Raw File
Tip revision: e59aee131b6d51236613bc374cfa2d5f3b54efe1 authored by Yong He on 17 February 2021, 23:09:09 UTC
Add `SampleGrad` overload for lod clamp. (#1711)
Tip revision: e59aee1
#include <stdint.h>
#   ifdef _DEBUG
#       define SLANG_PRELUDE_ASSERT(VALUE) assert(VALUE)
#   else
#   endif

#    define SLANG_FORCE_INLINE inline


struct TypeInfo
    size_t typeSize;

template <typename T, size_t SIZE>
struct FixedArray
    const T& operator[](size_t index) const { SLANG_PRELUDE_ASSERT(index < SIZE); return m_data[index]; }
    T& operator[](size_t index) { SLANG_PRELUDE_ASSERT(index < SIZE); return m_data[index]; }

    T m_data[SIZE];

// An array that has no specified size, becomes a 'Array'. This stores the size so it can potentially 
// do bounds checking.  
template <typename T>
struct Array
    const T& operator[](size_t index) const { SLANG_PRELUDE_ASSERT(index < count); return data[index]; }
    T& operator[](size_t index) { SLANG_PRELUDE_ASSERT(index < count); return data[index]; }

    T* data;
    size_t count;

#if 0
template<size_t N>
struct AnyValue
    uint8_t data[N];
template<size_t N, typename T>
AnyValue<N> packAnyValue(const T& val)
    AnyValue<N> result;
    memcpy(&result, &val, sizeof(T));
    return result;
template<size_t N, typename T>
T unpackAnyValue(const AnyValue<N>& val)
    T result;
    memcpy(&result, &val, sizeof(T));
    return result;

/* Constant buffers become a pointer to the contained type, so ConstantBuffer<T> becomes T* in C++ code.

template <typename T, int COUNT>
struct Vector;

template <typename T>
struct Vector<T, 1>
    T x;

template <typename T>
struct Vector<T, 2>
    T x, y;

template <typename T>
struct Vector<T, 3>
    T x, y, z;

template <typename T>
struct Vector<T, 4>
    T x, y, z, w;

typedef Vector<float, 2> float2;
typedef Vector<float, 3> float3;
typedef Vector<float, 4> float4;

typedef Vector<int32_t, 2> int2;
typedef Vector<int32_t, 3> int3;
typedef Vector<int32_t, 4> int4;

typedef Vector<uint32_t, 2> uint2;
typedef Vector<uint32_t, 3> uint3;
typedef Vector<uint32_t, 4> uint4;

template <typename T, int ROWS, int COLS>
struct Matrix
    Vector<T, COLS> rows[ROWS];

// We can just map `NonUniformResourceIndex` type directly to the index type on CPU, as CPU does not require
// any special handling around such accesses.
typedef size_t NonUniformResourceIndex;

// ----------------------------- ResourceType -----------------------------------------

// Missing  Load(_In_  int  Location, _Out_ uint Status);

template <typename T>
struct RWStructuredBuffer
    SLANG_FORCE_INLINE T& operator[](size_t index) const { SLANG_PRELUDE_ASSERT(index < count); return data[index]; }
    const T& Load(size_t index) const { SLANG_PRELUDE_ASSERT(index < count); return data[index]; }  
    void GetDimensions(uint32_t* outNumStructs, uint32_t* outStride) { *outNumStructs = uint32_t(count); *outStride = uint32_t(sizeof(T)); }
    T* data;
    size_t count;

template <typename T>
struct StructuredBuffer
    SLANG_FORCE_INLINE const T& operator[](size_t index) const { SLANG_PRELUDE_ASSERT(index < count); return data[index]; }
    const T& Load(size_t index) const { SLANG_PRELUDE_ASSERT(index < count); return data[index]; }
    void GetDimensions(uint32_t* outNumStructs, uint32_t* outStride) { *outNumStructs = uint32_t(count); *outStride = uint32_t(sizeof(T)); }
    T* data;
    size_t count;

template <typename T>
struct RWBuffer
    SLANG_FORCE_INLINE T& operator[](size_t index) const { SLANG_PRELUDE_ASSERT(index < count); return data[index]; }
    const T& Load(size_t index) const { SLANG_PRELUDE_ASSERT(index < count); return data[index]; }
    void GetDimensions(uint32_t* outCount) { *outCount = uint32_t(count); }
    T* data;
    size_t count;

template <typename T>
struct Buffer
    SLANG_FORCE_INLINE const T& operator[](size_t index) const { SLANG_PRELUDE_ASSERT(index < count); return data[index]; }
    const T& Load(size_t index) const { SLANG_PRELUDE_ASSERT(index < count); return data[index]; }
    void GetDimensions(uint32_t* outCount) { *outCount = uint32_t(count); }
    T* data;
    size_t count;

// Missing  Load(_In_  int  Location, _Out_ uint Status);
struct ByteAddressBuffer
    void GetDimensions(uint32_t* outDim) const { *outDim = uint32_t(sizeInBytes); }
    uint32_t Load(size_t index) const 
        SLANG_PRELUDE_ASSERT(index + 4 <= sizeInBytes && (index & 3) == 0); 
        return data[index >> 2]; 
    uint2 Load2(size_t index) const 
        SLANG_PRELUDE_ASSERT(index + 8 <= sizeInBytes && (index & 3) == 0); 
        const size_t dataIdx = index >> 2; 
        return uint2{data[dataIdx], data[dataIdx + 1]}; 
    uint3 Load3(size_t index) const 
        SLANG_PRELUDE_ASSERT(index + 12 <= sizeInBytes && (index & 3) == 0); 
        const size_t dataIdx = index >> 2; 
        return uint3{data[dataIdx], data[dataIdx + 1], data[dataIdx + 2]}; 
    uint4 Load4(size_t index) const 
        SLANG_PRELUDE_ASSERT(index + 16 <= sizeInBytes && (index & 3) == 0); 
        const size_t dataIdx = index >> 2; 
        return uint4{data[dataIdx], data[dataIdx + 1], data[dataIdx + 2], data[dataIdx + 3]}; 
    template<typename T>
    T Load(size_t offset) const
        SLANG_PRELUDE_ASSERT(offset + sizeof(T) <= sizeInBytes && (offset & (alignof(T)-1)) == 0); 
        return *(T const*)((char*)data + offset);
    const uint32_t* data;
    size_t sizeInBytes;  //< Must be multiple of 4

// Missing support for Atomic operations 
// Missing support for Load with status
struct RWByteAddressBuffer
    void GetDimensions(uint32_t* outDim) const { *outDim = uint32_t(sizeInBytes); }
    uint32_t Load(size_t index) const 
        SLANG_PRELUDE_ASSERT(index + 4 <= sizeInBytes && (index & 3) == 0); 
        return data[index >> 2]; 
    uint2 Load2(size_t index) const 
        SLANG_PRELUDE_ASSERT(index + 8 <= sizeInBytes && (index & 3) == 0); 
        const size_t dataIdx = index >> 2; 
        return uint2{data[dataIdx], data[dataIdx + 1]}; 
    uint3 Load3(size_t index) const 
        SLANG_PRELUDE_ASSERT(index + 12 <= sizeInBytes && (index & 3) == 0); 
        const size_t dataIdx = index >> 2; 
        return uint3{data[dataIdx], data[dataIdx + 1], data[dataIdx + 2]}; 
    uint4 Load4(size_t index) const 
        SLANG_PRELUDE_ASSERT(index + 16 <= sizeInBytes && (index & 3) == 0); 
        const size_t dataIdx = index >> 2; 
        return uint4{data[dataIdx], data[dataIdx + 1], data[dataIdx + 2], data[dataIdx + 3]}; 
    template<typename T>
    T Load(size_t offset) const
        SLANG_PRELUDE_ASSERT(offset + sizeof(T) <= sizeInBytes && (offset & (alignof(T)-1)) == 0); 
        return *(T const*)((char*)data + offset);

    void Store(size_t index, uint32_t v) const 
        SLANG_PRELUDE_ASSERT(index + 4 <= sizeInBytes && (index & 3) == 0); 
        data[index >> 2] = v; 
    void Store2(size_t index, uint2 v) const 
        SLANG_PRELUDE_ASSERT(index + 8 <= sizeInBytes && (index & 3) == 0); 
        const size_t dataIdx = index >> 2; 
        data[dataIdx + 0] = v.x;
        data[dataIdx + 1] = v.y;
    void Store3(size_t index, uint3 v) const 
        SLANG_PRELUDE_ASSERT(index + 12 <= sizeInBytes && (index & 3) == 0); 
        const size_t dataIdx = index >> 2; 
        data[dataIdx + 0] = v.x;
        data[dataIdx + 1] = v.y;
        data[dataIdx + 2] = v.z;
    void Store4(size_t index, uint4 v) const 
        SLANG_PRELUDE_ASSERT(index + 16 <= sizeInBytes && (index & 3) == 0); 
        const size_t dataIdx = index >> 2; 
        data[dataIdx + 0] = v.x;
        data[dataIdx + 1] = v.y;
        data[dataIdx + 2] = v.z;
        data[dataIdx + 3] = v.w;
    template<typename T>
    void Store(size_t offset, T const& value) const
        SLANG_PRELUDE_ASSERT(offset + sizeof(T) <= sizeInBytes && (offset & (alignof(T)-1)) == 0); 
        *(T*)((char*)data + offset) = value;

    uint32_t* data;
    size_t sizeInBytes; //< Must be multiple of 4 

struct ISamplerState;
struct ISamplerComparisonState;

struct SamplerState
    ISamplerState* state;

struct SamplerComparisonState
    ISamplerComparisonState* state;

typedef unsigned int SlangResourceShape;


    SLANG_TEXTURE_1D = 0x01,
    SLANG_TEXTURE_2D = 0x02,
    SLANG_TEXTURE_3D = 0x03,






struct TextureDimensions
    void reset()
        shape = 0;
        width = height = depth = 0;
        numberOfLevels = 0;
        arrayElementCount = 0;
    int getDimSizes(uint32_t outDims[4]) const
        const auto baseShape = (shape & SLANG_RESOURCE_BASE_SHAPE_MASK);
        int count = 0;
        switch (baseShape)
            case SLANG_TEXTURE_1D:
                outDims[count++] = width;
            case SLANG_TEXTURE_2D:
                outDims[count++] = width;
                outDims[count++] = height;
            case SLANG_TEXTURE_3D:
                outDims[count++] = width;
                outDims[count++] = height;
                outDims[count++] = depth;
            case SLANG_TEXTURE_CUBE:
                outDims[count++] = width;
                outDims[count++] = height;
                outDims[count++] = 6;

        if (shape & SLANG_TEXTURE_ARRAY_FLAG)
            outDims[count++] = arrayElementCount;
        return count;
    int getMIPDims(int outDims[3]) const
        const auto baseShape = (shape & SLANG_RESOURCE_BASE_SHAPE_MASK);
        int count = 0;
        switch (baseShape)
            case SLANG_TEXTURE_1D:
                outDims[count++] = width;
            case SLANG_TEXTURE_CUBE:
            case SLANG_TEXTURE_2D:
                outDims[count++] = width;
                outDims[count++] = height;
            case SLANG_TEXTURE_3D:
                outDims[count++] = width;
                outDims[count++] = height;
                outDims[count++] = depth;
        return count;
    int calcMaxMIPLevels() const
        int dims[3];
        const int dimCount = getMIPDims(dims);
        for (int count = 1; true; count++)
            bool allOne = true;
            for (int i = 0; i < dimCount; ++i)
                if (dims[i] > 1)
                    allOne = false;
                    dims[i] >>= 1;
            if (allOne)
                return count;

    uint32_t shape;
    uint32_t width, height, depth;
    uint32_t numberOfLevels;
    uint32_t arrayElementCount;                  ///< For array types, 0 otherwise

// Texture

struct ITexture
    virtual TextureDimensions GetDimensions(int mipLevel = -1) = 0;
    virtual void Load(const int* v, void* out) = 0;
    virtual void Sample(SamplerState samplerState, const float* loc, void* out) = 0;
    virtual void SampleLevel(SamplerState samplerState, const float* loc, float level, void* out) = 0;

template <typename T>
struct Texture1D
    void GetDimensions(uint32_t* outWidth) { *outWidth = texture->GetDimensions().width; }
    void GetDimensions(uint32_t mipLevel, uint32_t* outWidth, uint32_t* outNumberOfLevels) 
        auto dims = texture->GetDimensions(mipLevel); 
        *outWidth = dims.width; 
        *outNumberOfLevels = dims.numberOfLevels; 
    void GetDimensions(float* outWidth) { *outWidth = texture->GetDimensions().width; }
    void GetDimensions(uint32_t mipLevel, float* outWidth, float* outNumberOfLevels) 
        auto dims = texture->GetDimensions(mipLevel); 
        *outWidth = dims.width; 
        *outNumberOfLevels = dims.numberOfLevels; 
    T Load(const int2& loc) const { T out; texture->Load(&loc.x, &out); return out; }
    T Sample(SamplerState samplerState, float loc) const { T out; texture->Sample(samplerState, &loc, &out); return out; }
    T SampleLevel(SamplerState samplerState, float loc, float level) { T out; texture->SampleLevel(samplerState, &loc, level, &out); return out; }
    ITexture* texture;              

template <typename T>
struct Texture2D
    void GetDimensions(uint32_t* outWidth, uint32_t* outHeight) 
        const auto dims = texture->GetDimensions(); 
        *outWidth = dims.width; 
        *outHeight = dims.height; 
    void GetDimensions(uint32_t mipLevel, uint32_t* outWidth, uint32_t* outHeight, uint32_t* outNumberOfLevels)
        const auto dims = texture->GetDimensions(mipLevel);
        *outWidth = dims.width;
        *outHeight = dims.height;
        *outNumberOfLevels = dims.numberOfLevels;
    void GetDimensions(float* outWidth, float* outHeight) 
        const auto dims = texture->GetDimensions(); 
        *outWidth = dims.width; 
        *outHeight = dims.height; 
    void GetDimensions(uint32_t mipLevel, float* outWidth, float* outHeight, float* outNumberOfLevels)
        const auto dims = texture->GetDimensions(mipLevel);
        *outWidth = dims.width;
        *outHeight = dims.height;
        *outNumberOfLevels = dims.numberOfLevels;
    T Load(const int3& loc) const { T out; texture->Load(&loc.x, &out); return out; }
    T Sample(SamplerState samplerState, const float2& loc) const { T out; texture->Sample(samplerState, &loc.x, &out); return out; }
    T SampleLevel(SamplerState samplerState, const float2& loc, float level) { T out; texture->SampleLevel(samplerState, &loc.x, level, &out); return out; }
    ITexture* texture;              

template <typename T>
struct Texture3D
    void GetDimensions(uint32_t* outWidth, uint32_t* outHeight, uint32_t* outDepth)
        const auto dims = texture->GetDimensions(); 
        *outWidth = dims.width; 
        *outHeight = dims.height; 
        *outDepth = dims.depth;
    void GetDimensions(uint32_t mipLevel, uint32_t* outWidth, uint32_t* outHeight, uint32_t* outDepth, uint32_t* outNumberOfLevels)
        const auto dims = texture->GetDimensions(mipLevel);
        *outWidth = dims.width;
        *outHeight = dims.height;
        *outDepth = dims.depth;
        *outNumberOfLevels = dims.numberOfLevels;
    void GetDimensions(float* outWidth, float* outHeight, float* outDepth)
        const auto dims = texture->GetDimensions(); 
        *outWidth = dims.width; 
        *outHeight = dims.height; 
        *outDepth = dims.depth;
    void GetDimensions(uint32_t mipLevel, float* outWidth, float* outHeight, float* outDepth, float* outNumberOfLevels)
        const auto dims = texture->GetDimensions(mipLevel);
        *outWidth = dims.width;
        *outHeight = dims.height;
        *outDepth = dims.depth;
        *outNumberOfLevels = dims.numberOfLevels;
    T Load(const int4& loc) const { T out; texture->Load(&loc.x, &out); return out; }
    T Sample(SamplerState samplerState, const float3& loc) const { T out; texture->Sample(samplerState, &loc.x, &out); return out; }
    T SampleLevel(SamplerState samplerState, const float3& loc, float level) { T out; texture->SampleLevel(samplerState, &loc.x, level, &out); return out; }
    ITexture* texture;              

template <typename T>
struct TextureCube
    void GetDimensions(uint32_t* outWidth, uint32_t* outHeight) 
        const auto dims = texture->GetDimensions(); 
        *outWidth = dims.width; 
        *outHeight = dims.height; 
    void GetDimensions(uint32_t mipLevel, uint32_t* outWidth, uint32_t* outHeight, uint32_t* outNumberOfLevels)
        const auto dims = texture->GetDimensions(mipLevel);
        *outWidth = dims.width;
        *outHeight = dims.height;
        *outNumberOfLevels = dims.numberOfLevels;
    void GetDimensions(float* outWidth, float* outHeight) 
        const auto dims = texture->GetDimensions(); 
        *outWidth = dims.width; 
        *outHeight = dims.height; 
    void GetDimensions(uint32_t mipLevel, float* outWidth, float* outHeight, float* outNumberOfLevels)
        const auto dims = texture->GetDimensions(mipLevel);
        *outWidth = dims.width;
        *outHeight = dims.height;
        *outNumberOfLevels = dims.numberOfLevels;
    T Sample(SamplerState samplerState, const float3& loc) const { T out; texture->Sample(samplerState, &loc.x, &out); return out; }
    T SampleLevel(SamplerState samplerState, const float3& loc, float level) { T out; texture->SampleLevel(samplerState, &loc.x, level, &out); return out; }
    ITexture* texture;              

template <typename T>
struct Texture1DArray
    void GetDimensions(uint32_t* outWidth, uint32_t* outElements) { auto dims = texture->GetDimensions(); *outWidth = dims.width; *outElements = dims.arrayElementCount; }
    void GetDimensions(uint32_t mipLevel, uint32_t* outWidth, uint32_t* outElements, uint32_t* outNumberOfLevels) 
        auto dims = texture->GetDimensions(mipLevel); 
        *outWidth = dims.width; 
        *outNumberOfLevels = dims.numberOfLevels;
        *outElements = dims.arrayElementCount; 
    void GetDimensions(float* outWidth, float* outElements) { auto dims = texture->GetDimensions(); *outWidth = dims.width; *outElements = dims.arrayElementCount; }
    void GetDimensions(uint32_t mipLevel, float* outWidth, float* outElements, float* outNumberOfLevels) 
        auto dims = texture->GetDimensions(mipLevel); 
        *outWidth = dims.width; 
        *outNumberOfLevels = dims.numberOfLevels;
        *outElements = dims.arrayElementCount; 
    T Load(const int3& loc) const { T out; texture->Load(&loc.x, &out); return out; }
    T Sample(SamplerState samplerState, const float2& loc) const { T out; texture->Sample(samplerState, &loc.x, &out); return out; }
    T SampleLevel(SamplerState samplerState, const float2& loc, float level) { T out; texture->SampleLevel(samplerState, &loc.x, level, &out); return out; }
    ITexture* texture;              

template <typename T>
struct Texture2DArray
    void GetDimensions(uint32_t* outWidth, uint32_t* outHeight, uint32_t* outElements)
        auto dims = texture->GetDimensions();
        *outWidth = dims.width;
        *outHeight = dims.height;
        *outElements = dims.arrayElementCount;
    void GetDimensions(uint32_t mipLevel, uint32_t* outWidth, uint32_t* outHeight, uint32_t* outElements, uint32_t* outNumberOfLevels)
        auto dims = texture->GetDimensions(mipLevel);
        *outWidth = dims.width;
        *outHeight = dims.height;
        *outElements = dims.arrayElementCount;
        *outNumberOfLevels = dims.numberOfLevels;
    void GetDimensions(uint32_t* outWidth, float* outHeight, float* outElements)
        auto dims = texture->GetDimensions();
        *outWidth = dims.width;
        *outHeight = dims.height;
        *outElements = dims.arrayElementCount;
    void GetDimensions(uint32_t mipLevel, float* outWidth, float* outHeight, float* outElements, float* outNumberOfLevels)
        auto dims = texture->GetDimensions(mipLevel);
        *outWidth = dims.width;
        *outHeight = dims.height;
        *outElements = dims.arrayElementCount;
        *outNumberOfLevels = dims.numberOfLevels;
    T Load(const int4& loc) const { T out; texture->Load(&loc.x, &out); return out; }
    T Sample(SamplerState samplerState, const float3& loc) const { T out; texture->Sample(samplerState, &loc.x, &out); return out; }
    T SampleLevel(SamplerState samplerState, const float3& loc, float level) { T out; texture->SampleLevel(samplerState, &loc.x, level, &out); return out; }
    ITexture* texture;              

template <typename T>
struct TextureCubeArray
    void GetDimensions(uint32_t* outWidth, uint32_t* outHeight, uint32_t* outElements)
        auto dims = texture->GetDimensions();
        *outWidth = dims.width;
        *outHeight = dims.height;
        *outElements = dims.arrayElementCount;
    void GetDimensions(uint32_t mipLevel, uint32_t* outWidth, uint32_t* outHeight, uint32_t* outElements, uint32_t* outNumberOfLevels)
        auto dims = texture->GetDimensions(mipLevel);
        *outWidth = dims.width;
        *outHeight = dims.height;
        *outElements = dims.arrayElementCount;
        *outNumberOfLevels = dims.numberOfLevels;
    void GetDimensions(uint32_t* outWidth, float* outHeight, float* outElements)
        auto dims = texture->GetDimensions();
        *outWidth = dims.width;
        *outHeight = dims.height;
        *outElements = dims.arrayElementCount;
    void GetDimensions(uint32_t mipLevel, float* outWidth, float* outHeight, float* outElements, float* outNumberOfLevels)
        auto dims = texture->GetDimensions(mipLevel);
        *outWidth = dims.width;
        *outHeight = dims.height;
        *outElements = dims.arrayElementCount;
        *outNumberOfLevels = dims.numberOfLevels;
    T Sample(SamplerState samplerState, const float4& loc) const { T out; texture->Sample(samplerState, &loc.x, &out); return out; }
    T SampleLevel(SamplerState samplerState, const float4& loc, float level) { T out; texture->SampleLevel(samplerState, &loc.x, level, &out); return out; }
    ITexture* texture;              

/* !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! RWTexture !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! */

struct IRWTexture
    virtual TextureDimensions GetDimensions(int mipLevel = -1) = 0;
        /// Load at specified location. 
    virtual void Load(const int32_t* loc, void* out) = 0;
        /// Get the reference to the element at loc. 
    virtual void* refAt(const uint32_t* loc) = 0;

template <typename T>
struct RWTexture1D
    void GetDimensions(uint32_t* outWidth) { *outWidth = texture->GetDimensions().width; }
    void GetDimensions(uint32_t mipLevel, uint32_t* outWidth, uint32_t* outNumberOfLevels) { auto dims = texture->GetDimensions(mipLevel); *outWidth = dims.width; *outNumberOfLevels = dims.numberOfLevels; }
    void GetDimensions(float* outWidth) { *outWidth = texture->GetDimensions().width; }
    void GetDimensions(uint32_t mipLevel, float* outWidth, float* outNumberOfLevels) { auto dims = texture->GetDimensions(mipLevel); *outWidth = dims.width; *outNumberOfLevels = dims.numberOfLevels; }
    T Load(int32_t loc) const { T out; texture->Load(&loc, &out); return out; }
    T& operator[](uint32_t loc) { return *(T*)texture->refAt(&loc); }
    IRWTexture* texture;              

template <typename T>
struct RWTexture2D
    void GetDimensions(uint32_t* outWidth, uint32_t* outHeight) 
        const auto dims = texture->GetDimensions(); 
        *outWidth = dims.width; 
        *outHeight = dims.height; 
    void GetDimensions(uint32_t mipLevel, uint32_t* outWidth, uint32_t* outHeight, uint32_t* outNumberOfLevels)
        const auto dims = texture->GetDimensions(mipLevel);
        *outWidth = dims.width;
        *outHeight = dims.height;
        *outNumberOfLevels = dims.numberOfLevels;
    void GetDimensions(float* outWidth, float* outHeight) 
        const auto dims = texture->GetDimensions(); 
        *outWidth = dims.width; 
        *outHeight = dims.height; 
    void GetDimensions(uint32_t mipLevel, float* outWidth, float* outHeight, float* outNumberOfLevels)
        const auto dims = texture->GetDimensions(mipLevel);
        *outWidth = dims.width;
        *outHeight = dims.height;
        *outNumberOfLevels = dims.numberOfLevels;
    T Load(const int2& loc) const { T out; texture->Load(&loc.x, &out); return out; }
    T& operator[](const uint2& loc) { return *(T*)texture->refAt(&loc.x); }
    IRWTexture* texture;

template <typename T>
struct RWTexture3D
    void GetDimensions(uint32_t* outWidth, uint32_t* outHeight, uint32_t* outDepth)
        const auto dims = texture->GetDimensions(); 
        *outWidth = dims.width; 
        *outHeight = dims.height; 
        *outDepth = dims.depth;
    void GetDimensions(uint32_t mipLevel, uint32_t* outWidth, uint32_t* outHeight, uint32_t* outDepth, uint32_t* outNumberOfLevels)
        const auto dims = texture->GetDimensions(mipLevel);
        *outWidth = dims.width;
        *outHeight = dims.height;
        *outDepth = dims.depth;
        *outNumberOfLevels = dims.numberOfLevels;
    void GetDimensions(float* outWidth, float* outHeight, float* outDepth)
        const auto dims = texture->GetDimensions(); 
        *outWidth = dims.width; 
        *outHeight = dims.height; 
        *outDepth = dims.depth;
    void GetDimensions(uint32_t mipLevel, float* outWidth, float* outHeight, float* outDepth, float* outNumberOfLevels)
        const auto dims = texture->GetDimensions(mipLevel);
        *outWidth = dims.width;
        *outHeight = dims.height;
        *outDepth = dims.depth;
        *outNumberOfLevels = dims.numberOfLevels;
    T Load(const int3& loc) const { T out; texture->Load(&loc.x, &out); return out; }
    T& operator[](const uint3& loc) { return *(T*)texture->refAt(&loc.x); }
    IRWTexture* texture;

template <typename T>
struct RWTexture1DArray
    void GetDimensions(uint32_t* outWidth, uint32_t* outElements) 
        auto dims = texture->GetDimensions(); 
        *outWidth = dims.width; 
        *outElements = dims.arrayElementCount; 
    void GetDimensions(uint32_t mipLevel, uint32_t* outWidth, uint32_t* outElements, uint32_t* outNumberOfLevels)
        const auto dims = texture->GetDimensions(mipLevel);
        *outWidth = dims.width;
        *outElements = dims.arrayElementCount;
        *outNumberOfLevels = dims.numberOfLevels;
    void GetDimensions(float* outWidth, float* outElements) 
        auto dims = texture->GetDimensions(); 
        *outWidth = dims.width; 
        *outElements = dims.arrayElementCount; 
    void GetDimensions(uint32_t mipLevel, float* outWidth, float* outElements, float* outNumberOfLevels)
        const auto dims = texture->GetDimensions(mipLevel);
        *outWidth = dims.width;
        *outElements = dims.arrayElementCount;
        *outNumberOfLevels = dims.numberOfLevels;
    T Load(int2 loc) const { T out; texture->Load(&loc.x, &out); return out; }
    T& operator[](uint2 loc) { return *(T*)texture->refAt(&loc.x); }

    IRWTexture* texture;

template <typename T>
struct RWTexture2DArray
    void GetDimensions(uint32_t* outWidth, uint32_t* outHeight, uint32_t* outElements)
        auto dims = texture->GetDimensions(); 
        *outWidth = dims.width; 
        *outHeight = dims.height;
        *outElements = dims.arrayElementCount; 
    void GetDimensions(uint32_t mipLevel, uint32_t* outWidth, uint32_t* outHeight, uint32_t* outElements, uint32_t* outNumberOfLevels)
        const auto dims = texture->GetDimensions(mipLevel);
        *outWidth = dims.width;
        *outHeight = dims.height;
        *outElements = dims.arrayElementCount;
        *outNumberOfLevels = dims.numberOfLevels;
    void GetDimensions(float* outWidth, float* outHeight, float* outElements)
        auto dims = texture->GetDimensions(); 
        *outWidth = dims.width; 
        *outHeight = dims.height;
        *outElements = dims.arrayElementCount; 
    void GetDimensions(uint32_t mipLevel, float* outWidth, float* outHeight, float* outElements, float* outNumberOfLevels)
        const auto dims = texture->GetDimensions(mipLevel);
        *outWidth = dims.width;
        *outHeight = dims.height;
        *outElements = dims.arrayElementCount;
        *outNumberOfLevels = dims.numberOfLevels;
    T Load(const int3& loc) const { T out; texture->Load(&loc.x, &out); return out; }
    T& operator[](const uint3& loc) { return *(T*)texture->refAt(&loc.x); }

    IRWTexture* texture;

// FeedbackTexture

struct FeedbackType {};
struct SAMPLER_FEEDBACK_MIN_MIP : FeedbackType {};

struct IFeedbackTexture
    virtual TextureDimensions GetDimensions(int mipLevel = -1) = 0;

    // Note here we pass the optional clamp parameter as a pointer. Passing nullptr means no clamp. 
    // This was preferred over having two function definitions, and having to differentiate their names
    virtual void WriteSamplerFeedback(ITexture* tex, SamplerState samp, const float* location, const float* clamp = nullptr) = 0;
    virtual void WriteSamplerFeedbackBias(ITexture* tex, SamplerState samp, const float* location, float bias, const float* clamp = nullptr) = 0;
    virtual void WriteSamplerFeedbackGrad(ITexture* tex, SamplerState samp, const float* location, const float* ddx, const float* ddy, const float* clamp = nullptr) = 0;
    virtual void WriteSamplerFeedbackLevel(ITexture* tex, SamplerState samp, const float* location, float lod) = 0;

template <typename T>
struct FeedbackTexture2D
    void GetDimensions(uint32_t* outWidth, uint32_t* outHeight) 
        const auto dims = texture->GetDimensions(); 
        *outWidth = dims.width; 
        *outHeight = dims.height; 
    void GetDimensions(uint32_t mipLevel, uint32_t* outWidth, uint32_t* outHeight, uint32_t* outNumberOfLevels)
        const auto dims = texture->GetDimensions(mipLevel);
        *outWidth = dims.width;
        *outHeight = dims.height;
        *outNumberOfLevels = dims.numberOfLevels;
    void GetDimensions(float* outWidth, float* outHeight) 
        const auto dims = texture->GetDimensions(); 
        *outWidth = dims.width; 
        *outHeight = dims.height; 
    void GetDimensions(uint32_t mipLevel, float* outWidth, float* outHeight, float* outNumberOfLevels)
        const auto dims = texture->GetDimensions(mipLevel);
        *outWidth = dims.width;
        *outHeight = dims.height;
        *outNumberOfLevels = dims.numberOfLevels;
    template <typename S>
    void WriteSamplerFeedback(Texture2D<S> tex, SamplerState samp, float2 location, float clamp) { texture->WriteSamplerFeedback(tex.texture, samp, &location.x, &clamp); } 

    template <typename S>
    void WriteSamplerFeedbackBias(Texture2D<S> tex, SamplerState samp, float2 location, float bias, float clamp) { texture->WriteSamplerFeedbackBias(tex.texture, samp, &location.x, bias, &clamp); }

    template <typename S>
    void WriteSamplerFeedbackGrad(Texture2D<S> tex, SamplerState samp, float2 location, float2 ddx, float2 ddy, float clamp) { texture->WriteSamplerFeedbackGrad(tex.texture, samp, &location.x, &ddx.x, &ddy.x, &clamp); }

    // Level

    template <typename S> 
    void WriteSamplerFeedbackLevel(Texture2D<S> tex, SamplerState samp, float2 location, float lod) { texture->WriteSamplerFeedbackLevel(tex.texture, samp, &location.x, lod); }
    // Without Clamp
    template <typename S> 
    void WriteSamplerFeedback(Texture2D<S> tex, SamplerState samp, float2 location) { texture->WriteSamplerFeedback(tex.texture, samp, &location.x); }

    template <typename S> 
    void WriteSamplerFeedbackBias(Texture2D<S> tex, SamplerState samp, float2 location, float bias) { texture->WriteSamplerFeedbackBias(tex.texture, samp, &location.x, bias); }

    template <typename S> 
    void WriteSamplerFeedbackGrad(Texture2D<S> tex, SamplerState samp, float2 location, float2 ddx, float2 ddy) { texture->WriteSamplerFeedbackGrad(tex.texture, samp, &location.x, &ddx.x, &ddy.x); }
    IFeedbackTexture* texture;

template <typename T>
struct FeedbackTexture2DArray
    void GetDimensions(uint32_t* outWidth, uint32_t* outHeight, uint32_t* outElements)
        auto dims = texture->GetDimensions(); 
        *outWidth = dims.width; 
        *outHeight = dims.height;
        *outElements = dims.arrayElementCount; 
    void GetDimensions(uint32_t mipLevel, uint32_t* outWidth, uint32_t* outHeight, uint32_t* outElements, uint32_t* outNumberOfLevels)
        const auto dims = texture->GetDimensions(mipLevel);
        *outWidth = dims.width;
        *outHeight = dims.height;
        *outElements = dims.arrayElementCount;
        *outNumberOfLevels = dims.numberOfLevels;
    void GetDimensions(float* outWidth, float* outHeight, float* outElements)
        auto dims = texture->GetDimensions(); 
        *outWidth = dims.width; 
        *outHeight = dims.height;
        *outElements = dims.arrayElementCount; 
    void GetDimensions(uint32_t mipLevel, float* outWidth, float* outHeight, float* outElements, float* outNumberOfLevels)
        const auto dims = texture->GetDimensions(mipLevel);
        *outWidth = dims.width;
        *outHeight = dims.height;
        *outElements = dims.arrayElementCount;
        *outNumberOfLevels = dims.numberOfLevels;
    template <typename S>
    void WriteSamplerFeedback(Texture2DArray<S> texArray, SamplerState samp, float3 location, float clamp) { texture->WriteSamplerFeedback(texArray.texture, samp, &location.x, &clamp); }

    template <typename S>
    void WriteSamplerFeedbackBias(Texture2DArray<S> texArray, SamplerState samp, float3 location, float bias, float clamp) { texture->WriteSamplerFeedbackBias(texArray.texture, samp, &location.x, bias, &clamp); }

    template <typename S>
    void WriteSamplerFeedbackGrad(Texture2DArray<S> texArray, SamplerState samp, float3 location, float3 ddx, float3 ddy, float clamp) { texture->WriteSamplerFeedbackGrad(texArray.texture, samp, &location.x, &ddx.x, &ddy.x, &clamp); }

    // Level
    template <typename S>
    void WriteSamplerFeedbackLevel(Texture2DArray<S> texArray, SamplerState samp, float3 location, float lod) { texture->WriteSamplerFeedbackLevel(texArray.texture, samp, &location.x, lod); }

    // Without Clamp

    template <typename S>
    void WriteSamplerFeedback(Texture2DArray<S> texArray, SamplerState samp, float3 location) { texture->WriteSamplerFeedback(texArray.texture, samp, &location.x); }

    template <typename S>
    void WriteSamplerFeedbackBias(Texture2DArray<S> texArray, SamplerState samp, float3 location, float bias) { texture->WriteSamplerFeedbackBias(texArray.texture, samp, &location.x, bias); }

    template <typename S>
    void WriteSamplerFeedbackGrad(Texture2DArray<S> texArray, SamplerState samp, float3 location, float3 ddx, float3 ddy) { texture->WriteSamplerFeedbackGrad(texArray.texture, samp, &location.x, &ddx.x, &ddy.x); }
    IFeedbackTexture* texture;

/* Varying input for Compute */

/* Used when running a single thread */
struct ComputeThreadVaryingInput
    uint3 groupID;
    uint3 groupThreadID;

struct ComputeVaryingInput
    uint3 startGroupID;     ///< start groupID
    uint3 endGroupID;       ///< Non inclusive end groupID

// The uniformEntryPointParams and uniformState must be set to structures that match layout that the kernel expects.
// This can be determined via reflection for example.

typedef void(*ComputeThreadFunc)(ComputeThreadVaryingInput* varyingInput, void* uniformEntryPointParams, void* uniformState);
typedef void(*ComputeFunc)(ComputeVaryingInput* varyingInput, void* uniformEntryPointParams, void* uniformState);

template<typename TResult, typename TInput>
TResult slang_bit_cast(TInput val)
    return *(TResult*)(&val);



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