Raw File
Tip revision: 5902acdabc4445a65741a7a6a3a95f223e301059 authored by Yong He on 23 January 2024, 07:19:40 UTC
[LSP] Fetch configs directly from didConfigurationChanged message. (#3478)
Tip revision: 5902acd
// slang-check-modifier.cpp
#include "slang-check-impl.h"
#include "../core/slang-char-util.h"

// This file implements semantic checking behavior for
// modifiers.
// At present, the semantic checking we do on modifiers is primarily
// focused on `[attributes]`.

#include "slang-lookup.h"

namespace Slang
    ConstantIntVal* SemanticsVisitor::checkConstantIntVal(
        Expr*    expr)
        // First type-check the expression as normal
        expr = CheckExpr(expr);

        auto intVal = CheckIntegerConstantExpression(expr, IntegerConstantExpressionCoercionType::AnyInteger, nullptr);
            return nullptr;

        auto constIntVal = as<ConstantIntVal>(intVal);
            getSink()->diagnose(expr->loc, Diagnostics::expectedIntegerConstantNotLiteral);
            return nullptr;
        return constIntVal;

    ConstantIntVal* SemanticsVisitor::checkConstantEnumVal(
        Expr*    expr)
        // First type-check the expression as normal
        expr = CheckExpr(expr);

        auto intVal = CheckEnumConstantExpression(expr);
            return nullptr;

        auto constIntVal = as<ConstantIntVal>(intVal);
            getSink()->diagnose(expr->loc, Diagnostics::expectedIntegerConstantNotLiteral);
            return nullptr;
        return constIntVal;

    // Check an expression, coerce it to the `String` type, and then
    // ensure that it has a literal (not just compile-time constant) value.
    bool SemanticsVisitor::checkLiteralStringVal(
        Expr*    expr,
        String*         outVal)
        // TODO: This should actually perform semantic checking, etc.,
        // but for now we are just going to look for a direct string
        // literal AST node.

        if(auto stringLitExpr = as<StringLiteralExpr>(expr))
                *outVal = stringLitExpr->value;
            return true;

        getSink()->diagnose(expr, Diagnostics::expectedAStringLiteral);

        return false;

    void SemanticsVisitor::visitModifier(Modifier*)
        // Do nothing with modifiers for now

    static bool _isDeclAllowedAsAttribute(DeclRef<Decl> declRef)
        if (as<AttributeDecl>(declRef.getDecl()))
            return true;
        auto structDecl = as<StructDecl>(declRef.getDecl());
        if (!structDecl)
            return false;
        auto attrUsageAttr = structDecl->findModifier<AttributeUsageAttribute>();
        if (!attrUsageAttr)
            return false;
        return true;

    AttributeDecl* SemanticsVisitor::lookUpAttributeDecl(Name* attributeName, Scope* scope)
        if (!attributeName)
            return nullptr;
        // We start by looking for an existing attribute matching
        // the name `attributeName`.
            // Look up the name and see what attributes we find.
            LookupMask lookupMask = LookupMask::Attribute;
            if (attributeName == getSession()->getCompletionRequestTokenName())
                lookupMask =
                    LookupMask((uint32_t)LookupMask::Attribute | (uint32_t)LookupMask::type);

            auto lookupResult = lookUp(m_astBuilder, this, attributeName, scope, lookupMask);

            if (attributeName == getSession()->getCompletionRequestTokenName())
                // If this is a completion request, add the lookup result to linkage.
                auto& suggestions = getLinkage()->contentAssistInfo.completionSuggestions;
                suggestions.scopeKind = CompletionSuggestions::ScopeKind::Attribute;
                for (auto& item : lookupResult)
                    if (_isDeclAllowedAsAttribute(item.declRef))

            // If the result was overloaded, then that means there
            // are multiple attributes matching the name, and we
            // aren't going to be able to narrow it down.
                return nullptr;

            // If there is a single valid result, and it names
            // an existing attribute declaration, then we can
            // use it as the result.
            if (lookupResult.isValid())
                auto decl = lookupResult.item.declRef.getDecl();
                if (auto attributeDecl = as<AttributeDecl>(decl))
                    return attributeDecl;

        // If there wasn't already an attribute matching the
        // given name, then we will look for a `struct` type
        // matching the name scheme for user-defined attributes.
        // If the attribute was `[Something(...)]` then we will
        // look for a `struct` named `SomethingAttribute`.
        LookupResult lookupResult = lookUp(m_astBuilder, this, m_astBuilder->getGlobalSession()->getNameObj(attributeName->text + "Attribute"), scope, LookupMask::type);
        // If we didn't find a matching type name, then we give up.
        if (!lookupResult.isValid() || lookupResult.isOverloaded())
            return nullptr;

        // We only allow a `struct` type to be used as an attribute
        // if the type itself has an `[AttributeUsage(...)]` attribute
        // attached to it.
        auto structDecl =<StructDecl>().getDecl();
            return nullptr;
        auto attrUsageAttr = structDecl->findModifier<AttributeUsageAttribute>();
        if (!attrUsageAttr)
            return nullptr;

        // We will now synthesize a new `AttributeDecl` to mirror
        // what was declared on the `struct` type.
        AttributeDecl* attrDecl = m_astBuilder->create<AttributeDecl>();
        attrDecl-> = attributeName;
        attrDecl->nameAndLoc.loc = structDecl->nameAndLoc.loc;
        attrDecl->loc = structDecl->loc;

        AttributeTargetModifier* targetModifier = m_astBuilder->create<AttributeTargetModifier>();
        targetModifier->syntaxClass = attrUsageAttr->targetSyntaxClass;
        targetModifier->loc = attrUsageAttr->loc;
        addModifier(attrDecl, targetModifier);

        // Every attribute declaration is associated with the type
        // of syntax nodes it constructs (via reflection/RTTI).
        // User-defined attributes create instances of
        // `UserDefinedAttribute`.
        attrDecl->syntaxClass = m_astBuilder->findSyntaxClass(UnownedStringSlice::fromLiteral("UserDefinedAttribute"));

        // The fields of the user-defined `struct` type become
        // the parameters of the new attribute.
        // TODO: This step should skip `static` fields.
        for(auto member : structDecl->members)
            if(auto varMember = as<VarDecl>(member))
                ensureDecl(varMember, DeclCheckState::CanUseTypeOfValueDecl);

                ParamDecl* paramDecl = m_astBuilder->create<ParamDecl>();
                paramDecl->nameAndLoc = member->nameAndLoc;
                paramDecl->type = varMember->type;
                paramDecl->loc = member->loc;

                paramDecl->parentDecl = attrDecl;

        // We need to end by putting the new attribute declaration
        // into the AST, so that it can be found via lookup.
        auto parentDecl = structDecl->parentDecl;
        // TODO: handle the case where `parentDecl` is generic?
        attrDecl->parentDecl = parentDecl;

        // Finally, we perform any required semantic checks on
        // the newly constructed attribute decl.
        // TODO: what check state is relevant here?
        ensureDecl(attrDecl, DeclCheckState::Checked);

        return attrDecl;

    bool SemanticsVisitor::hasIntArgs(Attribute* attr, int numArgs)
        if (int(attr->args.getCount()) != numArgs)
            return false;
        for (int i = 0; i < numArgs; ++i)
            if (!as<IntegerLiteralExpr>(attr->args[i]))
                return false;
        return true;

    bool SemanticsVisitor::hasStringArgs(Attribute* attr, int numArgs)
        if (int(attr->args.getCount()) != numArgs)
            return false;
        for (int i = 0; i < numArgs; ++i)
            if (!as<StringLiteralExpr>(attr->args[i]))
                return false;
        return true;

    bool SemanticsVisitor::getAttributeTargetSyntaxClasses(SyntaxClass<NodeBase> & cls, uint32_t typeFlags)
        if (typeFlags == (int)UserDefinedAttributeTargets::Struct)
            cls = m_astBuilder->findSyntaxClass(UnownedStringSlice::fromLiteral("StructDecl"));
            return true;
        if (typeFlags == (int)UserDefinedAttributeTargets::Var)
            cls = m_astBuilder->findSyntaxClass(UnownedStringSlice::fromLiteral("VarDecl"));
            return true;
        if (typeFlags == (int)UserDefinedAttributeTargets::Function)
            cls = m_astBuilder->findSyntaxClass(UnownedStringSlice::fromLiteral("FuncDecl"));
            return true;
        return false;

    bool SemanticsVisitor::validateAttribute(Attribute* attr, AttributeDecl* attribClassDecl, ModifiableSyntaxNode* attrTarget)
        if (auto numThreadsAttr = as<NumThreadsAttribute>(attr))
            SLANG_ASSERT(attr->args.getCount() == 3);

            int32_t values[3];

            for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
                int32_t value = 1;

                auto arg = attr->args[i];
                if (arg)
                    auto intValue = checkConstantIntVal(arg);
                    if (!intValue)
                        return false;
                    if (intValue->getValue() < 1)
                        getSink()->diagnose(attr, Diagnostics::nonPositiveNumThreads, intValue->getValue());
                        return false;
                    value = int32_t(intValue->getValue());
                values[i] = value;

            numThreadsAttr->x = values[0];
            numThreadsAttr->y = values[1];
            numThreadsAttr->z = values[2];
        else if (auto anyValueSizeAttr = as<AnyValueSizeAttribute>(attr))
            // This case handles GLSL-oriented layout attributes
            // that take a single integer argument.

            if (attr->args.getCount() != 1)
                return false;

            auto value = checkConstantIntVal(attr->args[0]);
            if (value == nullptr)
                return false;

            const IRIntegerValue kMaxAnyValueSize = 0x7FFF;
            if (value->getValue() > kMaxAnyValueSize)
                getSink()->diagnose(anyValueSizeAttr->loc, Diagnostics::anyValueSizeExceedsLimit, kMaxAnyValueSize);
                return false;

            anyValueSizeAttr->size = int32_t(value->getValue());
        else if (auto overloadRankAttr = as<OverloadRankAttribute>(attr))
            if (attr->args.getCount() != 1)
                return false;
            auto rank = checkConstantIntVal(attr->args[0]);
            if (rank == nullptr)
                return false;
            overloadRankAttr->rank = int32_t(rank->getValue());
        else if (auto bindingAttr = as<GLSLBindingAttribute>(attr))
            // This must be vk::binding or gl::binding (as specified in core.meta.slang under vk_binding/gl_binding)
            // Must have 2 int parameters. Ideally this would all be checked from the specification
            // in core.meta.slang, but that's not completely implemented. So for now we check here.
            if (attr->args.getCount() != 2)
                return false;

            // TODO(JS): Prior validation currently doesn't ensure both args are ints (as specified in core.meta.slang), so check here
            // to make sure they both are
            auto binding = checkConstantIntVal(attr->args[0]);
            auto set = checkConstantIntVal(attr->args[1]);

            if (binding == nullptr || set == nullptr)
                return false;

            bindingAttr->binding = int32_t(binding->getValue());
            bindingAttr->set = int32_t(set->getValue());
        else if (auto simpleLayoutAttr = as<GLSLSimpleIntegerLayoutAttribute>(attr))
            // This case handles GLSL-oriented layout attributes
            // that take a single integer argument.

            if (attr->args.getCount() != 1)
                return false;

            auto value = checkConstantIntVal(attr->args[0]);
            if (value == nullptr)
                return false;

            simpleLayoutAttr->value = int32_t(value->getValue());
        else if (auto maxVertexCountAttr = as<MaxVertexCountAttribute>(attr))
            SLANG_ASSERT(attr->args.getCount() == 1);
            auto val = checkConstantIntVal(attr->args[0]);

            if (!val) return false;

            maxVertexCountAttr->value = (int32_t)val->getValue();
        else if (auto instanceAttr = as<InstanceAttribute>(attr))
            SLANG_ASSERT(attr->args.getCount() == 1);
            auto val = checkConstantIntVal(attr->args[0]);

            if (!val) return false;

            instanceAttr->value = (int32_t)val->getValue();
        else if (auto entryPointAttr = as<EntryPointAttribute>(attr))
            SLANG_ASSERT(attr->args.getCount() == 1);

            String stageName;
            if (!checkLiteralStringVal(attr->args[0], &stageName))
                return false;

            auto stage = findStageByName(stageName);
            if (stage == Stage::Unknown)
                getSink()->diagnose(attr->args[0], Diagnostics::unknownStageName, stageName);

            entryPointAttr->stage = stage;
        else if ((as<DomainAttribute>(attr)) ||
            (as<MaxTessFactorAttribute>(attr)) ||
            (as<OutputTopologyAttribute>(attr)) ||
            (as<PartitioningAttribute>(attr)) ||
            // Let it go thru iff single string attribute
            if (!hasStringArgs(attr, 1))
                getSink()->diagnose(attr, Diagnostics::expectedSingleStringArg, attr->keywordName);
        else if (auto opAttr = as<SPIRVInstructionOpAttribute>(attr))
            auto sink = getSink();
            const auto argsCount = opAttr->args.getCount();
            if (argsCount < 1 || argsCount > 2)
                sink->diagnose(attr, Diagnostics::attributeArgumentCountMismatch, attr->keywordName, "1...2", argsCount);
            else if (!as<IntegerLiteralExpr>(opAttr->args[0]))
                sink->diagnose(attr, Diagnostics::attributeExpectedIntArg, attr->keywordName, 0);
            else if (argsCount > 1 && !as<StringLiteralExpr>(opAttr->args[1]))
                sink->diagnose(attr, Diagnostics::attributeExpectedStringArg, attr->keywordName, 1);
        else if (as<OutputControlPointsAttribute>(attr))
            // Let it go thru iff single integral attribute
            if (!hasIntArgs(attr, 1))
                getSink()->diagnose(attr, Diagnostics::expectedSingleIntArg, attr->keywordName);
        else if (as<PushConstantAttribute>(attr))
            // Has no args
            SLANG_ASSERT(attr->args.getCount() == 0);
        else if (as<ShaderRecordAttribute>(attr))
            // Has no args
            SLANG_ASSERT(attr->args.getCount() == 0);
        else if (as<EarlyDepthStencilAttribute>(attr))
            // Has no args
            SLANG_ASSERT(attr->args.getCount() == 0);
        else if (auto attrUsageAttr = as<AttributeUsageAttribute>(attr))
            uint32_t targetClassId = (uint32_t)UserDefinedAttributeTargets::None;
            if (attr->args.getCount() == 1)
                //IntVal* outIntVal;
                if (auto cInt = checkConstantEnumVal(attr->args[0]))
                    targetClassId = (uint32_t)(cInt->getValue());
                    getSink()->diagnose(attr, Diagnostics::expectedSingleIntArg, attr->keywordName);
                    return false;
            if (!getAttributeTargetSyntaxClasses(attrUsageAttr->targetSyntaxClass, targetClassId))
                getSink()->diagnose(attr, Diagnostics::invalidAttributeTarget);
                return false;
        else if (const auto unrollAttr = as<UnrollAttribute>(attr))
            // Check has an argument. We need this because default behavior is to give an error
            // if an attribute has arguments, but not handled explicitly (and the default param will come through
            // as 1 arg if nothing is specified)
            SLANG_ASSERT(attr->args.getCount() == 1);
        else if (auto forceUnrollAttr = as<ForceUnrollAttribute>(attr))
            if (forceUnrollAttr->args.getCount() < 1)
                getSink()->diagnose(attr, Diagnostics::notEnoughArguments, attr->args.getCount(), 1);
            auto cint = checkConstantIntVal(attr->args[0]);
            if (cint)
                forceUnrollAttr->maxIterations = (int32_t)cint->getValue();
        else if (auto maxItersAttrs = as<MaxItersAttribute>(attr))
            if (attr->args.getCount() < 1)
                getSink()->diagnose(attr, Diagnostics::notEnoughArguments, attr->args.getCount(), 1);
                auto cint = checkConstantIntVal(attr->args[0]);
                if (cint)
                    maxItersAttrs->value = (int32_t) cint->getValue();
        else if (const auto userDefAttr = as<UserDefinedAttribute>(attr))
            // check arguments against attribute parameters defined in attribClassDecl
            Index paramIndex = 0;
            auto params = attribClassDecl->getMembersOfType<ParamDecl>();
            for (auto paramDecl : params)
                ensureDecl(paramDecl, DeclCheckState::CanUseTypeOfValueDecl);

                if (paramIndex < attr->args.getCount())
                    auto & arg = attr->args[paramIndex];
                    bool typeChecked = false;
                    if (auto basicType = as<BasicExpressionType>(paramDecl->getType()))
                        if (basicType->getBaseType() == BaseType::Int)
                            if (auto cint = checkConstantIntVal(arg))
                                for (Index ci = attr->intArgVals.getCount(); ci < paramIndex + 1; ci++)
                                attr->intArgVals[(uint32_t)paramIndex] = cint;
                            typeChecked = true;
                    if (!typeChecked)
                        arg = CheckTerm(arg);
                        arg = coerce(CoercionSite::Argument, paramDecl->getType(), arg);
            if (params.getCount() < attr->args.getCount())
                getSink()->diagnose(attr, Diagnostics::tooManyArguments, attr->args.getCount(), params.getCount());
            else if (params.getCount() > attr->args.getCount())
                getSink()->diagnose(attr, Diagnostics::notEnoughArguments, attr->args.getCount(), params.getCount());
        else if (auto diffAttr = as<BackwardDifferentiableAttribute>(attr))
            SLANG_ASSERT(attr->args.getCount() == 1);
            auto cint = checkConstantIntVal(attr->args[0]);
            if (cint)
                diffAttr->maxOrder = (int32_t)cint->getValue();
        else if (auto formatAttr = as<FormatAttribute>(attr))
            SLANG_ASSERT(attr->args.getCount() == 1);

            String formatName;
            if(!checkLiteralStringVal(attr->args[0], &formatName))
                return false;

            ImageFormat format = ImageFormat::unknown;

            if (attr->keywordName->text.getUnownedSlice() == toSlice("image"))
                if(!findImageFormatByName(formatName.getUnownedSlice(), &format))
                    getSink()->diagnose(attr->args[0], Diagnostics::unknownImageFormatName, formatName);
                if (!findVkImageFormatByName(formatName.getUnownedSlice(), &format))
                    getSink()->diagnose(attr->args[0], Diagnostics::unknownImageFormatName, formatName);

            formatAttr->format = format;
        else if (auto allowAttr = as<AllowAttribute>(attr))
            SLANG_ASSERT(attr->args.getCount() == 1);

            String diagnosticName;
            if(!checkLiteralStringVal(attr->args[0], &diagnosticName))
                return false;

            auto diagnosticInfo = findDiagnosticByName(diagnosticName.getUnownedSlice());
                getSink()->diagnose(attr->args[0], Diagnostics::unknownDiagnosticName, diagnosticName);

            allowAttr->diagnostic = diagnosticInfo;
        else if (auto dllImportAttr = as<DllImportAttribute>(attr))
            SLANG_ASSERT(attr->args.getCount() == 1 || attr->args.getCount() == 2);

            String libraryName;
            if (!checkLiteralStringVal(dllImportAttr->args[0], &libraryName))
                return false;
            dllImportAttr->modulePath = libraryName;

            String functionName;
            if (dllImportAttr->args.getCount() == 2 && !checkLiteralStringVal(dllImportAttr->args[1], &functionName))
                return false;
            dllImportAttr->functionName = functionName;
        else if (auto rayPayloadAttr = as<VulkanRayPayloadAttribute>(attr))
            SLANG_ASSERT(attr->args.getCount() == 1);
            auto val = checkConstantIntVal(attr->args[0]);

            if (!val) return false;

            rayPayloadAttr->location = (int32_t)val->getValue();
        else if (auto callablePayloadAttr = as<VulkanCallablePayloadAttribute>(attr))
            SLANG_ASSERT(attr->args.getCount() == 1);
            auto val = checkConstantIntVal(attr->args[0]);

            if (!val) return false;

            callablePayloadAttr->location = (int32_t)val->getValue();
        else if (auto hitObjectAttributesAttr = as<VulkanHitObjectAttributesAttribute>(attr))
            SLANG_ASSERT(attr->args.getCount() == 1);
            auto val = checkConstantIntVal(attr->args[0]);

            if (!val) return false;

            hitObjectAttributesAttr->location = (int32_t)val->getValue();
        else if (as<UserDefinedDerivativeAttribute>(attr) || as<PrimalSubstituteAttribute>(attr))
            SLANG_ASSERT(attr->args.getCount() == 1);
            if (auto derivativeAttr = as<UserDefinedDerivativeAttribute>(attr))
                derivativeAttr->funcExpr = attr->args[0];
            else if (auto primalSubstAttr = as<PrimalSubstituteAttribute>(attr))
                primalSubstAttr->funcExpr = attr->args[0];
        else if (as<DerivativeOfAttribute>(attr) || as<PrimalSubstituteOfAttribute>(attr))
            SLANG_ASSERT(attr->args.getCount() == 1);
            if (auto derivativeOfAttr = as<DerivativeOfAttribute>(attr))
                derivativeOfAttr->funcExpr = attr->args[0];
            else if (auto primalOfAttr = as<PrimalSubstituteOfAttribute>(attr))
                primalOfAttr->funcExpr = attr->args[0];
        else if (auto comInterfaceAttr = as<ComInterfaceAttribute>(attr))
            SLANG_ASSERT(attr->args.getCount() == 1);
            String guid;
            if (!checkLiteralStringVal(comInterfaceAttr->args[0], &guid))
                return false;
            StringBuilder resultGUID;
            for (auto ch : guid)
                if (CharUtil::isHexDigit(ch))
                else if (ch == '-')
                    getSink()->diagnose(attr, Diagnostics::invalidGUID, guid);
                    return false;
            comInterfaceAttr->guid = resultGUID.toString();
            if (comInterfaceAttr->guid.getLength() != 32)
                getSink()->diagnose(attr, Diagnostics::invalidGUID, guid);
                return false;
        else if (const auto derivativeMemberAttr = as<DerivativeMemberAttribute>(attr))
            auto varDecl = as<VarDeclBase>(attrTarget);
            if (!varDecl)
                getSink()->diagnose(attr, Diagnostics::attributeNotApplicable, attr->getKeywordName());
                return false;
        else if (auto deprecatedAttr = as<DeprecatedAttribute>(attr))
            SLANG_ASSERT(attr->args.getCount() == 1);

            String message;
            if(!checkLiteralStringVal(attr->args[0], &message))
                return false;

            deprecatedAttr->message = message;
        else if (auto knownBuiltinAttr = as<KnownBuiltinAttribute>(attr))
            SLANG_ASSERT(attr->args.getCount() == 1);

            String name;
            if(!checkLiteralStringVal(attr->args[0], &name))
                return false;

            knownBuiltinAttr->name = name;
        else if (auto pyExportAttr = as<PyExportAttribute>(attr))
            // Check name string.
            SLANG_ASSERT(attr->args.getCount() == 1);

            String name;
            if(!checkLiteralStringVal(attr->args[0], &name))
                return false;

            pyExportAttr->name = name;
            if(attr->args.getCount() == 0)
                // If the attribute took no arguments, then we will
                // assume it is valid as written.
                // We should be special-casing the checking of any attribute
                // with a non-zero number of arguments.
                getSink()->diagnose(attr, Diagnostics::tooManyArguments, attr->args.getCount(), 0);
                return false;

        return true;

    AttributeBase* SemanticsVisitor::checkAttribute(
        UncheckedAttribute*     uncheckedAttr,
        ModifiableSyntaxNode*   attrTarget)
        auto attrName = uncheckedAttr->getKeywordName();
        auto attrDecl = lookUpAttributeDecl(

            getSink()->diagnose(uncheckedAttr, Diagnostics::unknownAttributeName, attrName);
            return uncheckedAttr;

        if (!attrDecl->syntaxClass.isSubClassOf<Attribute>())
            SLANG_DIAGNOSE_UNEXPECTED(getSink(), attrDecl, "attribute declaration does not reference an attribute class");
            return uncheckedAttr;

        // Manage scope
        NodeBase* attrInstance = attrDecl->syntaxClass.createInstance(m_astBuilder);
        auto attr = as<Attribute>(attrInstance);
            SLANG_DIAGNOSE_UNEXPECTED(getSink(), attrDecl, "attribute class did not yield an attribute object");
            return uncheckedAttr;

        // We are going to replace the unchecked attribute with the checked one.

        // First copy all of the state over from the original attribute.
        attr->keywordName  = uncheckedAttr->keywordName;
        attr->originalIdentifierToken = uncheckedAttr->originalIdentifierToken;
        attr->args  = uncheckedAttr->args;
        attr->loc   = uncheckedAttr->loc;
        attr->attributeDecl = attrDecl;

        // We will start with checking steps that can be applied independent
        // of the concrete attribute type that was selected. These only need
        // us to look at the attribute declaration itself.
        // Start by doing argument/parameter matching
        UInt argCount = attr->args.getCount();
        UInt paramCounter = 0;
        bool mismatch = false;
        for(auto paramDecl : attrDecl->getMembersOfType<ParamDecl>())
            UInt paramIndex = paramCounter++;
            if( paramIndex < argCount )
                // TODO: support checking the argument against the declared
                // type for the parameter.
                // We didn't have enough arguments for the
                // number of parameters declared.
                if(const auto defaultArg = paramDecl->initExpr)
                    // The attribute declaration provided a default,
                    // so we should use that.
                    // TODO: we need to figure out how to hook up
                    // default arguments as needed.
                    // For now just copy the expression over.

                    mismatch = true;
        UInt paramCount = paramCounter;

            getSink()->diagnose(attr, Diagnostics::attributeArgumentCountMismatch, attrName, paramCount, argCount);
            return uncheckedAttr;

        // The next bit of validation that we can apply semi-generically
        // is to validate that the target for this attribute is a valid
        // one for the chosen attribute.
        // The attribute declaration will have one or more `AttributeTargetModifier`s
        // that each specify a syntax class that the attribute can be applied to.
        // If any of these match `attrTarget`, then we are good.
        bool validTarget = false;
        for(auto attrTargetMod : attrDecl->getModifiersOfType<AttributeTargetModifier>())
                validTarget = true;
            getSink()->diagnose(attr, Diagnostics::attributeNotApplicable, attrName);
            return uncheckedAttr;

        // Now apply type-specific validation to the attribute.
        if(!validateAttribute(attr, attrDecl, attrTarget))
            return uncheckedAttr;

        return attr;

    ASTNodeType getModifierConflictGroupKind(ASTNodeType modifierType)
        switch (modifierType)
            // Allowed only on parameters and global variables.
        case ASTNodeType::InModifier:
            return modifierType;
        case ASTNodeType::OutModifier:
        case ASTNodeType::RefModifier:
        case ASTNodeType::ConstRefModifier:
        case ASTNodeType::InOutModifier:
            return ASTNodeType::OutModifier;

            // Modifiers that are their own exclusive group.
        case ASTNodeType::GLSLLayoutModifier:
        case ASTNodeType::GLSLParsedLayoutModifier:
        case ASTNodeType::GLSLConstantIDLayoutModifier:
        case ASTNodeType::GLSLLocationLayoutModifier:
        case ASTNodeType::GLSLUnparsedLayoutModifier:
        case ASTNodeType::GLSLLayoutModifierGroupMarker:
        case ASTNodeType::GLSLLayoutModifierGroupBegin:
        case ASTNodeType::GLSLLayoutModifierGroupEnd:
        case ASTNodeType::GLSLBufferModifier:
        case ASTNodeType::GLSLWriteOnlyModifier:
        case ASTNodeType::GLSLReadOnlyModifier:
        case ASTNodeType::GLSLPatchModifier:
        case ASTNodeType::RayPayloadAccessSemantic:
        case ASTNodeType::RayPayloadReadSemantic:
        case ASTNodeType::RayPayloadWriteSemantic:
        case ASTNodeType::GloballyCoherentModifier:
        case ASTNodeType::PreciseModifier:
        case ASTNodeType::IntrinsicOpModifier:
        case ASTNodeType::InlineModifier:
        case ASTNodeType::ExternModifier:
        case ASTNodeType::HLSLExportModifier:
        case ASTNodeType::ExternCppModifier:
        case ASTNodeType::ExportedModifier:
        case ASTNodeType::ConstModifier:
        case ASTNodeType::ConstExprModifier:
        case ASTNodeType::MatrixLayoutModifier:
        case ASTNodeType::RowMajorLayoutModifier:
        case ASTNodeType::HLSLRowMajorLayoutModifier:
        case ASTNodeType::GLSLColumnMajorLayoutModifier:
        case ASTNodeType::ColumnMajorLayoutModifier:
        case ASTNodeType::HLSLColumnMajorLayoutModifier:
        case ASTNodeType::GLSLRowMajorLayoutModifier:
        case ASTNodeType::HLSLEffectSharedModifier:
        case ASTNodeType::HLSLVolatileModifier:
        case ASTNodeType::GLSLPrecisionModifier:
        case ASTNodeType::HLSLGroupSharedModifier:
            return modifierType;

        case ASTNodeType::HLSLStaticModifier:
        case ASTNodeType::ActualGlobalModifier:
        case ASTNodeType::HLSLUniformModifier:
            return ASTNodeType::HLSLStaticModifier;

        case ASTNodeType::HLSLNoInterpolationModifier:
        case ASTNodeType::HLSLNoPerspectiveModifier:
        case ASTNodeType::HLSLLinearModifier:
        case ASTNodeType::HLSLSampleModifier:
        case ASTNodeType::HLSLCentroidModifier:
        case ASTNodeType::PerVertexModifier:
            return ASTNodeType::InterpolationModeModifier;

        case ASTNodeType::PrefixModifier:
        case ASTNodeType::PostfixModifier:
            return ASTNodeType::PrefixModifier;

        case ASTNodeType::BuiltinModifier:
        case ASTNodeType::PublicModifier:
        case ASTNodeType::PrivateModifier:
        case ASTNodeType::InternalModifier:
            return ASTNodeType::VisibilityModifier;

            return ASTNodeType::NodeBase;

    bool isModifierAllowedOnDecl(bool isGLSLInput, ASTNodeType modifierType, Decl* decl)
        switch (modifierType)
            // In addition to the above cases, these are also present on empty
            // global declarations, for instance
            // layout(local_size_x=1) in;
        case ASTNodeType::InModifier:
        case ASTNodeType::InOutModifier:
        case ASTNodeType::GLSLLayoutModifier:
        case ASTNodeType::GLSLParsedLayoutModifier:
        case ASTNodeType::GLSLConstantIDLayoutModifier:
        case ASTNodeType::GLSLLocationLayoutModifier:
        case ASTNodeType::GLSLUnparsedLayoutModifier:
        case ASTNodeType::GLSLLayoutModifierGroupMarker:
        case ASTNodeType::GLSLLayoutModifierGroupBegin:
        case ASTNodeType::GLSLLayoutModifierGroupEnd:
            // If we are in GLSL mode, also allow these but otherwise fall to
            // the regular check
            if(isGLSLInput && as<EmptyDecl>(decl) && isGlobalDecl(decl))
                return true;

            // Allowed only on parameters and global variables.
        case ASTNodeType::OutModifier:
        case ASTNodeType::RefModifier:
        case ASTNodeType::ConstRefModifier:
        case ASTNodeType::GLSLBufferModifier:
        case ASTNodeType::GLSLWriteOnlyModifier:
        case ASTNodeType::GLSLReadOnlyModifier:
        case ASTNodeType::GLSLPatchModifier:
        case ASTNodeType::RayPayloadAccessSemantic:
        case ASTNodeType::RayPayloadReadSemantic:
        case ASTNodeType::RayPayloadWriteSemantic:
        case ASTNodeType::GloballyCoherentModifier:
            return (as<VarDeclBase>(decl) && isGlobalDecl(decl)) || as<ParamDecl>(decl) || as<GLSLInterfaceBlockDecl>(decl);

            // Allowed only on parameters, struct fields and global variables.
        case ASTNodeType::InterpolationModeModifier:
        case ASTNodeType::HLSLNoInterpolationModifier:
        case ASTNodeType::HLSLNoPerspectiveModifier:
        case ASTNodeType::HLSLLinearModifier:
        case ASTNodeType::HLSLSampleModifier:
        case ASTNodeType::HLSLCentroidModifier:
        case ASTNodeType::PerVertexModifier:
        case ASTNodeType::HLSLUniformModifier:
            return (as<VarDeclBase>(decl) && (isGlobalDecl(decl) || as<StructDecl>(getParentDecl(decl)))) || as<ParamDecl>(decl);

        case ASTNodeType::HLSLSemantic:
        case ASTNodeType::HLSLLayoutSemantic:
        case ASTNodeType::HLSLRegisterSemantic:
        case ASTNodeType::HLSLPackOffsetSemantic:
        case ASTNodeType::HLSLSimpleSemantic:
            return (as<VarDeclBase>(decl) && (isGlobalDecl(decl) || as<StructDecl>(getParentDecl(decl)))) || as<ParamDecl>(decl) || as<FuncDecl>(decl);

            // Allowed only on functions
        case ASTNodeType::IntrinsicOpModifier:
        case ASTNodeType::SpecializedForTargetModifier:
        case ASTNodeType::InlineModifier:
        case ASTNodeType::PrefixModifier:
        case ASTNodeType::PostfixModifier:
            return as<CallableDecl>(decl);

        case ASTNodeType::BuiltinModifier:
        case ASTNodeType::PublicModifier:
        case ASTNodeType::PrivateModifier:
        case ASTNodeType::InternalModifier:
        case ASTNodeType::ExternModifier:
        case ASTNodeType::HLSLExportModifier:
        case ASTNodeType::ExternCppModifier:
            return as<VarDeclBase>(decl) || as<AggTypeDeclBase>(decl) || as<NamespaceDeclBase>(decl) || as<CallableDecl>(decl)
                || as<TypeDefDecl>(decl) || as<PropertyDecl>(decl) || as<SyntaxDecl>(decl) || as<AttributeDecl>(decl);

        case ASTNodeType::ExportedModifier:
            return as<ImportDecl>(decl);

        case ASTNodeType::ConstModifier:
        case ASTNodeType::HLSLStaticModifier:
        case ASTNodeType::ConstExprModifier:
        case ASTNodeType::PreciseModifier:
            return as<VarDeclBase>(decl) || as<CallableDecl>(decl);

        case ASTNodeType::ActualGlobalModifier:
        case ASTNodeType::MatrixLayoutModifier:
        case ASTNodeType::RowMajorLayoutModifier:
        case ASTNodeType::HLSLRowMajorLayoutModifier:
        case ASTNodeType::GLSLColumnMajorLayoutModifier:
        case ASTNodeType::ColumnMajorLayoutModifier:
        case ASTNodeType::HLSLColumnMajorLayoutModifier:
        case ASTNodeType::GLSLRowMajorLayoutModifier:
        case ASTNodeType::HLSLEffectSharedModifier:
        case ASTNodeType::HLSLVolatileModifier:
            return as<VarDeclBase>(decl) || as<GLSLInterfaceBlockDecl>(decl);

        case ASTNodeType::GLSLPrecisionModifier:
            return as<VarDeclBase>(decl) || as<GLSLInterfaceBlockDecl>(decl) || as<CallableDecl>(decl);
        case ASTNodeType::HLSLGroupSharedModifier:
            // groupshared must be global or static.
            if (!as<VarDeclBase>(decl))
                return false;
            return isGlobalDecl(decl) || isEffectivelyStatic(decl);
            return true;

    Modifier* SemanticsVisitor::checkModifier(
        Modifier*        m,
        ModifiableSyntaxNode*   syntaxNode)
        if(auto hlslUncheckedAttribute = as<UncheckedAttribute>(m))
            // We have an HLSL `[name(arg,...)]` attribute, and we'd like
            // to check that it is provides all the expected arguments
            // First, look up the attribute name in the current scope to find
            // the right syntax class to instantiate.

            return checkAttribute(hlslUncheckedAttribute, syntaxNode);

        if (auto decl = as<Decl>(syntaxNode))
            if (!isModifierAllowedOnDecl(getLinkage()->getAllowGLSLInput(), m->astNodeType, decl))
                getSink()->diagnose(m, Diagnostics::modifierNotAllowed, m);
                return m;

        if (auto hlslSemantic = as<HLSLSimpleSemantic>(m))
            if (hlslSemantic->name.getName() == getSession()->getCompletionRequestTokenName())
                getLinkage()->contentAssistInfo.completionSuggestions.scopeKind =

        if (const auto externModifier = as<ExternModifier>(m))
            if (auto varDecl = as<VarDeclBase>(syntaxNode))
                if (auto parentExtension = as<ExtensionDecl>(varDecl->parentDecl))
                    auto originalMemberLookup = lookUpMember(m_astBuilder, this, varDecl->getName(), parentExtension->targetType, parentExtension->ownedScope);
                    LookupResult filteredResult;
                    for (auto item : originalMemberLookup.items)
                        if (item.declRef.getDecl() != varDecl)
                            AddToLookupResult(filteredResult, item);
                    if (filteredResult.isValid() && !filteredResult.isOverloaded())
                        auto extensionExternMemberModifier = m_astBuilder->create<ExtensionExternVarModifier>();
                        extensionExternMemberModifier->originalDecl = filteredResult.item.declRef;
                        return extensionExternMemberModifier;
                    else if (filteredResult.isOverloaded())
                        getSink()->diagnose(varDecl, Diagnostics::ambiguousOriginalDefintionOfExternDecl, varDecl);
                        getSink()->diagnose(varDecl, Diagnostics::missingOriginalDefintionOfExternDecl, varDecl);
                // The next part of the check is to make sure the type defined here is consistent with the original definition.
                // Since we haven't checked the type of this decl yet, we defer that until we have fully checked decl.
                // See SemanticsDeclHeaderVisitor::checkExtensionExternVarAttribute.

        if (auto packOffsetModifier = as<HLSLPackOffsetSemantic>(m))
            if (!packOffsetModifier->registerName.getContent().startsWith("c"))
                getSink()->diagnose(packOffsetModifier, Diagnostics::unknownRegisterClass, packOffsetModifier->registerName);
                return m;
            auto uniformOffset = stringToInt(packOffsetModifier->registerName.getContent().tail(1)) * 16;
            if (packOffsetModifier->componentMask.getContentLength())
                switch (packOffsetModifier->componentMask.getContent()[0])
                case 'x':
                    uniformOffset += 0;
                case 'y':
                    uniformOffset += 4;
                case 'z':
                    uniformOffset += 8;
                case 'w':
                    uniformOffset += 12;
                    getSink()->diagnose(packOffsetModifier, Diagnostics::invalidComponentMask, packOffsetModifier->componentMask);
            packOffsetModifier->uniformOffset = uniformOffset;
            return packOffsetModifier;

        if(auto targetIntrinsic = as<TargetIntrinsicModifier>(m))
            // TODO: verify that the predicate is one we understand
                if(auto genDecl = as<ContainerDecl>(syntaxNode))
                    auto scrutineeResults = lookUp(
                    targetIntrinsic->scrutineeDeclRef = scrutineeResults.item.declRef;

        if (as<PrivateModifier>(m))
            if (auto decl = as<Decl>(syntaxNode))
                if (isGlobalDecl(decl))
                    getSink()->diagnose(m, Diagnostics::invalidUseOfPrivateVisibility, as<Decl>(syntaxNode));
                    return m;
            if (as<NamespaceDeclBase>(syntaxNode))
                getSink()->diagnose(m, Diagnostics::invalidVisibilityModifierOnTypeOfDecl, syntaxNode->astNodeType);
                return m;
            else if (auto decl = as<Decl>(syntaxNode))
                // Interface requirements can't be private.
                if (isInterfaceRequirement(decl))
                    getSink()->diagnose(m, Diagnostics::invalidUseOfPrivateVisibility, as<Decl>(syntaxNode));
        else if (as<InternalModifier>(m))
            if (as<NamespaceDeclBase>(syntaxNode))
                getSink()->diagnose(m, Diagnostics::invalidVisibilityModifierOnTypeOfDecl, syntaxNode->astNodeType);
                return m;

        // Default behavior is to leave things as they are,
        // and assume that modifiers are mostly already checked.
        // TODO: This would be a good place to validate that
        // a modifier is actually valid for the thing it is
        // being applied to, and potentially to check that
        // it isn't in conflict with any other modifiers
        // on the same declaration.

        return m;

    void SemanticsVisitor::checkVisibility(Decl* decl)
        if (as<AccessorDecl>(decl))
        ShortList<Type*> typesToVerify;
        if (auto varDecl = as<VarDeclBase>(decl))
        else if (auto callable = as<CallableDecl>(decl))
            for (auto param : callable->getParameters())
        else if (auto propertyDecl = as<PropertyDecl>(decl))
        else if (as<AggTypeDeclBase>(decl))
        else if (auto typeDecl = as<TypeDefDecl>(decl))
        auto thisVisibility = getDeclVisibility(decl);

        // First, we check that the decl's type does not have lower visibility.
        for (auto type : typesToVerify)
            if (!type)
            DeclVisibility typeVisibility = getTypeVisibility(type);
            if (typeVisibility < thisVisibility)
                getSink()->diagnose(decl, Diagnostics::useOfLessVisibleType, decl, type);

        // Next, we check that the decl does not have higher visiblity than its parent.
        Decl* parentDecl = decl;
        for (; parentDecl; parentDecl = parentDecl->parentDecl)
            if (as<AggTypeDeclBase>(parentDecl))
        if (!parentDecl)
        auto parentVisibility = getDeclVisibility(parentDecl);
        if (thisVisibility > parentVisibility)
            getSink()->diagnose(decl, Diagnostics::declCannotHaveHigherVisibility, decl, parentDecl);

    void SemanticsVisitor::checkModifiers(ModifiableSyntaxNode* syntaxNode)
        // TODO(tfoley): need to make sure this only
        // performs semantic checks on a `SharedModifier` once...

        // The process of checking a modifier may produce a new modifier in its place,
        // so we will build up a new linked list of modifiers that will replace
        // the old list.
        Modifier* resultModifiers = nullptr;
        Modifier** resultModifierLink = &resultModifiers;

        // We will keep track of the modifiers for each conflict group.
        Dictionary<ASTNodeType, Modifier*> mapExclusiveGroupToModifier;

        Modifier* modifier = syntaxNode->modifiers.first;
        while (modifier)
            // Check if a modifier belonging to the same conflict group is already
            // defined.
            Modifier* existingModifier = nullptr;
            auto conflictGroup = getModifierConflictGroupKind(modifier->astNodeType);
            if (conflictGroup != ASTNodeType::NodeBase)
                if (mapExclusiveGroupToModifier.tryGetValue(conflictGroup, existingModifier))
                    getSink()->diagnose(modifier->loc, Diagnostics::duplicateModifier, modifier, existingModifier);
                mapExclusiveGroupToModifier[conflictGroup] = modifier;

            // Because we are rewriting the list in place, we need to extract
            // the next modifier here (not at the end of the loop).
            auto next = modifier->next;

            // We also go ahead and clobber the `next` field on the modifier
            // itself, so that the default behavior of `checkModifier()` can
            // be to return a single unlinked modifier.
            modifier->next = nullptr;

            auto checkedModifier = checkModifier(modifier, syntaxNode);

                // If checking gave us a modifier to add, then we
                // had better add it.

                // Just in case `checkModifier` ever returns multiple
                // modifiers, lets advance to the end of the list we
                // are building.
                    resultModifierLink = &(*resultModifierLink)->next;

                // attach the new modifier at the end of the list,
                // and now set the "link" to point to its `next` field
                *resultModifierLink = checkedModifier;
                resultModifierLink = &checkedModifier->next;

            // Move along to the next modifier
            modifier = next;

        // Whether we actually re-wrote anything or note, lets
        // install the new list of modifiers on the declaration
        syntaxNode->modifiers.first = resultModifiers;

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