Raw File
Tip revision: f44da6cc5c0f211c13bd1eb0743d79c7861ea64e authored by Yong He on 09 February 2024, 02:29:32 UTC
Support pointers in SPIRV. (#3561)
Tip revision: f44da6c
// slang-platform.h

#include "../../slang.h"
#include "../core/slang-string.h"

namespace Slang
    enum class PlatformKind : uint8_t

    typedef uint32_t PlatformFlags;
    struct PlatformFlag
        enum Enum
            Unknown = 1 << int(PlatformKind::Unknown),
            WinRT = 1 << int(PlatformKind::WinRT),
            XBoxOne = 1 << int(PlatformKind::XBoxOne),
            Win64 = 1 << int(PlatformKind::Win64),
            Win32 = 1 << int(PlatformKind::Win32),
            X360 = 1 << int(PlatformKind::X360),
            Android = 1 << int(PlatformKind::Android),
            Linux = 1 << int(PlatformKind::Linux),
            IOS = 1 << int(PlatformKind::IOS),
            OSX = 1 << int(PlatformKind::OSX),
            PS3 = 1 << int(PlatformKind::PS3),
            PS4 = 1 << int(PlatformKind::PS4),
            PSP2 = 1 << int(PlatformKind::PSP2),
            WIIU = 1 << int(PlatformKind::WIIU),

    enum class PlatformFamily : uint8_t

	// Interface for working with shared libraries
	// in a platform-independent fashion.
	struct SharedLibrary
		typedef struct SharedLibraryImpl* Handle;
        typedef void(*FuncPtr)(void);

            /// Load via an unadorned path/filename.
            /// The unadorned path here means without a path without any platform specific filename elements.
            /// This typically means no extension and no prefix.
            /// On windows this means without the '.dll' extension.
            /// On linux this means without the 'lib' prefix and '.so' extension.
            /// To load with a platform specific filename use the 'loadWithPlatformFilename' API
            /// Most platforms have a built in mechanism to search for shared libraries, such that
            /// shared libraries are often just passed by filename.
            /// @param the unadorned filename/path
            /// @return Returns a non null handle for the shared library on success. nullptr indicated failure
        static SlangResult load(const char* path, Handle& handleOut);

		    /// Attempt to load a shared library for
		    /// the current platform. Returns null handle on failure
            /// The platform specific filename can be generated from a call to appendPlatformFileName
            /// @param platform the platform specific file name/ or path 
            /// @return Returns a non null handle for the shared library on success. nullptr indicated failure
        static SlangResult loadWithPlatformPath(char const* platformPath, Handle& handleOut);

            /// Unload the library that was returned from load as handle
            /// @param The valid handle returned from load 
        static void unload(Handle handle);

            /// Given a shared library handle and a name, return the associated object
            /// Return nullptr if object is not found
            /// @param The shared library handle as returned by loadPlatformLibrary
        static void* findSymbolAddressByName(Handle handle, char const* name);

            /// Append to the end of dst, the name, with any platform specific additions
            /// The input name should be unadorned with any 'lib' prefix or extension
        static void appendPlatformFileName(const UnownedStringSlice& name, StringBuilder& dst);

            /// Given a path, calculate that path with the filename replaced with the platform filename (using appendPlatformFilename)
        static String calcPlatformPath(const UnownedStringSlice& path);
        static void calcPlatformPath(const UnownedStringSlice& path, StringBuilder& outBuilder);

            /// Not constructible!

    struct PlatformUtil
            /// Appends a text interpretation of a result (as defined by supporting OS)
            /// @param res Result to produce a string for
            /// @param builderOut Append the string produced to builderOut
            /// @return SLANG_OK if string is found and appended. Fail otherwise. SLANG_E_NOT_IMPLEMENTED if there is no impl for this platform.
        static SlangResult appendResult(SlangResult res, StringBuilder& builderOut);

            /// Get the platform kind as determined at compile time
        static PlatformKind getPlatformKind();

            /// Get the platforms that make up a family
        static PlatformFlags getPlatformFlags(PlatformFamily family);

            /// True if the kind is part of the family
        static bool isFamily(PlatformFamily family, PlatformKind kind) { return (getPlatformFlags(family) & (PlatformFlags(1) << int(kind))) != 0; }

            /// Given an environment name returns the set system variable.
            /// Will return SLANG_E_NOT_FOUND if the variable is not set
        static SlangResult getEnvironmentVariable(const UnownedStringSlice& name, StringBuilder& out);

            /// Get the path to this instance (the path to the dll/executable/shared library the call is in)
            /// NOTE! This is not supported on all platforms, and will return SLANG_E_NOT_IMPLEMENTED in that scenario
        static SlangResult getInstancePath(StringBuilder& out);

            /// Outputs message to a debug stream. Not all platforms support 
            /// this feature.
            /// @param text Text to be displayed in 'debugger output' 
            /// @return SLANG_E_NOT_AVAILABLE if not on this platform, and potentially other errors 
        static SlangResult outputDebugMessage(const char* text);

#ifndef _MSC_VER
	#define _fileno fileno
	#define _isatty isatty
	#define _setmode setmode

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