Raw File
Tip revision: 9bf5995527b0e7f7a71549ed1681ca9d434a926d authored by Uthpala Herath on 02 March 2020, 16:32:02 UTC
Updated orbital header array
Tip revision: 9bf5995
#!/usr/bin/env python

Stand alone script for PyProcar.

This calls the modules in the /pyprocar directory.

Based on the original script developed by Aldo Romero ( and 
Francisco Munoz (

import argparse
from argparse import RawTextHelpFormatter
import pyprocar 
import numpy as np

def call_bandsplot(args):
	This module calls the band structure plotting function.

def call_kpath(args):	
	This module calls the k-path generation function.

		grid_size = args.grid_size,
		with_time_reversal = args.with_time_reversal,
		recipe = args.recipe,
		threshold = args.threshold,
		symprec = args.symprec,
		angle_tolerence = args.angle_tolerence,
		supercell_matrix = args.supercell_matrix)

def call_repair(args):
	This module calls the repair function.

def call_generate2dkmesh(args):
	This module calls the k-mesh generating function.

def call_fermi2D(args):
	This module calls the fermi2D plotting function.
		outcar = args.spin,
		spin = args.spin,
		atoms = args.atoms,
		orbitals = args.orbitals,
		energy =,
		fermi = args.fermi,
		rec_basis = args.rec_basis,
		rot_symm = args.rot_symm,
		translate = args.translate,
		rotation = args.rotation,
		human = args.human,		
		mask = args.mask,
		savefig = args.savefig,
		st =,
		noarrow = args.noarrow,

def call_fermi3D(args):
	This module calls the fermi3D plotting function.
		scale = args.scale,
		mode = args.mode,
		st =,
		kwargs = args.kwargs)

def call_filter(args):
	This module calls the filter function.

		atoms = args.atoms,
		orbitals = args.orbitals,
		orbital_names = args.orbital_names,
		bands = args.bands,
		spin = args.spin,
		human_atoms = args.human_atoms)

def call_bandscompare(args):
	This module calls the bandscompare function.
		mode = args.mode,
		abinit_output = args.abinit,
		abinit_output2 = args.abinit2,
		spin = args.spin,
		spin2 =	args.spin2,
		atoms = args.atoms,
		atoms2 = args.atoms2,
		orbitals = args.orbitals,
		orbitals2 = args.orbitals2,
		fermi = args.fermi,
		fermi2 = args.fermi2, 
		elimit = args.elimit,
		mask = args.mask,
		markersize = args.markersize,
		markersize2 = args.markdersize2,
		cmap = args.cmap,
		vmax = args.vmax,
		vmin = args.vmin,
		vmax2 = args.vmax2,
		vmin2 = args.vmin2,
		grid = args.grid,
		marker = args.marker,
		marker2 = args.marker2,
		permissive = args.permissive,
		human = args.human, 
		savefig = args.savefig,
		kticks = args.kticks,
		knames = args.knames, 
		title = args.title,
		outcar = args.outcar, 
		outcar2 = args.outcar2,
		color = args.color,
		color2 = args.color2,
		legend = args.legend,
		legend2 = args.legend2,
		kpointsfile = args.kpointsfile,
		kdirect = args.kdirect,
		kdirect2 = args.kdirect2,

def call_cat(args):
	This module calls the cat function.
		inFiles = args.inFiles,
		outFile = args.outFile,
		gz = args.gz)

def call_mergeabinit(args):
	This module calls the mergeabinit function.

def call_unfold(args):
	This module calls the band unfolding function.
		fname = args.fname,
		poscar = args.poscar,
		outcar = args.outcar,
		supercell_matrix = args.supercell_matrix,
		ispin = args.ispin,
		efermi = args.efermi,
		shift_efermi = args.shift_efermi,
		elimit = args.elimit,
		kticks = args.kticks,
		knames = args.knames,
		print_kpts = args.print_kpts,
		show_band = args.show_band,
		width = args.width,
		color = args.color,
		savetab = args.savetab,
		savefig = args.savefig,

if __name__ == "__main__":

    import sys
    args = sys.argv[1:]

    if args:

    	#Top level parser
    	description = ("PyProcar: A Python library for analyzing PROCAR files.")
    	parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=description)
    	subparsers   = parser.add_subparsers(help='sub-command help')

    	############### cat ############################################

    	phelp = ("concatenation of PROCARs files, they should be compatible (ie: "
    			"joining parts of a large bandstructure calculation).")
    	parserCat = subparsers.add_parser('cat', help=phelp)

    	phelp = ("Input files. They can be compressed")
    	parserCat.add_argument('inFiles', nargs='+', help=phelp)

    	phelp = ("Output file.")
    	parserCat.add_argument('outFile', help=phelp)

    	phelp = ("Writes a gzipped outfile (if needed a .gz extension automatically will be added)")
    	parserCat.add_argument('--gz', help=phelp , action='store_true')


    	################ mergeabinit ##################################

    	parsermergeabinit = subparsers.add_parser('mergeabinit',help='Merge Abinit PROCARs.')
    	parsermergeabinit.add_argument('outfile',help='Merged PROCAR')

    	############### unfold #######################################
    	parserunfold = subparsers.add_parser('unfold',help='Band unfolding.')
    	parserunfold.add_argument('-fname',help='PROCAR filename.')
    	parserunfold.add_argument('-poscar',help='POSCAR filename.')	
    	parserunfold.add_argument('-outcar',help='OUTCAR filename. Used to get Fermi energy.')
    	parserunfold.add_argument('-supercell_matrix',help='Supercell matrix from primitive cell to supercell.')
    	parserunfold.add_argument('-ispin',help='None - non spin polarized \n 1 - spin up'
    							 '\n 2 - spin down.', choices=[None,1,2])
    	parserunfold.add_argument('-efermi',help='Fermi energy. Only when no OUTCAR is given.')
    	parserunfold.add_argument('-elimit',help='Range of energy to be plotted.')
    	parserunfold.add_argument('-kticks',help='The indices of k-points for labels.',type=int,nargs='+',action='append')
    	parserunfold.add_argument('-knames',help='Labels of k-points.',type=str,nargs='+',action='append')
    	parserunfold.add_argument('-print_kpts',help='Print all the k-points to screen.',action='store_true')
    	parserunfold.add_argument('-show_band',help='Whether to plot the bands before unfolding.',action='store_true')
    	parserunfold.add_argument('-width',help='Width of the unfolded band.',type=float)
    	parserunfold.add_argument('-color',help='Color of the unfolded band.',type=str)
    	parserunfold.add_argument('-savetab',help='The csv file name of which the table of unfolding result will be written into')
    	parserunfold.add_argument('-savefig',help='The file name of which the figure will be saved.')

    	############### filter ##########################################
    	phelp = ("Filters (manipulates) the data of the input file (PROCAR-like) and"
    	" it yields a new file (PROCAR-like too) with the changes. This "
    	"method can do only one manipulation at time (ie: spin, atoms, "
    	"bands or orbitals).")
    	parserFilter = subparsers.add_parser('filter', help=phelp)

    	phelp = ("Input file. Can be compressed")
    	parserFilter.add_argument('inFile' , help=phelp)

    	phelp = ('Output file.')
    	parserFilter.add_argument('outFile', help=phelp)

    	OptFilter = parserFilter.add_mutually_exclusive_group()
    	phelp =  ("List of atoms to group (add) as a new single entry. Each group of"
    	" atoms should be specified in a different `--atoms` option. "
    	"Example: ` filter in out -a 0 1 -a 2` will group the 1st"
    	" and 2nd atoms, while keeping the 3rd atom in `out` (any atom "
    	"beyond the 3rd will be discarded). Mind the last atomic field "
    	"present on a PROCAR file, is not an atom, is the 'tot' value (sum"
    	" of all atoms), this field always is included in the outfile and "
    	"it always is the 'tot' value from infile, regardless the selection"
    	" of atoms.")
    	OptFilter.add_argument("-a", "--atoms", type=int, nargs='+', action='append',

    	phelp = ("List of orbitals to group as a single entry. Each group of "
    	"orbitals needs a different `--orbitals` list. By instance, to "
    	"group orbitals in 's','p', 'd' it is needed `-o 0 -o 1 2 3 -o 4 5 "
    	"6 7 8`. Where 0=s, 1,2,3=px,py,pz, 4...9=dxx...dyz. Mind the last "
    	"value (aka) 'tot' always is written.")
    	OptFilter.add_argument("-o", "--orbitals", help=phelp, type=int, nargs='+',

    	phelp = ("Keeps only the bands between `min` and `max` indexes. To keep the "
    	"bands from 120 to 150 you should give `-b 120 150 `. It is not "
    	"obvious which indexes are in the interest region, therefore I "
    	"recommend you trial and error ")
    	OptFilter.add_argument("-b", "--bands", help=phelp,  type=int, nargs=2)

    	phelp = ("Which spin components should be written: 0=density, 1,2,3=Sx,Sy,Sz."
    	" They are not averaged.")
    	OptFilter.add_argument("-s", "--spin", help=phelp, type=int, nargs='+')

    	phelp = ("enable to give atoms list in a more human, 1-based order (say the"
    	" 1st is 1, 2nd is 2 and so on ). Mind: this only holds for atoms.")
    	parserFilter.add_argument("--human", help=phelp, action="store_true")

    	phelp = ("List of names of new 'orbitals' to appear in the new file, eg. "
    	"(`--orbital_names s p d` for a 's', 'p', 'd'). Only meaningful "
    	"when manipulating the orbitals, ie: using `-o` ")
    	parserFilter.add_argument("--orbital_names", help=phelp, nargs='+' )


    	################ fermi2D ##########################################
    	parserFermi2D = subparsers.add_parser('fermi2D',help='Plot the Fermi surface for a 2D Brillouin zone (layer-wise)'
    					'along z and just perpendicular to z! (actually k_z)')

    	phelp = ("Input file. It can be compressed")
    	parserFermi2D.add_argument('file' , help=phelp)

    	phelp = ("Spin component to be used: for non-polarized calculations density "
    			"is '-s 0'. For spin polarized case test '-s 0' (ignore the spin) or"
    			" '-s 1' (assing a sign to the spin channel). For "
    			"non-collinear stuff you can use '-s 0', '-s 1', '-s 2', -s "
    			"3 for the magnitude, x, y, z components of your spin "
    			"vector, in this case you really want to see spin textures "
    			"'--st'. Default: s=0")
    	parserFermi2D.add_argument("-s","--spin" , type=int, choices=[0,1,2,3],default=0, help=phelp)

    	phelp = ("List of atoms to be used (0-based): ie. '-a 0 2' to select the 1st"
    			" and 3rd. It defaults to the last one (-a -1 the 'tot' entry)")
    	parserFermi2D.add_argument("-a", "--atoms", type=int, nargs='+', help=phelp)

    	phelp = ("Orbital index(es) to be used 0-based. Take a look to the PROCAR "
    			"file. Its default is the last field (ie: 'tot'). From a standard "
    			"PROCAR: `-o 0`='s', `-o 1 2 3`='p', `-o 4 5 6 7 8`='d'.")
    	parserFermi2D.add_argument("-o", "--orbitals", type=int, nargs='+',help=phelp)

    	phelp = ("Energy for the surface. To plot the Fermi surface at Fermi Energy `-e 0`")
    	parserFermi2D.add_argument("-e", "--energy", help=phelp, type=float,required=True)

    	phelp = ("Set the Fermi energy (or any reference energy) as zero. To get it "
    			"you should `grep E-fermi` the self-consistent OUTCAR. See `--outcar`")
    	parserFermi2D.add_argument("-f", "--fermi", help=phelp, type=float)

    	phelp = ("reciprocal space basis vectors. 9 number are required b1x b1y ... "
    			" b3z. This option is quite involved, so I recommend you to use `--outcar`")
    	parserFermi2D.add_argument("--rec_basis", help=phelp, type=float, nargs=9)

    	phelp = ("Apply a rotational symmetry to unfold the Kpoints found. If your"
    			"PROCAR only has a portion of the Brillouin Zone, you may want to "
    			"plot the FULL BZ (ie: a Dirac cone at Gamma will look like a cone "
    			"and not like a segment of circle). Supported rotations are "
    			"1,2,3,4,6. All of them along Z and centered at Gamma. Consider to "
    			"'--translate' your cell to rotate with other origin. This is the "
    			"last symmetry operation to be performed.")
    	parserFermi2D.add_argument("--rot_symm", help=phelp, type=int, default=1)

    	phelp = ("Translate your mesh to the specified point. The point can be 3 "
    			"coordinates (numbers) or the index of one K-point (zero-based, as "
    			"usual). This is the first symmetry operation to be performed "
    			"(i.e. rotations will take this point as the origin).") 
    	parserFermi2D.add_argument("--translate", help=phelp, nargs='+',default=[0,0,0])

    	phelp = ("A general rotation is applied to the data in the PROCAR. While this "
    			" script has a large bias to work on the 'xy' plane, with this option"
    			" you can rotate your whole PROCAR to fit the 'xy' plane. A rotation "
    			"is composed by one angle plus one fixed axis, eg: '--rotation 90 1 0"
    			" 0' is 90 degrees along the x axis, this changes the 'xy'->'xz'. The"
    			" rotation is performed after the translation and before applying "
    			"rot_symm. ")
    	parserFermi2D.add_argument("--rotation", help=phelp, type=float,nargs=4, default=[0,0,0,1])

    	phelp = ("enable to give atoms list in a more human, 1-based way (say the 1st is 1,2nd is 2 and so on )")
    	parserFermi2D.add_argument("-u", "--human", help=phelp, action="store_true")

    	phelp = ("If set, masks(hides) values lowers than it. Useful to remove unwanted bands.")
    	parserFermi2D.add_argument("--mask" , type=float, help=phelp)

    	phelp = ("Saves the figure, instead of display it on screen. Anyway, you can save from"
    			" the screen too. Any file extension supported by"
    			"matplotlib.savefig is valid (if you are too lazy"
    			" to google it, trial and error also works)")
    	parserFermi2D.add_argument('--savefig' , help=phelp)

    	phelp = ("OUTCAR file where to find the reciprocal lattice vectors and "
    	"perhaps E_fermi. Mind: '--fermi' has precedence, remember that the"
    	" E-fermi should correspond to a self-consistent run, not a "
    	"bandstructure! (however, this is irrelevant for basis vectors)")
    	parserFermi2D.add_argument('--outcar', help=phelp)

    	phelp = ("Plot of the spin texture (ie: spin arrows) on the Fermi's surface."
    			" This option works quite indepentent of another options.")
    	parserFermi2D.add_argument('--st', help=phelp, action='store_true')

    	phelp = ("Plot of the spin texture without arrows (just intensity) for a "
    			"given spin direction on the Fermi's surface.  This option works"
    			"quite indepentent of another options but needs to set '--st' and '--spin'.")
    	parserFermi2D.add_argument('--noarrow', help=phelp, action='store_true')


    	################ Fermi3D ##########################################

    	parserfermi3D = subparsers.add_parser('fermi3D',help='Plot 3D Fermi surface')
    	parserfermi3D.add_argument('procar',help='PROCAR file.')
    	parserfermi3D.add_argument('outcar',help='OUTCAR file.')
    	parserfermi3D.add_argument('bands',help='Array of bands to be included. -1 considers all.',default=-1)
    	parserfermi3D.add_argument('scale',help='Interpolation factor',type=float,default=1)
    	parserfermi3D.add_argument('mode',help='Plot mode.',choices=['plain','parametric','external'])
    	parserfermi3D.add_argument('-st',help='Flag to set spin texture on.',action='store_true')
    	parserfermi3D.add_argument('kwargs',help='Additional arguments.',nargs='*')
    	parserfermi3D.set_defaults(func=call_fermi3D )

    	################# repair ##########################################
    	parserrepair = subparsers.add_parser('repair',help='Repairs formatting issues in PROCAR file.')
    	parserrepair.add_argument('infile',help='Input file. Can be compressed.')
    	parserrepair.add_argument('outfile',help='Output file.')

    	################## k-mesh ########################################
    	parsergenerate2dkmesh = subparsers.add_parser('generate2dkmesh',help='Generate a 2D k-mesh'
    							'centered at a given k-point in a given k-plane.')
    	parsergenerate2dkmesh.add_argument('x1',help='x1 coordinate')
    	parsergenerate2dkmesh.add_argument('y1',help='y1 coordinate')
    	parsergenerate2dkmesh.add_argument('x2',help='x2 coordinate')
    	parsergenerate2dkmesh.add_argument('y2',help='y2 coordinate')
    	parsergenerate2dkmesh.add_argument('z',help='z plane')
    	parsergenerate2dkmesh.add_argument('nkx',help='number of grids in the x direction')
    	parsergenerate2dkmesh.add_argument('nky',help='number of grids in the y direction')

    	################## k-path ####################################################
    	parserkpath = subparsers.add_parser('kpath',help ='k-path generator.',formatter_class=RawTextHelpFormatter)
    	parserkpath.add_argument('infile',help='POSCAR file',default='POSCAR')	
    	parserkpath.add_argument('-grid_size',help='Grid size',default=40,type=int)
    	parserkpath.add_argument('-with_time_reversal',help='Flag to turn on time reversal symmetry',action='store_true')
    	parserkpath.add_argument('-recipe',help='The algorithm that defines the special points and paths',type=str,default='hpkot')
    	parserkpath.add_argument('-threshold',help='The threshold to use to verify if we are in an edge case',type=float,default=1e-07)
    	parserkpath.add_argument('-symprec',help='The symmetry precision used internally by SPGLIB',type=float,default=1e-05)
    	parserkpath.add_argument('-angle_tolerence',help='Angle_tolerance used internally by SPGLIB',type=float,default=-1.0)
    	parserkpath.add_argument('-supercell_matrix',help='The super cell for band unfolding. Default 3x3 identity matrix.',type=int,default=np.eye(3))

    	################### bandstructure ######################################################
    	parserBandsplot = subparsers.add_parser('bandsplot',help ='Bandstructure plot.',formatter_class=RawTextHelpFormatter)

    	phelp = ("Input file. It can be compressed")
    	parserBandsplot.add_argument('file' , help=phelp)

    	phelp = ("Plot mode:\n"
    	"-m  scatter : is a points plot with the color given by the chosen\n"
    	"  projection. It produces a rather heavy pdf file.\n\n"
    	"-m  parametric : like scatter, but with lines instead of points \n"
    	"  (bands crossings are not handled, and some  unphysical 'jumps' \n"
    	" can be present). Sligthy smaller PDF size.\n\n"
    	"-m plain : is a featureless bandstructure ignoring all data about\n"
    	"  projections. Rather light-weight\n\n"
    	"-m atomic : For non-periodic system, like molecules, rather ugly \n"
    	"  but useful to visualize energy level. Only 1 K-point!\n\n")
    	choices = ["scatter","plain","parametric", "atomic"]
    	parserBandsplot.add_argument("-m", "--mode", help=phelp, default="plain",choices=choices)

    	phelp = ("Color of the bands for plain mode.")
    	parserBandsplot.add_argument('-color' , help=phelp,default='blue')

    	phelp = ("Name of Abinit output file if used.")
    	parserBandsplot.add_argument('-abinit' , help=phelp,default=None)

    	phelp = ("Spin component to be used (default -s 0): \n\n"
    	"Non-polarized calculations density is '-s 0', just ignore it.\n\n"
    	"Spin-Polarized (collinear) calculation: \n"
    	"-s 0 are the unpolarized bands, the spin-polarization is ignored.\n"
    	"-s 1 'spin-polarized' bands, the character of 'up' bands positive,\n"
    	"  but negative for 'down' bands, this means that the color of \n"
    	"  'down' is negative. Useful together with '--cmap seismic'.\n\n"           
    	"Non-collinear calculation: \n"
    	"-s 0 : density, ie: Spin-orbit-coupling but don't care of spin.\n"
    	"-s 1 : Sx, projection along 'x' quantization axis, see SAXIS flag\n"
    	"  in the VASP manual\n"
    	"-s 2 : Sy, projection along 'y' quantization axis.\n"
    	"-s 3 : Sy, projection along 'z' quantization axis.\n"
    	"-s st : Spin-texture perpendicular in the plane (kx,ky) to each\n "
    	"(kx,ky) vector. Useful for Rashba-like states in surfaces. Use\n "
    	"'--cmap seismic'\n\n ")
    	parserBandsplot.add_argument("-s", "--spin" , choices=['0','1','2','3', 'st'],default='0', help=phelp)

    	phelp = ("List of rows (atoms) to be used. This list refers to the rows of\n"
    	"(each block of) your PROCAR file. If you haven't manipulated your\n"
    	"PROCAR (eg: with the '-a' option of 'filter' mode) each row\n"
    	"correspond to the respective atom in the POSCAR.\n\n"
    	"Mind: This list is 0-based, ie: the 1st atom is 0, the 2nd is 1,\n"
    	"  and so on. If you need to be treated like a human, specify '-u'\n"
    	"or '--human' and 1st->1, 2nd->2, etc.\n\n"
    	"-a 0 2 :  select the 1st  and 3rd. rows (likely 1st and 3rd atoms)"
    	parserBandsplot.add_argument("-a", "--atoms" , type=int, nargs='+',help=phelp,default=None)

    	phelp = ("Orbitals index(es) to be used, take a look to the PROCAR file, \n"
    	"they are 's py pz px ...', then s->0, py->1, pz->2 and so on. \n"
    	"Note that indexes begin at 0!. Its default is the last field (ie:\n"
    	"'tot', did you saw the PROCAR?). Some examples:\n\n"
    	"-o 0 : s-orbital (unless you modified the orbitals, eg. 'filter')\n"
    	"-o 1 2 3 : py+pz+px (unless you modified the orbitals)\n"
    	"-o 4 5 6 7 8 : all the d-orbitasl (unless...)\n"
    	"-o 2 6 : pz+dzz (did you look at the PROCAR?)\n\n ")
    	parserBandsplot.add_argument("-o", "--orbitals" , type=int, nargs='+',help=phelp,default=None)

    	phelp = ("Set the Fermi energy (or any reference energy) as the zero energy.\n"
    	"See '--outcar', avoids to give it explicitly. A list of \n"
    	"k-dependant 'fermi-like energies' are also accepted (useful to\n"
    	"compare different systems in one PROCAR made by hand). \n\n"
    	"Mind: The Fermi energy MUST be the one from the self-consistent\n"
    	"calculation, not from a Bandstructure calculation!\n\n")
    	parserBandsplot.add_argument("-f", "--fermi" , type=float, help=phelp,nargs='+',default=None)

    	phelp = ("Min/Max energy to be ploted. Example:\n "
    	"--elimit -1 1 : From -1 to 1 around Fermi energy (if given)\n\n")
    	parserBandsplot.add_argument("--elimit" , type=float, nargs=2, help=phelp,default=None)

    	phelp = ("If given, it masks(hides) bands with values lowers than 'mask'.\n"
    	"It is useful to remove 'unwanted' bands. For instance, if you\n"
    	"project the bandstructure on a 'surface' atom -with the default\n"
    	"colormap- some white points can appear, they are bands with \n"
    	"almost no contribution to the 'surface': no physics but they \n"
    	"still look ugly, to hide those bands use '--mask 0.08' (or some \n"
    	"other small value). Mind: it works with the absolute value of\n"
    	"projection (no problem with spin polarization)\n\n")
    	parserBandsplot.add_argument("--mask" , type=float, help=phelp,default=None)

    	phelp = ("Size of markers, if used. Each mode has it own scale,\n"
    	"just test them\n\n")
    	parserBandsplot.add_argument("--markersize", type=float, help=phelp,default=0.02)

    	phelp = ("Change the color scheme. Example:\n\n"
    	"--cmap  seismic : blue->white->red, useful to see the \n"
    	"  spin-polarization of a band (it will blueish or reddish)\n"
    	"  depending of spin channel\n"
    	"--cmap  seismic_r : the 'seismic' colormap, but reversed.\n\n")
    	parserBandsplot.add_argument("--cmap" , help=phelp, default="jet")

    	phelp = ("Do you want to Normalize the plots to the same scale of colors\n"
    	"(ie: the numbers on the bar at the right), just try '--vmax'\n\n"
    	"--vmax 1 : If you are looking for the s, p or d character.\n"
    	"--vmax 0.2: If you want to capture some tiny effect, eg: s-band of\n"
    	"  a impurity on a metal\n\n")
    	parserBandsplot.add_argument("--vmax" , type=float, help=phelp,default=None)

    	phelp = ("Like '--vmax' (see '--vmax'), However, for spin-polarized \n"
    	"(collinear or not) you can set it to a negative value. Actually\n"
    	"you can do it for a non-spin-polarized calculation and the \n"
    	"effect will be a 'stretching' of the color scheme, try it.\n\n")
    	parserBandsplot.add_argument("--vmin" , type=float, help=phelp,default=None)  

    	phelp = ("switch on/off the grid. Default is 'on'\n\n")
    	parserBandsplot.add_argument("--grid", type=bool, help=phelp, default=True)

    	phelp = ("set the marker shape, ie: 'o'=circle, 's'=square,\ '-'=line\n"
    	"(only mode `plain`, other symbols: google pyplot markers)\n\n")
    	parserBandsplot.add_argument("--marker", type=str, help=phelp, default='o')

    	phelp = ("Some fault tolerance for ill-formatted files (stupid fortran)\n"
    	"But be careful, something could be messed up and don't work (at\n"
    	"least as expected). Length of K-points paths will be ignored\n\n")
    	parserBandsplot.add_argument("--permissive", help=phelp, action='store_true')

    	phelp = ("Enable human-like 1-based order (ie 1st is 1, 2nd is 2, and so\n"
    	"on). Mind: this only works for atoms, not for orbitals or spin\n\n")
    	parserBandsplot.add_argument("-u", "--human", help=phelp,action="store_true")

    	phelp = ("Saves the figure, instead of display it on screen. Anyway, you can\n"
    	"save from the screen too. Any file extension supported by\n "
    	"`matplotlib.savefig` is valid (if you are too lazy to google it,\n"
    	"trial and error also works fine)\n\n")
    	parserBandsplot.add_argument('--savefig' , help=phelp,default=None)

    	phelp = ("list of ticks along the kpoints axis (x axis). For instance a\n"
    	"bandstructure G-X-M with 10 point by segment should be:\n "
    	"--kticks 0 9 19\n\n")
    	parserBandsplot.add_argument('--kticks' , help=phelp, nargs='+', type=int)

    	phelp = ("Names of the points given in `--kticks`. In the `kticks` example\n"
    	"they should be `--knames \"\$Gamma\$\" X M`. As you can see \n"
    	"LaTeX stuff works with a minimal mess (extra \\s)\n\n")
    	parserBandsplot.add_argument('--knames' , help=phelp, nargs='+', type=str,default=None)

    	phelp = ("Title, to use several words, use quotation marks\"\" or ''. Latex\n"
    	" works if you scape the special characteres, ie: $\\alpha$ -> \n"
    	parserBandsplot.add_argument('-t', '--title' , help=phelp, type=str,default=None)

    	phelp = ("OUTCAR file where to find the reciprocal lattice vectors and\n "
    	"perhaps E_fermi.\n"
    	"Mind: '--fermi' has precedence, remember that the E-fermi should\n"
    	"correspond to a self-consistent run, not to a bandstructure!\n"
    	"(however, the basis and reciprocal vectors will be safe from the\n"
    	parserBandsplot.add_argument('--outcar', help=phelp,default=None)

    	phelp = ("KPOINTS file for bandstructure plotting.\n")
    	parserBandsplot.add_argument('--kpointsfile', help=phelp,default=None)

    	phelp = ("Convert k-points from reduced to cartesian for plot #1?")
    	parserBandscompare.add_argument("-kdirect", help=phelp,action="store_false")


    ################### bandscompare ######################################################
    	parserBandscompare = subparsers.add_parser('bandscompare',help ='Compare band structure',formatter_class=RawTextHelpFormatter)

    	phelp = ("Input file. It can be compressed")
    	parserBandscompare.add_argument('file' , help=phelp)
    	phelp = ("Second input file. It can be compressed")
    	parserBandscompare.add_argument('file2' , help=phelp)

    	phelp = ("Plot mode:\n"
    	"-m  scatter : is a points plot with the color given by the chosen\n"
    	"  projection. It produces a rather heavy pdf file.\n\n"
    	"-m  parametric : like scatter, but with lines instead of points \n"
    	"  (bands crossings are not handled, and some  unphysical 'jumps' \n"
    	" can be present). Sligthy smaller PDF size.\n\n"
    	"-m plain : is a featureless bandstructure ignoring all data about\n"
    	"  projections. Rather light-weight\n\n"
    	"-m atomic : For non-periodic system, like molecules, rather ugly \n"
    	"  but useful to visualize energy level. Only 1 K-point!\n\n")
    	choices = ["scatter","plain","parametric", "atomic"]
    	parserBandscompare.add_argument("-m", "--mode", help=phelp, default="plain",choices=choices)

    	phelp = ("Color of the bands for plain mode for first plot.")
    	parserBandscompare.add_argument('-color' , help=phelp,default='blue')
    	phelp = ("Color of the bands for plain mode for second plot.")
    	parserBandscompare.add_argument('-color2' , help=phelp,default='blue')

    	phelp = ("Name of Abinit output file if used.")
    	parserBandscompare.add_argument('-abinit' , help=phelp,default=None)
    	phelp = ("Name of second Abinit output file if used.")
    	parserBandscompare.add_argument('-abinit2' , help=phelp,default=None)

    	phelp = ("Spin component to be used (default -s 0): \n\n"
    	"Non-polarized calculations density is '-s 0', just ignore it.\n\n"
    	"Spin-Polarized (collinear) calculation: \n"
    	"-s 0 are the unpolarized bands, the spin-polarization is ignored.\n"
    	"-s 1 'spin-polarized' bands, the character of 'up' bands positive,\n"
    	"  but negative for 'down' bands, this means that the color of \n"
    	"  'down' is negative. Useful together with '--cmap seismic'.\n\n"           
    	"Non-collinear calculation: \n"
    	"-s 0 : density, ie: Spin-orbit-coupling but don't care of spin.\n"
    	"-s 1 : Sx, projection along 'x' quantization axis, see SAXIS flag\n"
    	"  in the VASP manual\n"
    	"-s 2 : Sy, projection along 'y' quantization axis.\n"
    	"-s 3 : Sy, projection along 'z' quantization axis.\n"
    	"-s st : Spin-texture perpendicular in the plane (kx,ky) to each\n "
    	"(kx,ky) vector. Useful for Rashba-like states in surfaces. Use\n "
    	"'--cmap seismic'\n\n ")
    	parserBandscompare.add_argument("-s", "--spin" , choices=['0','1','2','3', 'st'],default='0', help=phelp)
    	parserBandscompare.add_argument("-s2", "--spin2" , choices=['0','1','2','3', 'st'],default='0', help='Spin for second plot.')

    	phelp = ("List of rows (atoms) to be used. This list refers to the rows of\n"
    	"(each block of) your PROCAR file. If you haven't manipulated your\n"
    	"PROCAR (eg: with the '-a' option of 'filter' mode) each row\n"
    	"correspond to the respective atom in the POSCAR.\n\n"
    	"Mind: This list is 0-based, ie: the 1st atom is 0, the 2nd is 1,\n"
    	"  and so on. If you need to be treated like a human, specify '-u'\n"
    	"or '--human' and 1st->1, 2nd->2, etc.\n\n"
    	"-a 0 2 :  select the 1st  and 3rd. rows (likely 1st and 3rd atoms)"
    	parserBandscompare.add_argument("-a", "--atoms" , type=int, nargs='+',help=phelp,default=None)
    	parserBandscompare.add_argument("-a2", "--atoms2" , type=int, nargs='+',help='Atoms for second plot.',default=None)

    	phelp = ("Orbitals index(es) to be used, take a look to the PROCAR file, \n"
    	"they are 's py pz px ...', then s->0, py->1, pz->2 and so on. \n"
    	"Note that indexes begin at 0!. Its default is the last field (ie:\n"
    	"'tot', did you saw the PROCAR?). Some examples:\n\n"
    	"-o 0 : s-orbital (unless you modified the orbitals, eg. 'filter')\n"
    	"-o 1 2 3 : py+pz+px (unless you modified the orbitals)\n"
    	"-o 4 5 6 7 8 : all the d-orbitasl (unless...)\n"
    	"-o 2 6 : pz+dzz (did you look at the PROCAR?)\n\n ")
    	parserBandscompare.add_argument("-o", "--orbitals" , type=int, nargs='+',help=phelp,default=None)
    	parserBandscompare.add_argument("-o2", "--orbitals2" , type=int, nargs='+',help='Orbitals for second plot.',default=None)

    	phelp = ("Set the Fermi energy (or any reference energy) as the zero energy.\n"
    	"See '--outcar', avoids to give it explicitly. A list of \n"
    	"k-dependant 'fermi-like energies' are also accepted (useful to\n"
    	"compare different systems in one PROCAR made by hand). \n\n"
    	"Mind: The Fermi energy MUST be the one from the self-consistent\n"
    	"calculation, not from a Bandstructure calculation!\n\n")
    	parserBandscompare.add_argument("-f", "--fermi" , type=float, help=phelp,nargs='+',default=None)
    	parserBandscompare.add_argument("-f2", "--fermi2" , type=float, help='Fermi energy for second plot.',nargs='+',default=None)

    	phelp = ("Min/Max energy to be ploted. Example:\n "
    	"--elimit -1 1 : From -1 to 1 around Fermi energy (if given)\n\n")
    	parserBandscompare.add_argument("--elimit" , type=float, nargs=2, help=phelp,default=None)

    	phelp = ("If given, it masks(hides) bands with values lowers than 'mask'.\n"
    	"It is useful to remove 'unwanted' bands. For instance, if you\n"
    	"project the bandstructure on a 'surface' atom -with the default\n"
    	"colormap- some white points can appear, they are bands with \n"
    	"almost no contribution to the 'surface': no physics but they \n"
    	"still look ugly, to hide those bands use '--mask 0.08' (or some \n"
    	"other small value). Mind: it works with the absolute value of\n"
    	"projection (no problem with spin polarization)\n\n")
    	parserBandscompare.add_argument("--mask" , type=float, help=phelp,default=None)

    	phelp = ("Size of markers, if used. Each mode has it own scale,\n"
    	"just test them\n\n")
    	parserBandscompare.add_argument("--markersize", type=float, help=phelp,default=0.02)
    	parserBandscompare.add_argument("--markersize2", type=float, help='Markersize for second plot.',default=0.02)

    	phelp = ("Change the color scheme. Example:\n\n"
    	"--cmap  seismic : blue->white->red, useful to see the \n"
    	"  spin-polarization of a band (it will blueish or reddish)\n"
    	"  depending of spin channel\n"
    	"--cmap  seismic_r : the 'seismic' colormap, but reversed.\n\n")
    	parserBandscompare.add_argument("--cmap" , help=phelp, default="jet")

    	phelp = ("Do you want to Normalize the plots to the same scale of colors\n"
    	"(ie: the numbers on the bar at the right), just try '--vmax'\n\n"
    	"--vmax 1 : If you are looking for the s, p or d character.\n"
    	"--vmax 0.2: If you want to capture some tiny effect, eg: s-band of\n"
    	"  a impurity on a metal\n\n")
    	parserBandscompare.add_argument("--vmax" , type=float, help=phelp,default=None)
    	parserBandscompare.add_argument("--vmax2" , type=float, help='vmax for second plot.',default=None)

    	phelp = ("Like '--vmax' (see '--vmax'), However, for spin-polarized \n"
    	"(collinear or not) you can set it to a negative value. Actually\n"
    	"you can do it for a non-spin-polarized calculation and the \n"
    	"effect will be a 'stretching' of the color scheme, try it.\n\n")
    	parserBandscompare.add_argument("--vmin" , type=float, help=phelp,default=None)  
    	parserBandscompare.add_argument("--vmin2" , type=float, help='vmin for second plot.',default=None)

    	phelp = ("switch on/off the grid. Default is 'on'\n\n")
    	parserBandscompare.add_argument("--grid", type=bool, help=phelp, default=True)

    	phelp = ("set the marker shape, ie: 'o'=circle, 's'=square,\ '-'=line\n"
    	"(only mode `plain`, other symbols: google pyplot markers)\n\n")
    	parserBandscompare.add_argument("--marker", type=str, help=phelp, default='o')
    	parserBandscompare.add_argument("--marker2", type=str, help='Marker for second plot.', default='o')

    	phelp = ("Some fault tolerance for ill-formatted files (stupid fortran)\n"
    	"But be careful, something could be messed up and don't work (at\n"
    	"least as expected). Length of K-points paths will be ignored\n\n")
    	parserBandscompare.add_argument("--permissive", help=phelp, action='store_true')

    	phelp = ("Enable human-like 1-based order (ie 1st is 1, 2nd is 2, and so\n"
    	"on). Mind: this only works for atoms, not for orbitals or spin\n\n")
    	parserBandscompare.add_argument("-u", "--human", help=phelp,action="store_true")

    	phelp = ("Saves the figure, instead of display it on screen. Anyway, you can\n"
    	"save from the screen too. Any file extension supported by\n "
    	"`matplotlib.savefig` is valid (if you are too lazy to google it,\n"
    	"trial and error also works fine)\n\n")
    	parserBandscompare.add_argument('--savefig' , help=phelp,default=None)

    	phelp = ("list of ticks along the kpoints axis (x axis). For instance a\n"
    	"bandstructure G-X-M with 10 point by segment should be:\n "
    	"--kticks 0 9 19\n\n")
    	parserBandscompare.add_argument('--kticks' , help=phelp, nargs='+', type=int)

    	phelp = ("Names of the points given in `--kticks`. In the `kticks` example\n"
    	"they should be `--knames \"\$Gamma\$\" X M`. As you can see \n"
    	"LaTeX stuff works with a minimal mess (extra \\s)\n\n")
    	parserBandscompare.add_argument('--knames' , help=phelp, nargs='+', type=str,default=None)

    	phelp = ("Title, to use several words, use quotation marks\"\" or ''. Latex\n"
    	" works if you scape the special characteres, ie: $\\alpha$ -> \n"
    	parserBandscompare.add_argument('-t', '--title' , help=phelp, type=str,default=None)

    	phelp = ("OUTCAR file where to find the reciprocal lattice vectors and\n "
    	"perhaps E_fermi.\n"
    	"Mind: '--fermi' has precedence, remember that the E-fermi should\n"
    	"correspond to a self-consistent run, not to a bandstructure!\n"
    	"(however, the basis and reciprocal vectors will be safe from the\n"
    	parserBandscompare.add_argument('--outcar', help=phelp,default=None)
    	parserBandscompare.add_argument('--outcar2', help='OUTCAR for second plot.',default=None)

    	phelp = ("KPOINTS file for bandstructure plotting.\n")
    	parserBandscompare.add_argument('--kpointsfile', help=phelp,default=None)

    	parserBandscompare.add_argument('-legend', help='Legend name for first plot.',default='PROCAR1')
    	parserBandscompare.add_argument('-legend2', help='Legend name for second plot',default='PROCAR2')

    	phelp = ("Convert k-points from reduced to cartesian for plot #1?")
    	parserBandscompare.add_argument("-kdirect", help=phelp,action="store_false")

    	phelp = ("Convert k-points from reduced to cartesian for plot #2?")
    	parserBandscompare.add_argument("-kdirect2", help=phelp,action="store_false")


    	args = parser.parse_args()

        print('PyProcar: A Python library for analyzing PROCAR files.\n')
        print('Usage: procar [-h]')
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