Raw File
Tip revision: f44da6cc5c0f211c13bd1eb0743d79c7861ea64e authored by Yong He on 09 February 2024, 02:29:32 UTC
Support pointers in SPIRV. (#3561)
Tip revision: f44da6c

#include "slang-list.h"
#include "slang-linked-list.h"
#include "slang-common.h"
#include "slang-uint-set.h"
#include "slang-exception.h"
#include "slang-math.h"
#include "slang-hash.h"
#include "../../external/unordered_dense/include/ankerl/unordered_dense.h"
#include <initializer_list>

namespace Slang
    template<typename TKey, typename TValue>
    class KeyValuePair
        TKey key;
        TValue value;
        KeyValuePair(const TKey& inKey, const TValue& inValue)
            key = inKey;
            value = inValue;
        KeyValuePair(TKey&& inKey, TValue&& inValue)
            key = _Move(inKey);
            value = _Move(inValue);
        KeyValuePair(TKey&& inKey, const TValue& inValue)
            key = _Move(inKey);
            value = inValue;
        KeyValuePair(const KeyValuePair<TKey, TValue>& that)
            key = that.key;
            value = that.value;
        KeyValuePair(KeyValuePair<TKey, TValue>&& that)
        KeyValuePair& operator=(KeyValuePair<TKey, TValue>&& that)
            key = _Move(that.key);
            value = _Move(that.value);
            return *this;
        KeyValuePair& operator=(const KeyValuePair<TKey, TValue>& that)
            key = that.key;
            value = that.value;
            return *this;
        HashCode getHashCode() const
            return combineHash(
        bool operator==(const KeyValuePair<TKey, TValue>& that) const
            return (key == that.key) && (value == that.value);

    template<typename TKey, typename TValue>
    inline KeyValuePair<TKey, TValue> KVPair(const TKey& k, const TValue& v)
        return KeyValuePair<TKey, TValue>(k, v);

    namespace KeyValueDetail {

    template <typename KEY, typename VALUE>
    SLANG_FORCE_INLINE const KEY* getKey(const std::pair<KEY, VALUE>* in)
        return &in->first;
    template <typename KEY, typename VALUE>
    SLANG_FORCE_INLINE const KEY* getKey(const KeyValuePair<KEY, VALUE>* in)
        return &in->key;

    template <typename KEY, typename VALUE>
    SLANG_FORCE_INLINE const VALUE* getValue(const std::pair<KEY, VALUE>* in)
        return &in->second;
    template <typename KEY, typename VALUE>
    SLANG_FORCE_INLINE const VALUE* getValue(const KeyValuePair<KEY, VALUE>* in)
        return &in->value;

    } // namespace KeyValueDetail

    const float kMaxLoadFactor = 0.7f;

    template<typename TKey, typename TValue, typename Hash = Slang::Hash<TKey>, typename KeyEqual = std::equal_to<TKey>>
    class Dictionary
        using InnerMap = ankerl::unordered_dense::map<
        using ThisType = Dictionary<TKey, TValue, Hash, KeyEqual>;
        InnerMap map;
        Dictionary() = default;
        Dictionary(const Dictionary&) = default;
        Dictionary(Dictionary&&) = default;
        ThisType& operator=(const ThisType&) = default;
        ThisType& operator=(ThisType&&) = default;
        Dictionary(std::initializer_list<typename InnerMap::value_type> inits)
            : map(std::move(inits))

        // Types
        using Iterator = typename InnerMap::iterator;
        using ConstIterator = typename InnerMap::const_iterator;
        using KeyType = TKey;
        using ValueType = TValue;

        // Iterators

        auto begin() { return map.begin(); }
        auto begin() const { return map.begin(); }
        auto end() { return map.end(); }
        auto end() const { return map.end(); }

        // Modifiers

        // Removes all values from the map
        void clear() { map.clear(); }

        // Erases the value at the specified key if it exists
        void remove(const TKey& key) { map.erase(key); }

        // Reserves enough space for the specified number of values
        void reserve(Index size) { map.reserve(std::size_t(size)); };

        // Swap with another map
        void swapWith(ThisType& rhs) { std::swap(*this, rhs); }

        // Query capacity

        std::size_t getCount() const { return map.size(); }

        // Lookup

        // Returns true if the map contains an equivalent key
        template<typename K>
        bool containsKey(const K& k) const { return map.contains(k); }

        // Returns a valid pointer to the requested element, or nullptr if it
        // doesn't exist
        template<typename K>
        const TValue* tryGetValue(const K& key) const
            auto i = map.find(key);
            return i == map.end() ? nullptr : &(i->second);
        // Returns a valid pointer to the requested element, or nullptr if it
        // doesn't exist
        template<typename K>
        TValue* tryGetValue(const K& key)
            auto i = map.find(key);
            return i == map.end() ? nullptr : std::addressof(i->second);

        // Returns true and copies the element into 'value' if present.
        // Otherwise returns false and value unmodified.
        template<typename K>
        bool tryGetValue(const K& key, TValue& value) const
            auto i = map.find(key);
            if(i == map.end())
                return false;
            value = i->second;
            return true;

        // Returns a const reference to the value at the given key. Asserts if
        // the value doesn't exist
        const TValue& getValue(const TKey& key) const
            if(const auto x = tryGetValue(key))
                return *x;
            SLANG_ASSERT_FAILURE("The key does not exist in dictionary.");

        // Returns a reference to the value at the given key. Asserts if the
        // value doesn't exist
        TValue& getValue(const TKey& key)
            if(const auto x = tryGetValue(key))
                return *x;
            SLANG_ASSERT_FAILURE("The key does not exist in dictionary.");

        // Combined Lookup and Insertion

        // Tries to insert the given element, if a value was already present at
        // the given key then returns a pointer to that element instead.
        // Returns nullptr if insertion was successful.
        TValue* tryGetValueOrAdd(const typename InnerMap::value_type& kvPair)
            const auto& [iterator, inserted] = map.insert(kvPair);
            return inserted ? nullptr : std::addressof(iterator->second);
        // Tries to insert the given element, if a value was already present at
        // the given key then returns a pointer to that element instead.
        // Returns nullptr if insertion was successful.
        TValue* tryGetValueOrAdd(typename InnerMap::value_type&& kvPair)
            const auto& [iterator, inserted] = map.insert(std::move(kvPair));
            return inserted ? nullptr : std::addressof(iterator->second);
        // Tries to insert the given element, if a value was already present at
        // the given key then returns a pointer to that element instead.
        // Returns nullptr if insertion was successful.
        TValue* tryGetValueOrAdd(const TKey& key, const TValue& value) { return tryGetValueOrAdd({key, value}); }

        // Inserts the given value if it doesn't exist already
        // Return a reference to the (possibly new) value in the map
        TValue& getOrAddValue(const TKey& key, const TValue& defaultValue)
            auto [iterator, inserted] = map.insert({key, defaultValue});
            return iterator->second;

        // Returns a reference to the value at the specified key, default
        // initializing it if it doesn't already exist
        TValue& operator[]( const TKey& key ) { return map[key]; }
        // Returns a reference to the value at the specified key, default
        // initializing it if it doesn't already exist
        TValue& operator[]( TKey&& key ) { return map[std::move(key)]; }

        // Insertion

        // Returns true if the value was inserted, returns false if the map
        // already has a value associated with this key
        bool addIfNotExists(typename InnerMap::value_type&& kvPair) { return !tryGetValueOrAdd(std::move(kvPair)); }
        // Returns true if the value was inserted, returns false if the map
        // already has a value associated with this key
        bool addIfNotExists(const typename InnerMap::value_type& kvPair) { return !tryGetValueOrAdd(kvPair); }
        // Returns true if the value was inserted, returns false if the map
        // already has a value associated with this key
        bool addIfNotExists(const TKey& k, const TValue& v) { return addIfNotExists({k, v}); }
        // Returns true if the value was inserted, returns false if the map
        // already has a value associated with this key
        bool addIfNotExists(TKey&& k, TValue&& v) { return addIfNotExists({std::move(k), std::move(v)}); }

        // Asserts if the key already exists in the dictionary
        void add(typename InnerMap::value_type&& kvPair)
            if (!addIfNotExists(std::move(kvPair)))
                SLANG_ASSERT_FAILURE("The key already exists in Dictionary.");
        // Asserts if the key already exists in the dictionary
        void add(const typename InnerMap::value_type& kvPair)
            if (!addIfNotExists(kvPair))
                SLANG_ASSERT_FAILURE("The key already exists in Dictionary.");
        // Asserts if the key already exists in the dictionary
        void add(const TKey& key, const TValue& value) { add({key, value}); }
        // Asserts if the key already exists in the dictionary
        void add(TKey&& key, TValue&& value) { add({std::move(key), std::move(value)}); }

        // Inserts into the dictionary or assigns if the key already exists
        void set(const TKey& key, const TValue& value) { map.insert_or_assign(key, value); }

    /* We may want to rename this, as strictly speaking _Caps names are reserved */
    class _DummyClass

    template<typename T, typename DictionaryType>
    class HashSetBase
        DictionaryType dict;
        template<typename... Args>
        void init(const T& v, Args... args)
        template<typename Arg, typename... Args>
        HashSetBase(Arg arg, Args... args)
            init(arg, args...);
        HashSetBase(const HashSetBase& set)
        HashSetBase(HashSetBase&& set)
        HashSetBase& operator=(const HashSetBase& set)
            dict = set.dict;
            return *this;
        HashSetBase& operator=(HashSetBase&& set)
            dict = _Move(set.dict);
            return *this;
        class Iterator
            typename DictionaryType::ConstIterator iter;
            Iterator() = default;
            const T& operator*() const
                return *KeyValueDetail::getKey(std::addressof(*iter));
            const T* operator->() const
                return KeyValueDetail::getKey(std::addressof(*iter));

            Iterator& operator++()
                return *this;
            Iterator operator++(int)
                Iterator rs = *this;
                return rs;
            bool operator!=(const Iterator& that) const
                return iter != that.iter;
            bool operator==(const Iterator& that) const
                return iter == that.iter;
            Iterator(const typename DictionaryType::ConstIterator& _iter)
                this->iter = _iter;
        Iterator begin() const
            return Iterator(dict.begin());
        Iterator end() const
            return Iterator(dict.end());
        auto getCount() const
            return dict.getCount();
        void clear()
        bool add(const T& obj)
            return dict.addIfNotExists(obj, _DummyClass());
        bool add(T&& obj)
            return dict.addIfNotExists(_Move(obj), _DummyClass());
        void remove(const T& obj)
        bool contains(const T& obj) const
            return dict.containsKey(obj);
    template <typename T>
    class HashSet : public HashSetBase<T, Dictionary<T, _DummyClass>>

    template <typename TKey, typename TValue>
    class OrderedDictionary
        friend class Iterator;
        friend class ItemProxy;

        inline int getProbeOffset(int /*probeIdx*/) const
            // quadratic probing
            return 1;

        int m_bucketCountMinusOne;
        int m_count;
        UIntSet m_marks;

        LinkedList<KeyValuePair<TKey, TValue>> m_kvPairs;
        LinkedNode<KeyValuePair<TKey, TValue>>** m_hashMap;
        void deallocateAll()
            if (m_hashMap)
                delete[] m_hashMap;
            m_hashMap = nullptr;
        inline bool isDeleted(int pos) const { return m_marks.contains((pos << 1) + 1); }
        inline bool isEmpty(int pos) const { return !m_marks.contains((pos << 1)); }
        inline void setDeleted(int pos, bool val)
            if (val)
                m_marks.add((pos << 1) + 1);
                m_marks.remove((pos << 1) + 1);
        inline void setEmpty(int pos, bool val)
            if (val)
                m_marks.remove((pos << 1));
                m_marks.add((pos << 1));
        struct FindPositionResult
            int objectPosition;
            int insertionPosition;
                objectPosition = -1;
                insertionPosition = -1;
            FindPositionResult(int objPos, int insertPos)
                objectPosition = objPos;
                insertionPosition = insertPos;
        template <typename T> inline int getHashPos(T& key) const
            const unsigned int hash = (unsigned int)getHashCode(key);
            return ((unsigned int)(hash * 2654435761)) % m_bucketCountMinusOne;
        template <typename T> FindPositionResult findPosition(const T& key) const
            int hashPos = getHashPos((T&)key);
            int insertPos = -1;
            int numProbes = 0;
            while (numProbes <= m_bucketCountMinusOne)
                if (isEmpty(hashPos))
                    if (insertPos == -1)
                        return FindPositionResult(-1, hashPos);
                        return FindPositionResult(-1, insertPos);
                else if (isDeleted(hashPos))
                    if (insertPos == -1)
                        insertPos = hashPos;
                else if (m_hashMap[hashPos]->value.key == key)
                    return FindPositionResult(hashPos, -1);
                hashPos = (hashPos + getProbeOffset(numProbes)) & m_bucketCountMinusOne;
            if (insertPos != -1)
                return FindPositionResult(-1, insertPos);
            SLANG_ASSERT_FAILURE("Hash map is full. This indicates an error in Key::Equal or Key::GetHashCode.");
        TValue& _insert(KeyValuePair<TKey, TValue>&& kvPair, int pos)
            auto node = m_kvPairs.addLast();
            node->value = _Move(kvPair);
            m_hashMap[pos] = node;
            setEmpty(pos, false);
            setDeleted(pos, false);
            return node->value.value;
        void maybeRehash()
            if (m_bucketCountMinusOne == -1 || m_count / (float)m_bucketCountMinusOne >= kMaxLoadFactor)
                int newSize = (m_bucketCountMinusOne + 1) * 2;
                if (newSize == 0)
                    newSize = 128;
                OrderedDictionary<TKey, TValue> newDict;
                newDict.m_bucketCountMinusOne = newSize - 1;
                newDict.m_hashMap = new LinkedNode<KeyValuePair<TKey, TValue>>*[newSize];
                newDict.m_marks.resizeAndClear(newSize * 2);
                if (m_hashMap)
                    for (auto& kvPair : *this)
                *this = _Move(newDict);

        bool addIfNotExists(KeyValuePair<TKey, TValue>&& kvPair)
            auto pos = findPosition(kvPair.key);
            if (pos.objectPosition != -1)
                return false;
            else if (pos.insertionPosition != -1)
                _insert(_Move(kvPair), pos.insertionPosition);
                return true;
                SLANG_ASSERT_FAILURE("Inconsistent find result returned. This is a bug in Dictionary implementation.");
        void add(KeyValuePair<TKey, TValue>&& kvPair)
            if (!addIfNotExists(_Move(kvPair)))
                SLANG_ASSERT_FAILURE("The key already exists in Dictionary.");
        TValue& set(KeyValuePair<TKey, TValue>&& kvPair)
            auto pos = findPosition(kvPair.key);
            if (pos.objectPosition != -1)
                return _insert(_Move(kvPair), pos.objectPosition);
            else if (pos.insertionPosition != -1)
                return _insert(_Move(kvPair), pos.insertionPosition);
                SLANG_ASSERT_FAILURE("Inconsistent find result returned. This is a bug in Dictionary implementation.");

        using Iterator = typename LinkedList<KeyValuePair<TKey, TValue>>::Iterator;
        using ConstIterator = typename LinkedList<KeyValuePair<TKey, TValue>>::ConstIterator;

        Iterator begin() { return m_kvPairs.begin(); }
        Iterator end() { return m_kvPairs.end(); }
        ConstIterator begin() const { return m_kvPairs.begin(); }
        ConstIterator end() const { return m_kvPairs.end(); }

        void add(const TKey& key, const TValue& value)
            add(KeyValuePair<TKey, TValue>(key, value));
        void add(TKey&& key, TValue&& value)
            add(KeyValuePair<TKey, TValue>(_Move(key), _Move(value)));
        bool addIfNotExists(const TKey& key, const TValue& value)
            return addIfNotExists(KeyValuePair<TKey, TValue>(key, value));
        bool addIfNotExists(TKey&& key, TValue&& value)
            return addIfNotExists(KeyValuePair<TKey, TValue>(_Move(key), _Move(value)));
        void remove(const TKey& key)
            if (m_count > 0)
                auto pos = findPosition(key);
                if (pos.objectPosition != -1)
                    m_hashMap[pos.objectPosition] = 0;
                    setDeleted(pos.objectPosition, true);
        void clear()
            m_count = 0;
        template <typename T> bool containsKey(const T& key) const
            if (m_bucketCountMinusOne == -1)
                return false;
            auto pos = findPosition(key);
            return pos.objectPosition != -1;
        template <typename T> TValue* tryGetValue(const T& key) const
            if (m_bucketCountMinusOne == -1)
                return nullptr;
            auto pos = findPosition(key);
            if (pos.objectPosition != -1)
                return &(m_hashMap[pos.objectPosition]->value.value);
            return nullptr;
        template <typename T> bool tryGetValue(const T& key, TValue& value) const
            if (m_bucketCountMinusOne == -1)
                return false;
            auto pos = findPosition(key);
            if (pos.objectPosition != -1)
                value = m_hashMap[pos.objectPosition]->value.value;
                return true;
            return false;
        class ItemProxy
            const OrderedDictionary<TKey, TValue>* dict;
            TKey key;

            ItemProxy(const TKey& _key, const OrderedDictionary<TKey, TValue>* _dict)
                this->dict = _dict;
                this->key = _key;
            ItemProxy(TKey&& _key, const OrderedDictionary<TKey, TValue>* _dict)
                this->dict = _dict;
                this->key = _Move(_key);
            TValue& getValue() const
                auto pos = dict->findPosition(key);
                if (pos.objectPosition != -1)
                    return dict->m_hashMap[pos.objectPosition]->value.value;
                    SLANG_ASSERT_FAILURE("The key does not exists in dictionary.");
            inline TValue& operator()() const { return getValue(); }
            operator TValue&() const { return getValue(); }
            TValue& operator=(const TValue& val)
                return ((OrderedDictionary<TKey, TValue>*)dict)
                    ->set(KeyValuePair<TKey, TValue>(_Move(key), val));
            TValue& operator=(TValue&& val)
                return ((OrderedDictionary<TKey, TValue>*)dict)
                    ->set(KeyValuePair<TKey, TValue>(_Move(key), _Move(val)));
        ItemProxy operator[](const TKey& key) const { return ItemProxy(key, this); }
        ItemProxy operator[](TKey&& key) const { return ItemProxy(_Move(key), this); }

        int getCount() const { return m_count; }
        KeyValuePair<TKey, TValue>& getFirst() const { return m_kvPairs.getFirst(); }
        KeyValuePair<TKey, TValue>& getLast() const { return m_kvPairs.getLast(); }

        template <typename... Args>
        void init(const KeyValuePair<TKey, TValue>& kvPair, Args... args)

            m_bucketCountMinusOne = -1;
            m_count = 0;
            m_hashMap = 0;
        template <typename Arg, typename... Args> OrderedDictionary(Arg arg, Args... args)
            init(arg, args...);
        OrderedDictionary(const OrderedDictionary<TKey, TValue>& other)
            : m_bucketCountMinusOne(-1)
            , m_count(0)
            , m_hashMap(0)
            *this = other;
        OrderedDictionary(OrderedDictionary<TKey, TValue>&& other)
            : m_bucketCountMinusOne(-1)
            , m_count(0)
            , m_hashMap(0)
            *this = (_Move(other));
        OrderedDictionary<TKey, TValue>&
        operator=(const OrderedDictionary<TKey, TValue>& other)
            if (this == &other)
                return *this;
            for (auto& item : other)
                add(item.key, item.value);
            return *this;
        OrderedDictionary<TKey, TValue>&
        operator=(OrderedDictionary<TKey, TValue>&& other)
            if (this == &other)
                return *this;
            m_bucketCountMinusOne = other.m_bucketCountMinusOne;
            m_count = other.m_count;
            m_hashMap = other.m_hashMap;
            m_marks = _Move(other.m_marks);
            other.m_hashMap = 0;
            other.m_count = 0;
            other.m_bucketCountMinusOne = -1;
            m_kvPairs = _Move(other.m_kvPairs);
            return *this;
        ~OrderedDictionary() { deallocateAll(); }

    template <typename T> class OrderedHashSet : public HashSetBase<T, OrderedDictionary<T, _DummyClass>>
        T& getLast()
            return this->dict.getLast().key;
        void removeLast()

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