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Tip revision: 0586f3298fa7d554fa2682103eefba88740d6758 authored by jsmall-nvidia on 18 January 2023, 19:11:50 UTC
Upgrade slang-llvm-13.x-33 (#2600)
Tip revision: 0586f32
// slang-check-shader.cpp
#include "slang-check-impl.h"

// This file encapsulates semantic checking logic primarily
// related to shaders, including validating entry points,
// enumerating specialization parameters, and validating
// attempts to specialize shader code.

#include "slang-lookup.h"

namespace Slang
    static bool isValidThreadDispatchIDType(Type* type)
        // Can accept a single int/unit
            auto basicType = as<BasicExpressionType>(type);
            if (basicType)
                return (basicType->baseType == BaseType::Int || basicType->baseType == BaseType::UInt);
        // Can be an int/uint vector from size 1 to 3
            auto vectorType = as<VectorExpressionType>(type);
            if (!vectorType)
                return false;
            auto elemCount = as<ConstantIntVal>(vectorType->elementCount);
            if (elemCount->value < 1 || elemCount->value > 3)
                return false;
            // Must be a basic type
            auto basicType = as<BasicExpressionType>(vectorType->elementType);
            if (!basicType)
                return false;

            // Must be integral
            return (basicType->baseType == BaseType::Int || basicType->baseType == BaseType::UInt);

        /// Recursively walk `paramDeclRef` and add any existential/interface specialization parameters to `ioSpecializationParams`.
    static void _collectExistentialSpecializationParamsRec(
        ASTBuilder*             astBuilder,
        SpecializationParams&   ioSpecializationParams,
        DeclRef<VarDeclBase>    paramDeclRef);

        /// Recursively walk `type` and add any existential/interface specialization parameters to `ioSpecializationParams`.
    static void _collectExistentialSpecializationParamsRec(
        ASTBuilder*             astBuilder,
        SpecializationParams&   ioSpecializationParams,
        Type*                   type,
        SourceLoc               loc)
        // Whether or not something is an array does not affect
        // the number of existential slots it introduces.
        while( auto arrayType = as<ArrayExpressionType>(type) )
            type = arrayType->baseType;

        if( auto parameterGroupType = as<ParameterGroupType>(type) )
        else if (auto structuredBufferType = as<HLSLStructuredBufferTypeBase>(type))
                astBuilder, ioSpecializationParams, structuredBufferType->getElementType(), loc);

        if( auto declRefType = as<DeclRefType>(type) )
            auto typeDeclRef = declRefType->declRef;
            if( auto interfaceDeclRef =<InterfaceDecl>() )
                // Each leaf parameter of interface type adds a specialization
                // parameter, which determines the concrete type(s) that may
                // be provided as arguments for that parameter.
                SpecializationParam specializationParam;
                specializationParam.flavor = SpecializationParam::Flavor::ExistentialType;
                specializationParam.loc = loc;
                specializationParam.object = type;
            else if( auto structDeclRef =<StructDecl>() )
                // A structure type should recursively introduce
                // existential slots for its fields.
                for( auto fieldDeclRef : getFields(structDeclRef, MemberFilterStyle::Instance) )

        // TODO: We eventually need to handle cases like constant
        // buffers and parameter blocks that may have existential
        // element types.

    static void _collectExistentialSpecializationParamsRec(
        ASTBuilder*             astBuilder,
        SpecializationParams&   ioSpecializationParams,
        DeclRef<VarDeclBase>    paramDeclRef)
            getType(astBuilder, paramDeclRef),

        /// Collect any interface/existential specialization parameters for `paramDeclRef` into `ioParamInfo` and `ioSpecializationParams`
    static void _collectExistentialSpecializationParamsForShaderParam(
        ASTBuilder*             astBuilder,
        ShaderParamInfo&        ioParamInfo,
        SpecializationParams&   ioSpecializationParams,
        DeclRef<VarDeclBase>    paramDeclRef)
        Index beginParamIndex = ioSpecializationParams.getCount();
        _collectExistentialSpecializationParamsRec(astBuilder, ioSpecializationParams, paramDeclRef);
        Index endParamIndex = ioSpecializationParams.getCount();
        ioParamInfo.firstSpecializationParamIndex = beginParamIndex;
        ioParamInfo.specializationParamCount = endParamIndex - beginParamIndex;

    void EntryPoint::_collectGenericSpecializationParamsRec(Decl* decl)


        auto genericDecl = as<GenericDecl>(decl);

        for(auto m : genericDecl->members)
            if(auto genericTypeParam = as<GenericTypeParamDecl>(m))
                SpecializationParam param;
                param.flavor = SpecializationParam::Flavor::GenericType;
                param.loc = genericTypeParam->loc;
                param.object = genericTypeParam;
            else if(auto genericValParam = as<GenericValueParamDecl>(m))
                SpecializationParam param;
                param.flavor = SpecializationParam::Flavor::GenericValue;
                param.loc = genericValParam->loc;
                param.object = genericValParam;

        /// Enumerate the existential-type parameters of an `EntryPoint`.
        /// Any parameters found will be added to the list of existential slots on `this`.
    void EntryPoint::_collectShaderParams()
        // We don't currently treat an entry point as having any
        // *global* shader parameters.
        // TODO: We could probably clean up the code a bit by treating
        // an entry point as introducing a global shader parameter
        // that is based on the implicit "parameters struct" type
        // of the entry point itself.

        // We collect the generic parameters of the entry point,
        // along with those of any outer generics first.

        // After geneic specialization parameters have been collected,
        // we look through the value parameters of the entry point
        // function and see if any of them introduce existential/interface
        // specialization parameters.
        // Note: we defensively test whether there is a function decl-ref
        // because this routine gets called from the constructor, and
        // a "dummy" entry point will have a null pointer for the function.
        if( auto funcDeclRef = getFuncDeclRef() )
            for( auto paramDeclRef : getParameters(funcDeclRef) )
                ShaderParamInfo shaderParamInfo;
                shaderParamInfo.paramDeclRef = paramDeclRef;



    bool isPrimaryDecl(
        CallableDecl*   decl)
        return (!decl->primaryDecl) || (decl == decl->primaryDecl);

    FuncDecl* findFunctionDeclByName(
        Module*                 translationUnit,
        Name*                   name,
        DiagnosticSink*         sink)
        auto translationUnitSyntax = translationUnit->getModuleDecl();

        // We will look up any global-scope declarations in the translation
        // unit that match the name of our entry point.
        Decl* firstDeclWithName = nullptr;
        if (!translationUnitSyntax->getMemberDictionary().TryGetValue(name, firstDeclWithName))
            // If there doesn't appear to be any such declaration, then we are done.

            sink->diagnose(translationUnitSyntax, Diagnostics::entryPointFunctionNotFound, name);

            return nullptr;

        // We found at least one global-scope declaration with the right name,
        // but (1) it might not be a function, and (2) there might be
        // more than one function.
        // We'll walk the linked list of declarations with the same name,
        // to see what we find. Along the way we'll keep track of the
        // first function declaration we find, if any:
        FuncDecl* entryPointFuncDecl = nullptr;
        for (auto ee = firstDeclWithName; ee; ee = ee->nextInContainerWithSameName)
            // Is this declaration a function?
            if (auto funcDecl = as<FuncDecl>(ee))
                // Skip non-primary declarations, so that
                // we don't give an error when an entry
                // point is forward-declared.
                if (!isPrimaryDecl(funcDecl))

                // is this the first one we've seen?
                if (!entryPointFuncDecl)
                    // If so, this is a candidate to be
                    // the entry point function.
                    entryPointFuncDecl = funcDecl;
                    // Uh-oh! We've already seen a function declaration with this
                    // name before, so the whole thing is ambiguous. We need
                    // to diagnose and bail out.

                    sink->diagnose(translationUnitSyntax, Diagnostics::ambiguousEntryPoint, name);

                    // List all of the declarations that the user *might* mean
                    for (auto ff = firstDeclWithName; ff; ff = ff->nextInContainerWithSameName)
                        if (auto candidate = as<FuncDecl>(ff))
                            sink->diagnose(candidate, Diagnostics::entryPointCandidate, candidate->getName());

                    // Bail out.
                    return nullptr;

        return entryPointFuncDecl;

    // Validate that an entry point function conforms to any additional
    // constraints based on the stage (and profile?) it specifies.
    void validateEntryPoint(
        EntryPoint*     entryPoint,
        DiagnosticSink* sink)
        auto entryPointFuncDecl = entryPoint->getFuncDecl();
        auto stage = entryPoint->getStage();

        // TODO: We currently do minimal checking here, but this is the
        // right place to perform the following validation checks:

        // * Are the function input/output parameters and result type
        //   all valid for the chosen stage? (e.g., there shouldn't be
        //   an `OutputStream<X>` type in a vertex shader signature)
        // * For any varying input/output, are there semantics specified
        //   (Note: this potentially overlaps with layout logic...), and
        //   are the system-value semantics valid for the given stage?
        //   There's actually a lot of detail to semantic checking, in
        //   that the AST-level code should probably be validating the
        //   use of system-value semantics by linking them to explicit
        //   declarations in the standard library. We should also be
        //   using profile information on those declarations to infer
        //   appropriate profile restrictions on the entry point.
        // * Is the entry point actually usable on the given stage/profile?
        //   E.g., if we have a vertex shader that (transitively) calls
        //   `Texture2D.Sample`, then that should produce an error because
        //   that function is specific to the fragment profile/stage.

        auto entryPointName = entryPointFuncDecl->getName();

        auto module = getModule(entryPointFuncDecl);
        auto linkage = module->getLinkage();

        // Every entry point needs to have a stage specified either via
        // command-line/API options, or via an explicit `[shader("...")]` attribute.
        if( stage == Stage::Unknown )
            sink->diagnose(entryPointFuncDecl, Diagnostics::entryPointHasNoStage, entryPointName);

        if( stage == Stage::Hull )
            // TODO: We could consider *always* checking any `[patchconsantfunc("...")]`
            // attributes, so that they need to resolve to a function.

            auto attr = entryPointFuncDecl->findModifier<PatchConstantFuncAttribute>();

            if (attr)
                if (attr->args.getCount() != 1)
                    sink->diagnose(attr, Diagnostics::badlyDefinedPatchConstantFunc, entryPointName);

                Expr* expr = attr->args[0];
                StringLiteralExpr* stringLit = as<StringLiteralExpr>(expr);

                if (!stringLit)
                    sink->diagnose(expr, Diagnostics::badlyDefinedPatchConstantFunc, entryPointName);

                // We look up the patch-constant function by its name in the module
                // scope of the translation unit that declared the HS entry point.
                // TODO: Eventually we probably want to do the lookup in the scope
                // of the parent declarations of the entry point. E.g., if the entry
                // point is a member function of a `struct`, then its patch-constant
                // function should be allowed to be another member function of
                // the same `struct`.
                // In the extremely long run we may want to support an alternative to
                // this attribute-based linkage between the two functions that
                // make up the entry point.
                Name* name = linkage->getNamePool()->getName(stringLit->value);
                FuncDecl* patchConstantFuncDecl = findFunctionDeclByName(
                if (!patchConstantFuncDecl)
                    sink->diagnose(expr, Diagnostics::attributeFunctionNotFound, name, "patchconstantfunc");

                attr->patchConstantFuncDecl = patchConstantFuncDecl;
        else if(stage == Stage::Compute)
            for(const auto& param : entryPointFuncDecl->getParameters())
                if(auto semantic = param->findModifier<HLSLSimpleSemantic>())
                    const auto& semanticToken = semantic->name;

                    String lowerName = String(semanticToken.getContent()).toLower();

                    if(lowerName == "sv_dispatchthreadid")
                        Type* paramType = param->getType();

                            String typeString = paramType->toString();
                            sink->diagnose(param->loc, Diagnostics::invalidDispatchThreadIDType, typeString);

    // Given an entry point specified via API or command line options,
    // attempt to find a matching AST declaration that implements the specified
    // entry point. If such a function is found, then validate that it actually
    // meets the requirements for the selected stage/profile.
    // Returns an `EntryPoint` object representing the (unspecialized)
    // entry point if it is found and validated, and null otherwise.
    RefPtr<EntryPoint> findAndValidateEntryPoint(
        FrontEndEntryPointRequest*  entryPointReq)
        // The first step in validating the entry point is to find
        // the (unique) function declaration that matches its name.
        // TODO: We may eventually want/need to extend this to
        // account for nested names like `SomeStruct.vsMain`, or
        // indeed even to handle generics.
        auto compileRequest = entryPointReq->getCompileRequest();
        auto translationUnit = entryPointReq->getTranslationUnit();
        auto linkage = compileRequest->getLinkage();
        auto sink = compileRequest->getSink();
        auto translationUnitSyntax = translationUnit->getModuleDecl();

        auto entryPointName = entryPointReq->getName();

        // We will look up any global-scope declarations in the translation
        // unit that match the name of our entry point.
        Decl* firstDeclWithName = nullptr;
        if( !translationUnitSyntax->getMemberDictionary().TryGetValue(entryPointName, firstDeclWithName))
            // If there doesn't appear to be any such declaration, then
            // we need to diagnose it as an error, and then bail out.
            sink->diagnose(translationUnitSyntax, Diagnostics::entryPointFunctionNotFound, entryPointName);
            return nullptr;

        // We found at least one global-scope declaration with the right name,
        // but (1) it might not be a function, and (2) there might be
        // more than one function.
        // We'll walk the linked list of declarations with the same name,
        // to see what we find. Along the way we'll keep track of the
        // first function declaration we find, if any:
        FuncDecl* entryPointFuncDecl = nullptr;
        for(auto ee = firstDeclWithName; ee; ee = ee->nextInContainerWithSameName)
            // We want to support the case where the declaration is
            // a generic function, so we will automatically
            // unwrap any outer `GenericDecl` we find here.
            auto decl = ee;
            if(auto genericDecl = as<GenericDecl>(decl))
                decl = genericDecl->inner;

            // Is this declaration a function?
            if (auto funcDecl = as<FuncDecl>(decl))
                // Skip non-primary declarations, so that
                // we don't give an error when an entry
                // point is forward-declared.
                if (!isPrimaryDecl(funcDecl))

                // is this the first one we've seen?
                if (!entryPointFuncDecl)
                    // If so, this is a candidate to be
                    // the entry point function.
                    entryPointFuncDecl = funcDecl;
                    // Uh-oh! We've already seen a function declaration with this
                    // name before, so the whole thing is ambiguous. We need
                    // to diagnose and bail out.

                    sink->diagnose(translationUnitSyntax, Diagnostics::ambiguousEntryPoint, entryPointName);

                    // List all of the declarations that the user *might* mean
                    for (auto ff = firstDeclWithName; ff; ff = ff->nextInContainerWithSameName)
                        if (auto candidate = as<FuncDecl>(ff))
                            sink->diagnose(candidate, Diagnostics::entryPointCandidate, candidate->getName());

                    // Bail out.
                    return nullptr;

        // Did we find a function declaration in our search?
            // If not, then we need to diagnose the error.
            // For convenience, we will point to the first
            // declaration with the right name, that wasn't a function.
            sink->diagnose(firstDeclWithName, Diagnostics::entryPointSymbolNotAFunction, entryPointName);
            return nullptr;

        // TODO: it is possible that the entry point was declared with
        // profile or target overloading. Is there anything that we need
        // to do at this point to filter out declarations that aren't
        // relevant to the selected profile for the entry point?

        // We found something, and can start doing some basic checking.
        // If the entry point specifies a stage via a `[shader("...")]` attribute,
        // then we might be able to infer a stage for the entry point request if
        // it didn't have one, *or* issue a diagnostic if there is a mismatch.
        auto entryPointProfile = entryPointReq->getProfile();
        if( auto entryPointAttribute = entryPointFuncDecl->findModifier<EntryPointAttribute>() )
            auto entryPointStage = entryPointProfile.getStage();
            if( entryPointStage == Stage::Unknown )
            else if( entryPointAttribute->stage != entryPointStage )
                sink->diagnose(entryPointFuncDecl, Diagnostics::specifiedStageDoesntMatchAttribute, entryPointName, entryPointStage, entryPointAttribute->stage);
            // TODO: Should we attach a `[shader(...)]` attribute to an
            // entry point that didn't have one, so that we can have
            // a more uniform representation in the AST?

        RefPtr<EntryPoint> entryPoint = EntryPoint::create(

        // Now that we've *found* the entry point, it is time to validate
        // that it actually meets the constraints for the chosen stage/profile.
        validateEntryPoint(entryPoint, sink);

        return entryPoint;

        /// Get the name a variable will use for reflection purposes
    Name* getReflectionName(VarDeclBase* varDecl)
        if (auto reflectionNameModifier = varDecl->findModifier<ParameterGroupReflectionName>())
            return reflectionNameModifier->;

        return varDecl->getName();

    Type* getParamType(ASTBuilder* astBuilder, DeclRef<VarDeclBase> const& paramDeclRef)
        auto paramType = getType(astBuilder, paramDeclRef);
        if (paramDeclRef.getDecl()->findModifier<NoDiffModifier>())
            auto modifierVal = static_cast<Val*>(astBuilder->getOrCreate<NoDiffModifierVal>());
            paramType = astBuilder->getModifiedType(paramType, 1, &modifierVal);
        return paramType;

    void Module::_collectShaderParams()
        auto moduleDecl = m_moduleDecl;

        // We are going to walk the global declarations in the body of the
        // module, and use those to build up our lists of:
        // * Global shader parameters
        // * Specialization parameters (both generic and interface/existential)
        // * Requirements (`import`ed modules)
        // For requirements, we want to be careful to only
        // add each required module once (in case the same
        // module got `import`ed multiple times), so we
        // will keep a set of the modules we've already
        // seen and processed.
        HashSet<Module*> requiredModuleSet;

        for( auto globalDecl : moduleDecl->members )
            if(auto globalVar = as<VarDecl>(globalDecl))
                // We do not want to consider global variable declarations
                // that don't represents shader parameters. This includes
                // things like `static` globals and `groupshared` variables.

                // At this point we know we have a global shader parameter.

                ShaderParamInfo shaderParamInfo;
                shaderParamInfo.paramDeclRef = makeDeclRef(globalVar);

                // We need to consider what specialization parameters
                // are introduced by this shader parameter. This step
                // fills in fields on `shaderParamInfo` so that we
                // can assocaite specialization arguments supplied later
                // with the correct parameter.

            else if( auto globalGenericParam = as<GlobalGenericParamDecl>(globalDecl) )
                // A global generic type parameter declaration introduces
                // a suitable specialization parameter.
                SpecializationParam specializationParam;
                specializationParam.flavor = SpecializationParam::Flavor::GenericType;
                specializationParam.loc = globalGenericParam->loc;
                specializationParam.object = globalGenericParam;
            else if( auto globalGenericValueParam = as<GlobalGenericValueParamDecl>(globalDecl) )
                // A global generic type parameter declaration introduces
                // a suitable specialization parameter.
                SpecializationParam specializationParam;
                specializationParam.flavor = SpecializationParam::Flavor::GenericValue;
                specializationParam.loc = globalGenericValueParam->loc;
                specializationParam.object = globalGenericValueParam;
            else if( auto importDecl = as<ImportDecl>(globalDecl) )
                // An `import` declaration creates a requirement dependency
                // from this module to another module.
                auto importedModule = getModule(importDecl->importedModuleDecl);

    Index Module::getRequirementCount()
        return m_requirements.getCount();

    RefPtr<ComponentType> Module::getRequirement(Index index)
        return m_requirements[index];

    void Module::acceptVisitor(ComponentTypeVisitor* visitor, SpecializationInfo* specializationInfo)
        visitor->visitModule(this, as<ModuleSpecializationInfo>(specializationInfo));

        /// Create a new component type based on `inComponentType`, but with all its requiremetns filled.
    RefPtr<ComponentType> fillRequirements(
        ComponentType* inComponentType)
        auto linkage = inComponentType->getLinkage();

        // We are going to simplify things by solving the problem iteratively.
        // If the current `componentType` has requirements for `A`, `B`, ... etc.
        // then we will create a composite of `componentType`, `A`, `B`, ...
        // and then see if the resulting composite has any requirements.
        // This avoids the problem of trying to compute teh transitive closure
        // of the requirements relationship (while dealing with deduplication,
        // etc.)

        RefPtr<ComponentType> componentType = inComponentType;
            auto requirementCount = componentType->getRequirementCount();
            if(requirementCount == 0)

            List<RefPtr<ComponentType>> allComponents;

            for(Index rr = 0; rr < requirementCount; ++rr)
                auto requirement = componentType->getRequirement(rr);

            componentType = CompositeComponentType::create(
        return componentType;

        /// Create a component type to represent the "global scope" of a compile request.
        /// This component type will include all the modules and their global
        /// parameters from the compile request, but not anything specific
        /// to any entry point functions.
        /// The layout for this component type will thus represent the things that
        /// a user is likely to want to have stay the same across all compiled
        /// entry points.
        /// The component type that this function creates is unspecialized, in
        /// that it doesn't take into account any specialization arguments
        /// that might have been supplied as part of the compile request.
    RefPtr<ComponentType> createUnspecializedGlobalComponentType(
        FrontEndCompileRequest* compileRequest)
        // We want our resulting program to depend on
        // all the translation units the user specified,
        // even if some of them don't contain entry points
        // (this is important for parameter layout/binding).
        // We also want to ensure that the modules for the
        // translation units comes first in the enumerated
        // order for dependencies, to match the pre-existing
        // compiler behavior (at least for now).
        auto linkage = compileRequest->getLinkage();

        RefPtr<ComponentType> globalComponentType;
        if(compileRequest->translationUnits.getCount() == 1)
            // The common case is that a compilation only uses
            // a single translation unit, and thus results in
            // a single `Module`. We can then use that module
            // as the component type that represents the global scope.
            globalComponentType = compileRequest->translationUnits[0]->getModule();
            List<RefPtr<ComponentType>> translationUnitComponentTypes;
            for( auto tu : compileRequest->translationUnits )

            globalComponentType = CompositeComponentType::create(

        return fillRequirements(globalComponentType);

    void FrontEndCompileRequest::checkEntryPoints()
        auto linkage = getLinkage();
        auto sink = getSink();

        // The validation of entry points here will be modal, and controlled
        // by whether the user specified any entry points directly via
        // API or command-line options.
        // TODO: We may want to make this choice explicit rather than implicit.
        // First, check if the user requested any entry points explicitly via
        // the API or command line.
        bool anyExplicitEntryPoints = getEntryPointReqCount() != 0;

        if( anyExplicitEntryPoints )
            // If there were any explicit requests for entry points to be
            // checked, then we will *only* check those.
            for(auto entryPointReq : getEntryPointReqs())
                auto entryPoint = findAndValidateEntryPoint(
                if( entryPoint )
                    // TODO: We need to implement an explicit policy
                    // for what should happen if the user specified
                    // entry points via the command-line (or API),
                    // but didn't specify any groups (since the current
                    // compilation API doesn't allow for grouping).

            // TODO: We should consider always processing both categories,
            // and just making sure to only check each entry point function
            // declaration once...
            // Otherwise, scan for any `[shader(...)]` attributes in
            // the user's code, and construct `EntryPoint`s to
            // represent them.
            // This ensures that downstream code only has to consider
            // the central list of entry point requests, and doesn't
            // have to know where they came from.

            // TODO: A comprehensive approach here would need to search
            // recursively for entry points, because they might appear
            // as, e.g., member function of a `struct` type.
            // For now we'll start with an extremely basic approach that
            // should work for typical HLSL code.
            Index translationUnitCount = translationUnits.getCount();
            for(Index tt = 0; tt < translationUnitCount; ++tt)
                auto translationUnit = translationUnits[tt];
                for( auto globalDecl : translationUnit->getModuleDecl()->members )
                    auto maybeFuncDecl = globalDecl;
                    if( auto genericDecl = as<GenericDecl>(maybeFuncDecl) )
                        maybeFuncDecl = genericDecl->inner;

                    auto funcDecl = as<FuncDecl>(maybeFuncDecl);

                    auto entryPointAttr = funcDecl->findModifier<EntryPointAttribute>();

                    // We've discovered a valid entry point. It is a function (possibly
                    // generic) that has a `[shader(...)]` attribute to mark it as an
                    // entry point.
                    // We will now register that entry point as an `EntryPoint`
                    // with an appropriately chosen profile.
                    // The profile will only include a stage, so that the profile "family"
                    // and "version" are left unspecified. Downstream code will need
                    // to be able to handle this case.
                    Profile profile;

                    RefPtr<EntryPoint> entryPoint = EntryPoint::create(

                    validateEntryPoint(entryPoint, sink);

                    // Note: in the case that the user didn't explicitly
                    // specify entry points and we are instead compiling
                    // a shader "library," then we do not want to automatically
                    // combine the entry points into groups in the generated
                    // `Program`, since that would be slightly too magical.
                    // Instead, each entry point will end up in a singleton
                    // group, so that its entry-point parameters lay out
                    // independent of the others.

        /// Create a component type that represents the global scope for a compile request,
        /// along with any entry point functions.
        /// The resulting component type will include the global-scope information
        /// first, so its layout will be compatible with the result of
        /// `createUnspecializedGlobalComponentType`.
        /// The new component type will also add on any entry-point functions
        /// that were requested and will thus include space for their `uniform` parameters.
        /// If multiple entry points were requested then they will be given non-overlapping
        /// parameter bindings, consistent with them being used together in
        /// a single pipeline state, hit group, etc.
        /// The result of this function is unspecialized and doesn't take into
        /// account any specialization arguments the user might have supplied.
    RefPtr<ComponentType> createUnspecializedGlobalAndEntryPointsComponentType(
        FrontEndCompileRequest*         compileRequest,
        List<RefPtr<ComponentType>>&    outUnspecializedEntryPoints)
        auto linkage = compileRequest->getLinkage();

        auto globalComponentType = compileRequest->getGlobalComponentType();

        List<RefPtr<ComponentType>> allComponentTypes;

        Index translationUnitCount = compileRequest->translationUnits.getCount();
        for(Index tt = 0; tt < translationUnitCount; ++tt)
            auto translationUnit = compileRequest->translationUnits[tt];
            auto module = translationUnit->getModule();

            for(auto entryPoint : module->getEntryPoints() )

        // Also consider entry points that were introduced via adding
        // a library reference...
        for( auto extraEntryPoint : compileRequest->m_extraEntryPoints )
            auto entryPoint = EntryPoint::createDummyForDeserialize(

        if(allComponentTypes.getCount() > 1)
            auto composite = CompositeComponentType::create(
            return composite;
            return globalComponentType;

    RefPtr<ComponentType::SpecializationInfo> Module::_validateSpecializationArgsImpl(
        SpecializationArg const*    args,
        Index                       argCount,
        DiagnosticSink*             sink)
        SLANG_ASSERT(argCount == getSpecializationParamCount());

        SharedSemanticsContext semanticsContext(getLinkage(), this, sink);
        SemanticsVisitor visitor(&semanticsContext);

        RefPtr<Module::ModuleSpecializationInfo> specializationInfo = new Module::ModuleSpecializationInfo();

        for( Index ii = 0; ii < argCount; ++ii )
            auto& arg = args[ii];
            auto& param = m_specializationParams[ii];

            switch( param.flavor )
            case SpecializationParam::Flavor::GenericType:
                    auto genericTypeParamDecl = as<GlobalGenericParamDecl>(param.object);

                    Type* argType = as<Type>(arg.val);
                        sink->diagnose(param.loc, Diagnostics::expectedTypeForSpecializationArg, genericTypeParamDecl);
                        argType = getLinkage()->getASTBuilder()->getErrorType();

                    // TODO: There is a serious flaw to this checking logic if we ever have cases where
                    // the constraints on one `type_param` can depend on another `type_param`, e.g.:
                    //      type_param A;
                    //      type_param B : ISidekick<A>;
                    // In that case, if a user tries to set `B` to `Robin` and `Robin` conforms to
                    // `ISidekick<Batman>`, then the compiler needs to know whether `A` is being
                    // set to `Batman` to know whether the setting for `B` is valid. In this limit
                    // the constraints can be mutually recursive (so `A : IMentor<B>`).
                    // The only way to check things correctly is to validate each conformance under
                    // a set of assumptions (substitutions) that includes all the type substitutions,
                    // and possibly also all the other constraints *except* the one to be validated.
                    // We will punt on this for now, and just check each constraint in isolation.

                    // As a quick sanity check, see if the argument that is being supplied for a
                    // global generic type parameter is a reference to *another* global generic
                    // type parameter, since that should always be an error.
                    if( auto argDeclRefType = as<DeclRefType>(argType) )
                        auto argDeclRef = argDeclRefType->declRef;
                        if(auto argGenericParamDeclRef =<GlobalGenericParamDecl>())
                            if(argGenericParamDeclRef.getDecl() == genericTypeParamDecl)
                                // We are trying to specialize a generic parameter using itself.
                                // We are trying to specialize a generic parameter using a *different*
                                // global generic type parameter.

                    ModuleSpecializationInfo::GenericArgInfo genericArgInfo;
                    genericArgInfo.paramDecl = genericTypeParamDecl;
                    genericArgInfo.argVal = argType;

                    // Walk through the declared constraints for the parameter,
                    // and check that the argument actually satisfies them.
                    for(auto constraintDecl : genericTypeParamDecl->getMembersOfType<GenericTypeConstraintDecl>())
                        // Get the type that the constraint is enforcing conformance to
                        auto interfaceType = getSup(getLinkage()->getASTBuilder(), DeclRef<GenericTypeConstraintDecl>(constraintDecl, nullptr));

                        // Use our semantic-checking logic to search for a witness to the required conformance
                        auto witness = visitor.tryGetSubtypeWitness(argType, interfaceType);
                        if (!witness)
                            // If no witness was found, then we will be unable to satisfy
                            // the conformances required.

                        ModuleSpecializationInfo::GenericArgInfo constraintArgInfo;
                        constraintArgInfo.paramDecl = constraintDecl;
                        constraintArgInfo.argVal = witness;

            case SpecializationParam::Flavor::ExistentialType:
                    auto interfaceType = as<Type>(param.object);

                    Type* argType = as<Type>(arg.val);
                        sink->diagnose(param.loc, Diagnostics::expectedTypeForSpecializationArg, interfaceType);
                        argType = getLinkage()->getASTBuilder()->getErrorType();

                    auto witness = visitor.tryGetSubtypeWitness(argType, interfaceType);
                    if (!witness)
                            // If no witness was found, then we will be unable to satisfy
                            // the conformances required.

                    ExpandedSpecializationArg expandedArg;
                    expandedArg.val = argType;
                    expandedArg.witness = witness;


            case SpecializationParam::Flavor::GenericValue:
                    auto paramDecl = as<GlobalGenericValueParamDecl>(param.object);

                    // Now we need to check that the argument `Val` has the
                    // appropriate type expected by the parameter.

                    IntVal* intVal = as<IntVal>(arg.val);
                        sink->diagnose(param.loc, Diagnostics::expectedValueOfTypeForSpecializationArg, paramDecl->getType(), paramDecl);
                        intVal = getLinkage()->getASTBuilder()->getOrCreate<ConstantIntVal>(m_astBuilder->getIntType(), 0);

                    ModuleSpecializationInfo::GenericArgInfo expandedArg;
                    expandedArg.paramDecl = paramDecl;
                    expandedArg.argVal = intVal;


                SLANG_UNEXPECTED("unhandled specialization parameter flavor");

        return specializationInfo;

    static void _extractSpecializationArgs(
        ComponentType*              componentType,
        List<Expr*> const&   argExprs,
        List<SpecializationArg>&    outArgs,
        DiagnosticSink*             sink)
        auto linkage = componentType->getLinkage();

        SharedSemanticsContext semanticsContext(linkage, nullptr, sink);
        SemanticsVisitor semanticsVisitor(&semanticsContext);

        auto argCount = argExprs.getCount();
        for(Index ii = 0; ii < argCount; ++ii )
            auto argExpr = argExprs[ii];
            auto paramInfo = componentType->getSpecializationParam(ii);

            SpecializationArg arg;
            arg.val = semanticsVisitor.ExtractGenericArgVal(argExpr);

    RefPtr<ComponentType::SpecializationInfo> EntryPoint::_validateSpecializationArgsImpl(
        SpecializationArg const*    inArgs,
        Index                       inArgCount,
        DiagnosticSink*             sink)
        auto args = inArgs;
        auto argCount = inArgCount;

        SharedSemanticsContext sharedSemanticsContext(getLinkage(), nullptr, sink);
        SemanticsVisitor visitor(&sharedSemanticsContext);

        // The first N arguments will be for the explicit generic parameters
        // of the entry point (if it has any).
        auto genericSpecializationParamCount = getGenericSpecializationParamCount();
        SLANG_ASSERT(argCount >= genericSpecializationParamCount);

        RefPtr<EntryPointSpecializationInfo> info = new EntryPointSpecializationInfo();

        DeclRef<FuncDecl> specializedFuncDeclRef = m_funcDeclRef;
            // We need to construct a generic application and use
            // the semantic checking machinery to expand out
            // the rest of the arguments via inference...

            auto genericDeclRef = m_funcDeclRef.getParent().as<GenericDecl>();
            SLANG_ASSERT(genericDeclRef); // otherwise we wouldn't have generic parameters

            List<Val*> genericArgs;

            for(Index ii = 0; ii < genericSpecializationParamCount; ++ii)
                auto specializationArg = args[ii];
            GenericSubstitution* genericSubst =

            for( auto constraintDecl : genericDeclRef.getDecl()->getMembersOfType<GenericTypeConstraintDecl>() )
                auto constraintSubst = genericDeclRef.substitutions;
                constraintSubst.substitutions = genericSubst;

                DeclRef<GenericTypeConstraintDecl> constraintDeclRef(
                    constraintDecl, constraintSubst);

                ASTBuilder* astBuilder = getLinkage()->getASTBuilder();

                auto sub = getSub(astBuilder, constraintDeclRef);
                auto sup = getSup(astBuilder, constraintDeclRef);

                auto subTypeWitness = visitor.tryGetSubtypeWitness(sub, sup);
                    // TODO: diagnose a problem here
                    sink->diagnose(constraintDecl, Diagnostics::typeArgumentDoesNotConformToInterface, sub, sup);

            genericSubst =
            specializedFuncDeclRef.substitutions.substitutions = genericSubst;

        info->specializedFuncDeclRef = specializedFuncDeclRef;

        // Once the generic parameters (if any) have been dealt with,
        // any remaining specialization arguments are for existential/interface
        // specialization parameters, attached to the value parameters
        // of the entry point.
        args += genericSpecializationParamCount;
        argCount -= genericSpecializationParamCount;

        auto existentialSpecializationParamCount = getExistentialSpecializationParamCount();
        SLANG_ASSERT(argCount == existentialSpecializationParamCount);

        for( Index ii = 0; ii < existentialSpecializationParamCount; ++ii )
            auto& param = m_existentialSpecializationParams[ii];
            auto& specializationArg = args[ii];

            // TODO: We need to handle all the cases of "flavor" for the `param`s (not just types)

            auto paramType = as<Type>(param.object);
            auto argType = as<Type>(specializationArg.val);

            auto witness = visitor.tryGetSubtypeWitness(argType, paramType);
            if (!witness)
                // If no witness was found, then we will be unable to satisfy
                // the conformances required.
                sink->diagnose(SourceLoc(), Diagnostics::typeArgumentDoesNotConformToInterface, argType, paramType);

            ExpandedSpecializationArg expandedArg;
            expandedArg.val = specializationArg.val;
            expandedArg.witness = witness;

        return info;

            /// Create a specialization an existing entry point based on specialization argument expressions.
    RefPtr<ComponentType> createSpecializedEntryPoint(
        EntryPoint*                 unspecializedEntryPoint,
        List<Expr*> const&   argExprs,
        DiagnosticSink*             sink)
        // We need to convert all of the `Expr` arguments
        // into `SpecializationArg`s, so that we can bottleneck
        // through the shared logic.
        List<SpecializationArg> args;
        _extractSpecializationArgs(unspecializedEntryPoint, argExprs, args, sink);
            return nullptr;

        return ((ComponentType*) unspecializedEntryPoint)->specialize(

    Scope* ComponentType::_createScopeForLegacyLookup(ASTBuilder* astBuilder)
        // The shape of this logic is dictated by the legacy
        // behavior for name-based lookup/parsing of types
        // specified via the API or command line.
        // We begin with a dummy scope that has as its parent
        // the scope that provides the "base" langauge
        // definitions (that scope is necessary because
        // it defines keywords like `true` and `false`).

        Scope* scope = astBuilder->create<Scope>();
        scope->parent = getLinkage()->getSessionImpl()->slangLanguageScope;
        // Next, the scope needs to include all of the
        // modules in the program as peers, as if they
        // were `import`ed into the scope.
        for( auto module : getModuleDependencies() )
            Scope* moduleScope = astBuilder->create<Scope>();
            moduleScope->containerDecl = module->getModuleDecl();

            moduleScope->nextSibling = scope->nextSibling;
            scope->nextSibling = moduleScope;

        return scope;

        /// Parse an array of strings as specialization arguments.
        /// Names in the strings will be parsed in the context of
        /// the code loaded into the given compile request.
    void parseSpecializationArgStrings(
        EndToEndCompileRequest* endToEndReq,
        List<String> const&     genericArgStrings,
        List<Expr*>&     outGenericArgs)
        auto unspecialiedProgram = endToEndReq->getUnspecializedGlobalComponentType();

        // TODO(JS):
        // We create the scopes on the linkages ASTBuilder. We might want to create a temporary ASTBuilder,
        // and let that memory get freed, but is like this because it's not clear if the scopes in ASTNode members
        // will dangle if we do.
        Scope* scope = unspecialiedProgram->_createScopeForLegacyLookup(endToEndReq->getLinkage()->getASTBuilder());

        // We are going to do some semantic checking, so we need to
        // set up a `SemanticsVistitor` that we can use.
        auto linkage = endToEndReq->getLinkage();
        auto sink = endToEndReq->getSink();

        SharedSemanticsContext sharedSemanticsContext(
        SemanticsVisitor semantics(&sharedSemanticsContext);

        // We will be looping over the generic argument strings
        // that the user provided via the API (or command line),
        // and parsing+checking each into an `Expr`.
        // This loop will *not* handle coercing the arguments
        // to be types.
        for(auto name : genericArgStrings)
            Expr* argExpr = linkage->parseTermString(name, scope);
            argExpr = semantics.CheckTerm(argExpr);

                sink->diagnose(SourceLoc(), Diagnostics::internalCompilerError, "couldn't parse specialization argument");


    Type* Linkage::specializeType(
        Type*           unspecializedType,
        Int             argCount,
        Type* const*    args,
        DiagnosticSink* sink)

        // TODO: We should cache and re-use specialized types
        // when the exact same arguments are provided again later.

        SharedSemanticsContext sharedSemanticsContext(this, nullptr, sink);
        SemanticsVisitor visitor(&sharedSemanticsContext);

        SpecializationParams specializationParams;
        _collectExistentialSpecializationParamsRec(getASTBuilder(), specializationParams, unspecializedType, SourceLoc());

        assert(specializationParams.getCount() == argCount);

        ExpandedSpecializationArgs specializationArgs;
        for( Int aa = 0; aa < argCount; ++aa )
            auto paramType = as<Type>(specializationParams[aa].object);
            auto argType = args[aa];

            ExpandedSpecializationArg arg;
            arg.val = argType;
            arg.witness = visitor.tryGetSubtypeWitness(argType, paramType);

        ExistentialSpecializedType* specializedType = m_astBuilder->create<ExistentialSpecializedType>();
        specializedType->baseType = unspecializedType;
        specializedType->args = specializationArgs;


        return specializedType;

        /// Shared implementation logic for the `_createSpecializedProgram*` entry points.
    static RefPtr<ComponentType> _createSpecializedProgramImpl(
        Linkage*                    linkage,
        ComponentType*              unspecializedProgram,
        List<Expr*> const&   specializationArgExprs,
        DiagnosticSink*             sink)
        // If there are no specialization arguments,
        // then the the result of specialization should
        // be the same as the input.
        auto specializationArgCount = specializationArgExprs.getCount();
        if( specializationArgCount == 0 )
            return unspecializedProgram;

        auto specializationParamCount = unspecializedProgram->getSpecializationParamCount();
        if(specializationArgCount != specializationParamCount )
            sink->diagnose(SourceLoc(), Diagnostics::mismatchSpecializationArguments,
            return nullptr;

        // We have an appropriate number of arguments for the global specialization parameters,
        // and now we need to check that the arguments conform to the declared constraints.
        SharedSemanticsContext visitor(linkage, nullptr, sink);

        List<SpecializationArg> specializationArgs;
        _extractSpecializationArgs(unspecializedProgram, specializationArgExprs, specializationArgs, sink);
            return nullptr;

        auto specializedProgram = unspecializedProgram->specialize(

        return specializedProgram;

        /// Specialize an entry point that was checked by the front-end, based on specialization arguments.
        /// If the end-to-end compile request included specialization argument strings
        /// for this entry point, then they will be parsed, checked, and used
        /// as arguments to the generic entry point.
        /// Returns a specialized entry point if everything worked as expected.
        /// Returns null and diagnoses errors if anything goes wrong.
    RefPtr<ComponentType> createSpecializedEntryPoint(
        EndToEndCompileRequest*                         endToEndReq,
        EntryPoint*                                     unspecializedEntryPoint,
        EndToEndCompileRequest::EntryPointInfo const&   entryPointInfo)
        auto sink = endToEndReq->getSink();

        // If the user specified generic arguments for the entry point,
        // then we will need to parse the arguments first.
        List<Expr*> specializationArgExprs;

        // Next we specialize the entry point function given the parsed
        // generic argument expressions.
        auto entryPoint = createSpecializedEntryPoint(

        return entryPoint;

        /// Create a specialized component type for the global scope of the given compile request.
        /// The specialized program will be consistent with that created by
        /// `createUnspecializedGlobalComponentType`, and will simply fill in
        /// its specialization parameters with the arguments (if any) supllied
        /// as part fo the end-to-end compile request.
        /// The layout of the new component type will be consistent with that
        /// of the original *if* there are no global generic type parameters
        /// (only interface/existential parameters).
    RefPtr<ComponentType> createSpecializedGlobalComponentType(
        EndToEndCompileRequest* endToEndReq)
        // The compile request must have already completed front-end processing,
        // so that we have an unspecialized program available, and now only need
        // to parse and check any generic arguments that are being supplied for
        // global or entry-point generic parameters.
        auto unspecializedProgram = endToEndReq->getUnspecializedGlobalComponentType();
        auto linkage = endToEndReq->getLinkage();
        auto sink = endToEndReq->getSink();

        // First, let's parse the specialization argument strings that were
        // provided via the API, so that we can match them
        // against what was declared in the program.
        List<Expr*> globalSpecializationArgs;

        // Don't proceed further if anything failed to parse.
            return nullptr;

        // Now we create the initial specialized program by
        // applying the global generic arguments (if any) to the
        // unspecialized program.
        auto specializedProgram = _createSpecializedProgramImpl(

        // If anything went wrong with the global generic
        // arguments, then bail out now.
            return nullptr;

        // Next we will deal with the entry points for the
        // new specialized program.
        // If the user specified explicit entry points as part of the
        // end-to-end request, then we only want to process those (and
        // ignore any other `[shader(...)]`-attributed entry points).
        // However, if the user specified *no* entry points as part
        // of the end-to-end request, then we would like to go
        // ahead and consider all the entry points that were found
        // by the front-end.
        Index entryPointCount = endToEndReq->m_entryPoints.getCount();
        if( entryPointCount == 0 )
            entryPointCount = unspecializedProgram->getEntryPointCount();

        return specializedProgram;

        /// Create a specialized program based on the given compile request.
        /// The specialized program created here includes both the global
        /// scope for all the translation units involved and all the entry
        /// points, and it also includes any specialization arguments
        /// that were supplied.
        /// It is important to note that this function specializes
        /// the global scope and the entry points in isolation and then
        /// composes them, and that this can lead to different layout
        /// from the result of `createUnspecializedGlobalAndEntryPointsComponentType`.
        /// If we have a module `M` with entry point `E`, and each has one
        /// specialization parameter, then `createUnspecialized...` will yield:
        ///     compose(M,E)
        /// That composed type will have two specialization parameters (the one
        /// from `M` plus the one from `E`) and so we might specialize it to get:
        ///     specialize(compose(M,E), X, Y)
        /// while if we use `createSpecialized...` we will get:
        ///     compose(specialize(M,X), specialize(E,Y))
        /// While these options are semantically equivalent, they would not lay
        /// out the same way in memory.
        /// There are many reasons why an application might prefer one over the
        /// other, and an application that cares should use the more explicit
        /// APIs to construct what they want. The behavior of this function
        /// is just to provide a reasonable default for use by end-to-end
        /// compilation (e.g., from the command line).
    RefPtr<ComponentType> createSpecializedGlobalAndEntryPointsComponentType(
        EndToEndCompileRequest*         endToEndReq,
        List<RefPtr<ComponentType>>&    outSpecializedEntryPoints)
        auto specializedGlobalComponentType = endToEndReq->getSpecializedGlobalComponentType();

        List<RefPtr<ComponentType>> allComponentTypes;

        auto unspecializedGlobalAndEntryPointsComponentType = endToEndReq->getUnspecializedGlobalAndEntryPointsComponentType();

        // It is possible that there were entry points other than those specified
        // vai the original end-to-end compile request. In particular:
        // * It is possible to compile with *no* entry points specified, in which
        //   case the current compiler behavior is to use any entry points marked
        //   via `[shader(...)]` attributes in the AST.
        // * It is possible for entry points to come into play via serialized libraries
        //   loaded with `-r` on the command line (or the equivalent API).
        // We will thus draw a distinction between the "specified" entry points,
        // and the "found" entry points.
        auto specifiedEntryPointCount = endToEndReq->m_entryPoints.getCount();
        auto foundEntryPointCount = unspecializedGlobalAndEntryPointsComponentType->getEntryPointCount();

        SLANG_ASSERT(foundEntryPointCount >= specifiedEntryPointCount);

        // For any entry points that were specified, we can use the specialization
        // argument information provided via API or command line.
        for(Index ii = 0; ii < specifiedEntryPointCount; ++ii)
            auto& entryPointInfo = endToEndReq->m_entryPoints[ii];
            auto unspecializedEntryPoint = unspecializedGlobalAndEntryPointsComponentType->getEntryPoint(ii);

            auto specializedEntryPoint = createSpecializedEntryPoint(endToEndReq, unspecializedEntryPoint, entryPointInfo);


        // There might have been errors during the specialization above,
        // so we will bail out early if anything went wrong, rather
        // then try to create a composite where some of the constituent
        // component types might be null.
        if(endToEndReq->getSink()->getErrorCount() != 0)
            return nullptr;

        // Any entry points beyond those that were specified up front will be
        // assumed to not need/want specialization.
        for( Index ii = specifiedEntryPointCount; ii < foundEntryPointCount; ++ii )
            auto unspecializedEntryPoint = unspecializedGlobalAndEntryPointsComponentType->getEntryPoint(ii);

        RefPtr<ComponentType> composed = CompositeComponentType::create(endToEndReq->getLinkage(), allComponentTypes);
        return composed;

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