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Tip revision: b68516e2c2e39af79dda2ec7871fe4d821ef67c4 authored by Yong He on 03 April 2023, 22:54:16 UTC
Emit simpler vector element access code. (#2770)
Tip revision: b68516e
// slang-decl-defs.h

#pragma once

#include "slang-ast-base.h"

namespace Slang {

// Syntax class definitions for declarations.

// A group of declarations that should be treated as a unit
class DeclGroup: public DeclBase

    List<Decl*> decls;

class UnresolvedDecl : public Decl

// A "container" decl is a parent to other declarations
class ContainerDecl: public Decl

    List<Decl*> members;
    SourceLoc closingSourceLoc;

    // The associated scope owned by this decl.
    Scope* ownedScope = nullptr;

    template<typename T>
    FilteredMemberList<T> getMembersOfType()
        return FilteredMemberList<T>(members);

    void buildMemberDictionary();

    bool isMemberDictionaryValid() const { return dictionaryLastCount == members.getCount(); }

    void invalidateMemberDictionary() { dictionaryLastCount = -1; }

    Dictionary<Name*, Decl*>& getMemberDictionary()
        return memberDictionary;

    List<TransparentMemberInfo>& getTransparentMembers()
        return transparentMembers;

    SLANG_UNREFLECTED   // We don't want to reflect the following fields

    // Denotes how much of Members has been placed into the dictionary/transparentMembers.
    // If this value equals the Members.getCount(), the dictionary is completely full and valid.
    // If it's >= 0, then the Members after dictionaryLastCount are all that need to be added.
    // If it < 0 it means that the dictionary/transparentMembers is invalid and needs to be recreated.
    Index dictionaryLastCount = 0;

    // Dictionary for looking up members by name.
    // This is built on demand before performing lookup.
    Dictionary<Name*, Decl*> memberDictionary;
    // A list of transparent members, to be used in lookup
    // Note: this is only valid if `memberDictionaryIsValid` is true
    List<TransparentMemberInfo> transparentMembers;

// Base class for all variable declarations
class VarDeclBase : public Decl

    // type of the variable
    TypeExp type;

    Type* getType() { return type.type; }

    // Initializer expression (optional)
    Expr* initExpr = nullptr;

// Ordinary potentially-mutable variables (locals, globals, and member variables)
class VarDecl : public VarDeclBase

// A variable declaration that is always immutable (whether local, global, or member variable)
class LetDecl : public VarDecl

// An `AggTypeDeclBase` captures the shared functionality
// between true aggregate type declarations and extension
// declarations:
// - Both can container members (they are `ContainerDecl`s)
// - Both can have declared bases
// - Both expose a `this` variable in their body
class AggTypeDeclBase : public ContainerDecl

// An extension to apply to an existing type
class ExtensionDecl : public AggTypeDeclBase

    TypeExp targetType;

// Declaration of a type that represents some sort of aggregate
class AggTypeDecl : public  AggTypeDeclBase

    FilteredMemberList<VarDecl> getFields()
        return getMembersOfType<VarDecl>();

class StructDecl: public AggTypeDecl

class ClassDecl : public AggTypeDecl

// TODO: Is it appropriate to treat an `enum` as an aggregate type?
// Most code that looks for, e.g., conformances assumes user-defined
// types are all `AggTypeDecl`, so this is the right choice for now
// if we want `enum` types to be able to implement interfaces, etc.
class EnumDecl : public AggTypeDecl

    Type* tagType = nullptr;

// A single case in an enum.
// E.g., in a declaration like:
//      enum Color { Red = 0, Green, Blue };
// The `Red = 0` is the declaration of the `Red`
// case, with `0` as an explicit expression for its
// _tag value_.
class EnumCaseDecl : public Decl

    // type of the parent `enum`
    TypeExp type;

    Type* getType() { return type.type; }

    // Tag value
    Expr* tagExpr = nullptr;

// An interface which other types can conform to
class InterfaceDecl : public  AggTypeDecl

class TypeConstraintDecl : public  Decl

    const TypeExp& getSup() const;
    // Overrides should be public so base classes can access
    // Implement _getSupOverride on derived classes to change behavior of getSup, as if getSup is virtual
    const TypeExp& _getSupOverride() const;

// A kind of pseudo-member that represents an explicit
// or implicit inheritance relationship.
class InheritanceDecl : public TypeConstraintDecl

    // The type expression as written
    TypeExp base;

    // After checking, this dictionary will map members
    // required by the base type to their concrete
    // implementations in the type that contains
    // this inheritance declaration.
    RefPtr<WitnessTable> witnessTable;

    // Overrides should be public so base classes can access
    const TypeExp& _getSupOverride() const { return base; }

// TODO: may eventually need sub-classes for explicit/direct vs. implicit/indirect inheritance

// A declaration that represents a simple (non-aggregate) type
// TODO: probably all types will be aggregate decls eventually,
// so that we can easily store conformances/constraints on type variables
class SimpleTypeDecl : public Decl

// A `typedef` declaration
class TypeDefDecl : public SimpleTypeDecl
    TypeExp type;

class TypeAliasDecl : public TypeDefDecl

// An 'assoctype' declaration, it is a container of inheritance clauses
class AssocTypeDecl : public AggTypeDecl

// A 'type_param' declaration, which defines a generic
// entry-point parameter. Is a container of GenericTypeConstraintDecl
class GlobalGenericParamDecl : public AggTypeDecl

// A `__generic_value_param` declaration, which defines an existential
// value parameter (not a type parameter.
class GlobalGenericValueParamDecl : public VarDeclBase

// A scope for local declarations (e.g., as part of a statement)
class ScopeDecl : public  ContainerDecl

// A function/initializer/subscript parameter (potentially mutable)
class ParamDecl : public VarDeclBase

// A parameter of a function declared in "modern" types (immutable unless explicitly `out` or `inout`)
class ModernParamDecl : public ParamDecl

// Base class for things that have parameter lists and can thus be applied to arguments ("called")
class CallableDecl : public ContainerDecl

    FilteredMemberList<ParamDecl> getParameters()
        return getMembersOfType<ParamDecl>();

    TypeExp returnType;
    // If this callable throws an error code, `errorType` is the type of the error code.
    TypeExp errorType;

    // Fields related to redeclaration, so that we
    // can support multiple specialized variations
    // of the "same" logical function.
    // This should also help us to support redeclaration
    // of functions when handling HLSL/GLSL.

    // The "primary" declaration of the function, which will
    // be used whenever we need to unique things.
    CallableDecl* primaryDecl = nullptr;

    // The next declaration of the "same" function (that is,
    // with the same `primaryDecl`).
    CallableDecl* nextDecl = nullptr;

// Base class for callable things that may also have a body that is evaluated to produce their result
class FunctionDeclBase : public CallableDecl

    Stmt* body = nullptr;

// A constructor/initializer to create instances of a type
class ConstructorDecl : public FunctionDeclBase

// A subscript operation used to index instances of a type
class SubscriptDecl : public CallableDecl

    /// A property declaration that abstracts over storage with a getter/setter/etc.
class PropertyDecl : public ContainerDecl

    TypeExp type;

// An "accessor" for a subscript or property
class AccessorDecl : public FunctionDeclBase

class GetterDecl : public AccessorDecl
class SetterDecl : public AccessorDecl
class RefAccessorDecl : public AccessorDecl
class FuncDecl : public FunctionDeclBase

class NamespaceDeclBase : public ContainerDecl

    // A `namespace` declaration inside some module, that provides
    // a named scope for declarations inside it.
    // Note: Multiple `namespace` declarations with the same name
    // in a given module/file will be collapsed into a single
    // `NamespaceDecl` during parsing, so this declaration does
    // not directly represent what is present in the input syntax.
class NamespaceDecl : public NamespaceDeclBase

    // A "module" of code (essentially, a single translation unit)
    // that provides a scope for some number of declarations.
class ModuleDecl : public NamespaceDeclBase
    // The API-level module that this declaration belong to.
    // This field allows lookup of the `Module` based on a
    // declaration nested under a `ModuleDecl` by following
    // its chain of parents.
    Module* module = nullptr;

        /// Map a decl to the list of its associated decls.
        /// This mapping is filled in during semantic checking, as the decl declarations get checked or generated.
    OrderedDictionary<Decl*, RefPtr<DeclAssociationList>> mapDeclToAssociatedDecls;


        /// Map a type to the list of extensions of that type (if any) declared in this module
        /// This mapping is filled in during semantic checking, as `ExtensionDecl`s get checked.
    Dictionary<AggTypeDecl*, RefPtr<CandidateExtensionList>> mapTypeToCandidateExtensions;


    /// A declaration that brings members of another declaration or namespace into scope
class UsingDecl : public Decl

        /// An expression that identifies the entity (e.g., a namespace) to be brought into `scope`
    Expr* arg = nullptr;

        /// The scope that the entity named by `arg` will be brought into
    Scope* scope = nullptr;

class ImportDecl : public Decl

    // The name of the module we are trying to import
    NameLoc moduleNameAndLoc;
    // The module that actually got imported
    ModuleDecl* importedModuleDecl = nullptr;

    SourceLoc startLoc;
    SourceLoc endLoc;

    // The scope that we want to import into
    Scope* scope = nullptr;

// A generic declaration, parameterized on types/values
class GenericDecl : public ContainerDecl
    // The decl that is genericized...
    Decl* inner = nullptr;

class GenericTypeParamDecl : public SimpleTypeDecl
    // The bound for the type parameter represents a trait that any
    // type used as this parameter must conform to
//            TypeExp bound;

    // The "initializer" for the parameter represents a default value
    TypeExp initType;

// A constraint placed as part of a generic declaration
class GenericTypeConstraintDecl : public TypeConstraintDecl

    // A type constraint like `T : U` is constraining `T` to be "below" `U`
    // on a lattice of types. This may not be a subtyping relationship
    // per se, but it makes sense to use that terminology here, so we
    // think of these fields as the sub-type and super-type, respectively.
    TypeExp sub;
    TypeExp sup;

    // Overrides should be public so base classes can access
    const TypeExp& _getSupOverride() const { return sup; }

class GenericValueParamDecl : public VarDeclBase

// An empty declaration (which might still have modifiers attached).
// An empty declaration is uncommon in HLSL, but
// in GLSL it is often used at the global scope
// to declare metadata that logically belongs
// to the entry point, e.g.:
//     layout(local_size_x = 16) in;
class EmptyDecl : public Decl

// A declaration used by the implementation to put syntax keywords
// into the current scope.
class SyntaxDecl : public Decl

    // What type of syntax node will be produced when parsing with this keyword?
    SyntaxClass<NodeBase> syntaxClass;


    // Callback to invoke in order to parse syntax with this keyword.
    SyntaxParseCallback  parseCallback = nullptr;
    void*                parseUserData = nullptr;

// A declaration of an attribute to be used with `[name(...)]` syntax.
class AttributeDecl : public ContainerDecl
    // What type of syntax node will be produced to represent this attribute.
    SyntaxClass<NodeBase> syntaxClass;

// A synthesized decl used as a placeholder for a differentiable function requirement. This decl will
// be a child of interface decl.
// This allows us to form an interface requirement key for the derivative of an interface function.
// The synthesized `DerivativeRequirementDecl` will be a child of the original function requirement
// decl after an interface type is checked.
class DerivativeRequirementDecl : public FunctionDeclBase

// A reference to a synthesized decl representing a differentiable function requirement, this decl will
// be a child in the orignal function.
class DerivativeRequirementReferenceDecl : public FunctionDeclBase
    DerivativeRequirementDecl* referencedDecl;

class ForwardDerivativeRequirementDecl : public DerivativeRequirementDecl

class BackwardDerivativeRequirementDecl : public DerivativeRequirementDecl

bool isInterfaceRequirement(Decl* decl);
InterfaceDecl* findParentInterfaceDecl(Decl* decl);

} // namespace Slang
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