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Tip revision: 163d3068e332703cc499446fff37230a7c68e8f2 authored by Tim Foley on 21 April 2018, 00:54:39 UTC
Better diagnostics when compilation is aborted (#517)
Tip revision: 163d306
// legalize-types.h

// This file and `legalize-types.cpp` implement the core
// logic for taking a `Type` as produced by the front-end,
// and turning it into a suitable representation for use
// on a particular back-end.
// The main work applies to aggregate (e.g., `struct`) types,
// since various targets have rules about what is and isn't
// allowed in an aggregate (or where aggregates are allowed
// to be used).
// We might completely replace an aggregate `Type` with a
// "pseudo-type" that is just the enumeration of its field
// types (sort of a tuple type) so that a variable declared
// with the original type should be transformed into a
// bunch of individual variables.
// Alternatively, we might replace an aggregate type, where
// only *some* of the fields are illegal with a combination
// of an aggregate (containing the legal/legalized fields),
// and some extra tuple-ified fields.

#include "../core/basic.h"
#include "ir-insts.h"
#include "syntax.h"
#include "type-layout.h"
#include "name.h"

namespace Slang

struct IRBuilder;

struct LegalTypeImpl : RefObject
struct ImplicitDerefType;
struct TuplePseudoType;
struct PairPseudoType;
struct PairInfo;

struct LegalType
    enum class Flavor
        // Nothing: a NULL type

        // A simple type that can be represented directly as a `Type`

        // Logically, we have a pointer-like type, but we are
        // going to represnet it as the pointed-to type

        // A compound type was broken apart into its constituent fields,
        // so a tuple "pseduo-type" is being used to collect
        // those fields together.

        // A type has to get split into "ordinary" and "special" parts,
        // each of which will be represented with its own `LegalType`.

    Flavor              flavor = Flavor::none;
    RefPtr<RefObject>   obj;
    IRType*             irType;

    static LegalType simple(IRType* type)
        LegalType result;
        result.flavor = Flavor::simple;
        result.irType = type;
        return result;

    IRType* getSimple() const
        assert(flavor == Flavor::simple);
        return irType;

    static LegalType implicitDeref(
        LegalType const& valueType);

    RefPtr<ImplicitDerefType> getImplicitDeref() const
        assert(flavor == Flavor::implicitDeref);
        return obj.As<ImplicitDerefType>();

    static LegalType tuple(
        RefPtr<TuplePseudoType>   tupleType);

    RefPtr<TuplePseudoType> getTuple() const
        assert(flavor == Flavor::tuple);
        return obj.As<TuplePseudoType>();

    static LegalType pair(
        RefPtr<PairPseudoType>   pairType);

    static LegalType pair(
        LegalType const&    ordinaryType,
        LegalType const&    specialType,
        RefPtr<PairInfo>    pairInfo);

    RefPtr<PairPseudoType> getPair() const
        assert(flavor == Flavor::pair);
        return obj.As<PairPseudoType>();

// Represents the pseudo-type of a type that is pointer-like
// (and thus requires dereferencing, even if implicit), but
// was legalized to just use the type of the pointed-type value.
struct ImplicitDerefType : LegalTypeImpl
    LegalType valueType;

// Represents the pseudo-type for a compound type
// that had to be broken apart because it contained
// one or more fields of types that shouldn't be
// allowed in aggregates.
// A tuple pseduo-type will have an element for
// each field of the original type, that represents
// the legalization of that field's type.
// It optionally also contains an "ordinary" type
// that packs together any per-field data that
// itself has (or contains) an ordinary type.
struct TuplePseudoType : LegalTypeImpl
    // Represents one element of the tuple pseudo-type
    struct Element
        // The field that this element replaces
        IRStructKey*    key;

        // The legalized type of the element
        LegalType       type;

    // All of the elements of the tuple pseduo-type.
    List<Element>   elements;

struct IRStructKey;

struct PairInfo : RefObject
    typedef unsigned int Flags;
        kFlag_hasOrdinary = 0x1,
        kFlag_hasSpecial = 0x2,
        kFlag_hasOrdinaryAndSpecial = kFlag_hasOrdinary | kFlag_hasSpecial,

    struct Element
        // The original field the element represents
        IRStructKey* key;

        // The conceptual type of the field.
        // If both the `hasOrdinary` and
        // `hasSpecial` bits are set, then
        // this is expected to be a
        // `LegalType::Flavor::pair`
        LegalType   type;

        // Is the value represented on
        // the ordinary side, the special
        // side, or both?
        Flags       flags;

        // If the type of this element is
        // itself a pair type (that is,
        // it both `hasOrdinary` and `hasSpecial`)
        // then this is the `PairInfo` for that
        // pair type:
        RefPtr<PairInfo> fieldPairInfo;

    // For a pair type or value, we need to track
    // which fields are on which side(s).
    List<Element> elements;

    Element* findElement(IRStructKey* key)
        for (auto& ee : elements)
            if(ee.key == key)
                return &ee;
        return nullptr;

struct PairPseudoType : LegalTypeImpl
    // Any field(s) with ordinary types will
    // get captured here (usually as a `fieldRemap`
    // type)
    LegalType ordinaryType;

    // Any fields with "special" (not ordinary)
    // types will get captured here (usually
    // with a tuple).
    LegalType specialType;

    // The `pairInfo` field helps to tell us which members
    // of the original aggregate type appear on which side(s)
    // of the new pair type.
    RefPtr<PairInfo> pairInfo;


RefPtr<TypeLayout> getDerefTypeLayout(
    TypeLayout* typeLayout);

RefPtr<VarLayout> getFieldLayout(
    TypeLayout*     typeLayout,
    String const&   mangledFieldName);

// Represents the "chain" of declarations that
// were followed to get to a variable that we
// are now declaring as a leaf variable.
struct LegalVarChain
    LegalVarChain*  next;
    VarLayout*      varLayout;

RefPtr<VarLayout> createVarLayout(
    LegalVarChain*  varChain,
    TypeLayout*     typeLayout);

// The result of legalizing an IR value will be
// represented with the `LegalVal` type. It is exposed
// in this header (rather than kept as an implementation
// detail, because the AST-based legalization logic needs
// a way to find the post-legalization version of a
// global name).
// TODO: We really shouldn't have this structure exposed,
// and instead should really be constructing AST-side
// `LegalExpr` values on-demand whenever we legalize something
// in the IR that will need to be used by the AST, and then
// store *those* in a map indexed in mangled names.

struct LegalValImpl : RefObject
struct TuplePseudoVal;
struct PairPseudoVal;

struct LegalVal
    enum class Flavor

    Flavor              flavor = Flavor::none;
    RefPtr<RefObject>   obj;
    IRInst*             irValue = nullptr;

    static LegalVal simple(IRInst* irValue)
        LegalVal result;
        result.flavor = Flavor::simple;
        result.irValue = irValue;
        return result;

    IRInst* getSimple()
        assert(flavor == Flavor::simple);
        return irValue;

    static LegalVal tuple(RefPtr<TuplePseudoVal> tupleVal);

    RefPtr<TuplePseudoVal> getTuple()
        assert(flavor == Flavor::tuple);
        return obj.As<TuplePseudoVal>();

    static LegalVal implicitDeref(LegalVal const& val);
    LegalVal getImplicitDeref();

    static LegalVal pair(RefPtr<PairPseudoVal> pairInfo);
    static LegalVal pair(
        LegalVal const&     ordinaryVal,
        LegalVal const&     specialVal,
        RefPtr<PairInfo>    pairInfo);

    RefPtr<PairPseudoVal> getPair()
        assert(flavor == Flavor::pair);
        return obj.As<PairPseudoVal>();

struct TuplePseudoVal : LegalValImpl
    struct Element
        IRStructKey*    key;
        LegalVal        val;

    List<Element>   elements;

struct PairPseudoVal : LegalValImpl
    LegalVal ordinaryVal;
    LegalVal specialVal;

    // The info to tell us which fields
    // are on which side(s)
    RefPtr<PairInfo>  pairInfo;

struct ImplicitDerefVal : LegalValImpl
    LegalVal val;


struct TypeLegalizationContext
    /// The overall compilation session..
    Session*            session;

    IRModule* irModule = nullptr;

    SharedIRBuilder sharedBuilder;
    IRBuilder builder;

    IRBuilder* getBuilder() { return &builder; }

    Dictionary<IRType*, LegalType> mapTypeToLegalType;

    // Intstructions to be removed when legalization is done
    HashSet<IRInst*> instsToRemove;

void initialize(
    TypeLegalizationContext*    context,
    Session*                    session,
    IRModule*                   module);

LegalType legalizeType(
    TypeLegalizationContext*    context,
    IRType*                     type);

/// Try to find the module that (recursively) contains a given declaration.
ModuleDecl* findModuleForDecl(
    Decl*   decl);


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