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Tip revision: c5c8cfbb360d9a763f549df48636effde839eacd authored by Sai Praveen Bangaru on 27 September 2023, 00:50:13 UTC
Handle the case where the parent if-else region's after-block is unreachable. (#3241)
Tip revision: c5c8cfb

#include "../core/slang-string.h"
#include "../core/slang-list.h"

namespace Slang

typedef uint8_t NameConventionBackingType;

enum class NameStyle : NameConventionBackingType
    Unknown,    /// Unknown style
    Kabab,      /// Words are separated with -. WORDS-ARE-SEPARATED, words-are-separted
    Snake,      /// Words are separated with _. WORDS_ARE_SEPARATED, words_are_separated
    Camel,      /// Words start with a capital. (Upper will make first words character capitalized, aka PascalCase)

struct NameConventionFlag
    enum Enum : NameConventionBackingType
        UpperCase = 0x80,

struct NameConventionMask
    enum Enum : NameConventionBackingType
        Style = 0x7,

enum class NameConvention : NameConventionBackingType
    Invalid = NameConventionBackingType(NameStyle::Unknown),

    LowerKabab   = NameConventionBackingType(NameStyle::Kabab),
    LowerSnake   = NameConventionBackingType(NameStyle::Snake),
    LowerCamel   = NameConventionBackingType(NameStyle::Camel),

    UpperKabab = NameConventionBackingType(NameStyle::Kabab) | NameConventionFlag::UpperCase,
    UpperSnake = NameConventionBackingType(NameStyle::Snake) | NameConventionFlag::UpperCase,
    UpperCamel = NameConventionBackingType(NameStyle::Camel) | NameConventionFlag::UpperCase,

SLANG_FORCE_INLINE NameConvention makeUpper(NameStyle style) { return NameConvention(NameConventionBackingType(style) | NameConventionFlag::UpperCase); }
SLANG_FORCE_INLINE NameConvention makeLower(NameStyle style) { return NameConvention(style); }

SLANG_FORCE_INLINE bool isUpper(NameConvention convention) { return (NameConventionBackingType(convention) & NameConventionFlag::UpperCase) != 0; }
SLANG_FORCE_INLINE bool isLower(NameConvention convention) { return (NameConventionBackingType(convention) & NameConventionFlag::UpperCase) == 0; }
SLANG_FORCE_INLINE NameStyle getNameStyle(NameConvention convention) { return NameStyle(NameConventionBackingType(convention) & NameConventionMask::Style); }

/* This utility is to enable easy conversion and interpretation of names that use standard conventions, typically in programming
languages. The conventions are largely how to represent multiple words together.

Split is used to split up a name into it's constituent 'words' based on a convention.
Join is used to combine words based on a convention/character case

Convert uses split and join to allow easy conversion between conventions. 
struct NameConventionUtil
        /// Given a slice tries to determine the convention used.
        /// If no separators are found, will assume Camel
        /// Doesn't exhaustively test the string slice, or determine invalid scenarios
        /// Use 'getConvention' to get error checking
    static NameStyle inferStyleFromText(const UnownedStringSlice& slice);

        /// Gets the naming convention based on the slice.
        /// Will return invalid convention if cannot be determined.
        /// TODO(JS):
        /// Does not handle leading `_` styles: "_a" and "_1" will be invalid.
        /// We may want to make it do so, but requires changes in infer, split and join.
    static NameConvention inferConventionFromText(const UnownedStringSlice& slice);

        /// Given a slice and a naming convention, split into it's constituent parts. If convention isn't specified, will infer from slice using getConvention.
    static void split(NameStyle nameStyle, const UnownedStringSlice& slice, List<UnownedStringSlice>& out);
    static void split(const UnownedStringSlice& slice, List<UnownedStringSlice>& out);

        /// Given slices, join together with the specified convention into out
    static void join(const UnownedStringSlice* slices, Index slicesCount, NameConvention convention, StringBuilder& out);

        /// Join with a join char, and potentially changing case of input slices
    static void join(const UnownedStringSlice* slices, Index slicesCount, NameConvention convention, char joinChar, StringBuilder& out);

        /// Convert from one convention to another. If fromConvention isn't specified, will infer from slice using getConvention.
    static void convert(NameStyle fromStyle, const UnownedStringSlice& slice, NameConvention toConvention, StringBuilder& out);
    static void convert(const UnownedStringSlice& slice, NameConvention toConvention, StringBuilder& out);


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