Raw File
Tip revision: ad7cbed6c7c5b3f920713d93bc8c98b219c200c8 authored by lvca on 08 December 2015, 16:32:21 UTC
Merge branch '2.1.x'
Tip revision: ad7cbed
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          ,,,    .,`                                           MULTI  MODEL
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1) Start the server by executing “” (or “server.bat” if you’re using
   Windows) under the “bin” directory. On most of OS you can just double click
   on it.
2) Type in the terminal the password you want to assign to the “root” user. This
   is needed only the first time.
2) To Open Studio Web Tool, open a browser and point it to the URL:
3) You can also use the console, it’s in “bin” directory. Launch “”
   (or “console.bat” if you’re using Windows)


Before to download, compile and install the last version of OrientDB please
assure to have Java installed. OrientDB needs Java JDK version 6 or major
to run the Server.

We suggest to use Java version 8 because it's much faster than Java 6 and 7.
To download Java go to:

Note: Please assure to download the JDK and not JRE.


For more information visit the official website:

Remember OrientDB is an Open Source project released with the Apache v2 license,
so it's always FREE for any purpose. If you're interested to Enterprise tools,
professional support, training or consultancy contact:

Enjoy the Graphs,
Orient Technologies
The company behind OrientDB
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