Raw File
Tip revision: 9719cea4a20a5d691e59928177f044c2d365aa19 authored by lvca on 07 June 2013, 15:23:12 UTC
Fixed typo in history.txt
Tip revision: 9719cea
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                                  ORIENT DATABASE

1 Pre-requirements

Before to download, compile and install the latest version of Orient please
assure to have the following tools installed:

1.1 Java
OrientDB needs Java Run-Time (JRE/JDK) version 6 or major to run the Server. Clients
need Java release 5 or major. We suggest to use Java version 7 because the
performance improvement.
To download Java go to:

Note: Please assure to download the JDK and not JRE.

1.2 Apache Ant
Apache Ant version 1.6.5 (previous version should works too).

You can download Ant from here:

1.3 Apache Maven
Apache Maven is used to run part of the test suite

You can download Maven from here:

2 Build the last version of Orient

Follow the instruction below:

a) Open a shell and go in the path where you want to download the
b) Type:
   git clone git://
c) Move to the directory *orientdb* and execute *ant* (or run the build script)
d) Wait for building and when finished
e) Enjoy ;-)

If you want to build the Graphed Edition type:
ant clean installg

If you need help, start from here:

3 Launch the tests

The test suites will create the demo and the tinkerpop (for Graphed Edition) default databases

Follow the instruction below:

a) Open a shell and go in the path where you have installed the OrientDB sources.
b) Type: 
   ant test
c) Wait the process completes
d) Once finished you can close the OrientDB Server instance started for the tests 
e) Type:
   mvn clean test

OrientDB Team
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