Raw File
Tip revision: e710fac2fcc2228d08ba867df13a9dcd9322894a authored by Yong He on 28 September 2023, 05:39:22 UTC
Fix a bug in `canInstHaveSideEffectAtAddress`. (#3246)
Tip revision: e710fac
// slang-win-process-util.cpp
#include "../slang-process.h"

#include "../slang-string.h"
#include "../slang-string-escape-util.h"
#include "../slang-string-util.h"
#include "../slang-process-util.h"

#include "../../../slang-com-helper.h"

#ifdef _WIN32
// TODO: We could try to avoid including this at all, but it would
// mean trying to hide certain struct layouts, which would add
// more dynamic allocation.
#   include <windows.h>

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

#   define SLANG_RETURN_FAIL_ON_FALSE(x) if (!(x)) return SLANG_FAIL;

namespace Slang {

// Has behavior very similar to unique_ptr - assignment is a move.
class WinHandle
    /// Detach the encapsulated handle. Returns the handle (which now must be externally handled) 
    HANDLE detach() { HANDLE handle = m_handle; m_handle = nullptr; return handle; }

    /// Return as a handle
    operator HANDLE() const { return m_handle; }

    /// Assign
    void operator=(HANDLE handle) { setNull(); m_handle = handle; }
    void operator=(WinHandle&& rhs) { HANDLE handle = m_handle; m_handle = rhs.m_handle; rhs.m_handle = handle; }

    /// Get ready for writing 
    SLANG_FORCE_INLINE HANDLE* writeRef() { setNull(); return &m_handle; }
    /// Get for read access
    SLANG_FORCE_INLINE const HANDLE* readRef() const { return &m_handle; }

    void setNull()
        if (m_handle)
            m_handle = nullptr;
    bool isNull() const { return m_handle == nullptr; }

    /// Ctor
    WinHandle(HANDLE handle = nullptr) :m_handle(handle) {}
    WinHandle(WinHandle&& rhs) :m_handle(rhs.m_handle) { rhs.m_handle = nullptr; }

    /// Dtor
    ~WinHandle() { setNull(); }


    WinHandle(const WinHandle&) = delete;
    void operator=(const WinHandle& rhs) = delete;

    HANDLE m_handle;

/* A simple Stream implementation of a File HANDLE (or Pipe). Note that currently does not allow getPosition/seek/atEnd */
class WinPipeStream : public Stream
    typedef WinPipeStream ThisType;

    // Stream
    virtual Int64 getPosition() SLANG_OVERRIDE { return 0; }
    virtual SlangResult seek(SeekOrigin origin, Int64 offset) SLANG_OVERRIDE { SLANG_UNUSED(origin); SLANG_UNUSED(offset); return SLANG_E_NOT_AVAILABLE; }
    virtual SlangResult read(void* buffer, size_t length, size_t& outReadBytes) SLANG_OVERRIDE;
    virtual SlangResult write(const void* buffer, size_t length) SLANG_OVERRIDE;
    virtual bool isEnd() SLANG_OVERRIDE { return m_streamHandle.isNull(); }
    virtual bool canRead() SLANG_OVERRIDE { return _has(FileAccess::Read) && !m_streamHandle.isNull(); }
    virtual bool canWrite() SLANG_OVERRIDE { return _has(FileAccess::Write) && !m_streamHandle.isNull(); }
    virtual void close() SLANG_OVERRIDE;
    virtual SlangResult flush() SLANG_OVERRIDE;

    WinPipeStream(HANDLE handle, FileAccess access, bool isOwned = true);

    ~WinPipeStream() { close(); }


    bool _has(FileAccess access) const { return (Index(access) & Index(m_access)) != 0; }

    SlangResult _updateState(BOOL res);

    FileAccess m_access = FileAccess::None;
    WinHandle m_streamHandle;
    bool m_isOwned;
    bool m_isPipe;

class WinProcess : public Process

    // Process
    virtual bool isTerminated() SLANG_OVERRIDE;
    virtual bool waitForTermination(Int timeInMs) SLANG_OVERRIDE;
    virtual void terminate(int32_t returnCode) SLANG_OVERRIDE;
    virtual void kill(int32_t returnCode) SLANG_OVERRIDE;

    WinProcess(HANDLE handle, Stream* const* streams) :
        for (Index i = 0; i < Index(StdStreamType::CountOf); ++i)
            m_streams[i] = streams[i];


    void _hasTerminated();
    WinHandle m_processHandle;          ///< If not set the process has terminated

/* !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WinPipeStream !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! */

WinPipeStream::WinPipeStream(HANDLE handle, FileAccess access, bool isOwned) :

    // On Win32 a HANDLE has to be handled differently if it's a PIPE or FILE, so first determine
    // if it really is a pipe.
    m_isPipe = ::GetFileType(handle) == FILE_TYPE_PIPE;

    if (m_isPipe)
        // It might be handy to get information about the handle

        DWORD flags, outBufferSize, inBufferSize, maxInstances;
        // It appears that by default windows pipe buffer size is 4k.
        if (GetNamedPipeInfo(handle, &flags, &outBufferSize, &inBufferSize, &maxInstances))

SlangResult WinPipeStream::_updateState(BOOL res)
    if (res)
        return SLANG_OK;
        const auto err = GetLastError();

        if (err == ERROR_BROKEN_PIPE)
            return SLANG_OK;

        return SLANG_FAIL;

SlangResult WinPipeStream::read(void* buffer, size_t length, size_t& outReadBytes)
    outReadBytes = 0;
    if (!_has(FileAccess::Read))
        return SLANG_E_NOT_AVAILABLE;

    if (m_streamHandle.isNull())
        return SLANG_OK;

    DWORD bytesRead = 0;

    // Check if there is any data, so won't block
    if (m_isPipe)
        DWORD pipeBytesRead = 0;
        DWORD pipeTotalBytesAvailable = 0;
        DWORD pipeRemainingBytes = 0;

        // Works on anonymous pipes too

        SLANG_RETURN_ON_FAIL(_updateState(::PeekNamedPipe(m_streamHandle, nullptr, DWORD(0), &pipeBytesRead, &pipeTotalBytesAvailable, &pipeRemainingBytes)));
        // If there is nothing to read we are done
        // If we don't do this ReadFile will *block* if there is nothing available
        if (pipeTotalBytesAvailable == 0)
            return SLANG_OK;

        SLANG_RETURN_ON_FAIL(_updateState(::ReadFile(m_streamHandle, buffer, DWORD(length), &bytesRead, nullptr)));
        SLANG_RETURN_ON_FAIL(_updateState(::ReadFile(m_streamHandle, buffer, DWORD(length), &bytesRead, nullptr)));

        // If it's not a pipe, and there is nothing left, then we are done.
        if (length > 0 && bytesRead == 0)

    outReadBytes = size_t(bytesRead);
    return SLANG_OK;

SlangResult WinPipeStream::write(const void* buffer, size_t length)
    if (!_has(FileAccess::Write))
        return SLANG_E_NOT_AVAILABLE;

    if (m_streamHandle.isNull())
        // Writing to closed stream
        return SLANG_FAIL;

    DWORD numWritten = 0;
    BOOL writeResult = ::WriteFile(m_streamHandle, buffer, DWORD(length), &numWritten, nullptr);

    if (!writeResult)
        auto err = ::GetLastError();

        if (err == ERROR_BROKEN_PIPE)
            return SLANG_FAIL;
        return SLANG_FAIL;

    if (numWritten != length)
        return SLANG_FAIL;

    return SLANG_OK;

void WinPipeStream::close()
    if (!m_isOwned)
        // If we don't own it just detach it 

SlangResult WinPipeStream::flush()
    if ((Index(m_access) & Index(FileAccess::Write)) == 0 || m_streamHandle.isNull())
        return SLANG_E_NOT_AVAILABLE;

    if (!::FlushFileBuffers(m_streamHandle))
        auto err = GetLastError();
    return SLANG_OK;

/* !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WinProcess !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! */

void WinProcess::_hasTerminated()
    if (!m_processHandle.isNull())
        // get exit code for process

        DWORD childExitCode = 0;
        if (::GetExitCodeProcess(m_processHandle, &childExitCode))
            m_returnValue = int32_t(childExitCode);

bool WinProcess::waitForTermination(Int timeInMs)
    if (m_processHandle.isNull())
        return true;

    const DWORD timeOutTime = (timeInMs < 0) ? INFINITE : DWORD(timeInMs);

    // wait for the process to exit
    // TODO: set a timeout as a safety measure...
    auto res = ::WaitForSingleObject(m_processHandle, timeOutTime);

    if (res == WAIT_TIMEOUT)
        return false;

    return true;

bool WinProcess::isTerminated()
    return waitForTermination(0);

void WinProcess::terminate(int32_t returnCode)
    if (!isTerminated())
        // If it's not terminated, try terminating.
        // Might take time, so use isTerminated to check
        ::TerminateProcess(m_processHandle, UINT32(returnCode));

void WinProcess::kill(int32_t returnCode)
    if (!isTerminated())
        ::TerminateProcess(m_processHandle, UINT32(returnCode));

        // Just assume it's done and set the return code
        m_returnValue = returnCode;

/* !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! */

/* static */StringEscapeHandler* Process::getEscapeHandler()
    return StringEscapeUtil::getHandler(StringEscapeUtil::Style::Space);

/* static */UnownedStringSlice Process::getExecutableSuffix()
    return UnownedStringSlice::fromLiteral(".exe");

/* static */SlangResult Process::getStdStream(StdStreamType type, RefPtr<Stream>& out)
    switch (type)
        case StdStreamType::In:
            out = new WinPipeStream(GetStdHandle(STD_INPUT_HANDLE), FileAccess::Read, false);
            return SLANG_OK;
        case StdStreamType::Out:
            out = new WinPipeStream(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE), FileAccess::Write, false);
            return SLANG_OK;
        case StdStreamType::ErrorOut:
            out = new WinPipeStream(GetStdHandle(STD_ERROR_HANDLE), FileAccess::Write, false);
            return SLANG_OK;

    return SLANG_FAIL;

/* static */SlangResult Process::create(const CommandLine& commandLine, Process::Flags flags, RefPtr<Process>& outProcess)
    WinHandle childStdOutRead;
    WinHandle childStdErrRead; 
    WinHandle childStdInWrite;

    WinHandle processHandle;
        WinHandle childStdOutWrite;
        WinHandle childStdErrWrite;
        WinHandle childStdInRead;

        SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES securityAttributes;
        securityAttributes.nLength = sizeof(securityAttributes);
        securityAttributes.lpSecurityDescriptor = nullptr;
        securityAttributes.bInheritHandle = true;

        // 0 means use the 'system default'
        //const DWORD bufferSize = 64 * 1024;
        const DWORD bufferSize = 0;

            WinHandle childStdOutReadTmp;
            WinHandle childStdErrReadTmp;
            WinHandle childStdInWriteTmp;
            // create stdout pipe for child process
            SLANG_RETURN_FAIL_ON_FALSE(CreatePipe(childStdOutReadTmp.writeRef(), childStdOutWrite.writeRef(), &securityAttributes, bufferSize));
            if ((flags & Process::Flag::DisableStdErrRedirection) == 0)
                // create stderr pipe for child process
                SLANG_RETURN_FAIL_ON_FALSE(CreatePipe(childStdErrReadTmp.writeRef(), childStdErrWrite.writeRef(), &securityAttributes, bufferSize));
            // create stdin pipe for child process        
            SLANG_RETURN_FAIL_ON_FALSE(CreatePipe(childStdInRead.writeRef(), childStdInWriteTmp.writeRef(), &securityAttributes, bufferSize));

            const HANDLE currentProcess = GetCurrentProcess();


            // create a non-inheritable duplicate of the stdout reader        
            SLANG_RETURN_FAIL_ON_FALSE(DuplicateHandle(currentProcess, childStdOutReadTmp, currentProcess, childStdOutRead.writeRef(), 0, FALSE, DUPLICATE_SAME_ACCESS));
            // create a non-inheritable duplicate of the stderr reader
            if (childStdErrReadTmp)
                SLANG_RETURN_FAIL_ON_FALSE(DuplicateHandle(currentProcess, childStdErrReadTmp, currentProcess, childStdErrRead.writeRef(), 0, FALSE, DUPLICATE_SAME_ACCESS));
            // create a non-inheritable duplicate of the stdin writer
            SLANG_RETURN_FAIL_ON_FALSE(DuplicateHandle(currentProcess, childStdInWriteTmp, currentProcess, childStdInWrite.writeRef(), 0, FALSE, DUPLICATE_SAME_ACCESS));

        // TODO: switch to proper wide-character versions of these...
        STARTUPINFOW startupInfo;
        ZeroMemory(&startupInfo, sizeof(startupInfo));
        startupInfo.cb = sizeof(startupInfo);
        startupInfo.hStdError = childStdErrWrite;
        startupInfo.hStdOutput = childStdOutWrite;
        startupInfo.hStdInput = childStdInRead;
        startupInfo.dwFlags = STARTF_USESTDHANDLES;

        OSString pathBuffer;
        LPCWSTR path = nullptr;

        const auto& exe = commandLine.m_executableLocation;
        if (exe.m_type == ExecutableLocation::Type::Path)
            // If it 'Path' specified we pass in as the lpApplicationName to limit
            // searching.
            pathBuffer = exe.m_pathOrName.toWString();
            path = pathBuffer.begin();

        // Produce the command line string
        String cmdString = commandLine.toString();
        OSString cmdStringBuffer = cmdString.toWString();

        // Now we can actually get around to starting a process
        PROCESS_INFORMATION processInfo;
        ZeroMemory(&processInfo, sizeof(processInfo));


        DWORD createFlags = CREATE_NO_WINDOW;

        if (flags & Process::Flag::AttachDebugger)
            createFlags |= CREATE_SUSPENDED;

        // From docs:
        // If both lpApplicationName and lpCommandLine are non-NULL, the null-terminated string pointed to by lpApplicationName
        // specifies the module to execute, and the null-terminated string pointed to by lpCommandLine specifies the command line.

        // JS:
        // Somewhat confusingly this means that even if lpApplicationName is specified, it muse *ALSO* be included as the first
        // whitespace delimited arg must *also* be the (possibly) quoted executable

        // `CreateProcess` requires write access to this, for some reason...
        BOOL success = CreateProcessW(
            nullptr, // TODO: allow specifying environment variables?

        if (!success)
            DWORD err = GetLastError();
            return SLANG_FAIL;

        if (flags & Process::Flag::AttachDebugger)
            // Lets see if we can set up to debug
            // Resume the thread

        // close handles we are now done with

        // Save the process handle
        processHandle = processInfo.hProcess;

    RefPtr<Stream> streams[Index(StdStreamType::CountOf)];

    if (childStdErrRead)
        streams[Index(StdStreamType::ErrorOut)] = new WinPipeStream(childStdErrRead.detach(), FileAccess::Read);
    streams[Index(StdStreamType::Out)] = new WinPipeStream(childStdOutRead.detach(), FileAccess::Read);
    streams[Index(StdStreamType::In)] = new WinPipeStream(childStdInWrite.detach(), FileAccess::Write);
    outProcess = new WinProcess(processHandle.detach(), streams[0].readRef());

    return SLANG_OK;

/* static */void Process::sleepCurrentThread(Int timeInMs)

static uint64_t _getClockFrequency()
    LARGE_INTEGER timerFrequency;
    return timerFrequency.QuadPart;

static const uint64_t g_frequency = _getClockFrequency();

/* static */uint64_t Process::getClockFrequency()
    return g_frequency;

/* static */uint64_t Process::getClockTick()
    LARGE_INTEGER counter;
    return counter.QuadPart;

uint32_t Process::getId()
    return _getpid();

} // namespace Slang
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