser_coarse.json scalar
python tools/ data/teaser_coarse.json tube
assuming that
python tools/ data/teaser_coarse.json
was launched.


Once you have filled the 2D shape with an orientable cycle, you can transform it to filament printer instructions, i.e., a G-code file, with this script.

**Disclaimer: The generated G-codes are at your own risk. Most filament printers are different, so you must check if the generated G-code does not break your machine. We only test the script for a modified Creality3D CR-10S Pro with a BLTouch and direct drive.**

You can visualize and check the paths in the generated G-code using [Craftware]( or the online visualizer of [IceSl](

The name of the folders at `src/ext/iceslprinters/fff` are valid inputs of the positional argument `printer_profile`.

## Usage

usage: [-h] [-nw NOZZLE_WIDTH] [-s SPEED] [-fm FLOW_MULTIPLIER] [-lc LAYER_COUNT]
                  [-bt BED_TEMP] [-et EXTRUDER_TEMP] [-lh LAYER_HEIGHT]
                  [-fd FILAMENT_DIAMETER]
                  input_filename printer_profile

Convert the cycle generated by to machine instructions. Input: The JSON file   
used by Output: The G-code to print the generated cycle.

positional arguments:
  input_filename        The JSON file used by
  printer_profile       The printer profile. Only 'CR10S_Pro' was tested. In theory, the name   
                        of the folders at `src/ext/iceslprinters/fff` are valid inputs.

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -nw NOZZLE_WIDTH, --nozzle_width NOZZLE_WIDTH
                        The nozzle diameter in millimeter. Default: the nozzle width in the     
                        input file.
  -s SPEED, --speed SPEED
                        The speed of the moving head, in mm/s. Default: 30.
  -fm FLOW_MULTIPLIER, --flow_multiplier FLOW_MULTIPLIER
                        The flow multiplier. Default: 1
  -lc LAYER_COUNT, --layer_count LAYER_COUNT
                        The number of layers. Default 3.
  -bt BED_TEMP, --bed_temp BED_TEMP
                        The bed temperature in degree Celsius. Default: 55.
  -et EXTRUDER_TEMP, --extruder_temp EXTRUDER_TEMP
                        The extruder temperature in degree Celsius. Default: 215.
  -lh LAYER_HEIGHT, --layer_height LAYER_HEIGHT
                        The layer height. Default: the layer height associated with the
                        The filament diameter of the filament used by the printer. Default:
                        1.75 mm.

### Example

Working directory: the root of the repository.
python tools/ data/teaser_coarse.json CR10S_Pro
assuming that
python tools/ data/teaser_coarse.json
was launched.


Once you have filled the 2D shape with an orientable cycle, you can transform it into a SVG file with this script. The cycles before stitching can also be exported to a SVG file.

## Usage

usage: [-h] input_filename datatoexport svg_out_filename

Convert the trajectory to SVG. Input: The JSON file used by to genrate the trajectory and a path for the SVG. Output: The trajectory in SVG format.

positional arguments:
  input_filename    The JSON file used by to genrate the trajectory.
  datatoexport      The data to export. Either `cycle` (the cycle after stitching) or `cycles` (the cycles before stitching).
  svg_out_filename  The path of the output SVG.

  -h, --help        show this help message and exit

### Example

python tools/ data/teaser_coarse.json cycle data/svg/cycle/teaser_coarse.svg
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