Raw File
Tip revision: 8d0eb9e29bc8241215e0aca10d993e4c974c0b1c authored by Mehdi Achour on 14 March 2019, 22:14:33 UTC
Tip revision: 8d0eb9e
set -e 

echo "You should run this from directory where you have cloned the react-native-device-info repo"
echo "You should only do this when your git working set is completely clean (e.g., git reset --hard)"
echo "You must have already run \`npm install\` in the repository so \`npx react-native\` will work"
echo "This scaffolding refresh has been tested on macOS, if you use it on linux, it might not work"

# Copy the important files out temporarily
if [ -d TEMP ]; then
  echo "TEMP directory already exists - we use that to store files while refreshing."
  exit 1
  echo "Saving files to TEMP while refreshing scaffolding..."
  mkdir -p TEMP/android
  cp example/android/ TEMP/android/ || true
  cp example/App.js TEMP/

# Purge the old sample
\rm -fr example

# Make the new example
npx react-native init example
pushd example
npm install react-native-device-info
npx react-native link react-native-device-info

# Patch the build.gradle directly to slice in our android play version
sed -i -e 's/ext {$/ext {        googlePlayServicesVersion = "16.1.0"/' android/build.gradle
rm -f android/build.gradle??

# Patch the AndroidManifest directly to add our permissions
sed -i -e 's/INTERNET" \/>/INTERNET" \/><uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_WIFI_STATE" \/><uses-permission android:name="android.permission.BLUETOOTH" \/><uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE" \/>/' android/app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml
rm -f android/app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml??

# Patch the AppDelegate for iOS battery level
sed -i -e 's/return YES;/return YES; \[UIDevice currentDevice\].batteryMonitoringEnabled = true;/' ios/example/AppDelegate.m
rm -f ios/example/AppDelegate.m??

# Copy the important files back in
echo "Copying device-info example files into refreshed example..."
cp -frv TEMP/* example/

# Clean up after ourselves
\rm -fr TEMP
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