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Tip revision: 738bcb82d0327c463625ee6fcdf14b52e766cedc authored by Tim Foley on 20 September 2018, 15:14:25 UTC
Improve support for non-32-bit types. (#643)
Tip revision: 738bcb8
// ir-ssa.cpp
#include "ir-ssa.h"

#include "ir.h"
#include "ir-insts.h"

namespace Slang {

// Track information on a phi node we are in
// the process of constructing.
struct PhiInfo : RefObject
    // The phi node will be represented as a parameter
    // to a (non-entry) basic block.
    IRParam*    phi;

    // The original variable that this phi will be replacing.
    IRVar* var;

    // The operands to the phi will be stored as uses here,
    // because our IR parameters don't have operands.
    // Once we've collected all the values we plan to use,
    // we will turn this into argument in predecessor blocks
    // that branch to this one.
    // The order of elements in this list must match the
    // order in which the predecessor blocks get enumerated.
    List<IRUse> operands;

    // If this phi ended up being removed as trivial, then
    // this will be the value that we replaced it with.
    IRInst* replacement = nullptr;

// Information about a basic block that we generate/use
// during SSA construction.
struct SSABlockInfo : RefObject
    // Map a promotable variable to the value to
    // use for that variable
    Dictionary<IRVar*, IRInst*> valueForVar;

    // The underlying basic block.
    IRBlock* block;

    // Have we processed all the instructions in the
    // body of this block (so that we would have
    // found any stores to SSA variables)?
    bool isFilled = false;

    // Have we filled all the predecessors of
    // this block, so that we can actually perform
    // look up in them?
    bool isSealed = false;

    // An IR builder to use when we want to construct
    // stuff in the context of this block
    IRBuilder builder;

    // Phi nodes we are creating for this block.
    List<PhiInfo*> phis;

    // Arguments that this block needs to pass along
    // to the phi nodes defined by is sucessor
    List<IRInst*> successorArgs;

// State for constructing SSA form for a global value
// with code (usually a function).
struct ConstructSSAContext
    // The value that we want to rewrite into SSA form
    // (usually an IR function)
    IRGlobalValueWithCode* globalVal;

    // Variables that we've identified for promotion
    // to SSA values.
    List<IRVar*> promotableVars;

    // Information about each basic block
    Dictionary<IRBlock*, RefPtr<SSABlockInfo>> blockInfos;

    // IR building state to use during the operation
    SharedIRBuilder sharedBuilder;

    // Instructions to remove during cleanup
    List<IRInst*> instsToRemove;

    IRBuilder builder;
    IRBuilder* getBuilder() { return &builder; }

    Dictionary<IRParam*, RefPtr<PhiInfo>> phiInfos;

    PhiInfo* getPhiInfo(IRParam* phi)
        if(auto found = phiInfos.TryGetValue(phi))
            return *found;
        return nullptr;

/// Do all uses of this instruction lead to a `load`?
/// Checks if all uses of `inst` are either loads,
/// or get-element-address/get-field-address operations
/// that also lead to loads.
bool allUsesLeadToLoads(IRInst* inst)
    for (auto u = inst->firstUse; u; u = u->nextUse)
        auto user = u->getUser();
        switch (user->op)
            return false;

        case kIROp_Load:

        case kIROp_getElementPtr:
        case kIROp_FieldAddress:
                // Sanity check: the address being used should
                // be the base-address operand, and not the field
                // key or index (this should never be a problem).
                if (u != &user->getOperands()[0])
                    return false;

                if (!allUsesLeadToLoads(user))
                    return false;

    // If all of the uses passed our checking, then
    // we are good to go.
    return true;


// Is the given variable one that we can promote to SSA form?
bool isPromotableVar(
    ConstructSSAContext*    /*context*/,
    IRVar*                  var)
    // We want to identify variables such that we can always
    // determine what they will contain at a point in the
    // program by directly inspecting their uses.
    // The simplest possible answer would be instructions
    // that are only ever used as the operand of "full"
    // load and store instructions (loads and stores that
    // write the entire variable). This is enough to
    // promote simple scalar variables to SSA temporaries,
    // but falls apart for aggregates and arrays.
    // A slightly more powerful option (which is what we
    // implement for now) is to promote variables when
    // all of the stores are "full," and all other uses
    // are in the form of a "chain" of `getElmeentAddress`
    // or `getFieldAddress` operations that terminates
    // with a load.
    // An even more powerful option (which we do not yet
    // implement) would be to handle cases where there are
    // "chains" that end with stores, and to treat these
    // as partial assignments (where we can still form
    // an SSA value by creating a new temporary with just
    // one element/field different). This kind of approach
    // would be best if it is combined with scalarization,
    // so that we don't need to construct aggregate temps.

    for (auto u = var->firstUse; u; u = u->nextUse)
        auto user = u->getUser();
        switch (user->op)
            // If the variable gets used by any operation
            // we can't account for directly, then it isn't
            // promotable.
            return false;

        case kIROp_Load:
                // A load has only a single argument, so
                // it had better be our pointer.
                SLANG_ASSERT(u == &((IRLoad*) user)->ptr);

        case kIROp_Store:
                auto storeInst = (IRStore*)user;

                // We don't want to promote a variable if
                // its address gets stored into another
                // variable, so check for that case.
                if (u == &storeInst->val)
                    return false;

                // Otherwise our variable is being used
                // as the destination for the store, and
                // that is okay by us.
                SLANG_ASSERT(u == &storeInst->ptr);

        case kIROp_getElementPtr:
        case kIROp_FieldAddress:
                // Sanity check: the address being used should
                // be the base-address operand, and not the field
                // key or index (this should never be a problem).
                if (u != &user->getOperands()[0])
                    return false;

                if (!allUsesLeadToLoads(user))
                    return false;

    // If all of the uses passed our checking, then
    // we are good to go.
    return true;

// Identify local variables that can be promoted to SSA form
void identifyPromotableVars(
    ConstructSSAContext* context)
    for (auto bb = context->globalVal->getFirstBlock(); bb; bb = bb->getNextBlock())
        for (auto ii = bb->getFirstInst(); ii; ii = ii->getNextInst())
            if (ii->op != kIROp_Var)

            IRVar* var = (IRVar*)ii;

            if (isPromotableVar(context, var))

/// If `value` is a promotable variable, then cast and return it.
IRVar* asPromotableVar(
    ConstructSSAContext*    context,
    IRInst*                value)
    if (value->op != kIROp_Var)
        return nullptr;

    IRVar* var = (IRVar*)value;
    if (!context->promotableVars.Contains(var))
        return nullptr;

    return var;

/// If `value` is a promotable variable or an access chain
/// based on one, then cast and return the variable.
IRVar* asPromotableVarAccessChain(
    ConstructSSAContext*    context,
    IRInst*                 value)
    switch (value->op)
    case kIROp_Var:
        return asPromotableVar(context, value);

    case kIROp_FieldAddress:
    case kIROp_getElementPtr:
        return asPromotableVarAccessChain(context, value->getOperand(0));

        return nullptr;

/// After looking up the SSA value of avariable in some context,
/// apply whatever "access chain" was applied at the original use site.
/// E.g., if the original operation was *((&a)->b) or *((&a) + i) and we've
/// resolved that the value of the variable `a` should be `v`, then
/// construct v.b or v[i].
IRInst* applyAccessChain(
    ConstructSSAContext*    context,
    IRBuilder*              builder,
    IRInst*                 accessChain,
    IRInst*                 leafVarValue)
    switch (accessChain->op)
        SLANG_UNEXPECTED("unexpected op along access chain");

    case kIROp_Var:
        return leafVarValue;

    case kIROp_FieldAddress:

            auto baseChain = accessChain->getOperand(0);
            auto fieldKey = accessChain->getOperand(1);
            auto type = cast<IRPtrTypeBase>(accessChain->getDataType())->getValueType();
            auto baseValue = applyAccessChain(context, builder, baseChain, leafVarValue);
            return builder->emitFieldExtract(

    case kIROp_getElementPtr:

            auto baseChain = accessChain->getOperand(0);
            auto index = accessChain->getOperand(1);
            auto type = cast<IRPtrTypeBase>(accessChain->getDataType())->getValueType();
            auto baseValue = applyAccessChain(context, builder, baseChain, leafVarValue);
            return builder->emitElementExtract(

// Try to read the value of an SSA variable
// in the context of the given block. If
// the variable is defined in the block, then
// that value will be used. If not, this all
// may recursively work its way up through
// the predecessors of the block.
IRInst* readVar(
    ConstructSSAContext*    context,
    SSABlockInfo*           blockInfo,
    IRVar*                  var);

/// Try to take any name hint on `var` and apply it to `val`.
/// Doesn't do anything if `val` already has a name hint,
/// or if `var` doesn't have one to transfer over.
void maybeApplyNameHint(
    ConstructSSAContext*    context,
    IRVar*                  var,
    IRInst*                 val)
    if( auto nameHint = var->findDecoration<IRNameHintDecoration>() )
        if( !val->findDecoration<IRNameHintDecoration>() )
            context->getBuilder()->addDecoration<IRNameHintDecoration>(val)->name = nameHint->name;

// Add a phi node to represent the given variable
PhiInfo* addPhi(
    ConstructSSAContext*    context,
    SSABlockInfo*           blockInfo,
    IRVar*                  var)
    auto builder = &blockInfo->builder;

    auto valueType = var->getDataType()->getValueType();
    if( auto rate = var->getRate() )
        valueType = context->getBuilder()->getRateQualifiedType(rate, valueType);
    IRParam* phi = builder->createParam(valueType);
    maybeApplyNameHint(context, var, phi);

    RefPtr<PhiInfo> phiInfo = new PhiInfo();
    context->phiInfos.Add(phi, phiInfo);

    phiInfo->phi = phi;
    phiInfo->var = var;


    return phiInfo;

IRInst* tryRemoveTrivialPhi(
    ConstructSSAContext*    context,
    PhiInfo*                phiInfo)
    auto phi = phiInfo->phi;

    // We are going to check if all of the operands
    // to the phi are either the same, or are equal
    // to the phi itself.

    IRInst* same = nullptr;
    for (auto u : phiInfo->operands)
        auto usedVal = u.get();

        if (usedVal == same || usedVal == phi)
            // Either this is a self-reference, or it refers
            // to the same value we've seen already.
        if (same != nullptr)
            // We've found at least two distinct values
            // other than the phi itself, so this phi
            // indeed appears to be non-trivial.
            // We will keep the phi around.
            return phi;
            // This value is distinct from the phi itself,
            // so we need to track its value.
            same = usedVal;

    if (!same)
        // There were no operands other than the phi itself.
        // This implies that the value at the use sites should
        // actually be undefined.
        SLANG_UNIMPLEMENTED_X("trivial phi");

    // Removing this phi as trivial may make other phi nodes
    // become trivial. We will recognize such candidates
    // by looking for phi nodes that use this node.
    List<PhiInfo*> otherPhis;
    for( auto u = phi->firstUse; u; u = u->nextUse )
        auto user = u->user;
        if(!user) continue;
        if(user == phi) continue;

        if( user->op == kIROp_Param )
            auto maybeOtherPhi = (IRParam*) user;
            if( auto otherPhiInfo = context->getPhiInfo(maybeOtherPhi) )

    // replace uses of the phi (including its possible uses
    // of itself) with the unique non-phi value.

    // Clear out the operands to the phi, since they won't
    // actually get used in the program any more.
    for( auto& u : phiInfo->operands )

    // We will record the value that was used to replace this
    // phi, so that we can easily look it up later.
    phiInfo->replacement = same;

    // Now that we've cleaned up this phi, we need to consider
    // other phis that might have become  trivial.
    for( auto otherPhi : otherPhis )
        tryRemoveTrivialPhi(context, otherPhi);

    return same;

IRInst* addPhiOperands(
    ConstructSSAContext*    context,
    SSABlockInfo*           blockInfo,
    PhiInfo*                phiInfo)
    auto var = phiInfo->var;

    auto block = blockInfo->block;

    List<IRInst*> operandValues;
    for (auto predBlock : block->getPredecessors())
        // Precondition: if we have multiple predecessors, then
        // each must have only one successor (no critical edges).
        SLANG_ASSERT(predBlock->getSuccessors().getCount() == 1);

        auto predInfo = *context->blockInfos.TryGetValue(predBlock);

        auto phiOperand = readVar(context, predInfo, var);


    // The `IRUse`  type needs to stay at a stable location
    // since they get threaded into lists. We allocate the
    // list with its final size so that we can preserve the
    // required invariant.

    UInt operandCount = operandValues.Count();
    for(UInt ii = 0; ii < operandCount; ++ii)
        phiInfo->operands[ii].init(phiInfo->phi, operandValues[ii]);

    return tryRemoveTrivialPhi(context, phiInfo);

void writeVar(
    ConstructSSAContext*    /*context*/,
    SSABlockInfo*           blockInfo,
    IRVar*                  var,
    IRInst*                val)
    blockInfo->valueForVar[var] = val;

void maybeSealBlock(
    ConstructSSAContext*    context,
    SSABlockInfo*           blockInfo)
    // We can't seal a block that has already been sealed.
    if (blockInfo->isSealed)

    // We can't seal a block until all of its predecessors
    // have been filled.
    for (auto pp : blockInfo->block->getPredecessors())
        auto predInfo = *context->blockInfos.TryGetValue(pp);
        if (!predInfo->isFilled)

    // All the checks passed, so it seems like we can be sealed.

    // We will loop over any incomplete phis that have been recoreded
    // for this block, and complete them here.
    // Note that we are doing the "inefficient" loop where we compute
    // the count on each iteration to account for the possibility that
    // new incomplete phis will get added while we are working.
    for (UInt ii = 0; ii < blockInfo->phis.Count(); ++ii)
        auto incompletePhi = blockInfo->phis[ii];
        addPhiOperands(context, blockInfo, incompletePhi);

    // After we've completed all our incomplete phis, we can mark this
    // block as sealed and move along.
    blockInfo->isSealed = true;

IRInst* readVarRec(
    ConstructSSAContext*    context,
    SSABlockInfo*           blockInfo,
    IRVar*                  var)
    IRInst* val = nullptr;
    if (!blockInfo->isSealed)
        // If block isn't sealed, we need to
        // speculatively add a phi to it.
        // This phi may get removed later, once
        // we are able to seal this block.

        PhiInfo* phiInfo = addPhi(context, blockInfo, var);
        val = phiInfo->phi;
        // If the block is sealed, then we are free to look at
        // it predecessor list, and use that to decide what to do.
        auto predecessors = blockInfo->block->getPredecessors();

        IRBlock* firstPred = nullptr;
        bool multiplePreds = false;
        for (auto pp : predecessors)
            if (!firstPred)
                // A candidate for the sole predecessor
                firstPred = pp;
            else if (pp == firstPred)
                // Same as existing predecessor
                // Multiple unique predecessors
                multiplePreds = true;

        if (!firstPred)
            // The block had *no* predecssors. This will commonly
            // happen for the entry block, but could also conceivably
            // happen for a block that is somehow disconnected
            // from the CFG and thus unreachable.

            // We would only reach this function (`readVarRec`) if
            // a local lookup in the block had already failed, so
            // at this point we are dealing with an undefined value.

            auto type = var->getDataType()->getValueType();
            val = blockInfo->builder.emitUndefined(type);
        else if (!multiplePreds)
            // There is only a single predecessor for this block,
            // so there is no need to insert a phi. Instead, we
            // just perform the lookup step recursively in
            // the predecessor.
            auto predInfo = *context->blockInfos.TryGetValue(firstPred);
            val = readVar(context, predInfo, var);
            // The default/fallback case requires us to create
            // a phi node in the current block, and then look
            // up the appropriate operands in the predecessor
            // blocks, which will eventually become the operands
            // that drive the phi.

            // Create the phi node for the given variable
            PhiInfo* phiInfo = addPhi(context, blockInfo, var);

            // Mark the phi as the value for the variable inside
            // this block
            writeVar(context, blockInfo, var, phiInfo->phi);

            // Now add operands to the phi and maybe simplify
            // it, based on what gets found.

            val = addPhiOperands(context, blockInfo, phiInfo);

    // Whatever value we find, we need to mark it as the
    // value for the given variable in this block
    writeVar(context, blockInfo, var, val);

    return val;

IRInst* readVar(
    ConstructSSAContext*    context,
    SSABlockInfo*           blockInfo,
    IRVar*                  var)
    // In the easy case, there will be a preceeding
    // store in the same block, so we can use
    // that local value.
    IRInst* val = nullptr;
    if (blockInfo->valueForVar.TryGetValue(var, val))
        // Hooray, we found a value to use, and we
        // can proceed without too many complications.

        // Well, let's check for one special case here, which
        // is when the value we intend to use is a `phi`
        // node that we ultimately decided to remove.
        while( val->op == kIROp_Param )
            // The value is a parameter, but is it a phi?
            IRParam* maybePhi = (IRParam*) val;
            RefPtr<PhiInfo> phiInfo = nullptr;
            if(!context->phiInfos.TryGetValue(maybePhi, phiInfo))

            // Okay, this is indeed a phi we are adding, but
            // is it one that got replaced?

            // The phi we want to use got replaced, so we
            // had better use the replacement instead.
            val = phiInfo->replacement;

        return val;

    // Otherwise we need to try to non-trivial/recursive
    // case of lookup.
    return readVarRec(context, blockInfo, var);

void processBlock(
    ConstructSSAContext*    context,
    IRBlock*                block,
    SSABlockInfo*           blockInfo)
    // Before starting, check if this block can be sealed
    maybeSealBlock(context, blockInfo);

    // Walk the instructions in the block, and either
    // leave them as-is, or replace them with a value
    // that we look up with local/global value numbering

    IRInst* next = nullptr;
    for (auto ii = block->getFirstInst(); ii; ii = next)
        next = ii->getNextInst();

        // Any new instructions we create to represent
        // the new value will get inserted before whatever
        // instruction we are working with.

        switch (ii->op)
            // Ordinary instruction -> leave as-is

        case kIROp_Store:
                auto storeInst = (IRStore*)ii;
                auto ptrArg = storeInst->ptr.get();
                auto valArg = storeInst->val.get();

                if (auto var = asPromotableVar(context, ptrArg))
                    // We are storing to a promotable variable,
                    // so we want to register the value being
                    // stored as the value for the given SSA
                    // variable.
                    writeVar(context, blockInfo, var, valArg);

                    // Also eliminate the store instruction,
                    // since it is no longer needed.

        case kIROp_Load:
                IRLoad* loadInst = (IRLoad*)ii;
                auto ptrArg = loadInst->ptr.get();

                if (auto var = asPromotableVarAccessChain(context, ptrArg))
                    // We are loading from a promotable variable.
                    // Look up the value in the context of this
                    // block.
                    auto val = readVar(context, blockInfo, var);

                    maybeApplyNameHint(context, var, val);

                    val = applyAccessChain(context, &blockInfo->builder, ptrArg, val);

                    // We can just replace all uses of this
                    // load instruction with the given value.

                    // Also eliminate the load instruction,
                    // since it is no longer needed.

        case kIROp_getElementPtr:
        case kIROp_FieldAddress:
                auto  ptrArg = ii->getOperand(0);
                if (auto var = asPromotableVarAccessChain(context, ptrArg))



    // Once we are done with all of the instructions
    // in a block, we can mark it as "filled," which
    // means we can actually consider lookups into
    // it.
    blockInfo->isFilled = true;

    // Having filled this block might allow us to seal some
    // of its successor(s)
    for (auto ss : block->getSuccessors())
        auto successorInfo = *context->blockInfos.TryGetValue(ss);
        maybeSealBlock(context, successorInfo);

static void breakCriticalEdges(
    ConstructSSAContext*    context)
    // A critical edge is an edge P -> S where
    // P has multiple sucessors, and S has multiple
    // predecessors.
    // In the context of our CFG representation, such an edge
    // will be an `IRUse` in the terminator instruction of block P,
    // which refers to block S.
    // We will make a pass over the CFG to collect all the critical
    // edges, and then we will break them in a follow-up pass.

    List<IRUse*> criticalEdges;

    auto globalVal = context->globalVal;
    for (auto pred = globalVal->getFirstBlock(); pred; pred = pred->getNextBlock())
        auto successors = pred->getSuccessors();
        if (successors.getCount() <= 1)

        auto succIter = successors.begin();
        auto succEnd = successors.end();

        for (; succIter != succEnd; ++succIter)
            auto succ = *succIter;

            // For the edge to be critical, the successor must have
            // more than one predecessor.
            // More than that, we require that it has more than one
            // *unique* predecessor, to handle the case where multiple
            // cases of a `switch` might lead to the same block.
            // To implement this, we test if it has any predecessor
            // other than `pred` which we already know about.

            bool multiplePreds = false;
            for (auto pp : succ->getPredecessors())
                if (pp != pred)
                    multiplePreds = true;
            if (!multiplePreds)

            // We have found a critical edge from `pred` to `succ`.
            // Furthermore, the `IRUse` embedded in `succIter` represents
            // that edge directly.
            auto edgeUse = succIter.use;

    // Now we will iterate over the critical edges and break each
    // one by inserting a new block. Note that we do not try
    // to break the edges while doing the initial walk, because
    // that would change the CFG while we are walking it.

    for (auto edgeUse : criticalEdges)
        auto pred = cast<IRBlock>(edgeUse->getUser()->parent);
        auto succ = cast<IRBlock>(edgeUse->get());

        IRBuilder builder;
        builder.sharedBuilder = &context->sharedBuilder;

        // Create a new block that will sit "along" the edge
        IRBlock* edgeBlock = builder.createBlock();


        // The predecessor block should now branch to
        // the edge block.

        // The edge block should branch (unconditionally)
        // to the successor block.

        // Insert the new block into the block list
        // for the function.
        // In principle, the order of this list shouldn't
        // affect the semantics of a program, but we
        // might want to be careful about ordering anyway.

// Construct SSA form for a global value with code
void constructSSA(ConstructSSAContext* context)
    // First, detect and and break any critical edges in the CFG,
    // because our representation of SSA form doesn't allow for them.

    // Figure out what variables we can promote to
    // SSA temporaries.

    // If none of the variables are promote-able,
    // then we can exit without making any changes
    if (context->promotableVars.Count() == 0)

    // We are going to walk the blocks in order,
    // and try to process each, by replacing loads
    // and stores of promotable variables with simple values.

    auto globalVal = context->globalVal;
    for(auto bb : globalVal->getBlocks())
        auto blockInfo = new SSABlockInfo();
        blockInfo->block = bb;

        blockInfo->builder.sharedBuilder = &context->sharedBuilder;

        context->blockInfos.Add(bb, blockInfo);
    for(auto bb : globalVal->getBlocks())
        auto blockInfo = * context->blockInfos.TryGetValue(bb);
        processBlock(context, bb, blockInfo);

    // We need to transfer the logical arguments to our phi nodes
    // from the phi nodes back to the predecessor blocks that will
    // pass them in.
    for(auto bb : globalVal->getBlocks())
        auto blockInfo = *context->blockInfos.TryGetValue(bb);

        for (auto phiInfo : blockInfo->phis)
            // If we replaced this phi with another value,
            // then we had better not include it in the result.
            if (phiInfo->replacement)

            // We should add the phi as an explicit parameter of
            // the given block.

            UInt predCounter = 0;
            for (auto pp : bb->getPredecessors())
                UInt predIndex = predCounter++;
                auto predInfo = *context->blockInfos.TryGetValue(pp);

                IRInst* operandVal = phiInfo->operands[predIndex].get();



    // Some blocks may now need to pass along arguments to their sucessor,
    // which have been stored into the `SSABlockInfo::successorArgs` field.
    for(auto bb : globalVal->getBlocks())
        auto blockInfo = * context->blockInfos.TryGetValue(bb);

        // Sanity check: all blocks should be filled and sealed.

        // Don't do any work for blocks that don't need to pass along
        // values to the sucessor block.
        auto addedArgCount = blockInfo->successorArgs.Count();
        if (addedArgCount == 0)

        // We need to replace the terminator instruction with one that
        // has additional arguments.

        IRTerminatorInst* oldTerminator = bb->getTerminator();


        auto oldArgCount = oldTerminator->getOperandCount();
        auto newArgCount = oldArgCount + addedArgCount;

        List<IRInst*> newArgs;
        for (UInt aa = 0; aa < oldArgCount; ++aa)
        for (UInt aa = 0; aa < addedArgCount; ++aa)

        IRTerminatorInst* newTerminator = (IRTerminatorInst*)blockInfo->builder.emitIntrinsicInst(

        // Swap decorations over to the new instruction
        newTerminator->firstDecoration = oldTerminator->firstDecoration;
        oldTerminator->firstDecoration = nullptr;

        // A terminator better not have uses, so we shouldn't have
        // to replace them.

        // Okay, we should be clear to remove the old terminator

    // Remove all the instructions we marked for deletion along
    // the way.
    // Currently these are "access chain" instructions for
    // loads from (parts of) variables that got promoted.
    for (auto inst : context->instsToRemove)
        // TODO: do we need to be careful here in case one
        // of thes operations still has uses, as part of
        // another to-be-remvoed instruction?


    // Now we should be able to go through and remove
    // of of the variables
    for (auto var : context->promotableVars)

// Construct SSA form for a global value with code
void constructSSA(IRModule* module, IRGlobalValueWithCode* globalVal)
    ConstructSSAContext context;
    context.globalVal = globalVal;

    context.sharedBuilder.module = module;
    context.sharedBuilder.session = module->session;

    context.builder.sharedBuilder = &context.sharedBuilder;


void constructSSA(IRModule* module, IRInst* globalVal)
    switch (globalVal->op)
    case kIROp_Func:
    case kIROp_GlobalVar:
    case kIROp_GlobalConstant:
        constructSSA(module, (IRGlobalValueWithCode*)globalVal);


void constructSSA(IRModule* module)
    for(auto ii : module->getGlobalInsts())
        constructSSA(module, ii);

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