Raw File
Tip revision: e246331c0bd34e74807aa406e86d3b1b91c5f45a authored by Étienne Tétreault-Pinard on 28 June 2016, 18:20:12 UTC
Tip revision: e246331
var fs = require('fs');

var browserify = require('browserify');
var UglifyJS = require('uglify-js');

var compressAttributes = require('./util/compress_attributes');
var constants = require('./util/constants');

 * This script takes one argument
 * Run `npm run build -- dev` or `npm run build -- --dev`
 * to include source map in the plotly.js bundle
 * N.B. This script is meant for dist builds; the output bundles are placed
 *      in plotly.js/dist/.
 *      Use `npm run watch` for dev builds.

var arg = process.argv[2];
var DEV = (arg === 'dev') || (arg === '--dev');

// Check if style and font build files are there
try {
catch(e) {
    throw new Error([
        'build/ is missing a or more files',
        'Please run `npm run preprocess` first'

// Browserify plotly.js
browserify(constants.pathToPlotlyIndex, {
    debug: DEV,
    standalone: 'Plotly',
    transform: [compressAttributes]
.bundle(function(err, buf) {
    if(err) throw err;

    // generate plotly.min.js
    if(!DEV) {
            UglifyJS.minify(buf.toString(), constants.uglifyOptions).code

// Browserify the geo assets
browserify(constants.pathToPlotlyGeoAssetsSrc, {
    standalone: 'PlotlyGeoAssets'
.bundle(function(err) {
    if(err) throw err;

// Browserify the plotly.js with meta
browserify(constants.pathToPlotlyIndex, {
    debug: DEV,
    standalone: 'Plotly'
.bundle(function(err) {
    if(err) throw err;
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